Prophet freezes when switching on. - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

I just sold my XDA Exec and bought an SPV M600 and I'm loving it!
It actually fits in my pocket and does pretty much everything the Exec did - plus the battery life is SOOOOOOOOO much better.
My only gripe is this: occassionally when I turn it on, it freezes for about 5-10 seconds. I'm usually tapping away at the screen during this time, and after 5-10 seconds it "catches up" and processes all my taps and basically goes mad opening stuff up.
It has been doing this this since I bought it - usually 2 or 3 times a day so I doubt it's any of the software I've installed.
I'm using the latest Dopod ROM.
I'm have Magic Button, the batteystatus plug in (my device is overclocked to 260mhz from 195mhz using OMAP), TodayScheme Changer and I'm also using the Launcher plug in.
If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it, this isn't a major problem but I'd like to solve it anyway,

Have you tried your Prophet without all those apps installed? Specially the TodayTheme Changer and BatteryStatus plugin since those two apps run on the today screen and that's pretty much the first thing that hogs the system bigtime, specially on the slow prophet.
I know you have overclocked it but today plugins tend to overload the processor a lot.
Obviously there's some process that's taking some time to release the system. This I've never seen on mine, but I'm sure you have some app that's causing this.
Just a thought.

Thanks for your reply Rayan, but I also had this problem before I had installed anything. To be fair it hasn't been doing it much lately so I reckon I can live with the odd delay now and again.

Mine s freezes when i Install Net Framework 2 , can anyone have the same situation ? I think the problem is Net Framework 2.0 ...

I don't have Net Framework 2 installed. I found that Magic Button wasn't closing Internet Explorer properly, so I reinstalled it and it works much better now. I think IE was the main culprit. Are there any decent browsers out there? I tried Opera but didn't really get on with it.

try NetFront I like !


really really dodgey xda exec

Sorry if guys are tired of these threads about the dodgey operations of the xda exec, but mine really got to me tonight.
I only had 3 software installed on mine, pocket informant rev 3, spb diary, spb pocket plus. It was running ok with these 3 software, abit slower than i expected but ok. However i never thought it was totally stable, sometimes it would jus freeze, it would happen to me quite a few times a day, and as mentioned by some other users, it would take around 3 or 4 soft resets to get it back up. I have ordered a replacement from o2 and they said they going to send one but it might take a while as there is none in stock!
I thought id play around with this one for abit, try and get the most efficient set up going so i could do it on my new one. I read a post about Lakeridge WisBar advance and thought id give it a try. I installed and then it froze, i thought a soft reset would fix, but no, i must have tried to soft reset it over 15 times and the cloest i got to the today screen was the sim card pin screen which was half covered by the o2 boot screen so i couldnt even enter the pin. Then i thought o well going to have to do a hard reset, so i tried it and it didnt work, i did the hard reset and it froze at the o2 boot screen. I did it again and it did work. But how dodgy is this pda man!
Install it in Corporate mode and just install needed cabs only, especially the one with connection. Use if for a few days to see if the problems persist, the crap 02 interface may well be one of the main problems.
Mine works fine, this is a great device but also need a lot of tweaks to work well, if you want a good "out of the box" experience then this isn't the kind of phone for you.
BTW, don't install Pocket Plus, it will slow down your Exec as hell.
As above but consider not using the Spb software.
It caused all sorts of memory leaks/crashing on mine over the course of about 3 days of testing.
In addition it also rather annoyingly consistently failed to work right when the phone was resumed after a long delay ie over night.
My dopod 900 running perfectly well and fast even with 5 programs on the background. Guess the way WM5.0 handle the memory usage is different than previous OS did.
Spb pocket plus really slow down my machine, now i'm using my without any task closing utility at all and it runs smoothly.
h,im using dopod 900 for only less then a week.i really find this dopod 900 are much more stable than all xda PDA.
i tot its gonna be the same like xda which always hang or Jam,amazing it work so well.
Dopod900 definitely run way stable compare to Exec or I-mate. I didn't quite face the same problem they mentioned here. Guess O2 and I-mate has mess up their rom after the customization. The other reason could be that Dopod is directly link to HTC so they have the access to the deepest on the programming on this machine.
yep... SPB Pocket Plus causes crashes... :x
Just tried to install the SPB pocket plus 3 on my xda Exec, and after quite a few failed installation attempts -- I should have stopped there -- where for the first time in over a month (when attempting to instasll new s/w) the installation consistently failed. I took a break and decided to have one last go.
This time it did work. During the installation it warned me about installing it on the Storage card: that the card driver has to be initialysed prior to activation of the prog.
The installation finished.
Well after that I tried to open the prog... it didn't work, and the device wasn't responding.
My next step was a soft reset, but it halted in mid-process.
There followed a few attempts again of soft reseting the device - but it kept halting at the same stage...
So for the first time - after testing my device for over a month with many programs - I needed to do a Hard reset :!: :x
This is really annoying! I have read before that SPB is slightly problematic and slows the device down... to put it mildly - I am NOT impressed :!: :!: :!: :evil:
I saw on another thread about Pocket Hack Master for overclocking the Universal. You might want to give it a try.
I also tried SPB Pocket plus, but was dismayed by how slow it made my EXEC. I deleted it off in less than a minute.
jus recieved my new xda exec from o2 this morning. Installed corporate settings and keeping all 3rd party apps off for the mo and see how it runs. Will keep you guys posted.

[XDA Mini S] Stability problems

Has anyone else had problems with this device locking up / running very slow? It only seems to happen when I launch a new app, but it doesn't seem to depend on which app it is. The device just has a go-slow and usually needs a soft-reset. Opening they keyboard does not rotate the screen any more, but does draw some pretty weird icons on the side of the screen ;-)
Interested to hear other people's experiences before I start digging to try and discover the cause.
Mine seems to be running pretty well. Occasionally it'll slow down a little but not enough to affect running apps etc. I've not really had any more than a one second delay with screen rotation. Have you got the O2 Active UI installed?
Dr Doom said:
Mine seems to be running pretty well. Occasionally it'll slow down a little but not enough to affect running apps etc. I've not really had any more than a one second delay with screen rotation. Have you got the O2 Active UI installed?
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Nope. It was awful with O2Active installed (as usual). Mine is configured in "basic" mode.
wizrd running slow
You have an 200Mhz device running WM2005.The ROM is not a final one ... improvments for o2 active are still made ( by the way the software is for unexperienced users mostly if you carefully read the setup panel)...So you just have to wait for the entire software to get improved

MDA Questions after a week of use...

I recieved my MDA last saturday, and since then, have been trying to figure everything out. After multiple calls to tmobile, and even a trip back to the store, i'm still stuck with a few questions that i cannot seem to get answered.
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
Ex: I'm using a green theme. When in landscape mode, i have a single green square in the middle of the screen with a strip on either side(left or right)
2. My phone is HORRIBLY slow when and if ANYTHING 3rd party is installed. I've tried today plugins that control the memory usage(figured that would help)...however, it just slowed things done. My phone usually runs at about 14mb Free Program Memory, out of the total 44MB(This seems horrible...with just the default programs installed*for the most part* and maybe agile messenger running.). If i install a today plugin, or a game...this drops below 10mb. Therefore, phone usage can be very aggravating. I cannot think of any other way to increase this memory expect for ONE thing. Would it be possible to transfer ALL programs, applications, etc to the miniSD Card(i have 1gb now, with a 2gb in the mail). This way...i certaintly would not be topping out the usage of the card, and hopefully I can free up alot of space on the phone.
3. As we all know, the packaged IM programs are AWFULLY slow and inconsistent. After a bit of research and trials, I have settled on using Agile Messenger. I'm loving it...expect for a few things.
The MAJOR problem I have with it, is the pop up notification. Its annoying to be surfing the web or playing a game, just to have a pop up tell you that you have recieved a message, EVERY TIME you get a new message(which can amount to a great deal in a short time). I've looked all over for a setting, so unless I missed it, is there any way to shut this off?
A side issue with this program, and also the connectivity of the phone is...:
(even WITH the GPRS hack*always on*), I still lose connection(with 2-4 bars of signal) and therefore i get signed off of Agile, rather often. This isnt' such a problem with me, as seeing it takes a short time to log back in. However, when you look at the conversation from another person's point of view...all you see is
"Soandso" Logged off
"Soandso" logged on
(not sure if that last part was a question or a statement, but if theres an answer, i'd like to hear it!)
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
5. After I went about and downloaded the Eten dial pad skin, I noticed that all of my contacts were unable to receive contact photos. I quickly realized that any contact that was saved on my SIM card from my previous phone was stuck in this predictament. However, if i were to create a new contact account, it quickly allows me to customize them alot further. Therefore, i was curious if there was any way to transfer my contacts on my sim card>my phone in a fashion that the phone will accept them.
I'm sure i'll think of more questions(these are just the ones that I havent been able to answer after days of searching :-D)
Thank you so much in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the speed of the HTC Wizard is very slow. That was my problem too.
for question no. 2:
Moving the apps to the card will result in more free space on the phone, OK, but running the apps from the card will also result in low speed, because the card is slower than the main memory. So I think you won't get more speed by this.
Try to overclock the device with OmapClock. My device works like a charm with 264 MHz (original was 180 MHz).
Use a tool like FreeUp RAM, which is part of the SK-Tools-package.
Running OmapClock and freeing up the RAM from time to time brings significantly much more speed. There is almost no waiting time if you click on an icon. You can even run Skype with OmapClock (many other users do so).
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
The Wizard isn't slow. Install a Qtek rom without branding, and it will be much faster.
even the sales associate at tmobile seemed to think it was slow. Upgrading to a different ROM sounds ok, but i'm trying to keep everything via tmobile. thaks for the tip though.
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
TazMan1688 said:
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
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There have been long discussion about what is safe with the Wizard on this forum.
See, for example,
Also, the SmartsKey app automates startup of OMapClock.
(It has a number of other uses as well.
Hope this helps.
TazMan1688 said:
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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There is a known problem with backlighting. See
Also, check to see what events PZP is handling for profile-switching. For example, if you have calendar-based or time-based rules, they may switch your profile without you doing anything. Go to Settings, Control to see what you Switches you allow. Or check Time and Calendar for your profiles under the Configuration option.
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat. Seems overly risky to make such an expensive device, run at higher speeds than its DESIGNED to do. But i'm still not sure, it almost DOES seem worth it...decisions, decisions...
Yes, Thank you for clarifying that...I mostly meant, the inconsistency of PZP with the timing of profiles. It seems as if the program will "switch" to the correct profile, but i don't always see a change in the operation of the device itself. Ex: I have it set to go to school mode at 7:30am, this past week(since its spring break, i've noticed that my incoming calls all had the normal ring volume, as well as system tones, etc...
Although it "says" ""School"" i don't really know if its truely in that mode?!
On this note, i have a question about setting the times(which is what i really want to accomplish). My phone goes to LOUD around 5:30am, School at 7:30 am, Normal at 1:55pm, and Quiet at 4pm.
Nooow, do i have to put two times in the school profile such as 7:30 am-1:54(5)???? so that it has an entire time interval...or can i just tell it when to start, and the next profile will automatically kick in and stop the previous.
Also, does putting the phone in standby or shutting it down have any effect on the profile??
I'm sorry in advance if i'm asking very basic questions, i've just been searching for a long period of time, and i usually can't find a specific answer to my question. So I decided I would spend the time to actually discuss MY problem, with hope someone can help. Again, sorry for any inconvienence or redudant questions.
TazMan1688 said:
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat.
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I have a german T-Mobile MDA Vario (= HTC Wizard) and I'm overclocking it permanently with OmapClock and SmartSKey. There is no overheating as far as I can say/feel. I can speed up to 264 MHz (original = 180 MHz). If I try more, the device softresets itself without any damage or loss of data. It's a kind of security mechanism. Of course, battery life is a little bit shorter when overclocking it. But I'm sure, slightly overclocking doesn't damage the device! Maybe the lifetime of the device will be a bit shorter, lets say 6 months in 5 years, but you won't realize that, because you won't be using your device in 5 years. You will sure own some other phone when the CPU dies. Together with the tool "FreeUp RAM" (comes with SKTools), I can reach a comfortable speed for everyday use. But never forget: The Wizard IS quite slow, compared with other devices. You can find smart workarounds for that, but don't close your eyes on that fact.
For running any GPS navigation tools I would consider buying not a Wizard, but a much faster device, if you would ask me. I'm using my Wizard only for addresses (~ 700 items), calendar (~ 1200 items) etc., and without overclocking and using a program like Pocket Informant 2005, that would be an annoying, maybe impossible thing. At the beginning, I had to wait almost 10-15 seconds until e.g. the month overview was created. Switch to the following month - wait again. Choose a specific day - wait again. Oh my god! That needed more patience than I had.
Are you running a basic install without all the phone networks customisation bloat?
you can do this by hard resetting (you will loose data doing this) and then doing a softreset when the customisation dialogue pops up after setting time zone etc.
this will speed things up over an install with tmobiles bloatware. I run tomtom and my device is in general as reponsive as the magician it replaces.
good luck with your phone
So guys based on your opinions and experience is it worth for me to get the MDA or should I go with a different carrier and a XV/PPC-6700 ?
Hi yozh,
I don't know the 6700-device at all. Maybe we don't have it here in good old Germany, or maybe under a differnt name. Does it have a bigger display (better for navigation)? Does it have a faster CPU? Then take that one! In my eyes I would never like to use the Wizard for navigation. It's only a better phone, not more, not less. For all other purposes I would buy a bigger machine. I do not want to talk bad about my own device, I have bought it and I use it and it's OK for the everyday things I do with it. It has nothing to do with "I'm proud of my device", like some people seem to be here. It's a phone, man, not a Ferrari or a Rolex. You would tell yourself lies, if you would call the Wizard a powerful device. I had a Palm Tungsten T5 before, and THIS is a powerful device. 2600 items in the calendar (true!), and the reaction time was half a second if you tap on the screen! You can go and have a coffee if you do that on a Wizard.
Just think about it. If you buy a Wizard, try it for a day and then write to me what you think about that phone.
Mh. My english should be better, I know.
Just my 2 Cents!
Hi well the 6700 is the apache I belive and the CPU is 416mhz but its not a "dual core" everything else screen adn such is pretty much the same. Thanks for the reply
SO any one on this forums can recoment apache over MDA ?
yozh said:
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
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See my posts on regarding processor speeds and TomTom.
Wow really TOMTOM runs better on the MDA then on a 400mhz DELL ? Then Im set defenatly getting the MDA, I like GSM network provide3rs better anyway and plus there are so much choices with the phones. I wish I was able to aford the JASJAS that looks really good.
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
Check out your running processes and close all the ones that are not needed or load an app that really closed things.
TazMan1688 said:
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
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Themes built for portrait screens look wrong in landscape view. Easy solution: build a theme that works in landscape view. The Guava Bubbles theme works fine in both because the background image is larger than portrait size.
TazMan1688 said:
4. My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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I use PPC-Profiles-Pro, but you can't slave this to a time. Besides, I'd rather just put it on Silent mode by holding the connection manager button for three seconds (top left side button). Otherwise I use PPC Profiles to switch from Work (BT) to Home (Wifi, no BT) to Sleep (No Wifi, no BT, no email alerts or reminders, just ringer). Walking into a theater, I just go to silent mode.
bilbo_28 said:
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
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I know. I'm using MagicButton. And OmapClock with SmartSKey. And FreeUp RAM. In deed, I do almost EVERYTHING to make my device run faster.

What an awful device!!

I bought the prophet 200 (xda neo) hoping it would turn out to be a decent device that provides speed as well as endurance in terms of cpu and battery. Unfortunately was badly dissapointed in both factors.
I installed the newest DOPOD rom.
Here are some apps that I installed:
Pocket Plus
Pocket diary
Resco Explorer
Agile messenger
spb backup
news break
my problems with the device is that I have the feeling that it operates way too slow. This is the first time I own a PDA so it might be my preception that is deluding me.
a couple of examples: If I scroll down the contact list it goes rather slow and laggy. It takes quite a few seconds if I start up an application like opera, IE or skype. Sometimes the start menue pops down only very slow.
Resco File explorer starts slow and takes a while to perform an operation.
Using Pocket Informant is almost impossible beacuse it takes 6 Seconds or so until the app is started and the navigation through the app itself is very slow. (if i want to add a contact it takes 4 seconds until the forms are loaded)
Same applies to Fusion Agenda.
Talking with skype almost does not work at all. When I make a call i cannot adjust the volume anymore or it reacts like 20 seconds later and flips out on me. I cannot end a call because the device almost crashes and it takes 10 seconds to get it back. The other person can barely hear me.
There is another thing regarding battery drainage.
Let me give you an example, If I have just finished charing the device and it displays a battery charge of 100% I unplug it and 1 minute later it goes down by 1% to 99 - an additional minute and the battery meter displays 98. By the end of the day i seem to have a charge of maybe 40% while using the device for maybe 1 hour intensly and the rest just phone standby with maybe 2 calls of 2 min avrg length.
On top i noticed that the left side of the device gets a littel warm when I am using the device extensively or charging it. Is that also normal?
Whats the deal with my device? i dont know a whole lot about pda's. Is that a normal power consumption?
How can I measure if my device performs well in terms of CPU speed because I have the feeling it also runs slow.
please help
To make your prophet more responsive, go here:
As for the battery issue, not sure what to suggest.
after I overlocked my XDA neo (with JAMin WWE ROM) to 252 mhz, I found it runs all programs very smoothly. I can open media player, and read novels at the same time, switch between all the running programs is very smooth and fast. compared with my another PDA (intel Xscal 400 MHZ CPU), I could not see big difference.
Times you mention are quite realistic. My Qtek S200 performs at about the same speed (program startup times) and I can live with it. To improve a little, try to use some task manager to see if you have cpu-intensive programs or today plugins running. also, close programs instead of minimizing them (use magic button, gs pocket magic or else).
Concerning battery, mine seem to last longer. Do you have a dual sim adapter? I found out it was draining my battery very fast also in flight mode.
If you do not need voice dial, there is a thread in these forums about uninstalling it and magically getting a fast keyboard switch (no more 6 s waiting for changing from phonepad to handwriting recognition).
Hope that helps.
Poket plus really hog the CPU. especially the today plug in. I had the same isues. just enable only 1 tab, delete all the other plug in tab for pocket plus. use the meter that you need only. I only use storage meter and it sppeds up quite significant. either that or use resco's today plug in if memory meter is all you need.
As with almost all Pocket PCs out there, I bet you are suffering from the well-known-not-too-mentioned bug of Windows Mobile 5 (inherited from WM3) where the notification database starts accumulating duplicate entries and in a few days, you'll end up having hundreds of duplicate entries, rendering the device almost useless.
You need something like Memaid or similar app to get rid of the duplicate entries. (There are some freewares out there).
Also, make sure you move all your data (and install most apps) into SD RAM, not the internal RAM. You'll get better performance when you keep your PDA above 10-13 megs of program memory.
Just a few pointers...
Best regards,
arg0 said:
If you do not need voice dial, there is a thread in these forums about uninstalling it and magically getting a fast keyboard switch (no more 6 s waiting for changing from phonepad to handwriting recognition).
Hope that helps.
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Hi, Can you point me to the post you are mentioning? I have been searching high and low for it but I cannot find it.
I have a Dopod 818 Pro and have Cyberon Voice Commander installed. I uninstalled it yet the 6s delay in switching input modes seems to be still there. I have tried to remove all DLLs and traces of it from the registry, yet have been unsuccessful in removing the 6s delay.
Can you please help?
I haven't used the dopod rom but with the newest imate rom (from May06 I think?), the SIP delay is gone. Also, it seems that several of your 3rd party apps are resource hogs. The jamin can function quite well if not trying to run too many today plugins.
Hi thank you for the reply
Actually, I won't like to flash an imate rom to my device as I don't want to take any chances with it. It cost me a lot of money and I want to play it as much by the book as I can hehe..
Other than that, is there a way? I know that this delay has always been there, even when the device was brand new and was running no 3rd party today plugins. It's great that imate managed to solve the issue. Maybe Dopod will get on the ball and do something about it too. I hope so.

This thing hangs more than a....well something that hangs about 4 or 5 times a day...

Seriously unimpressed so far.
This thing has hung 5 or 6 times at least today (day 3....) and about the same yesterday
If this keeps up, I'm binning it and reverting to HD
What did you do ? Any pattern ?
blackb1ade said:
Seriously unimpressed so far.
This thing has hung 5 or 6 times at least today (day 3....) and about the same yesterday
If this keeps up, I'm binning it and reverting to HD
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Not much info there, my pictures hang up... on the wall everyday.
What are you doing? What have you been doing? Is it due to memory being full (as apps aren't closing)
Maybe I'm not hip to the slang but what do you mean it "hangs" or "hung"?
You must have a duff unit!
Well mine has been completely spot on!
Maybe its something you have installed causing issues? Try uninstalling things one by one to see if that rectifies any problems you may have.
NSAgent said:
Maybe I'm not hip to the slang but what do you mean it "hangs" or "hung"?
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"Hangs" means "crashes" or, more precisely "becomes completely and permanently unresponsive to anything less than a soft reset".
Possibly - and yeah, I know, that's next port of call TBH - it's just really pissing me off at the moment - NONE of my other HTC devices have ever behaved like this.
Just for the record, I've figured out exactly WHAT makes it hang - I open file explorer and navigate to the 'Windows' folder - bang....I get the rotating four colours and it's back off/battery out AGAIN
Thus far I've only installed Kinomaplay (which ISN'T behaving as it should IMO....although it performs it's media functions perfectly)
Coreplayer - which works ok
SPB Time - again, works 'ok' (both are really f..king fiddly to use/setup with this screen - which is ANOTHER thing I'm not impressed with at all - I've had an iPhone in the past - [capacative] screen response was perfect - this one?? have to jab at it several times sometimes to get the desired result and accuracy just isn't good for smaller targets)
One thing I have noticed is - I've only installed those 3 programs but almost all the device memory is used up!?? Unsure if that would cause an issue with it hanging and I've had loads more than this installed onto mt HD and was nowhere near the device memory limitations.
blackb1ade said:
Possibly - and yeah, I know, that's next port of call TBH - it's just really pissing me off at the moment - NONE of my other HTC devices have ever behaved like this.
Just for the record, I've figured out exactly WHAT makes it hang - I open file explorer and navigate to the 'Windows' folder - bang....I get the rotating four colours and it's back off/battery out AGAIN
Thus far I've only installed Kinomaplay (which ISN'T behaving as it should IMO....although it performs it's media functions perfectly)
Coreplayer - which works ok
SPB Time - again, works 'ok' (both are really f..king fiddly to use/setup with this screen - which is ANOTHER thing I'm not impressed with at all - I've had an iPhone in the past - [capacative] screen response was perfect - this one?? have to jab at it several times sometimes to get the desired result and accuracy just isn't good for smaller targets)
One thing I have noticed is - I've only installed those 3 programs but almost all the device memory is used up!?? Unsure if that would cause an issue with it hanging and I've had loads more than this installed onto mt HD and was nowhere near the device memory limitations.
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I really would consider that you may have a duff unit. There are loads of peoeple on here who advise the screen is too responsive! Plus the lack of memory sounds like the biggest issue.
When you navigate to the windows folder, do you actually let it load or do you just leave it? Reason I ask is that there are thousands of files in there and it does take a while to read them. It did on my HD anyway.
Seems like when reg edits have been done to get task manager working how we are all used to it, should be working better.
Oh, software is made for resistive screens so some presses wont register as the software is more than likely looking for a more presice tap rather than a finer splodged over the actual area its looking for a response in. Should be fine later down the line when more things are brought to capacitive screens.
Hope it all works out for ya
That is true - the menus are a little small for finger use - so it will be a case of waiting I guess.
I removed all the progs that I'd installed already (includng 'microsoft my phone' - forgot about that one)
Screen is very responsive most of the time - but then sometimes it just seems to space out- almost like you catch it off guard - not what I'd expect frankly
It does eventually load the windows folder in explorer - but it takes about 2 1/2 mins to do so - no other folder does that to it, nor any other action - and it wasn't doing that up until yesterday
Hard reset next [if i can figure out how...] - if that doesn't yield significant improvement then it's back to TCR for an exchange (provided some more units have turned up by now!!)
Cheers though
Definitely a problem there, my windows folder loads instantly.
owz206 said:
Definitely a problem there, my windows folder loads instantly.
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+1 ...... Mine loads in a split second
My phone doesnt hangs, but my /windows folder takes about 1/2 minutes in load.
No problems here either. One recommendation though for those with slow file list loading: try to enable and up the caches (which are stock) with Advanced Config. You will gain some more speed!
Hard reset and we're back to full speed again - I guess it was one of the programs that was screwing it up - thanks all for the 'benchmark'
I'm a bit suspicious that it was kinomaplay, as that was [occasionally]interfering with other operations by overlaying itself on top at times and was hard to get out of that loop as the 'X' [close] box wasn't always *really* there (only shown on screen but no actual function)
I might try it[kinomaplay] again - only this time try and figure out why it associates itself with image files that I'd rather the OE windows prog opened.
Thanks for the tip on Adv.Config Tnyynt - TBH I'd not tried to load that one yet, I'll try that in a sec though (it was a godsend on the HD)
There was definitely something funny going on with the memory space on the device, as after the hard reset I'm back up to '116MB free of 181MB' - whereas, even once I'd uninstalled all that had been added - and deleted additional ringtone wavs - I only managed to get a max. of 53MB available showing.
blackb1ade said:
Hard reset and we're back to full speed again - I guess it was one of the programs that was screwing it up - thanks all for the 'benchmark'
I'm a bit suspicious that it was kinomaplay, as that was [occasionally]interfering with other operations by overlaying itself on top at times and was hard to get out of that loop as the 'X' [close] box wasn't always *really* there (only shown on screen but no actual function)
I might try it[kinomaplay] again - only this time try and figure out why it associates itself with image files that I'd rather the OE windows prog opened.
Thanks for the tip on Adv.Config Tnyynt - TBH I'd not tried to load that one yet, I'll try that in a sec though (it was a godsend on the HD)
There was definitely something funny going on with the memory space on the device, as after the hard reset I'm back up to '116MB free of 181MB' - whereas, even once I'd uninstalled all that had been added - and deleted additional ringtone wavs - I only managed to get a max. of 53MB available showing.
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Sounds like Kinomaplay is searching and associating with files in the background. I think it may be set to do that by default but you can tell it not to in the settings - only trouble is you may have to wait for it to do it's thing as not sure if you can interrupt it. I got so fed up with the programme on the HD I trashed it - lovely interface though
Strange thing with Windows folder loading, with the "normal" Explorer it takes my device a very long time too (first few times did a soft reset because i thought it was hung also), but with Total Commander explorer the Windows folder is there instantly, sounds like Explorer runs into something, just have to figure out what though.
Crazy . . . . . . . . . . .
Mine takes just a split second to load windows folder!
But it crashes 2 - 3 times a day! Without doing nothing! When i try to unlock it, screen wont go on! Battery off, here we go again! And i got the no sound problem.. After 3-5 calls, i car hear what others are saying but they cant hear a word from me!! This is happening all time.. (tested all this even with stock rom and no apps installed or any tweak etc..)
I read here in the forums that other people have similar problems..And in italy the distribution stopped because of defected rom??
Some say it heppened in france too.. (allthough i live in greece, i got mine sent from france, expansys headquarters..)
So maybe its roms problem? Or just me having a possible defected device..?
Any of you with freezing problems etc..??
Some hangs and freezes in here too, latest was this morning when I had my phone plugged in the charged over night. I tried waking up the phone to check time so I press the power button: Button lights go on but no image on screen, had to take out battery and restart the phone.
Also I have had a few random hangs that required a soft reset too. I have installed the Electopia demo and the OpenGL speed tester. Also installed .net compact framework 3.5 because an app from marketplace said to require it.
I hope HTC takes care of this issues in an upcoming rom update! Otherwise the phone seems fine, although maybe a bit slower that I've seen in the pre-production reviews and videos which is odd...
drfroz said:
Some hangs and freezes in here too, latest was this morning when I had my phone plugged in the charged over night. I tried waking up the phone to check time so I press the power button: Button lights go on but no image on screen, had to take out battery and restart the phone.
Also I have had a few random hangs that required a soft reset too. I have installed the Electopia demo and the OpenGL speed tester. Also installed .net compact framework 3.5 because an app from marketplace said to require it.
I hope HTC takes care of this issues in an upcoming rom update! Otherwise the phone seems fine, although maybe a bit slower that I've seen in the pre-production reviews and videos which is odd...
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I noticed that the hangs have something to do with the charging of the phone,no matter if its via usb or power pluged. Thanks for confirming though.. This is MAJOR issue for me..You think that your phone is ok in your pockets but it is shut down!!
About the sound problem i mentioned before?
Knock on wood my HD2 is rocksolid for now! Everything is fast and stable!

