Start bar - Right hand side missing - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

The icons on the far right hand side of my task bar are missing, I now can't see the volume controls and I can only see a tiny part of the phone reception icon, how can I restore it to normal??!!
A soft rest doesn't work, nor does booting into ssafe mode courtesy of SPB pocket plus.

It's a well know issue on win2005. If you don't show the date on the top bar, icones shift to the right and aren't well displayed. Just use this registry tweak below and choose showing time in place of blank string and the problem is solved...
Change the date in the Titlebar
?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell "TBOpt"=hex:\
Change 3 as follows: 0:blank 1:time only 2:date only 3:date & time
Can someone figure out how to stop date line from being bold.
Combine this with follwoing to get a date that fits:

That did it
Thanks bonisalive


Screen Rotation Icon - How to enable it ?

Is it possible to enable the screen rotation icon similar to the one on the Universal. I've tried the following:-
The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\ROTATION'
The 'HideOrientationUI' DWORD value can be set to '1' to hide the icon or '0' to show the icon
For example, to hide the screen rotation icon
Any other ideas?
so......did you do that on the Wizard ? Did it work ?
There's no "HideOrientationUI" value!
Made a little more progress, and now about 90% sorted, I've duplicated the \services\ScreenRotate registry settings from my Exec, initially the icon didn't appear. Then I noticed that there's two ScreenRotate_Service.dll files in the Windows directory on the Exec that do not exist on the Wizard. I've copied these across, and reset the unit, I now have the icon and it nearly works. It switches the screen from portrait to landscape, but does not switch back to portrait, I have to select the system\display option as normal to switch back.....
Hice work,
Please, keep us informed about the progres you make.
I do not know if this helps but I do this via SPB Pocket Plus. Add an icon from the 'System' drop down menu ... options are 'rotate left' and 'rotate right'.
Hope that this helps.
a18041967 said:
Made a little more progress, and now about 90% sorted, I've duplicated the \services\ScreenRotate registry settings from my Exec, initially the icon didn't appear. Then I noticed that there's two ScreenRotate_Service.dll files in the Windows directory on the Exec that do not exist on the Wizard. I've copied these across, and reset the unit, I now have the icon and it nearly works. It switches the screen from portrait to landscape, but does not switch back to portrait, I have to select the system\display option as normal to switch back.....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi, can you please attach the registry file with just those strings in that are required, and the DLLs so others can benefit from this please.
Did you get it working 100% in the end?
maybe someone who has had the magician can have a play around as well as there was the icon on the system tray as well

How do I *REMOVE* the "Calendar" & "Conta

Hi all,
I would like to know if this is possible - Removing the "Calendar" & "Contacts" buttons from my Today Screen (you know, the last row...), which will result in the bottom row of the screen to show the shortcut icons (Wireless Manager, Screen Rotation, Battery, etc.)
EDIT" Damn, why is my title truncated?
a similar-ish project, which doesn't hide the soft keys bar, but I'm sure it's possible for the author to add that;
Wisbar Advance Desktop will do this for you, you also have the choice to remove the top bar as well =)

PROB SOLVED - Icons on uppr right start tl bar do nt shw up

Please see attached screen capture to visualize problem. The signal strength icon only shows 1/2 of itself, the volume and upcoming appointment icons do not show up at all. Occasionally, when the setting page is displayed, the signal strength icon will display in its entirety. Once the settings screen is minimized, then the signal strength goes back to 1/2 display. Any ideas as to what is wrong? Thank-you, MWP.[/img]
Help - Icons on upper right start tool bar do not show up
I have the same problem, it happened right after I installed Registry Wizard. Anyone know how to fix this, or what setting on Registry Wizard may have caused this?
Help - Icons on upper right start tool bar do not show up
In Regisrty Wizard, I had to set the "Task Bar Date/Time" from "Nothing" to "Clock" to get my sound and signal icons back.
What happens if you're not using registry wizard?
Is there a reg hack using Resco Registry that I can entry to correct this problem? Thanks for your help in advance, MWP.
Problem Solved!
Alter Taskbar Date/Time
Registry: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell
Key: TBOpt (dWord)
Value: 0 = Nothing
1 = Time
2 = Date
3 = Time and date
Using option 1 works like a charm and restores the tool bar icons!
Regards to all, MWP.

Battery indicator on start bar (Sprint Mogul)?

I've downloaded and installed the HTC Home v2.0 and the X-out plugins (and the customizer) and I really like them. I can't seem to get the battery strength icon to show in the upper right hand corner on the Start bar, though. It just shows at the bottom, where I have to scroll down to see it... I've tried playing with the DWORD ShowTitleBarBattery with value 1 in the registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell -- but that just puts is on a separate line at the bottom, not in the upper left corner... Sprint and HTC support have been no help at all, of course... It seems that Sprint only ever shows it at the bottom, and HTC won't support their skins or hacked apps on another platform, but every picture of the Touch home page that I have seen shows a battery indicator in the upper right hand part of the screen.
Ideas? Thanks!
if it helps...
I use a small (70k) program called Magic button. It makes the X close programs, gives you a Windows XP type taskbar, and has the option of adding a battery bar, that runs left to right on the very top of the screen.
From here:
"ShowTitleBarClock"=1 (enable)
"ShowTitleBarClock"=0 (disable)
"TBOpt"=dword:1 (enable top battery meter) You may have to add TBOpt dword if it doesn't exist.
"TBOpt"=dword:0 (disable top battery meter)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Doesn't seem like you can have both. I'm new to this stuff, and I was able to do it with CERegEditor. Good luck
You're can either have the clock on the Today screens and the rest of the screens, or have the battery on the Today screen and the clock on the rest.
Hmm, I can't get it to work - keeps defaulting back to the clock, which I don't need, since I have HTC Home.
Got it!
Perfect! Thanks!!
Ariel Battery will replace the start icon with battery icon
Get it here:

Calling T-Mo HD2 GOD"S

I have searched and still cant find out if there is a Reg edit to have the battery icon on the home screen when using "Sense" so does anyone know of one? Thx...Tj
Where in the upper right corner? By default it should be there.
Yea I know but is not for some reason. I even tried Advanced Tool Config and it says that is supposed to be there...Tj
are you using the stock Rom? have you installed any taskbar mods?
Stock T-mo ROM & no taskbar mods that I know of. I have S-K Tools in there and Advanced Config but nothing else that should affect it...Tj
You still haven't answered the question. Are you talking about the battery icon in the upper right corner.
I'll just take it that you are. There should be no reason why it shouldn't be showing up. If every thing is stock then it should be there.
i was looking at some other posts check your registry
perform softreset before confirming or denying success of reg change
NikMel said:
From Wiki of Artemis:
Show Time,Date,both or Battery on top bar at Today screen
"TBOpt"=1 (This key will need to be created)
"TBOpt"=2 (This key will need to be created)
"TBOpt"=3 (This key will need to be created)
"TBOpt"=0 (This key will need to be created)
"TBOpt"=1 (This key will need to be created)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you have enabled the Clock to show up on the top right side of the screen ,than you will not get the battery to display simultinously.Its either the clock or the battery.
But if you need to display the battery on the Today screen as a separate Icon I want to have that too.
Editr may be it does after all,ill try the the reg edit posted on the above post.

