Prophet STUCK at BootScreen (2.10.0001 G4 Orange) - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

My Prophet Stuck at bootscreen , with displayed
IPL 2.10.0001
SPL 2.10.0001
GSM 02.07.20
It happened after I tried to downgrade it.
PLEASE, tell me how to recover it ?
I had wizard before, and have some experience with backup/downgrade/upgrade/IMEI Change. Also I have backup of the phone, made by aWizard.
But this time i missed line that downgrade is NOT for G4 (2.xx.0001) ROMs. Is it possible to downgrade G4 (2.xx.0001) ROM ? Or is it possible to use iWizard w/o downgrading ?

Problem solved ! Please, stick this post up - I saw A LOT of people in this forum to ask how to resolve situation with "STUCK ON START-UP SCREEN" ... no one full answer. So ... solution :
1 step. Download one working for YOUR G3 or G4 version ROM. You can easly recognize the difference
G4 ROM on startup screen looks like
IPL 2.10.0001
SPL 2.13.0001
Look at last digit - if it's like 0001 - its G4 ROM. If it ends like 2.00.000, or just 2.00 - then its G3 hardware version.
So G4 (2.XX.0001) users can use any G4 ROM like this one ( tested by me ) -> ftp://xda:[email protected]/
G3 (2.XX) users can use this ROM -> ftp://xda:[email protected]_AKU23_023021_P12MB_PDAMobiz_v2307.exe This ROM is not tested by me, but I have read a lot of good responses about it.
2 step. First prepare the phone - full charge battery. After that, hold CAM + COMM buttons ( on the left side of the phone ) and reset it. You will be bringed to so sadly famous "three colors screen". Now connect your phone through USB and start Updating program that you have downloaded before. Sit back for about 15 minutes ( dont get nervous when it stucks on 80% ... it had to pass it after time). If everything goes smooth - after reset you must to have working phone again.
2A step. If you get error message ( like I did first time )
You have to make few steps, a little more complicated then pressing NEXT buton couple of times.
First, download this cracked version of ROM Update Utility program. Can be found here -> ftp://[email protected]/Prophet/Tools/ , then
1. Download and install WinRAR ( )
2. Click with right button on program that updates ROM ( like RUU_Prophet_G3_2151327_AKU23_023021_P12MB_PDAMobiz_v2307.exe ) and choose Extract to...
3. Replace in directory you just extract archive file ROMUpdateUtility.exe with the same file from the archive you have downloaded early (ftp://[email protected]/Prophet/Tools/ )
4. Now, run ROMUpdateUtility and this time there will be no WRONG VENDER ID error.
Good Luck

When I want to download the Zip file
Can be found here -> ftp://[email protected]/
a pasword is required for the ftp. wher can i get this?

wimdieleman said:
When I want to download the Zip file
Can be found here -> ftp://[email protected]/
a pasword is required for the ftp. wher can i get this?
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Password is xda

Ok - so I downloaded:
ftp://[email protected]/Prophet/Tools/
I extracted this to my "c:\orange" drive. This means I have a file called: "C:\orange\ROMUpdateUtility.exe"
I also have a file called "C:\orange\JAMin_WWE_213923_2139123_022021_shi.exe" I extracted this and I have a file now called: "C:\orange\JAMin_WWE_213923_2139123_022021_shi\RUU_TOOLS\Prophet\WWE\ROMUpdateUtility.exe"
I replaced the 1st file over the 2nd. I ran the file "C:\orange\JAMin_WWE_213923_2139123_022021_shi\RUU_TOOLS\Prophet\WWE\ROMUpdateUtility.exe" after I replaced it and I get the following message: "ERROR [240] : FILE OPEN" and a message about not finding the file.
Please help!
I had to put the nk.nbf folder in the right place - as I didn't know 100% where, I just put it in ever folder and subfolder of the orange folder! I am on 95% now.... fingers crossed!
It is now stuck on 95% and gives a 326 error. ANy help?

got the same problem
solved thnx to you great

rockgeek said:
Ok - so I downloaded:
ftp://[email protected]/Prophet/Tools/
Clicked on the above link and its not there,has it been removed ?
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Stuck @ Qtek Splash Screen "Help"
I have this issue before and the solution page under PDAMobiz has been taken down. The original page for resolving this issue was linked under this which refers to since then this page has changed / not working anymore.
I am currently stuck at he Qtek Splash screen that display the OS, GSM etc. pressing the camera, record button and softreset w/ the stylus does not get me to the bootloader page 3 colors.
I have all the original software that this page originally linked downloaded but need the steps to restoring the phone to a working active sync usb condition or bootloader screen for rom reload can any one please assist in providing a solution.

rockgeek said:
Ok - so I downloaded:
ftp://[email protected]/Prophet/Tools/
I extracted this to my "c:\orange" drive. This means I have a file called: "C:\orange\ROMUpdateUtility.exe"
I also have a file called "C:\orange\JAMin_WWE_213923_2139123_022021_shi.exe" I extracted this and I have a file now called: "C:\orange\JAMin_WWE_213923_2139123_022021_shi\RUU_TOOLS\Prophet\WWE\ROMUpdateUtility.exe"
I replaced the 1st file over the 2nd. I ran the file "C:\orange\JAMin_WWE_213923_2139123_022021_shi\RUU_TOOLS\Prophet\WWE\ROMUpdateUtility.exe" after I replaced it and I get the following message: "ERROR [240] : FILE OPEN" and a message about not finding the file.
Please help!
I had to put the nk.nbf folder in the right place - as I didn't know 100% where, I just put it in ever folder and subfolder of the orange folder! I am on 95% now.... fingers crossed!
It is now stuck on 95% and gives a 326 error. ANy help?
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Help, very new to this and followed these steps and bingo also stuck on with the 326 error! Has it been solved?

Guess that's a no, then?

same problem here , stuck in 95%

please help me!! my problem is some ERROR 302 and dont let pass from 98% im newbe and need help tnx

dpast said:
I have this issue before and the solution page under PDAMobiz has been taken down. The original page for resolving this issue was linked under this which refers to since then this page has changed / not working anymore.
I am currently stuck at he Qtek Splash screen that display the OS, GSM etc. pressing the camera, record button and softreset w/ the stylus does not get me to the bootloader page 3 colors.
I have all the original software that this page originally linked downloaded but need the steps to restoring the phone to a working active sync usb condition or bootloader screen for rom reload can any one please assist in providing a solution.
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same problem here..
does anyone has a solution for this one???

links are all dead can some one help ?

read from here
and here
read carefully ok...


I have the solution for the radio stack dead

I have it!!!!! Send me a email and i will send you the file with all the instructions to repair your dead gsm "part" of the xda. it worked with my qtek 1010 and i think that it works with any other. Ricardo Gomes
[email protected]
Could you please post the solution here ?
i´m doing a zip file with all the instrutions and i will put it to download soon. please be patient
the file is ready
you can download the solution for the radio dead problem in
Ricardo Gomes
[email protected]
Anyone tried that?
Since my phone is working perfect now, it is nonsense to try that
It didn't work for me.
it worked for me in my qtek 1010.
Mirror on xda-developers
I downloaded Ricardo's file and took the liberty of mirroring it on xda-developers, since my download went at a whopping 200 bytes per second.
We've seen this recipe before, and it does appear to fix at least some of the problems caused by RSU upgrades not finishing.
hi guys
still stop at 1% and showed massage
((flash failed! Press OK restart your device))
any help
hi guys!
I have this problem also.
Still stop at 1% and showed massage
((flash failed! Press OK restart your device))
Just try to do following: start 3.23 ROM update to extract and place it to SD card instead of file found in
The situation you describe looks like your device died while flashing new 3.23 version. So you may try to continue process with 3.23 version instead of old one. This is because 3.23 don't allow to "downgrade".
Hi AE !
Where can I find 3.23 ROM file ?
Thx for your helps.
If your device died while trying to upgrade to 3.23 radio, the CAB-file should be found in "C:\Program Files\Radio Stack Upgrade Utility".
My device died while trying to upgrade to radio 3.19 but I trying to copy to SD all Radio upgrade, but don't work. Still stop on 1% and error message is "Flash failed. Press OK to restart device".
Other tips ?
Radi ROM
i have the same pb the alnasser and sebi; i have tried everything; what we need is a new rom version for the radio and not an upgrade; also while using boot loader and if i try to copy the GSM rom from a working phone i got a message saying: connect to RS232 and run PC monitor; i have USB and i do not know what is PC monitor...any ideas???
It worked for me also, but with slight changes
The soloution above worked for me after a little trial and error.
I was trying to upgrade to new UK Radio Stack but flash failed in the middle of upgrade (probable because the keyboard popped up onto the screen for no apparant reason, then locked up).
However, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I found your website!!
I installed the Files onto an SD card as described above, and although the XDA was going painfully slowly (about 3 mins to warm reset). managed to get to the today screen. I ended up pusing the "record button" repeatedly to try and get some response out of the machine, finally it auto ran the program on the SD card, only to be told that flash failed
Undeterred I repeated the exerscise with the other
file, this gave the same result!!
However I soon realised that this cab file is kept within the .exe file of the original upgrade I tried to do, so... Using winzip I extracted the relevent RSUpgrade file for my XDA and put that file on the SD card instead.
It Worked!!!
Consequently I conclude that if the file fails or stops at 1% then it must be because it is NOT the correct file for your XDA, you need to use the correct upgrade cab file for you particular XDA.
Hope it helps someone else.
Essentially the watchword is "perseverence".
it starts but stop on 85%??!!
hi i have a dead xda and i'm trying to fix it but it stops on 85% sometimes on 83%,i'm using the copy of cab file to sd card and runnig it from xda anyone can tel me how to get over this?
now it stops on 1%
i have removed it from charger and put the file on the sd card,the progress bar went to 99% then flash failed,now it gives me that message on 1%,how to fix it??!!
Re: it starts but stop on 85%??!!
Anonymous said:
hi i have a dead xda and i'm trying to fix it but it stops on 85% sometimes on 83%,i'm using the copy of cab file to sd card and runnig it from xda anyone can tel me how to get over this?
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seems to be the same case as I had: I found version, which did not freeze in 1%, but in 85% all stopped.
I unfortunatelly don't exactly remember complete list of my steps, but THIS MAY BE IMPORTANT:
After I made cold restart, I saw radio upgrade progress bar ( If you can't see this, try to follow instruction about solution, mentioned hereinbefore ). Radio upgrade progress window only flashed for a second or two, then disappeared and WIN CE ( trying to boot up ) painted its splash screen. After that WinCE froze with this screen.
If you have a luck, radio upgrade may continue on background. After 10-15 mins upgrade was done, and after restart ... I saw normal radio version in bootloader, and it worked well !!!
Note 1:
I killed phone with latest radio upgrade ( maybe lack of space, maybe radio switched on ), so there was no way to use lower versions ( it leads to "1% problem" with downgrade )
Note 2:
When my steps was still unsuccessfull, I continued [up|down]grade WIN CE and Bootloader. Maybe it was solution, maybe not, I dont know. I did it because I thought it would solve some problems with space for radio installation. My second reason was, that it should stop neverending ( 1% freezing) radio upgrade window after each boot.
Note 3:
During these installation steps it seems to me that battery si getting weaker, and does not recharge. So I tried to revive WIN CE first to be able to recharge.
Some steps may be unimportant, based on my feeling how it may work.
so I hope it helps.
Regards, Lu


(mods i would appreciate if you could make this a sticky for people... ive worked long and hard trying to get this thing working again)
Ok so heres what happened to my XDA which proberly happened to yours.
I went onto the 02 site and got the latest radio stack upgrade for my xda, but i didnt have the sim in my device so once it finshed and restarted the xda it crashed because there was no sim in it. So i hard reset it.
Causing it to hang on the boot screen showing the G & U letters on the side for about 4 minutes before booting to a blank screen with the keyboard icon in the corner.
*** Please remember at the moment my status LED isnt working showing there is no battery (but still booting etc - P.S i have installed a new battery - no diffrence) ***
Heres how to get it working...... remember that everything takes longer because the XDA lags like mad.
Ive created this guide myself ive took nothing from anyone else info ive done this from scratch, it will need to be done everytime the machine runs out of power (hard resets).
* when i put " + " it means AT THE SAME TIME e.g button1 + button2 = keep pressing them at the same time.
** I refer to the directional keypad centre button as the "OK" button.
Make sure you have the correct RSU Version from here :>
Download it and put the files onto an SD card.
1. Boot up the device
2. keep pressing the OK button + volume button until it shows the today screen, please note there will be no titles on the screens, HENCE NO START BUTTON.
3. Then press the contacts button + THEN OK a few times, then press the OK button this should bring up the start menu
4. CLICK programs, file explorer, select the SD Card. Then Copy RSUPGRAD.exe to : my device > windows>start up.
5. Copy the remaining 3 files to the : my device > windows
6. Soft Reset Device
7. Click on start (on the upgrade util) it will then restart the device because theres no LED for the battery (hence the 1% then fail).
8. Once started it should then start up as it did when it came out the box giving you the windows setup screen.
9. Go into file explorer and delete tha flas util file from the startup.
Thats it!
- Remember if you hard re-set the device again it will need to be re-done, i dont know how to solve this problem LONG TERM, im giving my XDA to 02 to fix it...... been as its there screw up.
Thanks Everyone
Does this actually flash the gsm radio? If it does then why does it need reflashing following a hard reset?
No it doesnt re-flash it.............
All i know is that it fixes it and many people have had the same problem but had no replys so id thought id help them out :roll:
Where are he diffreneces to the instrucions on wiki????
huh? so your saying someone has already written the instructions?
Do you have a link? it will be intresting to find out how i can get my LED working again so the system will be able to work once more.
"Maybe the upgrade will stop again at 1%, this may occur when you have an empty battery. "
Does not apply to you............... hence why my guide overcomes the one on wiki.
If you have had the situation happen to you, then you would undertsand.
would it be possible to use the xda developers 1.2 special edition ROM instead of the 1.1 version for this procedure?thats the only rom i seem to have found.
Boogie, I think you need only the radio stack not the rom if I read the post correctly. The special edition rom contains NO RADIO STACK.
That´s not 100% correct. I´ve noticed, that some ROMs wouldn´t boot up so that you can follow the procedure.....
hey guys this is my 1st post to this forum, but for the last year or so I've found it very helpful.
I was experiencing this same issue it would just boot up and hang on the welcome screen for what seemed like an eternity. I gave up and just left it booting up and finally the today screen came up. This is what I tried and it worked. All of this was after a hard reset when I tried to upgrade the radio stack and it fell into this infinite loop of 1% and fail and reboot. I had read a couple of the procedures for doing a radio stack upgrade but here is some of what I did.
In one of the procedures it says to copy the files to ur ppc windows directory and to copy the exe file to ur windows startup directory. I figured I would bypass that in some way. After I finally got to the today screen and used my pc to copy the files to the sd card, I copied all the files to the windows directory on the device and ran the exe file from the windows directory. It worked like a charm and my ppc was back to life. It no longer took for ever to get passed the welcome screen. I hope this helps some of you that have this issue

idot guide needed please!

hi guys,
i have an 02 xda2i and would like to upgrade to one of pugs roms, the one with the camera fix and no 02, i have downloaded it, i understand how to put in boot mode, but what do i do then? :shock:
run the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe and upgrade till the process end.
geeman said:
hi guys,
i have an 02 xda2i and would like to upgrade to one of pugs roms, the one with the camera fix and no 02, i have downloaded it, i understand how to put in boot mode, but what do i do then? :shock:
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I dont even know how to do that.
Dummies guide anyone please ?
02 xda2i
Extract the RAR into a folder on your C:\ (e.g. C:\xda). Plonk the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe and any other DLLs or files that came with that app into the same folder.
Put your XDA into its cradle. Run the MaUpgrade app. It'll say "do not remove device / turn off device" etc, then when you click next provided it can find the ROM fine it'll put the device into bootloader mode (you'll see it on the screen).
It'll then proceed to install the various parts of the ROM, and indicate which part it's on on the screen (plus a crude percentage figure to indicate its status). The first time I flashed my device, my PC hung halfway through, that wasn't to do with the XDA or the flashing process but a separate problem. I freaked, but I just rebooted and ran the entire process again and it flashed the device fine.
It's as simple as that really - once it's done, and the on-screen dialog shows it as finished, just remove your phone from the cradle, power it up and go through the set up!

How to update ROM on O2 Orbit-solution

I've exchanged many emails with the team and also met personally one of these guys in order to be able to upload a new ROM to my O2 Orbit. I had excatly the same problem as many of you with ending the uploding process with "model invalid id" error message.
Now I'm happy to say we do have a solution.
So if you want to change your ROM (any), simply follow these instructions:
Of course you can publish the instructions...
BUT PLEASE put a BIG WARNING! It will crash the phone in case you don't have a valid key file to perfom the last step: RUN THE UNLOCKER AGAIN AFTER THE ROM MODEL SWITCH TO RECOVER FROM THE DATA CRASHED MESSAGE!
we found a way to flash ANY artemis roms in ANY Artemis look alike device (HTC Hero too).
Tools you need:
-hexworkshop from
-Any rom
-winzip or winrar
a valid UNL file for your phone.
install hexworkshop and winzip/winrar
Take any rom for example: ART_HTCWWE_11240501_026790_WWE_Ship.exe
in explorer, right click on it and select "Extract files..."
Now it will unpack all the files
You'll have now "HTCWWE_shipsigned.nbh"
right click on it and Click "Hex Edit with Hex Workshop"
You'll see on the 5th row ARTE10000
Make it ARTE***** and save file
Now right click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe and "Hex Edit with Hex Workshop"
Search for word will find it at 0x3E0B0 after password replace "BsaD5SeoA" with "IMEICHECK" and save the .exe file
Now connect the phone to the pc (normal way). run the C3v1Unlock.exe
when is asking for UNL file, disconect the phone from pc, press cancel, and
close the unlocker.
Now connect the phone back to the pc (in this mode it is) and run the
Now follow the instructions as the upgrade it will work.
After upgrade done, run the unlocker again and this time select the correct UNLfile.
Task Done.
C3 after flashing with any WIFI roms it will STILL not have WIFI!!!
Cheers, Martin
YESS, I have changed my GER rom to new HTC official ENG Rom, you are the best!!!!!! It's very simple to do...
the next step is.... backup the ROM I'm search ITA ROM form my HTC 3300.
see you later...
Good Discovery,
But the key is: We will have to pay 38USD for the "Proper UNL file" which is unique for every IMEI. Is it right?
Yeah, Thanks mr. Martin who is from Imei-Check Team. But we are still looking for a free solution.
yes, first you have to go to imei.check and pay for the unlocking program and the unique .unl file.
P.S. I'm not a member of imei.check, just had the same problem as many Orbit users can find my previous thread.
Works great on all versions.
Great support from the boys from emeicheck
Question about directions
Okay, I'm gonna try this. Do I still follow these directions exactly even though I have already unlocked the CID?
Also, when you see the line "ARTE1000" do you actually replace the "1000" part with the little stars? Sorry, I'm really new at this!
Yes you must do it all.
Everything went smoothly but when the device rebooted, it want me to "align the screen". It doesn't seem to be able to detect the stylus touching the screen! Can't get past that screen! Anybody know what I could have done wrong?
REF: HELP (Never Mind...)
I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT!!!! Just had to wait a minute or two and then everything seemed to work fine!!! TomTom is there, my WiFi is working! Thank you MAROSV and FRANCOBANCO!!!! If I can do it, ANYBODY can!! THANK YOU!!!
Hi KleineMaus,
I am wondering which ROM u used on your orbit that includes tomtom?
Or do you just mean you still had tomtom stored on your menory card?
Cheers, Towelie.
towelie said:
Hi KleineMaus,
I am wondering which ROM u used on your orbit that includes tomtom?
Or do you just mean you still had tomtom stored on your menory card?
Cheers, Towelie.
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hi, I've just used the last HTC offical Rom (see xda ftp site..) that include TomTOm + 1 city map
Hi, I used the ROM on the Wiki page Dopod|English|DOPOD001|ARTE1****|1.25.707.2 ??/??/0?|1.25.707.104|1.25.0000|02.69.90|| [Download|ftp://xda:[email protected]/Artemis/Shipped_Complete_Updates/ARTE_DOPODAU_12570702_026990_WWE_SHIP.exe]|[Thread|]
It worked like a charm. The only problem I had was that when the Orbit re-booted after the process finished, it didn't seem to detect the sylus. I just waited five minutes and then it worked. Guess it was still getting settled in with it's new ROM. I don't know where I had the TomTom before I started the update, but it installed the German maps which were there before but as a bonus it gave me a English speaking voice which I didn't have before. It came with a German voice and I couldn't change because I had not yet upgraded the memory and had no room. So, my update was super! The only little thing is that once I changed the screen color back to blue instead of that terrible green, I couldn't get the phone part (dialing pad) to change to blue. No biggie, as now I can use my Orbit in English. I can live with the green phone pad! Maybe somebody will tweak that one. Hope this wasn't more info than you needed....
the dialing pad can be easily changed as well....just do a little seach on this Artemis forum and you will find many links pointing to skins available for WM5 phone edition.
O2 Orbit ROM upgrade info
my o2 orbit has ROM WWE. I wanted to know if this is the latest ROM available for my phone. I got my phone 10 days ago and i gotta do a soft reset on it every day. I had the same kind of problems with o2 Atom. But most of the issues were corrected once the ROM was upgraded. Please someone update me on my situation. Thanks
I tried the steps but i'm always getting the ERROR[300] : INVALID UPDATE TOOL - This Update Utility cannot be used for your PDA Phone. Please get newer Update Utility
Anyone who can help me here? I already tried different ROMs but always the same message
Did you unlock with imei-check? What is your model ID ARTExxxx ?
Yes i did. My Model ID is ARTE100
Hmm, but the steps described above are necessary to follow only if your model is Orbit (ARTE200). If you have HTC P3300 or Dopod p800W or Artemis or MDA compact 3, then you don't need to do it this way. The only thing you need to do is to unlock with Imei-check. If it still doesnt work, contact their help desk.
Ok i see, very strange indeed. I did the unlock with the stuff from Imei-check but i still get the message ERROR [244] : INVALID MODEL ID . If i try the steps from your post #1 , i get the described error obove. I'll try to contact the guys from imei-check, i hope they can help me
Hi Kleine Maus, I read with great joy that you succeeded and I would like to feel the same way.... Could you kindly reply to me and give me some detailed instructions to follow? Hopefully this will work for my HTC P3300....Thanks in advance.... I really appreciate it. Best SiperX

HELP!!! tri-color appears on my HTC P4350

gud day to everyone..
Pls help me on how to get rid of this tri-color that appears on the screen of my htc p4350 with an IPL 4.17.0002 and SPL 4.17.0000 written on it.. I really don't know what to do with this problem.. help me pls. pls. pls.
thank u so much..
1. This is the development forum. Your post is not a development post.
2. This has been covered a million times. Please search.
3. The tri-color screen is your bootloader. What did you do in the first place to get to this point? The more information about your problem that you give, the easier it is for everyone else to figure out what happened.
Thank you for the reply...
I'm so sorry for posting in a wrong thread... What happened was.. I accidentally installed a wrong application on my phone.. The application I installed was for HTC touch.. so it was not compatible on my phone.. Everytime I turned on my phone the tri color screen appears and it displayed on the screen all the time.. I could not also hard reset the phone because of that tri color..
Pls help me what to do.. thanks much..
What "application" was it? Was it a ROM? Was it a HardSPL?
If it was a ROM, just flash another ROM.
If it was a HardSPL, search for "Goldcard" and create a goldcard.
The application I installed was the Touch-flo application.. But the application was saved on the memory card.. when I run the application, its when the tri color starts to appear..
Thanks much...
Can you give me an exact link to the application that you used?
Sorry I could not anymore remember what site it was.. It's been 6 months now that my phone was not working... It's only today that I discovered this site and I was so happy coz maybe u can help me..
Without knowing what program you used, it will be harder to figure out how to fix it.
The only thing I can say is:
1a) try to flash a Herald ROM through SD (read the walkthrough) (if your device is HardSPL'd)
1b) try to flash the stock ROM through SD (read the walkthrough) if your device isn't HardSPL'd)
2) If you still can't get past the bootloader screen, try searching for the word "goldcard" and follow those instructions on how to create a goldcard. You can use the goldcard to restore your phone back to working condition.
i'll try these options..
thank u so much..
hi ivan.. i have some questions regarding gold card.. i'm really new to this & don't have that much idea.. hope you can help me... thanks..
I have done the previous steps but I couldn't get this..
Ad.4) run Perl Package Manager from Windows Start Menu
change PPM Preferences (run Preferences from the Perl Package Manager menu and switch to the repository tab):
- Add repositories:
Name: itsme
Location: (there are many files on this location & i don't know what to download)
- Add repository:
Name: theoryx
After database synchronization install those packages (at the main window of Perl Package manager find those packages, mark them for install (the icon with green plus, next to the search bar) and run marked action(green arrow icon)):
by the way, i'm using Windows XP service pack 2.. is it okay? eventhough the requirements is SP3? thanks much..
hello.. i'm so desperate.. could someone help me on this.. pls pls.. \
thank u so much...
