Dual applications on single GPS - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi guys,
This has been something I've been trying for a long time (since I first got my Wizard nad now my hermes), but to no avail.
I've got TomTom 5 and the 3dtracking software from http://www.3dtracking.net/home.aspx, both of which work very well on their own.
However, trying to get them to work together is a nightmare.
I've tried franson GPS gate in the past, but found it very tempremental and I'm loathed to fork out 15 quid to do something that my device should handle anyway.
I've enabled the GPS control panel, no problem whatsoever, chosen the appropriate hardware and software ports in the GPS control panel, set up an outgoing port in the bluetooth settings, told the PPC to manage my connections automatically, told TomTom to use another bluetooth GPS on the appropriate software port and told 3dtracking what software port to use and bob's yer uncle... nothing happens! (Good grief, that's a hellishly constructed sentence! Sorry!)
Anyway, has anyone successfully got this to work?
I've tried a number of combinations of ports etc., and also follwed about the only guide I could find on the net, but nothing seems to work.
Your help would be appreciated!

Any thoughts guys?

What version of GpsGate have you tried ?
The product has developed very nicely; I am using GpsGate with 3 applications using the GPS signal at the same time without problems at all.

Hi Martin,
Thanks for that. I've not used version 3 to be honest, it's something I might give a try in the end.
I'm by no means averse to paying for a piece of software, but it wrankles me somwhat when the device is supposed to do something on its own.
Is there an inherant problem with the control panel function, or something that can be fixed do we think?

I got the same problem over here.
Trying to use Navigon MobileNavigator 5 and POIObserver via the built in GPS-panel. BT-GPS is a NaviLock BT-338


Need Help with Bluetooth Bonding GPS

Hiya all.
I have recently got myself a copy of Tomtom Navigator 5 for my XDA2 with the latest ROM and also bought a GP-27 Bluetooth GPS Receiver (purplegrid k3).
Got it all home did all the install bit no probs... Then the fun started!
I switched on the ole GPS device searched for it in the bluetooth bonded devices bit XDA2 found it bonded to it everything is sorted, and believe it or not everything in Tomtom 5 worked great....
The problem that I need help with is that although in my bonded devices list it says that I am bonded to 'cpit-GPS' everytime I start Tomtom 5 a popup balloon says that ' cpit-GPS wants to bond with this device' and I have to go through the whole rigmarol of rebonding it to my XDA2.
Surely my XDA2 should remember the devices it has bonded to, I dont have this problem with my bluetooth headset?
Is there anyway of getting my XDA2 to remember these GPS device bonded settings...
PLEASE HELP ME its driving me crazy..lol
Try managing 50+ of the things
This comes up quite often in our app. Our solution is to DELETE the existing BT connection then re-bond.
Worth a go.
does this cure it or do you still have to re bond each time?
Also what app are you talking about and 50+ of what?
Forgive me if I seem a bit dumb but your post is a bit vague.
Do you have bluetooth switched to on or discovery mode?
I have tried it on both and it does the same thing?
Any Ideas?
50+ XDAs
This solution resolves that particular problem. Do it once & it doesn't need doing again normally. The app is a bespoke FSE app utilising GPS for positioning but the problem that occurs is identical to yours.

TomTom - GPS receiver with short memory?

I've trawled the forum and I've followed all the TomTom setup procedures. The Problem is they seem to be for people who can't get TomTom working at all. I can get it working, just awkwardly.
Once I pair with my GPS receiver and go into TomTom i can get a connection. However when i quit TomTom and turn off the GPS it seems to forget. Next time I turn it on I don't get a connection.
The way I understand TomTom is that it seems to wait for the GPS receiver to contact the phone. This seems odd as I would have thought the phone would be the one to initiate contact.
Anyway my GPS receiver just seems to forget what phone it was connected to. TomTom obviously isn't forgetting the port, windows obviously isn't forgetting the pairing. But Every time I use it I have to re-pair the receiver (thus reminding the receiver of the phone it's supposed to be bonded to). It's beginning to drive me a bit insane.
Anyone else have this issue? Perhaps it's to do with my incoming and outcoming ports? Hopefully someone has already solved this? Not seen any references to it anywhere.
Which version of Tomtom are you using ? The last one (5.21) ? If not, try to upgrade and try again.
Yep 5.2 latest release.
I was hoping upgrade would fix it but alas no.
BigDamHero said:
Yep 5.2 latest release.
I was hoping upgrade would fix it but alas no.
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Don't mean to be picky, but 5.2 or 5.21?
I've held off installing TTN on my Wizard, as it works fine on my iPAQ 4700, I have a cradle for that, and according to ttcode, my current device is actually my old 3970, not the current iPAQ... Last week, I had a couple of hour drive to do, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. After an email exchange with TomTom support (who were more helpful than I'd originally given them credit for), I had a new activation code for the Wizard. Here's what I did, from a fairly recent hard reset with no previous TTN install whatsoever. Skip the mail if it doesn't look helpful, but I'll detail my steps in case it helps anyone else...
Although I believe the PC install is mended in 5.21 I copied the map and voice cab files from the CD to my SD card and installed them from there. The GPS drivers and main app I installed from the download I got from the TomTom support site by running the setup util on my PC. Once everything was installed, I moved the maps which seemed to finish up in a sub-directory on the card to the root of the card.
I paired the GPS (my old Emtac BT one) and selected serial port profile. I tried all the offered serial ports in the "Other BT GPS" list in TTN but none worked. Then I went to 'COM Ports' in Comm Manager/Bluetooth Settings and selected "New Outgoing Port". I picked the GPS from the list of paired SPP devices, and it created a new BT COM port on COM6. That definately hadn't been in TTN's list of BT com ports before, but is now there in the list with about half a dozen others. I selected that in the "Other BT GPS" list of BT ports, and TTN connects to the GPS each time.
As I said, I'd recently hard reset the device to try and prove a problem with my BT car-kit soit's quite possible the clean install was the secret, but try creating a new outgoing COM port against the GPS and see if TT remembers that...
BigDamHero said:
I've trawled the forum and I've followed all the TomTom setup procedures.
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There are 2 general ways to set it up, 1 works 100% (i use it so know it does ) 1 i dont use and have never tried so may well work in the reverse direction and be causing you errors.
The way i set up tomtom; pair the BT GPS. Open an OUTGOING port to the BT GPS, set my GPS as OTHER (wired/cable) NEMA device (NOT bluetooth) in TTN5. now my tomtom connects to the bluetooth, not the otherway round. This method has thrown up no errors for me at all.
If you have followed the reg edit/hack to show the GPS page in connections then i dont know how the settings differ and the possible results this could have on connection issues.
Let us know which way you are going
I have the exact problem as BigDamHero. Each time I wanna use TTN, I need to delete the previously paired BT GPS and then pair it again, otherwise the TTN will just say No GPS Device. I use TTN v5.21 and Wizard with Windows Mobile 5. I tried my BT GPS device on my brother's PDA which runs on Windows Mobile 3, and it connects like a gem every time. I am also looking if anyone has solved this issue, cos it is tedious re-pairing every time.
Had the same problem until 5 mins ago! Found an explanation in another thread, but only in Dutch..
Here's how to do it:
Turn on GPS
Activate bluetooth on device, go to BT parameters, delete previous pairing like you're used to
Create new pairing, choose GPS, enter passkey, check Serial port in services, go to COM ports and add outgoing port (e.g. COM6) like you're still used to :roll:
Add an incoming port too (e.g. COM7) <-- Here's the trick!
Set your GPS apps to use COM6 (the outgoing one)... and here you are! This time it will work, you can turn off GPS and device bluetooth, turn on again and it will connect by itself.
If you want a bit more you can activate GPS panel, set program port to COM8 (then you will have to use this in your apps) and COM6 as hardware port.
Everything works fine now!
hey man, wot a coincidence....i also just read that post which had the dutch explanation.....BUT however, it's not working for me.
toneslee said:
hey man, wot a coincidence....i also just read that post which had the dutch explanation.....BUT however, it's not working for me.
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I did everything in the list except for creating the incoming port and it still works everytime (I know that's no consellation to you). I wonder if something else you've installed, or the way you installed the app is causing the problem? Is it worth a hard reset and trying the entire install on a clean wizard?
A friend didn't need the incoming port either. I believe it has something to do with the GPS, as he has a different brand than me.
With mine, before adding the incoming port if I started an app without erasing/redoing the pairing before I would get a notification saying "Navman GPS wants to connect" and asking me to pair. It would keep coming every 10 seconds whatever I did.
BigDamHero, what brand / model of GPS is it?
Maybe we can see if anybody here, or over on pocketgpsworld has been able to make the same combination work and if so, what they had to do to get it to fly...
well, tomtom was the very first thing I installed when I got my new vario. it was only after I got tomtom fully working (but still need to re-pair everytime), then I installed a couple of simple Card games.
toneslee said:
well, tomtom was the very first thing I installed when I got my new vario. it was only after I got tomtom fully working (but still need to re-pair everytime), then I installed a couple of simple Card games.
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A quick glance at pocketgps suggests others are having similar issues. There's a thread here that suggests leaving it a while, and I seem to remember other GPS issue threads saying power up the GPS and let it get a fix before starting TTN. A more detailed probe round the forum will probably show more of the same.
I've just flashed my Qtek 9100 to a new ROM, (the O2 one), and since then I've been getting this same problem. With my previous ROM everything worked fine. I was able to turn of either my PDA or GPS, and they would always auto-reconnect in a few seconds. Looks to me like something broke during one of the ROM changes. Which ROM versions does everyone with/without this problem have?
By the way, I have a BT77 GPS.
Hey sorry for the total lack of reply. Been snowed under with exams.
Ok I tried most of what you guys said but didn`t work. BT ports aren't available to select as hardware ports.
However I have managed to solve it. The key was to pair the GPS, and create an UNENCRYPTED OUTGOING port. That's all. Previously I had encrypted ports outgoing and incoming. My GPS applet in control pannel is set to none so it,s nothing to do with that.
I don't know what my GPS is. Its unbranded. One of the cheap common ones.
Hope this helps some people with the same problem.

GPS Intermediate Driver not working

Is anybody using the GPS control panel without problems? Or had them resolved somehow?
The GPS Intermediate Driver is a new feature in Windows Mobile 5 that is supposed to allow multiple applications to use the GPS device (its serial port, to be correct).
Usually, the GPS control panel needs to be enabled by setting the Hide value in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings] to 0. (In addition, it has been suggested to remove it altogether, and to add a DWORD value "Group" = 2.)
With the GPS control panel, the GPS Intermediate Driver can be enabled and public and private COM ports can be configured.
All these settings end up under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver].
One reboot or soft-reset later, and this is supposed to work like a charm. (http://blogs.conchango.com/kenibarwick/archive/2006/03/19/3119.aspx).
Except that, with my TyTN and a Xaiox Super III Instant Fix, it doesn't.
The GPS works fine directly with the Nemerix test app or GPS Tuner, but using the Intermediate Driver, the Bluetooth connection is never initiated and no data is received.
No error message, whatsoever. Just silence.
Now I would like to know if anybody else had this issue and if and how they were able to resolve it.
The PocketPC SDK documentation lists registry values to configure GPSID logging (CurrentLogFile and OldLogFile), but to no avail. The files are not being written, which is not a surprise because the Bluetooth connection is never brought up.
The Xaiox InstantFix is a small cheap Bluetooth GPS mouse that has quite a remarkable sensitivity. It really does work indoors, (not in the basement though) and city/forest areas are not a problem at all.
My TyTN is fresh from repair and I hadn't need a reset in a week if it wasn't for this problem (and my frustration-compensating playing around with Wisbar Advance and the Vista theme, but that's another story).
I have the same problem. Using an HTC Universal, ROM 1.90.96 and Radio version 1.130.00.
wait, i thought the vario II doesnt' even have GPS on it?
chamelion said:
wait, i thought the vario II doesnt' even have GPS on it?
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Check this thread
and this continuation of same thread
hmm ok... so its a controversial topic. seems nobody has actually made use of the GPS funcionality, it just seems that there may be something in there that allows for GPS?
chamelion said:
hmm ok... so its a controversial topic. seems nobody has actually made use of the GPS funcionality, it just seems that there may be something in there that allows for GPS?
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You mean you didn't know about the MI5 FBI plot to track Hermes owners being as they're obviously radical with phones of mass destruction? Conspiarcy theory, tosh, that's just a seeded idea to convince us they don't know we spend 24hrs a day abusing our TyTns in the garden shed, developing a today screen plug in called Global Thermo Nuclear War Beta!
mikechannon said:
You mean you didn't know about the MI5 FBI plot to track Hermes owners being as they're obviously radical with phones of mass destruction? Conspiarcy theory, tosh, that's just a seeded idea to convince us they don't know we spend 24hrs a day abusing our TyTns in the garden shed, developing a today screen plug in called Global Thermo Nuclear War Beta!
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dude, when did the beta come out??
<scrambles into the garden shed to install the beta>
chamelion said:
dude, when did the beta come out??
<scrambles into the garden shed to install the beta>
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Watch out for mushroom cloud can cause minor irritation!

tom tom 6 + exec

how easy is it to install tomtom 6 on a O2 EXEC and get it working with a bluetooth gps reciver?
Are there any/many cracked coppies of this floating arround?
oblique said:
how easy is it to install tomtom 6 on a O2 EXEC and get it working with a bluetooth gps reciver?
Are there any/many cracked coppies of this floating arround?
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Here's an idea: try not stealing.
i don't nomaly steal but as i don't know how stable tomtom works on my phone or how stable bluetooth gps works on my phone i am reluctant to spend 80quid to find out.
works very well, you have to config your exec to get TOMTOM to work with bluetooth gps( you can find that on here somewhere).
It works fine, but slower than on a QVGA screen device.
I have used v5 and v6 on AKU 2, 3, and now Crossbow ROMs, it works fine on the Universal, so you can buy it without worrying.
jowett69 said:
works very well, you have to config your exec to get TOMTOM to work with bluetooth gps( you can find that on here somewhere).
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You don't actually have to config anything if you have the TomTom GPS, it turns on BT itself, and finds it.
If you have a non TomTom BT GPS, simply pair it, and select an outgoing COM port, then when you fire up TomTom, tell it that it's a BT GPS on whatever port you chose.
All very easy.
cool, that is the kind of information that i was looking for, does anyone here use the live trafic update service? does it work well and divert you automaticly and how much does it cost to subscribe?
If I can remember, you and get 1 free month to try. Traffic is not always update!!!!!
It's good if there's a large incident, but in my experience you usually get stuck in things before they hit your device, and you see the road signs on motorways and things warning you anyway.
I stopped the subscripton, and just reroute myself if I see warnings, or hear something on the radio.
I am using TomTom 6 on my Exec now.
Previously used Navigon MN|5 which required *LOTS* of memory, so TomTom was a nice refreshment with its 7-9 MB memory trace.
Had problems setting up Bluetooth receiver. It wasn't showing up in the port list when I selected Bluetooth one. What I did was: added an incoming serial port, run TomTom and set port to this one (did not work yet!) then closed it and removed the port; after that TomTom just worked straight away At this point, an attempt to change port led to inability to get out of port selection, and you're buggered again. I'm sure that's some glitch, but I solved it anyway. May be there's a neater way of doing this.
But the software itself was good and stable, does what's on the tin, copy a directory to your card and you get Full Postcode navigation (very useful when finding businesses and not residential homes), and POI Warning function is built in now -- a *major* plus, never really got time to make POIWarner work properly. Tunnel mode -- progressive marker movement when lost GPS signal in a tunnel -- and that won my heart.
I do understand people's need to try BEFORE you buy, not after your money is tied up with some dud product and you get no refund. Go Trial, go.
Well in this case I'm pleased with TomTom 6 and its services. You can easily get a camera database each month from the Net and probably can live without Traffic service, but for me £33 a year doesn't seem too big a dent in my wallet - compared to £170-200 TMC receivers currently available on the market.
AlanJC said:
It works fine, but slower than on a QVGA screen device.
I have used v5 and v6 on AKU 2, 3, and now Crossbow ROMs, it works fine on the Universal, so you can buy it without worrying.
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AlanJC: Have you tried TT6 under WM6 and did all work well? Also, was TT6 happy after you upgraded the ROM - did you have any problems with TT6 thinking the Device Code had changed, thereby needing to re-register the software?

GPS device

I just bought an GPS-Mouse, in order to make TOMTOM usefull.
It worked a couple of days ago, but TOMTOM can't find the GPS-device now.
Does somebody have some usefull tips for me?
(GPS mouse is a Adapt AD-500 GPS Bluetooth receiver)
I only use holux, but try restarting phone that usually helps
xboxhaxorz said:
I only use holux, but try restarting phone that usually helps
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Yup same here, Holux M-1200 with iGo MyWay software. But are you sure you set up a secure connection with the bluetooth and set it as a com port 6 or 7 with the correct baud rate? Did you follow everything step by step in your manual for the tomtom?
Well, I tried to follow the manual, but it didn't really help me. There was very little information in the manual, and the information in it was not very clear. The fact is, that it worked a couple of days ago, and now I cannot connect anymore...
I have a motorola BT GPS, supposedly motorola is rock-solid, but I've had troubles with it at times. Rebooting the phone would work occasionally, turning off the GPS would work occasionally, turning off both would work occasionally, if you get the picture, no ONE thing did it each time.
Recently, I found Franson GPSGate (the full version) This keeps a good connection with the bluetooth GPS better than it ever has been before, even when walking away from and then back to the gps device. It also generates a comport that multiple GPS programs can use at once. Very handy little program.
Hope it helps someone.
itrek bluetooth for me....
Do you know about the settings, External GPS icon on the Wing? Go in there and make sure you've got com port set i have mine at program port 6 which is where most gps like to sit for some reason but if it's not working for you play with that setting unfortunately it's trial and error but play with it. I don't know what you'd need "hardware port" for but since you're using a mouse and not a bluetooth unit can't hurt to play with that too, and in the last screen be sure you've got "manage automatically" checked, or maybe you need to uncheck it. All stuff to play with. Did you put any software on lately that could have hosed something? Did you try reloading tom tom? See if you can find one of those freeware utilities that talk to the gps unit and see if it can find it.
This device doesnt have a internal gps correct ? I always thought it didnt but I see some people talking as if it does. Then again, you all wouldnt be buying externals if that was the case.

