help - iPAQ rw6828, XDA Atom General

oh my... help!
Out of a sudden all my pictures files in my memory card all dissapear. Make things worse I can't even save a picture after I take a picture. Does anybody know how to solve this?

Bad thread title. There are too much thread with 'help' as title. Many will just ignore them.
Sounds like a bad card. You can try those card undelete/recover program to try to get your card stuff back (via card reader).
If those pics aren't that important, just format it (whatever possible way) and try again.

also you can try pocket michenics to try to restore your pictures


All pics on SD card gone

The other day I took a whole lot of pictures and wanted to transfer them to my laptop only to discover that they were all gone. Completely! The folder still exists but there are no pictures whatsoever. Everything else on the SD card is untouched. The pictures were there before, I looked at them on the way home.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I'm not sure what I did wrong and how this happened.
Does anybody know how to restore those pictures? I found some programs for data recovery but none of them work with SD cards inside PPCs.
Any help would be much appreciated!
try this
I just saw that the camera saves to the device but not to the SD car at all. Anybody know how to fix this?
Hanmin: GetBackData can't be installed on the Prophet and if I install it on my laptop there is no option to restore data on a device that's plugged in. At least I didn't find any...
This happend to me too. I don't know why. I could not recover my pictures. To allow the Camera function to save new pictures in the memory card again I had to delete the already empty 'My Pictures' folder in the memory card.
I looked at the Registry and found the paths in saveto for pictures and videos were different, I edited it to point to the memory card.
Jayxz: you're supposed to use the Data Recovery software on your PC, using a memory card reader to access the card.
You should be aware though, if you've used the card at all since the problem, you may have permanently lost your data.
You can find specialist apps to go through, sector by sector, finding jpgs etc, but if the original data is corrupted, it'll be messy.

SD Card problems

I dont really know where to post this but i figured the general area would be good. So dont get on me about it.. anyways I rooted my mt3g, partitioned my sd card with ubuntu, and installed the G1-DDR-V1.5.5 which is a jac-ski rom? not sure but anyways everything is working fine its working fast, no blurry screen, no errors.
The problem I am having is with the sd card.
1. I cant take the SD card out or my phone freezes. (Im guessin the rom is running off of my sd card?)
2. I put my music and pictures on the sd card but they dont show up in the music or the album app.
3. Now when i take a picture with my camera it saves it in a DCIM folder so I even tried putting all my pictures in that folder since the phones obviously reading that folder but they still dont show up. I dont know what im missing here.
I know its nothing major and the phone is working fine its just annoying me lol so if anyone has had this problem, knows anything about it, or can suggest something it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Also does anyone know how to enable the landscape keyboard?
kinghenry821 said:
i dont really know where to post this but i figured the general area would be good. So dont get on me about it.. Anyways i rooted my mt3g, partitioned my sd card with ubuntu, and installed the g1-ddr-v1.5.5 which is a jac-ski rom? Not sure but anyways everything is working fine its working fast, no blurry screen, no errors.
The problem i am having is with the sd card.
1. I cant take the sd card out or my phone freezes. (im guessin the rom is running off of my sd card?)if this is the rom i think it is it has apps to sd. If you remove your card while on it will freeze
2. I put my music and pictures on the sd card but they dont show up in the music or the album app.put your music on the root of your sd not in a folder
3. Now when i take a picture with my camera it saves it in a dcim folder so i even tried putting all my pictures in that folder since the phones obviously reading that folder but they still dont show up. I dont know what im missing here.not sure what to tell you on this one. Kinda hard for me to explain when im not looking at it.
i know its nothing major and the phone is working fine its just annoying me lol so if anyone has had this problem, knows anything about it, or can suggest something it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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If you start the camera with the SD card out?

What happens if you start the camera with your SD card out?
Does it force kill it and show distorted image before that?
im just trying to trouble shoot something, so need your feedback on that
The camera starts up fine... camera image is fine... but it shows a "Please insert an SD card before using the camera" message and does not allow you to click photos...
seems that i get mixed feedback, please lets some more people share

[Q] pictures in external SD

i took pictures of a recent family vacation and organized them into albums in gallery. i know that the picture files went straight to the external sd card but when i organized them they were moved to the internal memory. are the raw files still in the external sd despite being moved? will a recovery sofware still find them? i made the mistake of wiping the internal sd so all the pictures are lost and the limitation of not being able to mount it makes it all but impossible to recover anything from there.
its pretty much impossible to recover anything on flash memory. I think you're scrwed
Unfortunately I think you're out of luck.
That sucks... you'll just have to take the vacation again.
By default they go internal and you have to tell the camera to store external... are you sure you moved them the other way around??
There are programs that claim they can help restore data from SD cards. Some are free, some are pay. The best advice I can give you is to do a Google search for such programs and look at reviews. It would not be appropriate to list them here due to rules. All of the ones that I have known people to try all give mixed results. Some work and some do not. Good luck.

Trouble about Burst Shot and SD Card

Hey guys!
I've looked everywhere but couldn't find an answer, so i decided to open a thread.
Whenever I take burst shots, the order of the bursts get mixed when I look at them in the gallery. And because of this, when I hit "create animation" on Google Photos, the GIF doesn't become a continuous sequence, the order of the frames gets mixed. Does this happen to everyone?
Secondly, transferring photos and videos from device memory to SD Card is a trouble. Is this the way it normally behaves?
I use Quickpic, and whenever I move photo to SD, it doesn't move but only copies it, and I have to close the app and open it back to see it copied. Moving videos to SD doesn't work at all. The videos I try to move becomes corrupted once I move it and it won't open.
Someone suggested formatting the SD card but I don't know if that'll work and I don't want to go into such hard work if it won't fix it.
Any suggestions?
Same here
Hi! I have the same issue, were you able to resolve it?

