Mapping to Network Attached Storage - Please help!!! - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi Guys
I am having trouble mapping my M3100 to my Synology Diskstation (DS-101) network attached storage. I can successfully map to any shared drives on my desktop PC over WIFI but i cannot map to the diskstation. I have changed access rights on the diskstation to allow full access by "anyone" by allowing full rights to guest users.
please advise. i have posted this on experts exchange but know one has been able to help.

I dont know if its of help but I use a progrtam called Resco File Exploraer. You can download it as a trial from handango etc. I use it with Thecus and Buffulo NAS to exchange and stream files with no problems

I dont know if its of help but I use a progrtam called Resco File Exploraer. You can download it as a trial from handango etc. I use it with Thecus and Buffulo NAS to exchange and stream files with no problems

Could we start with what error you get.
There is no issue with wm5 and external drives.
Assuming you are connected to your network ok, then its usually a case of going to file explorer and open path.
My external drive is called share1 so \\share1 would work for me

hi guys,
ok i also use resco file explorer.
when i click on map network drive, i get the "computers near me" where i see my desktop and the diskstation. now when i click on the + next to my desktop, i can see and access the shared folders ok. when i click on the + next to the diskstation i get the following error:
Cannot connect shared path. The specified server cannot perform the requested operation. Please advise!!
also, when i map a network drive either using the the IP address, e.g. \\\public (where = the NAS - i use this method to map to the drives on my PC) or \\diskstation\public, i get the following error
cannot map network path. Network resource cannot be found or you do not have a permission to access the network. Contact your network administrator

Have you managed to succesfully map your drive on your desktop. On my NAS there is a folder called 'share' which i used instead of 'group'.
So click on your diskstation icon in My Computer. click on network drive..follow the instructions where "drive letter \\diskstation name\share". Click on browse and you should see a list of avilable folders (eg info, share etc) in either your workgroup or Mshome. Click on the folder you will put all your data (in my case...share). Put your password in and see if it maps ok.
I have a Linkstation and seem to remember having similar problems ages ago. Dont mean to be cheeky, but have to set the IP settings and the workgroup settings ok on your diskstation.

ok thank youf or your help i will give it a go.
both desktop and diskstation are on the same work group, IP is assigned by DHCP. Does the pocket pc need to be on the same work group as well?

no luck i am afraid - when i click on map network drive, in the list beneath "computers near me" i can see both the diskstation and my desktop. when i click on the plus next to the diskstation it says:
cannot connect share path. the specified server cannot perform the requested operation :roll:

This is very confusing.
Im not sure whether you've mapped your drive on your desktop ok. When you open 'My Computer' on your desktop do you see the diskstation as an icon and when you double click the icon does it open so you can see your stored files?

i have no problems what so ever accessing it via my desktop, i can see all the folders and browse the contents as well. the only issue is with the pocket pc. Previously, i have tried the SPV M2000, and it has failed to connect giving the same error message - suggesting that my device isnt faulty, either it is not possible to access the diskstation, or the settings are incorrect!

Im really not sure what the problem is then. Sorry.
I have 2 NAS and I remember having problems with resco file explorer until I mapped them on my desktop. Once I mapped network drive using windows settings it was plain sailing. I can stream, transfer etc files no probs.
Sorry I couldn't be of any help

oh well. many thanks for your help


can't access LAN shares

I am trying to access my LAN shares from the Hermes.
My hermes has IP address and my server has
So on my Hermes file manager (Total commander) I try to reach
But it can't reach this.
What do I need to do on Hermes and/or server PC ?
Doesn't seem to work when using Active Sync but needs a WiFi connection.
I set up a VPN connection and whenever I try to access a network share it automatically starts up and I can browse the network. I just use the inbuilt file browser.
Actually it kinda works without the VPN but acts a bit strange... will go down the file structure but not up??
Doesnt work for me using active sync over bluetooth with resco file explorer at all.
Active sync gives you an ip address but if i remember its in the wrong subnet completely.
Using wifi and it works perfectly.
mrmrmrmr said:
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Isn't this a default share windows sets up for its own?
(these default shares are not available for use, I think they are there either for internal use, or to prevent one from sharing the rootfolder)
Could you try sharing a different folder on the PC?
Make a d:\test, and share this folder; there should be a blue hand under the icon of the folder.
It can help to switch off "Simple file sharing" (in Windows Explorer, Tools > Folder Options > View, bottom of the list, uncheck simple file sharing).
it does not matter. I tried both a normal share and hidden shares like d$
Now I captured the traffic between my pocket pc and the server.
if I try to connect by \\\ my pocket pc tries to resolve name of , but in fact it does not need it.
As it couldn't resolve the name it never tries to connect.
I figured out that the problem occurs because my wifi connection is not connected to "work" but "internet"
if I change it to "work" I can connect to my shares.
But then, what do I lose ?
mrmrmrmr said:
if I try to connect by \\\ my pocket pc tries to resolve name of , but in fact it does not need it.
As it couldn't resolve the name it never tries to connect.
I figured out that the problem occurs because my wifi connection is not connected to "work" but "internet"
if I change it to "work" I can connect to my shares.
But then, what do I lose ?
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Don't know - maybe a few apps won't like it. But I've got wifi in internet mode and can still do shares... with a little help from "Pocket Hosts" and "NetUse". Not entirely sure where I got them from... try searching on them ("" on the net use one). Set the name/ip up in pocket hosts and use the name in NetUse. I suspect you could use the name in Resco Explorer or any other app that way.
Maybe I just don't understand the question, I always feel dumb after I speak. I installed An app called "pocket lan" and it just sorted it all out for me. Everything works, it was an older version too.
now there's one strange thing I've encountered...
I can access all the files and folders on my pc via wifi, yet only those that i actually put on sharing. Now when I try to reach the default shares (c$, d$ etc) while logged in as an admin it just doesn't let me to do that ... is there a way to log in as an admin ?
btw I'm using Resco File explorer for that thing - it is quite useful and has never let me down but the admin log in just doesn't work
any ideas ?
thank you all...
I hope those apps will help (I couldn't try yet)
btw, I found the following page with FAQ
well, I installed "pocket hosts" and "netuse"
pocket hosts works (I tested with vxutil)
however, when I try to map a connection in "netuse" , netuse does not work.
it is still trying to connect with ost name and makes nbname query on the lan broadcast address.
my server responds with its other IP.
why does not "pocket hosts" work ?
no matter which software I try, I get a "error 53 connecting to resource" error.
When I search for this , I came to the following page:
This problem seems to be related to my problem. However, I am not using Windows NT 4
My servers are Windows XP
So what is my "error 53" ?
any idea would help me... please...

Running files from network

I'm new to windows mobile, but been using my P3600 for 2 weeks and the thing that is anoying is not being able to run files directly from a network path. (the lack of a task manager was more anoying but it's solved).
I want to be able to browse fotos on a network path, or run a cab file on a network without having to copy files to device or storage card.
Do I need a 3rd party software? Can I map a location to a drive?
Pretty sure that a 3rd party app. is necessary; at least I've never seen a way to do what you want without a such.
Resco Explorer is an example of such an app. It has the functionality to allocate and access a shared drive on e.g. a PC:
There are probably other apps. that can do the same, but I have only used Resco myself.
I've tried Resco but could never get it to find my computer....Is there anyway of setting a workgroup name within resco?
J273 said:
I've tried Resco but could never get it to find my computer....Is there anyway of setting a workgroup name within resco?
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Just to be sure what you mean:
When you say that Resco can't find your computer, does this mean that the computer is not shown under 'My Network'?
I can't actually see my computer under 'My Network', but when I use the 'Map Drive...' option, then it shows up under 'Computers Near Me', and in the window under the 'Map Drive...' there is also the possibility to enter the network path for the shared drive, i.e. like \\MYPC\drive, and then press the 'Share' button after which I'm promted for the user and password to use for logging on to the PC.
I have never had to use a Workgroup name to make it work.
Yea it doesant show in the box but when i type in where its located
It comes up with cannot map network path.
Ive got it fine uisng my laptop to my main pc using the above (\\MAIN\Shared)
Just cant seem to get it to map the drive within resco...I thought it would of had something to do with the workgroup.
Thanks anyways
ill keep trying see if i can get it to work.
Just a thought:
Are you sure that the phone and the PC are in the same IP subnet?
Ahhhh....How would i find this it something along the lines of 255.255
I've set it to auto detect within resco......i suspect this may be the problem
You can find the IP address of the phone in Start->Settings->Connections->Wireless LAN under the Advanced tab.
If you compare it to the IP address of the PC, then the first 3 parts of the addresses should be the same for them to be in the same subnet.
Ahh got it to work now that was the problem ...thanks alot Its much appreciated
n0t said:
Can I map a location to a drive?
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Look for NetUse in the list.
"It allows you to freely browse your local network on your Pocket PC. Basically it does the same thing Resco viewer does, but for free."
With resco is it possible to play audio files from a network with WMP?
Not that I have spend a lot of time trying, but I haven't been able to play an audio file from a network drive with WMP.
It seems to me that WMP can't actually access such a drive, but as mentioned, I haven't spend much time with WMP since I'm using TCPMP, and with this it certainly is possible to play a file on a network drive.
Staying with netuse
I'm using netuse, and it's just what I needed and I recommend it to everybody that doesn't need all the features resco has, because it's a free solution.
Anyway WMP or builtin photo viewer can't access files on network. I need to use another video player and picture viewer.
can someone post a guide for netuse
Netuse doesn't work for me, it sees my MSHOME network but i can acces a path.
gr jeroen
using netuse
You just add the adress of shared folders on your network (as you would in a desktop computer) and those folders apear as local subfolders on a network folder on the device.
- On options "show the network folder" should be enable and you can type in your default domain (should work without it).
- If you're not able to access folders anyway it's probably a network problem ( firewall, etc.)
jeroentje25012 said:
Netuse doesn't work for me, it sees my MSHOME network but i can acces a path.
gr jeroen
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Most probably the windows firewall....

Shared Folders

CAn someone please explain why I can't see any network shared folders on my VArio II even though I am logged into my home wifi network. I know the connection is OK because I can get out onto the internet via my network router, but I can't see any shared folders in file explorer. Am I missing something obvious here?
i would prob try with totalcommander it's better then fileexplore
i would also look into if the pda have rights to access the dirs at all
what do I need to check to see if the Vario has rights to see the directories, because funnily enough it doesn't even know the other machines on the network are there
all dirs and shared have user rights
in windows one rightclick and choose properties
and security to se how they are set
Yes, I know how to do that, the folders are definitely shared on the PC as I can see them from another PC. I thought you were referring to setting sharing priveleges on the PDA, can't see any way of doing that. Should shared folders on a network PC show up automatically
As far as I know shared folders don't show up automatic on pocket file explorer, you have to manually enter the adress for the location (I don't think you can browse for computers either). A useful free utility I found to map network folders is netuse (search the forums) that way you'll have you're favorite network folders showing as local folders.
Thanks n0t
I will see what I can do with netuse

Can't see computers on home network

Hi. I don't seem able to access any of my shared folders on my home network since upgrading to Win 7 on my PC and the Energy ROM on my HD2.
I've tried using Resco explorer (it says 'no computers on network') and total commander. I've also tried adding the folders using their network addresses e.g. \\Lounge-PC\My Docs(E) but it doesn't work either.
I have a desktop and two laptops all running Win 7 and they share a home network using a CISCO wireless router; all are able to share files and folders.
Any help or advice gratefully accepted.
I was expecting at least one person to have had a similar problem?
can you see them through the TCPMP open file dialog?
Try option: Map Drive
Menu>File>Network>Map Drive
after add you will see folders in : my network
No, I cant see any network computers in TCPMP's open file dialogue.
That is how I usually connect to my shared drives but now I get the message 'no computers on network' in Resco and Total Commander doesn't show and network PCs either.
- Make sure Wifi is connected on the HD2...
- In Resco's network folder, select new folder like usual to add a share, menu->settings, check there is ONLY the IP/mask of your wifi, not the one of the data connection. If both are there, untick automatic settings, and remove the WWAN one.
Should solve it. Otherwise if you have wifi AND data connected it will try to search for computers on WWAN, which would take days...
So you can definately connect to the ahred folders from other pc's its just connecting from the phone that is the problem?
If you go to this page in your control panel on the computer with a shared folder:
Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center\Advanced sharing settings
check that the settings are enabled like so:
network discovery: on
file and printer sharing: on
sharing so anyone on network can read: on
128bit encryption: on
password protectged sharing: off (or on if you have a password on that pc, if its on and there is no password on that pc then you cant login and therefore cant connect to the shared folder)
Inore homegroup stuff.
after all of this is set correctly and you are sure some folder is being shared on the pc you are trying to connect to then go to tcpmp and go to File>open File and then go to \\<PC-NAME-HERE>\ ie \\Lounge-PC\ as you mentioned earlier.
tcpmp should prompt you for a un/pw if you have none for this pc just click login/connect (cant remember what the button says) and then ytou should see your folders/files?
see how you do with that and we can then try and see why you cant see them in explorer.
It's probably because of Windows 7 Home Group. It's a pain in the arse to get normal file sharing working be default..

Map Network Drive

I have an old Maxtor Shared Storage II network drive. All PC access via "map network drive" in file explorer. No issues with WinXP, Win7, and Ubuntu.
Been trying to get my Acer A500 connected. Unable. Used ES File explorer, File Manager HD, Add SMB, and lots more. I can't get my acer to see the NAS.
A500 with HC3.2, not rooted.
Most apps say failed to login. Tried anonymous not working. I created an account on the maxtor. Still login failures.
Any thoughts ? Apps that will work ?
Just a guess but try taking browser to its IP address see if it prompt for log on.
Or maybe a FTP program like cute FTP.or something could share the drive thru your desktop.
Just a shot in the dark.
I can use the browser to access the admin page which This uses port 80. I tried using the browser to access the public folder. Doesn't work.
When using a port scanner for 0.100, I see port 445 available. It won't allow me to login via tablet. All windows machines work fine.
So ES File Explorer is finding the drive, just failing login?
Also, are you sure it is directly finding the drive on the network by itself, or is it picking it up as a shared drive off of your PC or other computers that have it mapped?
I had a very similar issue with a networked NAS, seemed like no program would see it. The only one I ever got to work is File Expert (free in the market)
jeromekobriger said:
I had a very similar issue with a networked NAS, seemed like no program would see it. The only one I ever got to work is File Expert (free in the market)
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Thanks. Just tried it and it works great for me.
jeromekobriger said:
I had a very similar issue with a networked NAS, seemed like no program would see it. The only one I ever got to work is File Expert (free in the market)
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I loaded and tried File Expert. Same results. No connections.
Ran, Overlook Fing app, scanned for services. I see port 80, 139, 445, 631, 3689, and 8080.
I can login via browser and manage the Maxtor NAS. Again the address is I named it "maxtor_nas". I believe port 445 is SMB connection. No matter what program\app I use to connect, it fails. Says can't load directory or invalid login\password. I tried the admin and anonymous login, no success.
I'm using a Dlink DIR-655 router. I still can't see the default "public" directory on this Maxtor Shared Storage II, NAS. I've tried entering IP address, Device name, etc. I can't connect.
THanks for the help !!
an update. I ran Ubuntu on one machine. I can mount the network drive. So the router and network setup, maxtor settings appear OK. Something with android connection.
jeromekobriger said:
I had a very similar issue with a networked NAS, seemed like no program would see it. The only one I ever got to work is File Expert (free in the market)
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I did the same..
Tried File Expert on both Acer A500 and Nextbook Next8p. Still no connection. I've moved the NAS to the DMZ, no connection. I've added a new account name and password, no connection.
I can "map" network drives from other computers on my network. Both Win and Ubuntu. Android devices can not make the SMB, Port 445, connection.
My Maxtor Shared Storage II has the latest 3.1.28 firmware.
Any Ideas ??
da_maxx said:
Tried File Expert on both Acer A500 and Nextbook Next8p. Still no connection. I've moved the NAS to the DMZ, no connection. I've added a new account name and password, no connection.
I can "map" network drives from other computers on my network. Both Win and Ubuntu. Android devices can not make the SMB, Port 445, connection.
My Maxtor Shared Storage II has the latest 3.1.28 firmware.
Any Ideas ??
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Using an HTC G2 (Desire z) I'm able to connect to SMB share on Ubuntu machine just fine with File Expert. Managing files (edit/delete/copy works great but can't stream video from Samba. Of course WI-FI needs to be on.
update. Tried my kids droidx and droidx2. Both fail to connect with file expert. Tried notebooks from friends. Windows and Linux "map network drive" work fine. There's something wrong with android connecting to port 445.
da_maxx said:
update. Tried my kids droidx and droidx2. Both fail to connect with file expert. Tried notebooks from friends. Windows and Linux "map network drive" work fine. There's something wrong with android connecting to port 445.
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Most likely you need to change the security settings for the SMB share (I don't know if your nas supports such settings). I have the same issues with a win7 share that I could access with fileexpert until a certain update on the app. Now I can get it working only with file manager hd.
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
nflaysm much
da_maxx said:
I have an old Maxtor Shared Storage II network drive. All PC access via "map network drive" in file explorer. No issues with WinXP, Win7, and Ubuntu.
Been trying to get my Acer A500 connected. Unable. Used ES File explorer, File Manager HD, Add SMB, and lots more. I can't get my acer to see the NAS.
A500 with HC3.2, not rooted.
Most apps say failed to login. Tried anonymous not working. I created an account on the maxtor. Still login failures.
Any thoughts ? Apps that will work ?
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Samba is poorly configured in the OEM firmware for Maxtor Shared Storage II NAS drives, which prevents Android from connecting.
To allow Android to connect, the Samba configuration file (smb.conf) must be modified so that the line "security =" becomes "security = share". Unfortunately this file is overwritten each time the drive is rebooted or setting are modified through web admin.
Here's my workaround:
Install custom firmware
- Can't post links, thanks XDA. Google: "Mod with SSH, Telnet, FTP and Optware (2008-04-24)"
Login to the drive with root permission
- Use putty.exe to SSH to the drive IP address - U:root P:root
Create a correctly configured Samba configuration file
- Change to the configuration file directory: cd /usr/lib
- Make a copy of smb.conf: cp smb.conf smb.conf.OK
- Modify smb.conf.OK: vi smb.conf.OK
- Change the line "security =" to "security = share"
- Save the file: <esc>:x
Copy our new configuration file over the default on each reboot
- Change to the init.d directory: cd /etc/init.d
- Modify rcS: vi rcS
- Add the following line above the final line "exit 0": cp /usr/lib/smb.conf.OK /usr/lib/smb.conf
- Save the file: <esc>:x
Reboot and enjoy!
This works for me, as your network and drive may be configured differently, your mileage may vary.
This may also apply to a similar problem with the Maxtor Central Axis NAS drives.

