Can anyone tell me how I can hook up on system events? Is there any event thrown when the GPRS modem opens a connection (for example)? Where can I get a list of all events thrown by Windows Mobile (or Microsoft Pocket PC 2003)?
I'm programming using C# (Visual Studio .net 2003 or 2005).
Thank you very much in advance.
You can look in the SystemProperty enumeration.
ActiveApplication Gets the name of the application that was previously active and the name of the application that is currently active, separated by the 'Escape' character ('\e').
ActiveSyncStatus Gets ActiveSync's current synchronization state.
CalendarAppointment Gets the current Appointment.
CalendarAppointmentBusyStatus Gets the user's availability (free/busy status) for the time-slot taken by the current Appointment.
CalendarAppointmentCategories Gets the current Appointment's categories.
CalendarAppointmentEndTime Gets the current Appointment's ending time.
CalendarAppointmentHasConflict Gets a value indicating whether the current Appointment has a scheduling conflict with an existing Appointment.
CalendarAppointmentLocation Gets the current Appointment's location.
CalendarAppointmentStartTime Gets the current Appointment's starting time.
CalendarAppointmentSubject Gets the current Appointment's subject.
CalendarEvent Gets the current "All Day Event" Appointment.
CalendarEventBusyStatus Gets the user's availability (free/busy status) for the current "All Day Event".
CalendarEventCategories Gets the categories for the current "All Day Event".
CalendarEventEndTime Gets the ending time of the current "All Day Event" Appointment. This will be the starting day of an Appointment Event that spans multiple days.
CalendarEventHasConflict Gets a value indicating whether the user's availability (free/busy) status conflicts with the current "All Day Event".
CalendarEventLocation Gets the location of the current "All Day Event" Appointment.
CalendarEventStartTime Gets the starting time of the current "All Day Event" Appointment. This will be the starting day of an Appointment Event that spans multiple days.
CalendarEventSubject Gets the subject of the current "All Day Event" Appointment.
CalendarHomeScreenAppointment Gets the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen.
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentBusyStatus Gets the user's availability (free/busy status) for the Appointment displayed on the Home Screen.
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentCategories Gets the categories of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen.
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentEndTime Gets the ending time of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen.
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentHasConflict Gets a value indicating whether the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen has a scheduling conflict.
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentLocation Gets the location of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen.
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentStartTime Gets the starting time of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen.
CalendarHomeScreenAppointmentSubject Gets the subject of the Appointment that is currently displayed on the Home Screen.
CalendarNextAppointment Gets the next Appointment.
CalendarNextAppointmentBusyStatus Gets the user's availability (e.g., Free, Busy, Tenative, Out of Office) status for the next Appointment.
CalendarNextAppointmentCategories Gets the next Appointment's categories.
CalendarNextAppointmentEnd Gets the ending time of the next Appointment.
CalendarNextAppointmentHasConflict Gets a value indicating whether there is a conflict with the next Appointment.
CalendarNextAppointmentLocation Gets the location of the next Appointment.
CalendarNextAppointmentStart Gets the starting time of the next Appointment.
CalendarNextAppointmentSubject Gets the subject of the next Appointment.
CameraPresent Gets a value indicating whether a camera is attached and enabled.
CarKitPresent Gets a value indicating whether a car kit is present
ConnectionsBluetoothCount Gets a value indicating the number of Bluetooth connections that are currently connected.
ConnectionsBluetoothDescriptions Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each of the Bluetooth connections.
ConnectionsCellularCount Gets a value indicating the number of cellular connections that are currently connected.
ConnectionsCellularDescriptions Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each cellular connection.
ConnectionsCount Gets a value indicating the number of connections that are currently connected.
ConnectionsDesktopCount Gets a value indicating the number of desktop connections that are currently connected.
ConnectionsDesktopDescriptions Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each desktop connection.
ConnectionsModemCount Gets a value indicating the number of modem connections that are currently connected.
ConnectionsModemDescriptions Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each modem connection.
ConnectionsNetworkAdapters Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the adapter name of each network connection.
ConnectionsNetworkCount Gets a value indicating the number of network connections that are currently connected.
ConnectionsNetworkDescriptions Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each network connection.
ConnectionsProxyCount Gets a value indicating the number of network connections that are currently connected.
ConnectionsProxyDescriptions Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each proxy connection.
ConnectionsUnknownCount Gets a value indicating the number of connections of unknown type that are currently connected.
ConnectionsUnknownDescriptions Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each connections of unknown type.
ConnectionsVpnCount Gets a value indicating the number of virtual private network connections that are currently connected.
ConnectionsVpnDescriptions Gets a semicolon delimited string containing the description of each virtual private network connection.
CradlePresent Gets a value indicating whether the device is connected to a cradle.
Date Gets the current date. This Date/Time value changes once per day. Monitor this property to perform actions on a daily basis. Note: Do not use Date to get an accurate clock time; instead, use Time.
DisplayRotation Gets the orientation of the display, specified as the number of degrees, ranging from 0 to 360. Portrait = 0. Landscape = 90 or -90.
HeadsetPresent Gets a value indicating whether a headset is present
KeyboardPresent Gets a value indicating whether a keyboard is attached and enabled.
MediaPlayerAlbumArtist Gets the album artist's name of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player.
MediaPlayerAlbumTitle Gets the album title of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player.
MediaPlayerTrackArtist Gets the artist's name of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player.
MediaPlayerTrackBitrate Gets the title of the track currently playing in Windows Media Player. For example, "128Kbps"
MediaPlayerTrackGenre Gets the genre of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player.
MediaPlayerTrackNumber Gets the number of the current track playing in Windows Media Player.
MediaPlayerTrackTimeElapsed Gets the elapsed time (in milliseconds) of the currently playing track in Windows Media Player.
MediaPlayerTrackTitle Gets the title of the track currently playing in Windows Media Player.
MessagingActiveSyncAccountName Get the name of the Outlook e-mail messaging account.
MessagingActiveSyncEmailUnread Gets the number of unread ActiveSync e-mail messages.
MessagingLastEmailAccountName Gets the name of the e-mail account that was last active.
MessagingMmsAccountName Gets the name of the MMS messaging account.
MessagingMmsUnread Gets the number of unread MMS messages
MessagingOtherEmailUnread Gets the number of unread e-mail messages from all non-ActiveSync messaging accounts.
MessagingSmsAccountName Gets the name of the SMS messaging account.
MessagingSmsUnread Gets the number of unread SMS messages.
MessagingTotalEmailUnread Gets the total number of unread e-mail messages from all POP3/IMAP accounts.
MessagingVoiceMail1Unread Gets the number of unplayed voice mail messages for line 1.
MessagingVoiceMail2Unread Gets the number of unplayed voice mail messages for line 2
MessagingVoiceMailTotalUnread Gets the number of unplayed voice mail messages.
OwnerEmail Gets the mobile device owner's e-mail address.
OwnerName Gets the mobile device owner's name.
OwnerNotes Gets the text notes entered by the owner of the mobile device.
OwnerPhoneNumber Gets the mobile device owner's phone number.
Phone1xRttCoverage Gets a value indicating whether the phone currently has 1xRTT coverage.
PhoneActiveCallCount Gets the number of active phone calls.
PhoneActiveDataCall Gets a value indicating whether the phone has an active cellular data connection.
PhoneBlockedSim Gets a value indicating whether the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) is blocked.
PhoneCallBarring Gets a value indicating whether the call barring feature is enabled.
PhoneCallCalling Gets a value indicating whether the phone is currently attempting to connect an outgoing call.
PhoneCallForwardingOnLine1 Gets a value indicating whether call forwarding is enabled on line 1.
PhoneCallForwardingOnLine2 Gets a value indicating whether call forwarding is currently active on line 2.
PhoneCallOnHold Gets a value indicating whether a phone call is currently on hold.
PhoneCallTalking Gets a value indicating whether there is currently a phone call in the talking state.
PhoneCellBroadcast Gets the cell broadcast message
PhoneConferenceCall Gets a value indicating whether a conference call is currently in progress.
PhoneGprsCoverage Gets a value indicating whether the phone currently has GPRS coverage.
PhoneHomeService Gets a value indicating whether the phone is currently registered on its home network.
PhoneIncomingCall Gets a value indicating whether there is an incoming (ringing) call.
PhoneIncomingCallerContact Gets the Contact that matches the Caller ID.
PhoneIncomingCallerContactPropertyID Gets the CEPROPID of the property that matches the Caller ID, for example, PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER.
PhoneIncomingCallerContactPropertyName Gets the name of the property that matches the Caller ID, e.g. "h" for "Home Telephone".
PhoneIncomingCallerName Gets the name of the person who is currently placing the incoming call.
PhoneIncomingCallerNumber Gets the incoming call's phone number (Caller ID).
PhoneInvalidSim Gets a value indicating whether the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) is invalid.
PhoneLastIncomingCallerContact Gets the Contact that matches the last Caller ID.
PhoneLastIncomingCallerContactPropertyID Gets the CEPROPID of the property that matches the last Caller ID, for example, PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER.
PhoneLastIncomingCallerContactPropertyName Gets the name of the property that matches the last Caller ID, e.g. "h" for "Home Telephone".
PhoneLastIncomingCallerName Gets the name of the last caller to place an incoming call.
PhoneLastIncomingCallerNumber Gets the last incoming call's phone number (Caller ID).
PhoneLine1Selected Gets a value indicating whether line 1 is selected.
PhoneLine2Selected Gets a value indicating whether line 2 is selected.
PhoneMissedCall Gets a value indicating whether there was a new missed call.
PhoneMissedCalls Gets the number of missed phone calls.
PhoneMultiLine Gets a value indicating whether the phone supports multiple lines.
PhoneNoService Gets a value indicating whether the phone is not currently connected to a network.
PhoneNoSim Gets a value indicating whether the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) is installed in the mobile device.
PhoneOperatorName Gets the name of the mobile operator (i.e., the mobile phone company, or carrier).
PhoneProfile Gets the non-localized name of the current sound profile. For example, "Normal", "Silent", "Car", "Headset", "Loud", "Meeting", or "Speakerphone". (Smartphone only)
PhoneProfileName Gets the localized name of the current sound profile. (Smartphone only)
PhoneRadioOff Gets a value indicating whether the phone's radio is turned off.
PhoneRadioPresent Gets a value indicating whether the mobile device has a phone.
PhoneRingerOff Gets a value indicating whether the phone's ringer is off (i.e., if it rings and/or vibrates).
PhoneRoaming Gets a value indicating whether the phone is currently in roaming mode.
PhoneSearchingForService Gets a value indicating whether the phone is currently searching for service on a network.
PhoneSignalStrength Get the phone signal strength, expressed as a percentage of full strength.
PhoneSimFull Gets a value indicating whether the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) memory is full.
PhoneTalkingCallerContact Gets the contact who is on the active phone call.
PhoneTalkingCallerContactPropertyID Gets the CEPROPID of the property of the contact who is on the active phone call, for example, PIMPR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER.
PhoneTalkingCallerContactPropertyName Gets the name of the property of the contact who is on the active phone call, e.g. "h" for "Home Telephone".
PhoneTalkingCallerName Gets the name of the person you are talking to on the phone. This value is not set when you are talking on a conference call.
PhoneTalkingCallerNumber Gets the currently connected caller's phone number.
PowerBatteryBackupState Gets the current backup battery state (for example, it is low, and charging). This enumeration allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
PowerBatteryBackupStrength Gets the remaining backup battery power level, expressed as a percentage of fully charged.
PowerBatteryState Gets the current battery state (for example, it is low, and charging). This enumeration allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
PowerBatteryStrength Gets the remaining battery power level, expressed as a percentage of fully charged.
SpeakerPhoneActive Gets a value indicating whether the speakerphone is active
TasksActive Gets the number of active tasks.
TasksDueToday Gets the number of active tasks that are due today.
TasksHighPriority Gets the number of high priority tasks that are currently active.
TasksOverdue Gets the number of overdue tasks.
Time Gets the current time. This Date/Time value updates once per minute.
p.s.: Add the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status reference.
Looks great. But this is only useful for devices with Windows Mobile 5.0. We also use devices with Pocket PC 2003... it's not that easy to gather the required Information from Pocket PC 2003, I guess?
Do I have to use the Pocket PC API?
Well, last time I checked, these where dependent on the Compact Framework version (the above enumeration is for 2.0) not on the OS version. I can't say for sure, since I don't own a wm2003 device anymore (sold it to get a shiny new TyTN )
Could anyone please explain to me how to use or get the values?
In the US TMo has a feature where you can type '#646#' (646=min for minutes used). I have this in my speed dials so all I have to do is press it and I get me minutes used back.
This doesn't open GPRS so I assume it is an automated SMS message that is sent out. It returns the minutes used with a ballon that comes out of the signal icon. It displays waiting and then about 2 seconds later display Phone at the top blue part of the ballon and in the body of the ballon it displays "As of 11-08 05:16 PM, 55 Whenever minutes used"
This doesn't show up in the SMS log as out going or incoming and it also doesn't show up in the call log as a call is never placed.
Anyone know how to determine what their doing, duplicate it after each call (some times there is a several hour lag before it is updated), look at the call log and add on the calls sense the last update for a currently used number of minutes to be displayed on the today screen?
some countries its #121# or #101# something like that, its just a command function basically sent to them giving back information that you requested
Yep so a simple app that allows you inter the comand (or comands) to be sent and then a simple string parser that allows you to pick out which characters of the string you want displayed on the today screen would be nice. We can also us #225# (#bal#)for balance.
I just don't know how to send out the command via a program and how to intercept it on the return.
None of these codes seem to work on T-Mobile NL.
Response in all cases: "Failed"
Would be handy to get info on the remaining minutes of the monthly bundle this way (they do supply that info via the internet though).
Did you search your local TMo site for options like this? You could also start hamering through the 1000 combos to see if anything works!
In a now ancient pda I could, provided the calendar app itself had focus, create new calendar entries simply by starting to type [on the hardware keyboard].
A new entry would be created on whatever day had focus, and simply pressing Enter after entering the text would close the "new entry" dialog box, accepting default values for the other fields.
This way I could, during a briefing or similar, rapidly create skeleton entries on at least the correct days and jot down a word or two on each. I could usually, later during the meeting fill in the details from memory.
Is there any calendar application that would allow me to do the same on a current pda with hardware keyboard, such as the Hermes? Currently, in lack of options, I've downgraded to a paper almanac, but that well... sucks... for a number of reasons.
I admit having been away from the WM scene for a while, so I apologize in advance if I'm asking about something annoyingly obvious.
Naturally I could record the meeting, but fiddling with extracting info from the recordings during the meeting itself isn't an option, and doing it "later" usually becomes "never", and people are sometimes uneasy about beeing recorded.
Hello everybody,
I have a strange problem with my PDA. I'm using WM6 Black Satin ROM. My contact list contains over 400 contacts (and over 500 phone numbers). Each phone number is saved in format +xx xxxxxxxxx, cause in that format it comes from Outlook. Most phone numbers have +48 as country prefix and 9 digits with phone number (cause in Poland cellular phone numbers have 9 digits). I have set Call Id match value to 9.
Everything worked fine, but from a few days i noticed, that some (about 10% of all) contacts are not recognizedy by phone when someone calls. PDA displays only phone number (the same which is stored in my contact list), but cannot find contact name. Similar - when SMS arrives, I can see only phone number, name is not recognized. When I open SMS and tap sender's phone number, PDA asks if he should store that number in contact list (that number is already there). Storing doesn't help - I tried to create new contact, store in existing.
I tried to delete problem contacts and recreate them - it helped in 2-3 contacts, rest still is not working properly. I tried to change Call ID match value - tried values between 3 and 12, doesn't change anything. In some cases, phone recognizes phone numbers after removing '+' from phone number, but without '+' I'm unable to make calls. I can remove whole '+48' (and phone recognition still works), but I need country prefix, cause I often have to make calls using roaming.
Please HELP !!!!!!!!!
Have you tried 0048 instead of +48 for the problem numbers? I noticed when my Hermes had its original WM5 ROM, some numbers were sometimes presented by the other mobile network as "07" instead of "+447", so I had that problem. I just had to make extra entries in my contacts lists...
It's not done that though for a long time now (I've changed ROMs a couple of times too), sorry I can't help more.
Thanx for replying. I tried to replace '+' with '00', but PDA still doesn't recognize that number. I think that in some cases '+' makes, that phone number cannot be found.
Maybe there is another setting in registry, which defines length of phone number compared to number from incoming call? I found this setting in HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone\CallIDMatch. It looks like sometimes PDA doesn't use that setting, cause my numers ale longer than 9 characters (usually 12 including '+'), and adding '+' as first character makes them unrecognizable.
I noted an issue with caller ID and the firmware that I'm using (JM1 "New").
Whenever I receive I call, the phone recognize the phone and select the correct contact on my agenda. But whenever I'm on roaming of when I receive and SMS the phone can't identify the correct contact in my phonebook, and show the caller number (or sender number on SMS) instead of the contact in my phonebook.
I don't know if anyone else had this issue, or if it's an issue related to the Brazilian mobile phone infrastructure but I didn't had this kind of issues on my previous phones (Windows Mobile, Symbiam or Blackberry) and I would like to know how to solve this.
Important information: Here in Brazil, when you want to make a long distance call you have to choose the long distance operator on each call. In order to do so you have to select the operator using a two digit code after the long distance code "0" and before the city code. So it's like this:
0 XX 11 99999999
Long distance Operator City Phone
code code code number
So, in order to make this easy, I already included the Operator code in all contacts in my agenda, like: 0411199999999
But when I receive a call (from someone not in my agenda) it doesn't include the operator code. It shows only the phone number if the caller is from my city (99999999) or 0+city code+number when the caller is from other city (02199999999), without the operator code.
So I think that the issue is that the phone tries to match ALL the numbers from caller ID with the first numbers for that contact. So if the caller ID shows "99999999" it will match it with my agenda if I have "099999999", or "0411199999999). So as long as it finds the "99999999" it doesn't matter how long the number in my agenda is.
But sometimes (like when I'm on roaming or when I'm receiving and SMS) the caller ID shows an additional zero in from of the number (099999999). Since the phone can't match all the Caller ID numbers it can't find the contact in my agenda and shows the caller number instead of the contact.
So in order to this work for me it should only match the first 8 numbers from the caller ID with my phonebook. Does anyone know how to solve this? Is there a way to change the agenda configuration in order to match only the first 8 numbers?
In case anyone needs its, this is the complete, detailed changelog put forth by Verizon:
Edit: This is the DI01 to DL09 change log, as DJ05 was a build that failed Verizon testing
Changes a message that some users were seeing in exchange email from "unable to connect to server" to "connecting to server" which is the correct message
Enhancements to the "nuance" Voice command application to improve response time
The bottom buttons (Menu, home, back and search) will now light up, per the back light setting
Addressed an issue were the Pattern lock was appearing during calls some times
An enhancement was made to reduce echoing in some cases
The device will now remain locked when placed in the desk dock or car dock
Added a GPS icon in the status bar on the top of the screen
Added updated versions of the preloaded applications VOD, City ID, VZ Navigator and Amazon Kindle
Added support to update the software using FOTA when connected to Wi Fi. The device will now go over to CDMA to process the upgrade
Enhancements were made in the software to improve the accuracy of the signal strength that is displayed
You can now change the reminder time and alert tone for calendar events
Enhancements were made to improve the update consistency of the feed and widgets
Improvements were made to the contact merge capabilities so that the same number from two sources will not be saved in a signal contact twice
Addressed an issue that was causing a "Force Close" when accessing the Gallery in some cases
A software change was made to address an issue with Bluetooth and connecting with the Mercedes Benz AMG C63, 2009 model were in some cases it would get stuck in a "Connect - Ready" loop which required the user to have to power cycle the device to correct
A UI change was made to the Visual Voicemail long press menu to move delete to the 2nd position
A UI change was made to the Visual Voicemail display to remove the date for messages displayed as today
If you unplug a wired headset or turning off a Bluetooth headset while playing music the music will now pause
The Visual Voicemail login screen now uses the full qwerty keypad
Improvements were made to the standalone GPS performance
The device warning message that is displayed when setting up the device the first time will now tell customer the device will reboot after the OTA activation
A UI change was made to the lock screen alignment when the EAS security is invoked
The setting under applications called "Unknown Sources" has been change to off by default
The power on password has been changed to require 8 digits with 1 number and 1 symbol
A UI change was made to the "Share" menu when in portrait mode so that the screen can be scrollable in order to see the top row of selections
A UI change was made so that the "Save" and "Cancel" buttons are viewable when entering in a new password for the 3G mobile Hotspot feature.
Added support to hide the 3G Mobile Hotspot password while typing it in for security
You can now sync corporate contacts with the 2010 Toyota Prius Bluetooth car kit
You can now open PDF attachments sent in an e-mail. Previously you could only save them and then open them up outside of email
You can now use special characters for your Corporate email passwords
The backlight for the bottom 4 buttons (menu, home, back ,search) will now follow the device display timer setting
Addressed an issue were widgets were not always refreshing based on the defined refresh time interval
A software change was made so that when doing a factory reset that MDN, MIN and SID information is properly cleared
Addressed an issue seen in some cases when on a active data call that the data call is suspended causing the user to have to restart the data call to reconnect again
Addressed an issue were you could in some cases get a "Force Close" message if you hit the "Call" button on the Buddies now widget
Nice to have this in one spot - THANKS
thanks man, but this is d101 to dl09 right? not dj05 to dl09
kenesis said:
thanks man, but this is d101 to dl09 right? not dj05 to dl09
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, DI01 to DL09. DJ05 was never released, it failed to fix some of these bugs squashed here or created more than it fixed to begin with....