LAN via Bluetooth.... posible ? - Networking

Simple : I want to browse shared files on my computer . Got USB Bluetooth key , Bluesoleil . My pocket i MDA 2 with curently WM2003 .
How to do this . Of course Activesync work very good by Bluetooth . Create PAN ? I don't know

when your pda is connected to activesync it have full lan access same as the pc is's activesynced with
unless you turned that off


Upgrade to new ROM n Bluetooth

Hi All,
Before running the upgraded ROM, to enable ActiveSync via Bluetooth, I had to download and install a Bluetooth file from a site I can't remember now. After the upgrade I can't use ActiveSync via Bluetooth and am not sure whether I need to reinstall the same Bluetooth stuff as before as I thought the ROM had Bluetooth fixes in it for ActiveSync etc.
Has anybody else been able to connect via Bluetooth after the upgrade with no other files being installed ?
yes i use activesync via bluetooth at work and home using the new rom and installing no other software.
It was a pain getting it to work, and what i did in the end was delete all parterships in activesync and start again from stratch, that worked for me.
This is what i did:
I couldnt get my XDA2 to access the net via BT active synch until i went into start / settings / system / bluetooth settings / bluetooth active synch setup.
It then asks you to bond the XDA2 with your pc ( if its already bonded, delete it ) once done, you then click yes to let the XDA2 use the pc's serial port, do the same on the pc, and connect via BT as normal.
Works great !

Activesync via Bluetooth

I would like to ask,how can I connect to AS via BT,when I tap to Tools>Connect via BT... it ignores me. It does absolutely nothing. While attempting to connect via IrDA,it starts to connecting. The same thing should do also BT. Once,maybe 1 month ago it worked fine. Since one week ago,when I've changed the Radio stack I couldn't connect. Before was all allright. Any Ideas? Please.
hey bro
since ur running magneto on ur himalaya,it should be easy...
broadcom bluetouth stack ufortunatlydon't run on magneto ,but still M$ blutouth one will synchronize...
now u have to do the following:
1-uninstall every bluetooth software from ur pc(if u have intalled the ones that comes in the cd),restart,put bluetouth into usb,and let winxp sp2 identifies it(remember,only win xp drivers,no softwares).
2-go to control pannel in ur pc/bluetouth devices/com ports,and see wich com port ur blutouth is using,then from the options tab,select the turn discovery on.
3-go to active synchronization 4.0/file/connection settings,disselect allow USB connections,select allow connections to one of the following:,and put the com port u already checked in 2,and put automatic in the window below.u may need to restart ur pc.
4-now,pair ur pc and ur himalaya,u must see that ur PC supports active synchronization,then select/check it.(if u do not see,from ur himalaya,once paired,that ur pc supports active sync and checked it,u will not be able to sync).note that u may also need to restart ur pocket PC.
5-finally,go to ur pocket PC/active synchronization/connect via bluetouth,the port will open....ur now connected. :wink:
oh by hte way,the same procedures work if u have 2003se with bluetouth stack by widcom,just don't open active sync on ur himalaya before going to bt stack/bluetouth manger(that's the blue blutouth icon with red star in the buttom of ur screen)/active sync via blutouth(i guess,i don't have SE anymore),u will see ur PC with active sync option,then just synchronize :wink:
hope i've helped..
RAGO :lol:
Well... All I have with my BT stack at the PC's side is correct. At the PPC side it is also correct adjusted. Now,in the 5th step you wrote:
'...go to ur pocket PC/active synchronization/connect via bluetouth,the port will open....'.
This is the problem: It should open the port,BUT it does absolutely nothing... Just the 'Tools' roll-up menu is disappeared. While trying to connect via IrDA,the port starts to connecting. BUT Bluetooth doesn't it. Why?
have u tried hard reset,if u have and the problem persists,try flashing.....the procedures should work unless there's some kind of problem in ur device(most probably software issue),it should be solved with a hard reset or in the worst a flash...
tell me the news,my friend...i wish i could have helped
RAGO :lol:
As I wrote in my 1st post:I have reflashed he Radio stack and therefore I have performed a hard-reset. The ROM Image is the same as before when it worked. Don't thing,that the Radio stack is the reason why...
all i can tell u my friend is i was using 2.06 WWE with Radio 1.18 on my MDA2,and my active sync over bluetouth worked like a charm.....
try changing the radio version(though u didn't mention wich version u're using)...
good luck
Well...The Radio version is 1.18,but I have 2 different versions..1st is in the package of Diamond ROM 1.2 and the 2nd one is from the package 2.20CHS Translated. The Chinese is much faster! even they are the same versions.
when i get home,i'm gonna reflash my MDAII,with 2.06(am running on magneto :wink: ),i'm gonna try everything,and tell u what's happening in details :wink: ...
so...later bro :wink:
RAGO :lol:
Well!!!!! You are bored at home? It takes a long time after all... Or do you have MDA2 only for experiments? Wau. Allright,as you wish. I will be grateful. If you have a choice,then flash-in the same images as me(ROM 2.06 and Radio from 2.20CHS). Thanx.
Can anyone here!!!!!?
Can anyonew explain how to active sync via BT in XDA2s having a Widcom stack and XP with service pack2..... :roll: :roll:
RAGOv said:
hey bro
since ur running magneto on ur himalaya,it should be easy...
broadcom bluetouth stack ufortunatlydon't run on magneto ,but still M$ blutouth one will synchronize...
now u have to do the following:
1-uninstall every bluetooth software from ur pc(if u have intalled the ones that comes in the cd),restart,put bluetouth into usb,and let winxp sp2 identifies it(remember,only win xp drivers,no softwares).
2-go to control pannel in ur pc/bluetouth devices/com ports,and see wich com port ur blutouth is using,then from the options tab,select the turn discovery on.
3-go to active synchronization 4.0/file/connection settings,disselect allow USB connections,select allow connections to one of the following:,and put the com port u already checked in 2,and put automatic in the window below.u may need to restart ur pc.
4-now,pair ur pc and ur himalaya,u must see that ur PC supports active synchronization,then select/check it.(if u do not see,from ur himalaya,once paired,that ur pc supports active sync and checked it,u will not be able to sync).note that u may also need to restart ur pocket PC.
5-finally,go to ur pocket PC/active synchronization/connect via bluetouth,the port will open....ur now connected. :wink:
oh by hte way,the same procedures work if u have 2003se with bluetouth stack by widcom,just don't open active sync on ur himalaya before going to bt stack/bluetouth manger(that's the blue blutouth icon with red star in the buttom of ur screen)/active sync via blutouth(i guess,i don't have SE anymore),u will see ur PC with active sync option,then just synchronize :wink:
hope i've helped..
RAGO :lol:
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I have xda II and activesync 4.0 installed in my machine.
I am not able to find my bluetooth serial port in activesync connection.
actually by installing and uninstalling bluetooth software many time. My ports are com 25 and com 26. I just come to know from activesync help that it will not support if port no. is higher than 20.
so can anybody please help me how to create new port which is with less no. below 20.
Hi Man i have Your same problem with i-mate Jam iam realy need a solve
If You reach it please told Us Thank Youuuuuuuu
I've found that...
@PC: You need to create an BT serial port in your services(COMx). Then go to the connection settings in AS and check the "Allow connection to one of the following:" option and choose this COMx.
@PPC: Pair your device with PC. You should see the AS service in a list of services of your PC. Enable this option and tap Finish.
Now you should be able to connect via BT.

internet conection on USB (problem)

guys...i got provider wich is using mac adress protection...and PPPOOE protocol...which meens that i dont have it on my pocket PC (i guess) and i cant conect directly with my pocket and i cant conect when i put my pocket on USB too...any solution guys? any program wich is help to do that or any experience?
im using WM6 last one ty to our developers here.
ty in advance
ps. sry on bad english too
when connected to activesync using usb or bluetooth the pda have the network connection of the pc unless you turend it off

Access to Net on PPC via DataCable

i have HTC Touch P3452
I needed to know that i have a working internet connection on my pc is there any way that i can start net on my PPC via datacable activesync.....
NO bluetooth or Wifi
i wanna access my net via datacable
can anyone guide me on how to do that ???? know about USB networking in WM5 - UPDATED!
hey there
i did go through that article but cldn`t understand a single thing........
I`m new to PPC and don`t knw much about it can there be a simpler tutorial on how to connect, setup a modem, etc,etc
problem solved

Accessing LAN on ELF ??

Guys ,
Can we access LAN on a ELF connected to a LAN PC via USB ???
I don't think you can do so using USB - but u can certainly connect and explore LAN when you are connected through Wireless LAN. you need to install this :

