WM5 batch scripting? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi Guys,
Is there a way to simply execute 2 commands in a row with one wrapper script in WM5?
I would like to execute:
\Windows\repllog.exe /remote /all /h /p:all
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync
via one simple script. Any hints?
Help greatly accepted!


Thanks for the hint. Unfortunately MortScipt-3.1.cab does not run on my new Test Device (Samsung SGH-i320) under WM5...

Uhh, neat, a new toy - the 320i is barely out isn't it?
Problem is your device is a SMARTPHONE while mortscript was designed for Pocket PC platform.
I am not familiar with any Smartphone solutions, but you can try opening the cab using WinCE cab manager (you can download a full featured demo that will run 10 times) and modifying the platform / devices cab supports or try to install the app manually. This is probably an inf issue and the app itself will run.
Or better yet you could try and contact the developer of the app, and ask his advice.
Also there may be a security issue. Try application unlocking your phone.

I played with the i320 at the Modaco meeting a couple of weekends ago.
To quote sex and the city, I needed a napkin to wipe my seat after seeing how gorgeous the screen was. Best screen this side of a B&O TV. If you need one reviewing, send it my way
Anyway, nscript, and the SKScheMa modified version, might also help, but as my learned friend levenum says, never tried either of them on a smartphone. But I guess they should work.
Specifically for the smartphone, I think xbar has scripting capabilities. Excellent app from my old smartphone days.

Good tips thanks. I have successfully tested MortScript v 3.2 Beta with the i320.

n00b alert!
runWait "\Windows\tmail.exe","-Service "MailAccount" -Sync"
Does not seem to have any effect... :/
Anybody have had the same problems with a simple script like that?

Even I tried all the possible combinations, unfortunately I could not manage to reach my POP3 mail screen directly and sync
I also tried syncaccount.exe which u can search in forum also does the job not
I am doing smth. wrong maybe.
#\windows\tmail.exe -Service "MMS"
#\windows\tmail.exe -Service "SMS"
works but "Outlook E-mail" or "MyPrivateMailAccountName" does not?
any suggestions?


Yes I tried those but as the last post there, only checking the last account..
I have "Outlook E-mail" ; "POP3" ; "MMS" ; "SMS" ; "Hotmail"
also Hotmail works, and one thing is that I use "New Menu for WM5" and sure that does not go to E-mail screen..

I finally figured it out...
Deleted "MyPrivateAccount" and recreated and left the name POP3 then it worked for Mortscript, syncaccount and New Menu..
Hope this helps to someone else

I've used MortScript myself for email. The syntax below is what always works for me.
run \windows\tmail.exe , """-Service "[email protected]""""
MortScript seemed liked it got real confused if I didn't use all the quotes....

Yes a bit complicated but managed to work with
Now with one push of button, my personal account is reached+checked

Thanks! Escaping the quotes did the trick. Solved for me.

Folks, you´ve lost me!
run \windows\tmail.exe, -Service "AccountName" -sync
does it in Mortscript as well as
ii#\windows\tmail.exe, -Service "AccountName" -sync
for a link (ii dependant on the real AccountName).
What quotes? :shock:


Add a new custom menu item to the PocketPC New button popup

Dear All
Please let me know if there is any program that can help the user add a new custom menu items to the PocketPC New button popup?
If such a program do not exits, how we can do that by tweaking registry, please instruct step by step
thank you
basically: requires registry entries and programming a COM addin.
vijay555 said:
basically: requires registry entries and programming a COM addin.
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Dear Sỉr
Thank you for your fast reply
I wonder to know if there is any program created for end-users to let them build their custom new menu?
I ask so because i am a end-user and do not have programming knowledge
Thank you
I've never seen one.
Have you considered something like SmallMenuPlus?
I've never seen anyone use the New Menu like that - I could write it, but it's not very useful because it isn't on screen all the time. The start menu is always on screen.
vijay555 said:
I've never seen one.
Have you considered something like SmallMenuPlus?
I've never seen anyone use the New Menu like that - I could write it, but it's not very useful because it isn't on screen all the time. The start menu is always on screen.
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Dear Sir
Thank you for your email
Start Menu or SmallMenuPlus help us to open app first - not open directly a new items in this app.
As for me it is really faster to open a new items with New Menu button
So you want to create a new document, not open an application?
vijay555 said:
So you want to create a new document, not open an application?
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Dear Vijay
Yes, that is exactly what i am looking for.
Tuan - as I said, I've never seen a program that allows you to do this easily.
It would require you to write a new registry entry and COM object per new application you want to attach to the New menu. You would also need to know what command line you need to launch.
What program do you want to open a new document for? do you know the command line?
vijay555 said:
Tuan - as I said, I've never seen a program that allows you to do this easily.
It would require you to write a new registry entry and COM object per new application you want to attach to the New menu. You would also need to know what command line you need to launch.
What program do you want to open a new document for? do you know the command line?
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Hi Vijay
Thank you for your fast reply.
For example:
I installed some program like Info Sharp ( a replacement for default SMS tool) and some other like Ewallet, Cash Organizer Deluxe, Plan/Text Maker.
These above program was installed in storage (my device is O2i) and now i want to add new items to New button to
- open a new SMS (with Info Sharp, of course)
- open a new account or transaction (with Cash Org)
- open a new doc or speadhead with Maker
- open a new Card (with ewallet)
Yes, something like that.
Sorry for my stupid but actually i do not know command line for such actions. (how can i find these command line)
Best regards
Tuan - i don't know these applications.
Basically, you can't open new items with the New menu without knowing the command line to start a new document in each application.
This information will be in the manual for the software, or look on the forums for that software. It's possible it can't be done - I imagine that if it could be done, the software would do it automatically when you install it.
I'm sorry, but I don't think we can do anything else yet until you can find the options to start those applications in a new document. Then I can help you write the program you would need.
If you feel confident, the program Mort Runner can do many things automatically, but is quite complicated. It's not a neat solution, but might help, but still the best way is to get the command lines :?
Many thanks for your reply
I would check to find the command line of these apps

Dial PPC from Outlook

I have been searching the web for years trying to find the solution to what I would consider is a very simple requirement:
From Outlook on the PC, right click on a contact and dial to a connected Pocket PC via Activesync.
Now, either I am alone in this world, or my search capabilities are flawed. This is a function/capability I used to have with my old Sony-Ericsson & I am missing it badly - yes, I know there is a Powertool that provides you with a "window" to your PPC, but I have found that this is somewhat flakey, doesnt like Landscape mode and frequenly freezes the PPC.
Further, I have enhanced my Access application to perform the dialup via the CPROG.exe, what I am after is the same or similar functionality direct from Outlook... please help!
Is there anyone out there that can help me?
looking for the same
it seems we both live in the same world
Come on guys, are you really telling me there isn't anything out there at all?
err so remind me why one would want to do this other than to write some annoying dialer program?
OK, rather simple, really:
Working from Desktop PC, with PPC connected via ActiveSync and sitting in a cradle - by definition, this makes it a pain to access the PPC.
Current Scenario:
1. PC has Outlook open, search for a contact that you wish to converse with
2. Open Contact
3. Look at number
4. Lean over desk, usually spilling coffee, or unintentionally moving to another website
5. Try to use Stylus to dial number (or use Intellidialer to access the same contact you have in Outlook)
6. Make call
7. Hope you have put in the right number
8. Call goes to voicemail, throw phone against wall
All in all, a rather cumbersome scenario.
Preferred Scenario:
1. PC has Outlook open, search for a contact that you wish to converse with
2. Open Contact, or right click on Contact
3. Select number to dial
4. "Magical programme" sends dial request to PPC
5. Make call
6. Call answered, sale made, kids go to expensive Private School and Wife loves you forever
Makes sense now?
yep so get one of those programs to control your phone from the desktop?
sure its not what you really want to do but it will do the job
st3v3 said:
yep so get one of those programs to control your phone from the desktop?
sure its not what you really want to do but it will do the job
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Did you ever read his first post?
yeah for about 4 or 5 seconds, gave pity and responded for the simple fact no one else did and thought i would show some interest.
at least some of us make an attempt eh helterskelter
Thanks for your pity, but I would prefer to know what, if anything, is out there. Obviously, I was mistaken in believing this was the font of all wisdom and exciting development in the PPC world. I truly cant believe that nobody has thought to put this together. Funnily enough, there is one that does this via Bluetooth, but as the XDA Mini wont allow multiple Bluetooth connections, I have been "forced" to find out if there is anyone clever enough to make this happen :sigh:
I miss this funtion in windows mobile. This is the only reason why I consider to go back to my old Ericsson.
A little bit strange that it works with other software but not with Microsofts own?
Using .net you might be able to write an app (server) that listens on an open port on the PPC for coms from the active sync pc. When a certial string is sent down this port DIAL(123456789) the app calls the dial command in .net framework.
Maby its time to bite the bullet and code it.
Im having to with another app
No need for a PPC app, as you can already do this from the desktop - using:
rapistart.exe "cprog.exe -n -url tel:numbertocall"
from within any ap. I have done this from my Access program, I was looking to see if anyone had done this for Outlook as a plugin for the Desktop, or indeed some form of TSR on the PC that will take a hotkey and use the above for a highlighted number (yes, I know that I am now officially in fairyland).
mlk said:
No need for a PPC app, as you can already do this from the desktop - using:
rapistart.exe "cprog.exe -n -url tel:numbertocall"
from within any ap. I have done this from my Access program, I was looking to see if anyone had done this for Outlook as a plugin for the Desktop, or indeed some form of TSR on the PC that will take a hotkey and use the above for a highlighted number (yes, I know that I am now officially in fairyland).
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Nope this can then be done using windows scripting host cause its the outlook that you need to automate not he PPC.
See the 3rd item on this page.
It should be able to help you out just make a custom toolbar button in outlook to call this piece of code and your away laughing.
Where did you fiind the info on cprog. Is there any way it could help with this
Unfortunately, I cant remember where I found the information on Cprog - only thing I have is the "How to call a number".. tried for some time to find various parameters to no avail... not too sure if this will help with your problem.
OK Guys, I finally bit the bullet - thanks Shaun for the "hint" - and coded a Macro to perform this.
It may be a bit clunky and as a "non-developer" I don't have the requisite nous nor software to distribute this as a plugin. For this reason, I have provided this as completely open (as far as I can tell), so if anyone wants to take this further, I hope I have started you on the track and that you wont forget the initial starter!
For those of you that wish to install - you will need to access your \Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook folder and extract the zipped file. My recommendation is that you save the existing one first, just in case you have written a bunch of Macros - wouldn't want to get any nasty surprises here - remember, Outlook only has one Macro bucket and this file is it!
Once you have installed and either provided your own Digital Certificate, or have an appropriate level Security within Outlook to allow this to run, simply add the Macro "Dial2PPC.Dialit" to a toolbar both in Outlook (that comes up in Contacts preferably) and in the Contact Form itself (use "Customise" as you would in any other Office application to facilitate this).
From here, it is as simple as selecting the Contact from your contact list and clicking on the Macro button you have setup - then follow the instructions, make sure your PPC is connected & Dial away!
Please note that you will need to have installed RapiStart from the Windows Mobile Power Toys and that I make no assertions that this is bug free, so use wisely - although, I am pretty sure I have most of the bugs out.
Again, this is provided open & free, so if you make an enhancement, please share it with the rest of us!
Hope this solves the "issue" for you guys as it has done for me!
mlk – thanks very much for your macro. I’ve taken the liberty of rewriting quite a bit of it (everything other than the part which communicates with the device, really), and have made it available under the GPL v2.0, in order to preserve its “Free” status.
In terms of changes, as I say, I’ve rewritten most of the back-end functionality. In particular:
1.) Adding items to the listbox – this now only shows fields which have a valid phone number, so there are no empty spaces
2.) Dynamic resizing of the form
3.) Form and “Dial” button captions show the name of the contact
4.) Where a contact has no valid phone number, a dialogue to this effect is shown
5.) You need to select number from the listbox before the “Dial” button is available
6.) You can double-click on a number in the listbox to dial it
7.) General tidy-up of some of the variable names, and removed a couple of unused variables
Installing my version:
I’ve exported the relevant files from the Project, so there is no need to overwrite the existing Project file – just open Visual Basic Editor (Tools / Macro in Outlook) and select “Import” and the browse to the relevant folder.
I'm a lurker rather than a poster on here, but, any questions, please do let me know.
[email protected]
Champion stuff mate - I have always said it is best to wait for Version 2! Just one question: The ".frx" file, what is that for?
It's the binary file for the VB .frm - it's not something you manually import, but it's necessary for the display of the form.
BTW- I've changed the contents of the .zip file for download- realised that I'd left in a line (an extra ResetState call) which stopped the whole thing from working - new version uploaded (same name) should be fine.
[email protected]
Thanks for this, maybe should change my mantra to: Wait for V2.1?
P.S. Thanks for coming out of the lurk!
Nah- v2 was fine... if I hadn't been meddling with it...
Managed to put the reset call before the RAPI argument, which, of course, wiped out the phone number it was trying to dial... Stupid, stupid, stupid -embarrassing, but at least easy to fix.
I guess that the next step is to try and implement SMS via ActiveSync - not sure if cprog.exe handles this, though, so it could be rather more complicated...

{Solved} How to show unread emails from multiple accounts

Hi people. Only my 2nd post here.
Recently picked up the amazing Samsung i780 and then found these forums. Thanks to you all for the icons, program advice, etc. that has turned this into the best phone I've ever seen.
Over the past few days, I've constructed a 6-panel UltimateLaunch interface, with plugins like Rltoday (for active icons on one page), weather, agenda, battery monitor, and GPRS monitor. Looks great. No function I regularly use further than two screen taps away.
Now I've come to this final hurdle: How to show unread messages for individual mailboxes. Where can we get this information?
I've looked through the registry and while there are folders for each email account under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\State\Messages\, those folders do not contain the "Count" variable.
In the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\Unread folder there is an extra line called "Text" which shows "emailaccount1 (21)[]emailaccount2 (3)". I assume this is what gets used in the standard Today plug-in that shows unread emails.
The question is, how is this text generated? There must be some way to get data for each inbox. Any ideas?
Alternatively, is there a way to pare this text down to just the numbers? I want to map them onto separate icons (already existing) on my rltoday page that take me direct to each individual mailbox.
As an side, I'll just say that UltimateLaunch is the best WinMo program ever!! Stable, fast, and really turns a WM phone into what it should be - graphical, configurable, flexible. And did I mention stable? No crashes or glitches even on the i780's 320x320 screen which throws some programs (eg. Pocket Plus) for a loop.
can` help you, but as a professional user you should know that the name is "Ultimatelaunch" not launcher. but dont worry everone here is doing that Wrong.
Oops... ya.. sorry. No offense to the author! (edited post above)
It really is a great program. I tried out many of the other UI options and it's just tops. Only problem now is that modding my phone has taken up too much time over the past week. It's really addictive.
OK, here's a screenshot of the page in queston.
As you can see, I've got separate icons for 2 email accounts and a bridge between them showing total unread mails. But what I'd really like to do is for each to have it's own separate number.
Any ideas out there?
(and big thanks to bluemetalaxe for all those icons. Modest donation coming soon...)
These should work, I use them for batterystatus
voicemail count number:
<registry key_value=HKCU\System\State\Messages\vmail\Total\Unread\Count/>
sms unread count number:
<registry key_value=HKCU\System\State\Messages\sms\Unread\Count/>
total email unread number:
<registry key_value=HKCU\System\State\Messages\TotalEmail\Unread\Count/>
spencepu3 said:
These should work, I use them for batterystatus
voicemail count number:
<registry key_value=HKCU\System\State\Messages\vmail\Total\Unread\Count/>
sms unread count number:
<registry key_value=HKCU\System\State\Messages\sms\Unread\Count/>
total email unread number:
<registry key_value=HKCU\System\State\Messages\TotalEmail\Unread\Count/>
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Thanks, but I think the OP is looking for counts for specific email accounts, not just "all emails". Is that possible with BatteryStatus, cuz I'd like that also...
Search msdn.com for details on the State and Notifications Broker api (SNAPI). I think this is in the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status namespace if you're using managed code.
Also look through the docs for the Messaging API (MAPI).
Here is one link on MAPI: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms879918.aspx
One of those two api's should tell you what you need to know. Hope these help.
Managed Messaging API is in the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook namespace.
jomo25 said:
Thanks, but I think the OP is looking for counts for specific email accounts, not just "all emails". Is that possible with BatteryStatus, cuz I'd like that also...
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That is correct. As you can see from the screenshot above, I've already got total email counts, sms counts, etc. Those are simple registry keys. But there don't seem to be registry keys for individual mailboxes.
Robp - thanks for that. I'll have a look right now and report back if I find anything.
I had the same issue when using RLToday and here is the solution that I came up with. I installed mortscript and then had this script running in the background.
While (1)
Mailstring=RegRead("HKCU", "\System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\Unread", "Text")
#Convert String to values
maildet=part(Mailstring, "(", 1)
parse1=part(Mailstring, ")", 1)
num1=part(parse1, "(", 2)
parse2=part(Mailstring, "(", 3)
num2=part(parse2, ")", 1)
if (maildet eq "Yahoo!")
RegWriteDword ("HKCU", "System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\messStatus", "yahoocount", num1)
RegWriteDword ("HKCU", "System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\messStatus", "gmailcount", num2)
RegWriteDword ("HKCU", "System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\messStatus", "yahoocount", num2)
RegWriteDword ("HKCU", "System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\messStatus", "gmailcount", num1)
Sleep( 300000 )
This script looks at the reg key that you mentioned above, strips out the numbers and updates new reg keys with the values. I also created two Reg Keys for the text of the mail accounts. I also found out that the order of the text in Keep in mind that the order of the mail accounts can change, hence the if statement to sort out which is which. This is fine for two mail accounts but gets more complex for any more.
A couple of caveats, I am but no means a programmer, so I'm sure that there is a much more elegant way to do this and I have no idea how much of a resource hog this script is. But it does work. You might want to adjust the sleep time to get a better real time snap shot otherwise you might be ~5 min out of sync with you email count.
You're a star.
I just spent a bit of time learning all kinds of interesting things about MAPI but not quite finding a solution.
This is a much easier way out. I'm off to give it a try.
update: Big thanks Nimbusbrew!
I installed Mortscript and put a slightly modified version of his script in my Startup folder (changed the key names to match my mail folders and reduced the sleep time to 100000 milliseconds)
I now have working registry keys to which I can point my indicators on rlToday for each individual mailbox.
I had a feeling from the start that Mortscripts were the answer but hadn't gotten around to learning them yet. I'll have to take another look through that Mortscripts scripts thread to see what other fun can be had...
Glad I could help
Just out of curiosity are you using managed code or native code for your project?
I'm not much of a programmer, just a newcomer part-time phone hacker, but I guess you would consider it managed code since this particular routine is compiled by Mortscripts and any small bit of design code xml I've cooked up is going through rlToday, Batterymonitor, etc.
(or did I totally misunderstand the question?)
It sounds like you kind of misunderstood the question but you still told me what I needed to know .
At any rate, while I'm happy that you got it to work, I think you should eventually find a more robust solution that works for more than two email accounts.
You could write something like that in C# in less than 30 minutes probably. Let me know if you need any help with that in the future.
Also, managed code usually refers to code written with the .NET Framework. I'm not really sure how to categorize mortscript. Just a (really cool) scripting language I guess.
I'm intreasted in doing something very much the same, but I'm not so smart and haven't yet done anything with mortscript, although it's installed on my pocket pc. Can you walk me through what I need to change in the registry and what the mortscript will be? I have two email accounts ("Hotmail" and "Providence") that I want to keep count of.
nimbusbrew said:
I had the same issue when using RLToday and here is the solution that I came up with. I installed mortscript and then had this script running in the background. ...
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Don't know if anyone still needs it, but I've written an improved version of the MortScript that works with any number of email accounts, and writes each account's unread total to a registry key with the same name as the account. I hope someone finds this useful.
Call( "main" )
Sub main
# Gets the original string of unread values.
mailstring=RegRead("HKCU", "\System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\Unread", "Text")
# Clear out values (in case of one account having zero unread).
RegDeleteKey( "HKCU", "System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\Unread\Accounts", TRUE, TRUE )
# Goes through and turns each individual account into its own registry value.
ForEach mailpart in split( mailstring, ")", TRUE)
emailname=part(mailpart, "(", 1, TRUE)
emailnumber=part(mailpart, "(", 2, TRUE)
RegWriteDWord ("HKCU", "System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\Unread\Accounts", emailname, emailnumber)
While( mailstring eq RegRead("HKCU", "\System\State\Messages\OtherEmail\Unread", "Text") )
Sleep( 500000 )
Call( "main" )

Stopping Activesync

I found that many of the latest ROM cooks of WM6.1 have the annoying issue of Activesync always starting itself every minute... i searched a lot and found the best common solution is the fake account with manual settings...
After playing around with the registry i managed to find a better way.
Just open your favourite registry editor and set the value:
to 0
and enjoy.
Hope this will help future cooks to use this feature in their ROMs.
Personally, I've been trying to read up on editing embedded database files (and CEDB files) to fix this situation once and for all. I've hex edited mxip_notify.vol and removed the repllog.exe call for AS after a time sync (which is the main reason AS starts up roughly every minute). It works, though when checking the notification queue there are three empty notifications that I'm not sure whether they hurt performance or not. Ultimately, if someone is able to get the WM5 or WM6 (6.1) SDK and knows how to edit EDB's or CEDB's (in a volume, of course. ), I'm sure the community as a whole would greatly appreciate it. I'll keep working at it; however, I've never used VS 2005 so I have a nice learning curve to navigate.
i already try the reg edit method,but it still come back when i softreset my phone.
the best method is the fake server. =)
Keep in mind also that on the 6.1 ROMS, if the Automatic Time Zone setting is enabled in the clock settings menu, it will continue to load up activesync periodically. Disabling it, at least for me, keeps activesync at bay...............
The hex edited mxip_notify.vol works great for me, I can still leave the Automatic Time Zone setting enabled without any AS problems. Just would like to eliminate the blank notifications in the queue.
I can post my edited mxip_notify.vol for anyone that wants it. The only thing is that it needs to be cooked in. So chefs would have the most benefit of this.
EDIT : By request, here is my modified mxip_notify.vol. When cooking simply replace the mxip_notify.vol in the SYS\Shell folder. Enjoy.
KMFM$ said:
The hex edited mxip_notify.vol works great for me, I can still leave the Automatic Time Zone setting enabled without any AS problems. Just would like to eliminate the blank notifications in the queue.
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Yes please. Unfortunately, this might introduce one of my pet hates about WM6.0 - the blank notifications...
rling said:
Yes please. Unfortunately, this might introduce one of my pet hates about WM6.0 - the blank notifications...
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No problem. Check my post above I've added the file there. I simply wish that I had the skill (and time to learn) to edit the volume properly to eliminate the notifications. Oh well.
bradipo.xda said:
Just open your favourite registry editor and set the value:
to 0
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for me on polaris with syrius r4 the regkey seems to work... changed it yesterday and no active sync since then! so many thx!
oh, well... looks like the "keepalive" edit is only a partial solution. It works only until AS is started again (USB connection, launching it manually, or timechange if not disabled in the notify queue).
I played a bit with AS and here's what I found 'til now.
Everytime it starts it checks if a partnership with an exchange server is set, if not the "keepalive" value is set to 1.
If there's a partnership and the schedules are different from both "manual" it sets the keepalive again to 1.
That's why reg_editing the value lasts only temporarly.
So, the only way for not having A.S. "alive" is having a partnership with something and the sync schedules both set on manual...that's why the fake server is the best method, but I was searching for a way to "cook it in".
For the partnership issue i found this workaround.
Add the key {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001} under [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Partners\]
and the string Engine="{22C7DA12-F3FD-4875-8344-7786454F6534}" in that new key.
This will create a fake partnership with a dummy exchange server without having to go through the configuration menu, so this tweak can be used for cooking.
The second part require a bit of databases manipulation. Actually i know what to change and where but i'm not able to figure out how to cook this (in particular i need to know how the pim.vol database is created in the first boot).
I'll play some more tomorrow and will post what found... and eventually i'll try to solve the empty entries problem...now is time to have some sleep
attached there's a .reg with the tweak mentioned... cheers
Alternative method
I've used the fake exchange server method before, but I prefer to use SKTools to do the job. Been using SKTools for over two years and this feature has been available since then.
Download SKTools from http://s-k-tools.com/
Install SKTools and disconnect your PDA.
Make sure activesync on the PDA is closed (not minimized).
Go to the Tune-up section, and enter the activesync tab.
Change "AS auto connect" from yes to no.
No need to soft-reset.
Note that the PC will still detect the PDA, and this is reflected in Device Manager, but Activesync (WinXP) and Windows Media Device Center (WinVista) do not start. There is no syncing.
The PDA will also detect the connection, and activesync will start in the background, but it will not sync anything.
I use this method to charge my PDA without activesync starting when I don't need it. Hope this works for you too.
Thanks a lot mi friend !!!!
mosestan said:
Alternative method [...]
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thx for the directions, but... looks like the tweak you posted is intendend for keeping AS from starting on the desktop, while were trying to do the opposite, stopping AS from starting itself every minute, and makin' it a permanent cooked tweak ready for ROM flashing...
anyway, there's no real need of sktools to do that, is the same option in actyvesync-connections
or through registry key
there's still some work to do
bradipo.xda said:
oh, well... looks like the "keepalive" edit is only a partial solution. It works only until AS is started again (USB connection, launching it manually, or timechange if not disabled in the notify queue).
I played a bit with AS and here's what I found 'til now.
Everytime it starts it checks if a partnership with an exchange server is set, if not the "keepalive" value is set to 1.
If there's a partnership and the schedules are different from both "manual" it sets the keepalive again to 1.
That's why reg_editing the value lasts only temporarly.
So, the only way for not having A.S. "alive" is having a partnership with something and the sync schedules both set on manual...that's why the fake server is the best method, but I was searching for a way to "cook it in".
For the partnership issue i found this workaround.
Add the key {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001} under [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Partners\]
and the string Engine="{22C7DA12-F3FD-4875-8344-7786454F6534}" in that new key.
This will create a fake partnership with a dummy exchange server without having to go through the configuration menu, so this tweak can be used for cooking.
The second part require a bit of databases manipulation. Actually i know what to change and where but i'm not able to figure out how to cook this (in particular i need to know how the pim.vol database is created in the first boot).
I'll play some more tomorrow and will post what found... and eventually i'll try to solve the empty entries problem...now is time to have some sleep
attached there's a .reg with the tweak mentioned... cheers
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That's good info, bradipo.xda. Have you looked at using CeRegEditor to help with finding the other necessary entries? You can perform a "before and after" comparison of the registry for detecting registry changes. I would look into it personally, however, I'm a little to busy to do so right now.
Here I have attached an mxip_notify.vol with ceipui and the timed repllog entries removed AND I have attached a provxml that will set sync times to manual without creating the fake server. This combination effectively prevents ActiveSync from restarting itself every few minutes.
I use this reg key, didn't see it mentioned here.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ ActiveSync \ Engines \ {176F4FFD-F20C-4bd4-BDD7-01D0726C567B} \ Settings]
Change the dword value to 0 as shown above, which means manual sync. The default value is 5, 5= 5mins, 15= 15mins, etc
firefly123 said:
I use this reg key, didn't see it mentioned here.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ ActiveSync \ Engines \ {176F4FFD-F20C-4bd4-BDD7-01D0726C567B} \ Settings]
Change the dword value to 0 as shown above, which means manual sync. The default value is 5, 5= 5mins, 15= 15mins, etc
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that keeps repllog.exe from running in the background?
selyb said:
that keeps repllog.exe from running in the background?
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Only one way to find out lol, seems to but will need more time to see if suddenly launches again?
Something to do with TouchFlo3D
Hi All,
I don't have the time to look into this myself, but I found that when I disabled touchFlo 3d to try out Mobile Shell, active sync never started up randomly. As soon as I turned TF3D back on... active sync kept coming back.
Just putting this out there, see if it helps anyone find a fix for that damn activesync.
The best and easiest solution
Holy cow people!, that's some crazy junk you're trying out there. I applaud your efforts but there is a much easier way.
As you know...
1. Disable the Repllog Notification (Apprunaftertimechange) in the Notification Window.(recommmend fdc taskmanager for this)
2. Registry hack [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync] locate value "Keep Alive" change this to "0" for disabled.
But now the enlightenment...
3. Use fdcsoft's registry editor to tap and hold "KeepAlive" and select "Export..." (or chose from file menu) This will export this one value to a .reg file. Put this file in your \\Windows\StartUp folder. Now if you don't already have a program to "run" .reg files, you need to associate them with TaskMgr.
4. Using Total Commander, tap and hold your .reg file and select "Properties". Select "Associate" tab. Tap the gray box that says "Associate..." In the "Command:" box, reference the location of TaskMgr.exe (ex. \Program Files\FdcSoft\TaskMgr\TaskMgr.exe) In "Parameter:" box, leave the "%1" and add "/silent" (%1/silent) This keeps a dialoge box from popping up.
6. "OK" the changes and enjoy!
Now when windows starts it will "run" the .reg file and change the 1 back to 0. Problem solved.
bye bye Activesync!
fsb2cool2care said:
Holy cow people!, that's some crazy junk you're trying out there. I applaud your efforts but there is a much easier way.
As you know...
1. Disable the Repllog Notification (Apprunaftertimechange) in the Notification Window.(recommmend fdc taskmanager for this)
2. Registry hack [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync] locate value "Keep Alive" change this to "0" for disabled.
But now the enlightenment...
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Ok, best and easiest are matters of opinion. IMO, installing the cab I provided here is easier than the 6 steps you provided and doesn't require anything to be run at startup since Activesync will not try to run on its own anymore. But, that's only my opinion and it goes without saying that each person should do whatever works best for him or her.

New GSlidePOOM!

GSlide Pocket Outlook provider 0.0.1
Hi Yall
Just posted a new cool provider for GSlide (or any app that can read JSON...). Its called GSlidePOOM. This little app exports all your appointments and tasks to JSON. Hmm i wonder what i can do with that....
Its a simple exe which takes 2 mandatory arguments and 1 third which is optional.
1. Type of objects to be fetched ("tasks","appointments")
2. Location AND file name of the resulting JSON file ("/Whatever folder/whatever_name.js").
3. Optional app/script to be called straight after export.
Download at www.gslide.mobi/gpoom.rar
PS. Look in the Actions/Resources/Applications folder of GSlide (should you download it). Theres a small Alpha app called GImage.exe which scales bitmaps using command line args. Handy Its early apha so it will get better
Keep checking the site for more GApps.
Well?!... Now go code something interesting!
Any way this can work with Contacts?
But of course
Already did it. I will implement the same api pattern as GSlide with read/write xml-rpc.
More important i think is to mirror out the email, sms etc messages. What the phones seriously need is a new email client!
This is the original intent with this provider.
I wish i could get some more comments on GSlide (www.gslide.mobi) which is a really nice framework with so much potential... I wonder if the docs and examples are to unclear?
Any suggestions?
New 0.1.5 version
Hi again
Now also exports Contacts...
Download at http://www.gslide.mobi/GPOOM_0_1_5.zip
This is as you understand still just a lab, even though it works... I will keep updating it. Keep checking the site.

