smartskey problem - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

everytime my device is woken back up i get this error. what the heck is the problem. ive searched but cannot find an answer. thanks,
cannot execute "\StorageCard\Smartskey.exe"
cannot execute "\StorageCard\smart\Smartskey.exe"

Re activate or select the existing again.
It worked for me

Put Smartskey on the device in its own folder in \Program Files, not on the storage card. Be sure you change the shortcut in \windows\startup to reflect this change.

Put Smartskey on the device in its own folder in \Program Files, not on the storage card. Be sure you change the shortcut in \windows\startup to reflect this change.

I guess you have to do it twice for it to work...


Remove files from Startup folder

Anyone could help me out!?
I place a file "powerstatus" into the startup folder.. What I can do to remove the file inorder to prevent it from starting up. I can't delete while its running and I there is no option for me to close it when its on. ... . Only way is delete it from startup folder.. . but how to i close the file??
Pls help ..
Rename the link in startup, softreset, then delete the link in startup, delete the file as well if you dont need it.
and if you put an exe file in startup (not sure if you can do that but)
then you just remove it from program.exe to program.exe.uncle
then softreset it
unless you use the extention uncle for something else it should just fail to start and then you can delete it
I have tired to rename it, but no use. tried to cut it out, no use, tried to overwrite with a blank startup folder, no use too..
Yes, its an exe file, anyway to close program that is not reflected on "running program" ?
The "Powerstatus" is running, but I cant find a way to close it, I have tired the program which make the PDA go into safe mode, but can't work
I am using WM2005.
Any expert with any solutions?
Thanks very much in advance. .. .
Move the Startup folder to somewhere else My Documents for example and reset.
Afterwhich you can delete the file and replace the Startup folder back in Windows directory.
tried that before.. The startup folder with the "powerstatus" will still be there even thou i cut the whole thing out. Plus, cos the file is running, i cannot delete, move, overwrite it. . . so i think need a way to close it...
Anyone know how to close programs that is running in the background where it will not show on the "Running Program"?
Happens to me but use the resco file explorer to rename the files, softreset ( prompts you ''theres no application associated with ''powerstatus.exe''....), tap start(repeat until the menu drops) then open again the resco file explorer, goto windows/startup and delete the file.
EASY.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
yeah it could be a fileexplore thing ms's filemanagers like to protect people from extentions which is why many people use reso or totalcommander
Kill the process in memory
Can't you just kill the process in memory?
Read our tutorial about killing the Brador trojan:
If you're still stuck, please email me at contact (at) and I'll guide you through it.
I'm interested!
What about renaming the startup folder to something else and soft reset?
Download and install "Safemode"
Soft reset your device
Just after the device restarts, tap on the upper part of the screen: your device starts in "safemode"
Delete whatever you want from the startup folder
Soft reset, and let the device start normally (without tapping on the upper part of the screen)

install programs on the storage card

i installed programs on my storage card and every once and a while i get a messege:
"cannot execute 'srorage card\program files\****.***'"
i tried different programs and i get the same messege with the different file name.
it does not happend all the time, there are times when everything works fine.
please help.
* is there a way to remove the program from the startup?
Look in Windows\startup you will find the apps that run at startup, delete the shortcut to the app and soft reset the device
Hope this helps[/quote]

Setting directory path exception in smartskey help...

In the smartskey .ini, you can set exceptions to programs you do not want to close when ending with the soft key.
I am trying to set an exception for Egress, which I have installed on my memory card. In the .ini file I set my path as \storage card\program files\egress\egress.exe, but tha doesn't work. I'm sure I have the directory path wrong, but that's how it appears in file manager.
Can someone help me?

HELP with FingerSuite

I am currently using FingerSuite on my HTC Touch. There are two parts to the suite, one is for "menus" and the other for "pop-ups". To prevent running the program each time I had to soft reset my phone I copied the .exe file for the 'MsgBox' program (which provides a more finger friendly interface for errors that give pop-ups) and placed this in \Windows\StartUp. However, by placing the .exe file in the 'StartUp' folder the program doesn't seem to run. When a pop-up should appear (eg. for confirmation of deleting a file; Yes or No) the screen simply freezes. This, I understand, is because I should have placed the .lnk file in the 'StartUp' folder instead as it requires other files in the same folder which are missing in 'StartUp'. Unfortunately I am unaware of a way to disable FingerSuite once it is running and because of this I am unable to delete the file I have placed in the StartUp folder.
Sorry for the poor description of my problem.
Is there any way in which I can remove this file I have placed in the 'StartUp' folder? I don't want to have to hard reset my device but if there is no other way then I suppose I will have to.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Alex
Nevermind, I managed to delete the file once I ran my device in Safe Mode.

TMOUSA folder shortcuts from SD card to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs wont open

Ok. so I copied a shortcut of a folder from my SD to the \Windows\Start Menu\Programs. The folder contains all my movies, and my plan was to put the folder shortcut from the programs on the quick links on the home page. But i ran into a problem, when i try to open the the shortcut by pressing the windows start button, scrolling to it and click it, it gives me this error message' "the file 'folder shortcut' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its componets cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling tor restoring the file."
Its weird cause when i go to file explorer and follow the path \Windows\Start Menu\Programs and click on the folder shortcut it opens and takes me right to the files. Anyone else encountered this? I spent like 4 hours today with my phone trying different things, and about 3 just now surving the web and here and cant find anything.
I have the TMOUS version of the HD2 and the transformers movies are located on the SD card and i can access them through the Start programs on the home screen. Any help would be appriciated, Im really stuck. Thanks in advanced
links to folders don't work the same.
Thanks for the info samsamuel, exactly what i needed. After reading the link i did some more research, and got it working perfectly. For anyone else intrested here are the steps to get a folder shortcut from your SD card to open in the programs area:
To make a shortcut on the start menu of a folder on the Storage card do these following steps:
1. Open up notepad on your computer
2. type in the command line (no quotes) “35#\Windows\fexplore.exe \Storage Card\’Folder Name’ ”
3. Replace “Folder Name” with the name of the folder in the Storage card you want the short cut to go to.
4. Click “save as” and name the file “whatever you want.lnk” (L lower case not I)
5. Copy The file to your phone, then to “windows\start menu\programs”
6. And your done!
Thanks again for your help

