SMS message alert - How to repeat - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

When I get an SMS text message, my XDA-Mini S will only beep once - is there anyway I can get it to keep repeating the message alert every minute/5minutes etc as if you miss the alert, you may not look at your phone for hours...

Try phone alarm by pocket max. It does excactly what you want!

Try this:

molski said:
Try this:
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That's excellent - just what the Doctor ordered!

Sometimes, even when I read the text message the alert continues...? Any ideas why?

Yeah, that's what I noticed also, but I dont know why.
I'm gonna "play around" with the settings some time, maybe there is a way to set the reminder period.
I also gonna follow the topic on Modaco, maybe we will get an answer there.

I mentioned this in a later post i think. I have stopped using it for this reason. Sometimes, even if you power off your pda, and bring it back out of standby, the reminders keep repeating. It's annoying considering that that "don't Forget" think doesn't work for me at all...
Has anyone had any more luck with my method yet?


Different Notifications for txt delivery confirmation

Is there any add on for the Exec that will allow me to have a different notification sound for a Delivery Confirmation text (marked as from System Administrator on Vodafone).
I like to get a confirmation back but I only want a very short sound for it, not the normal notify sound I get with a normal text message!
Any ideas?
coercri said:
Is there any add on for the Exec that will allow me to have a different notification sound for a Delivery Confirmation text (marked as from System Administrator on Vodafone).
I like to get a confirmation back but I only want a very short sound for it, not the normal notify sound I get with a normal text message!
Any ideas?
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Don't know if this will work - but I noticed the other day that you can assign ringtones to specific contacts (I think) - maybe you could set up the SysAdmin as a contact with a short ringtone - I don't know if that would work for texts. (I've not tried it at all).
No, this only works for Ringtones, not Notifications from text messages.
where are all the default sounds for text notifications kept?
Mortring does the job. Search in the google for it. I'm using and an can assigne diferent rings for instance for notifications.
Best regards,
aprt said:
Mortring does the job. Search in the google for it. I'm using and an can assigne diferent rings for instance for notifications.
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Ive heard of Mortring, but can you tell me if it will allow a ringtone based not on a number but on a named string, as the test I get back for delivery confirmation doesnt have a number associated with it, it has the words "System Administrator" on it, no number at all.
Well i think not, because the one thing the app can do is to apply a ringtone to an unidentified contact, contact with no categories defined, by categories. The same for text messages.
So basically it functions using the number and the string used by the appz is the number.
Here is the topic made by the author of the program and you can ask him.
Thank you for that, im greatful
Thought I'd tag on this thread.
I have just got two phones, on each for me and the good lady. She wants to know if there is a way of it reminding her that she has a text - currently the phone makes a noise once and then unless you open it up to check, you have no idea if you have a text.
Her old phone used to make a tone every few minutes if she had a text.
I can't see any settings in the phone to do this. Are there any apps out there that would fit the bill ?
Any advice greatfully received.
reetp said:
Thought I'd tag on this thread.
I have just got two phones, on each for me and the good lady. She wants to know if there is a way of it reminding her that she has a text - currently the phone makes a noise once and then unless you open it up to check, you have no idea if you have a text.
Her old phone used to make a tone every few minutes if she had a text.
I can't see any settings in the phone to do this. Are there any apps out there that would fit the bill ?
Any advice greatfully received.
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I don't know any apps, but you can go to Start>Settings>Personal> Sound and Notifications>Notifications>New Text Messages and check the "Flash light for NO LIMIT". This will ensure if you receive any text msgs that the indicator light will flash orange if you have any text message and it will only disappear after you dismiss or read it.
reetp said:
Thought I'd tag on this thread.
I have just got two phones, on each for me and the good lady. She wants to know if there is a way of it reminding her that she has a text - currently the phone makes a noise once and then unless you open it up to check, you have no idea if you have a text.
Her old phone used to make a tone every few minutes if she had a text.
I can't see any settings in the phone to do this. Are there any apps out there that would fit the bill ?
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Phone Alarm from will do this, and a lot more besides.
As for my problem, Mortring doesnt seem WM5 compatible - Oh well
I was going to say
You could read
and have a play. Let us all know if you get it to work.
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but then I thought I'd have a look myself. Looking at the registry, text message notification is in notifications not sounds. Anyone know what the options are in HKCU/ControlPanel/Notifications/*/Options are ?

Disable Reocurring email notification?

Hello, I'm a T-Mobile Wing user with of course WM6 installed. I usually find everything by searching, but I can't seem to find a registry edit that will allow me to disable the reocurring new email notification. Before anyone jumps on and says to simply turn off the notification here's what im trying to have happen: New email comes in, im alerted once...thats it, not every 10 min. a notification that I have xx unread messages. The damn thing keeps me awake at night beeping every 10 min. until I read all my mail. Please someone help before I skip this thing across the room in a drowsy angry stupor!
xxkingpinxx said:
Hello, I'm a T-Mobile Wing user with of course WM6 installed. I usually find everything by searching, but I can't seem to find a registry edit that will allow me to disable the reocurring new email notification. Before anyone jumps on and says to simply turn off the notification here's what im trying to have happen: New email comes in, im alerted once...thats it, not every 10 min. a notification that I have xx unread messages. The damn thing keeps me awake at night beeping every 10 min. until I read all my mail. Please someone help before I skip this thing across the room in a drowsy angry stupor!
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I have not tested this but try it out and let me know if this has fixed your problem.

How to turn on the display when an email is received ?

When i receive an new email through activesync push (exchange 2007) i have enabled the option to display the message on screen and sound notification but the screen doesn't turn on automatically like when you receive a new SMS so basically its almoste impossible know when you receive a new email.
Can i change this somehow to act like when an SMS is received and turn on the screen ?
thank you
so basically there isn't a way for that ?
Yeah, also noticed that.
Would be nice to have a solution for that.
@Work i have my phone on table and sound/vibrate disabled.
So the only way to see a message is when screen turns on.
Ok, there's the LED, but in a bright room it can take hours till u notice that.
I googled this issue a lot, no luck.
I just get sound and vibrate, no screen message.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who find this odd
I was hoping it was fixed/added on WM6 but its not
Strange that no one has notice or even make a query about this in Microsoft, i find it completely stupid not to act the same way as an SMS/MMS since nowadays i use more the email than texting.
Lets hope for someone to do something about this if its possible
this is killing me!
any hard code developer can do something about this ?? it must be a way to trigger the same procedure that SMS uses in order to turn on the screen or something.
please please for this!
great said:
this is killing me!
any hard code developer can do something about this ?? it must be a way to trigger the same procedure that SMS uses in order to turn on the screen or something.
please please for this!
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You'd think that Pocket MSN would also do the same wouldn't you? But it doesn't
this is by far the stupidest thing for the WM. I really can even begin to think why they did this, who is the genius behind this idea ?!?
Hell I think its a good idea. I'd hate my screen to come on everytime I got an email! I get a lot of email so that would majorly suck!
Yesbut why not just have it as a selectable option, that would make more sense!
exactly, at least put an option for it! email should be treated like SMS nowadays. yould you prefer creamhackered not to turn on the screen when you reseive an SMS ?

Some help

Ok, I searched the forums... And I haven't seen anyone with the exact problem i'm having....
It has to do with the unread sms count... But I have already tried fixunreadcount.exe (which did not work)
my problem....
If I am texting someone, in conversation mode... And I just keep replying... Then close out... All those texts that I have received are I get Tasha (3) in my inbox.... even though I had already read them all....
Tasha: hey
ME: hey, whats up?
Tasha: not much, you?
ME: Same
Tasha: thats cool.
so now when I go back to my inbox instead of saying no new messages it says I have 3 new ones from Tasha.... So if I click back on the conversation it takes me to her first message (hey) and if i read the whole thing and go back to my inbox it will say Tasha (2) so I have to press her name 3 times just to get my unread count to 0.....
I am using nuerom3, and thats about it....
Anyone else have this problem, or most of all.... a solution?
no one has an answer?
wasupwithuman said:
no one has an answer?
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texting is bugged in neurom3

SMS Delivery Notification

Ok, maybe this aint completely a pure Xperia Issue, more a WM6.1 Issue. But maybe the solution might be? .. if there is any
I'm a guy that like to get Delivery Notification on my text messages,
not to be confused with Sent noticed, which I find kinda useless, you receive a error msg if the SMS isnt sent anyhow.
But back to the Issue, SMS Delivery Notification.
As it is, you send your SMS and then get a NEW SMS telling you that your SMS was delivered.
(And it dont even bother matching the number to your addressbook, wtf?)
How I want it to work, and had several cellphones that did, is to just flag your sent SMS as delivered.
Does someone share my frustration? or am I just a whining sob?
And does anyone have a solution to this highly annoying(according to me) problem?
Some kinda SMS client for Windows Mobile, or for the Xperia?
The Sent Notification isn't an issue
I don't like it, but I know how to turn it off.
What I would like... is to have the Delivery Notification /Report,
not as a separate "sms" that dont match against your address book.
But as a "green flag" or something that indicate that your SMS has been delieverd.
Had this feature on my earlier devices, then the SMS-icon was a envelope(as it is now)
and to see that it was sent you saw a "stamp-icon" and when it was delivered it was a
green check flag i the corner of the envelope. Hope you understand me now
I feel your pain.... then I installed advance config and disable the delivery notification... since then, that I am a happy man
i saw this:
havent tried it yet...maybe you could and tell me how you get on with it ;p
odobo said:
I feel your pain.... then I installed advance config and disable the delivery notification... since then, that I am a happy man
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I think your talking about the Sent Notification, and I despise it ... disabled this too ... but the Delivery Notification I really like, so I can verify that my SMS reach its destination.
billybobjones said:
i saw this:
havent tried it yet...maybe you could and tell me how you get on with it ;p
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I have looked at this prog too, not used it thou ... It might be a good idea, but still dont understand why they didnt just flag you excisting SMS instead of creating a separate "reporting SMS", especially useless when it dont match the number with you addressbook, or it just me that have stopped memorize ppl:s numbers?
billybobjones said:
i saw this:
havent tried it yet...maybe you could and tell me how you get on with it ;p
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I use it and recommend it...
Wrekk said:
Ok, maybe this aint completely a pure Xperia Issue, more a WM6.1 Issue. But maybe the solution might be? .. if there is any
I'm a guy that like to get Delivery Notification on my text messages,
not to be confused with Sent noticed, which I find kinda useless, you receive a error msg if the SMS isnt sent anyhow.
But back to the Issue, SMS Delivery Notification.
As it is, you send your SMS and then get a NEW SMS telling you that your SMS was delivered.
(And it dont even bother matching the number to your addressbook, wtf?)
How I want it to work, and had several cellphones that did, is to just flag your sent SMS as delivered.
Does someone share my frustration? or am I just a whining sob?
And does anyone have a solution to this highly annoying(according to me) problem?
Some kinda SMS client for Windows Mobile, or for the Xperia?
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Okey I don't know if this is your answer but I've got a swe xperia as well.
I can write my way in swe and translate to eng but
in messages view, press meny -- verktyg -- alternativ -- SMS/MMS (i listan) -- Begär leveransmeddelanden
(menu -- tools -- alternatives -- SMS/MMS (from the list) -- Demand report on delivery)
This is deliveryreport and it works for me...
I shut off "Message Sent" xith Xperia Tweak from cliffords.
daweeb said:
Okey I don't know if this is your answer but I've got a swe xperia as well.
I can write my way in swe and translate to eng but
in messages view, press meny -- verktyg -- alternativ -- SMS/MMS (i listan) -- Begär leveransmeddelanden
(menu -- tools -- alternatives -- SMS/MMS (from the list) -- Demand report on delivery)
This is deliveryreport and it works for me...
I shut off "Message Sent" xith Xperia Tweak from cliffords.
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Thanx mate, but I think you misunderstand me, or I dont explain myself well enough
The Sent Notification isn't an issue
I don't like it, but I know how to turn it off.
What I would like... is to have the Delivery Notification /Report,
not as a separate "sms" that dont match against your address book.
But as a "green flag" or something that indicate that your SMS has been delieverd.
Had this feature on my earlier devices, then the SMS-icon was a envelope(as it is now)
and to see that it was sent you saw a "stamp-icon" and when it was delivered it was a
green check flag i the corner of the envelope. Hope you understand me now
What network are you on? I know some carriers don't support the delivery notification feature, but on O2 in the UK if you add *0# to the beginning of your message it will send you an SMS back when it's been delivered.. works for me (and *0# are all conveniently placed next to each other on the X1 keyboard, how nice!)
Hehe... I use TELE2 ... and I DO get a Delivery notification /report.
I just dont want it as a separate SMS! or as it say a msg from "System Administator" telling me my SMS has been delivered.
if you read the post I have posted above, I try to explain this a few times.
I do appreciate all you guys trying to help thou!
Same here - Again, the problem is NOT that the delivery notification itself annoys us, we know how to turn it off or on. The annoying part is just the way of presenting the notification. All other phones I had so far (as a matter of fact only Nokias) had a special way of treating the incoming delivery notification, they did not display the notification like a normal text message, but rather marked the corresponding sent text message as "delivered". If I turn on the delivery reports on the X1, I get a new text message for every one I sent. That is stupid
What we are looking for is a way of making Windows Mobile 6.1 read the incoming delivery reports and mark the corresponding sent text messages. Or at least they should not cause the X1 to notify us as the same way a normal text message does (i.e. same sound, same message dialog, etc...). I want to know that a message has been delivered without first having to believe "I got a text message" and then seeing that it's only a delivery report...
Yep, I'm looking for a solution to this issue too. Having recently bought an HTC Touch HD, this is one thing that I think my old Sony Ericsson K610i handled much better.
Would be great to find some tweak that makes the phone treat delivery reports as a status change of the sent text message (sms), rather than as a separate message altogether.
So what you're trying to say is:
Now: - You get a seperate sms saying the message has been delivered.
What you want: - The message in the "sent" folder changes icon when delivered.
Is there a solution for this that anyone knows of?
DankertV said:
Yep, I'm looking for a solution to this issue too. Having recently bought an HTC Touch HD, this is one thing that I think my old Sony Ericsson K610i handled much better.
Would be great to find some tweak that makes the phone treat delivery reports as a status change of the sent text message (sms), rather than as a separate message altogether.
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Finally someone that finds it as annoying as me!
Now tell me you are a kick-ass-win-mobile-developer!
I'm just a low-life-sql-dba-bad-ass
so I cant do **** about this... well except google
Another thing with the delivery report. I once got one when my ringtones were turned off, but the sound came anyway. So my theory is that its recognized as a system message, not a SMS. System voulme was still activated. Anyone noticed that too?
Wrekk said:
Finally someone that finds it as annoying as me!
Now tell me you are a kick-ass-win-mobile-developer!
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Nope, sorry, I'm not much of a win-mobile-developer... However, I did find a small app that actually fulfills my wishes somewhat. It's not perfect, but it's better than the default delivery reports...
Have a look at this site and have a go at SMS Delivery Recipt Fix. The author is active here on the forum, so you can find lots of info on this app in several threads (after all, that's how I found it). I just tried it on my phone (HTC Touch HD running Win Mobile 6.1) and it works brilliantly. The status message is still delivered as a separate sms, but now it pops up in a bubble, and the option to delete it is right there with it. In my opinion, that's a lot better than having to go into the inbox, find the report, and delete it from there. I think I'll stick with this solution.
That bubble with the "delete" option is how it works for me..but this just came with win 6.1, nothing special installed for that feature. Still it would be good to see wich contact is reported about.
But as i read that "fix" is meant to also show the contacts name, i will try that.
nurps said:
That bubble with the "delete" option is how it works for me..but this just came with win 6.1, nothing special installed for that feature. Still it would be good to see wich contact is reported about.
But as i read that "fix" is meant to also show the contacts name, i will try that.
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Yes, I do feel a bit stupid here, but I realised later that the bubble popup notification is a built-in function of WinMo 6.1... I just hadn't properly understood how to enable it, that only became clear to me once I had installed the sms fix. But, the fix still does a nice thing, i.e. link the displayed number to a name, which looks a lot better.
Yes but from the screenshot is moves the delete link from onscreen to menu / delete..that would be annoying again. Is that right?
nurps said:
Yes but from the screenshot is moves the delete link from onscreen to menu / delete..that would be annoying again. Is that right?
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Not at all. Look at the screenshots again. The one with a menu is the "new message" notification... There you have more options like "call sender", "delete message", and so on. The first screenshot shows how the delivery report is displayed, and this comes with two on-screen options: dismiss and delete. No menus to navigate here.
