cprog size - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

The size in memory of cprog.exe had been creeping up on my MDA, reaching over 4MB, according to Memmaid. This size doesn't change with soft resets. Then I did a hard reset, upgraded to 2.24 ROM, restored my PIM data, and cprog is down to 1.1MB, and has stayed there. All of my contacts and appointments are there. What accounts for the difference?
I don't know if old items were accumulating on the MDA; I clean items more than two months old out of Outlook, so synching should delete older items, but I never checked that this had happened. But if it had, they should still be there since I actually restored the PIM data using spb backup.


The 14mb of permanent storage question. Please clarifyq

Hi guys,
I dont want to sound ignorant, but that 14mb or so we have left over for storge, is that permanent? (ie, after a hard reset, the data is still there?)
Also, I have checked my contacts, appointments etc to be permanentley saved. Does this mean that they are transferred into this 14mb storage area? To stay until they are manually removed?
The only reason why I ask is that I was pretty sure I saved my contacts to permanent storage b4 I did a hard reset, but they werent there once the XDAII reinstalled.
Yes, the Storage survives after hard reset. Did you use xBackup to save your contacts and appointments? If so, just return to xBackup to restore. They are not automatically restored on a hard reset.
And yes you can manually delete saved files etc. from Storage to make more space for the next time!
What about agendafusion appointments, etc? does xbackup recognise those as appointments when you back them up, or does agenda have its own backup procedure?
I believe that they will be backed up. xBackup uses the default PIM database. I know for sure, that Pocket Informant uses the default databases (contacts, calendar, tasks) and these data are backed-up by xbackup.
Permanent storage does work with contacts, apointments, tasks & connection settings.
After soft-reset they get restored automatically
After hard-reset you have to restore manually by getting into the Permanent Storage app
Works like a charm

Activesync wipes contacts after restoring system with Sprite

My XDAII recently decided to hard reset on its own and I hadnt backed up for about 10 days (I use the latest version of Sprite Backup). After restoring I connected via activesync and it read the contacts on the PDA and decided to wipe 10 days worth of new contacts and outlook database edits! Because they wernt on the XDAII it assumed I had deleted them! Is there a way of avoiding this in the future?
in the activsync options there is a option called
conflict resolution which deside how conflicting settings are handled
Its not about a conflict- there is only 1 version of the new contact on my PC which it choses to delete because it doesnt see one on the XDA. I set the conflict resolution setting to "always replace the item on my PPC"
well some times when i sync there comes a dialog asking me if
i want to replace items on my ppc or on my pc or combine them
i always pick combine and clear up manualy if i get double entries
but as a rule ms software that you get for free have some troublesome strangeness personalities
I got caught by this a few times. My solution was to delete all the items on the desktop ( without emptying the waste bin so you can get them back if you need to) and then synch. This avoided the all delete or all duplicate scenarios. I think Sprite must affect a synch flag when it restores. Anyway - this works for me as I don't add that many contacts on a daily basis
UK badboy said:
Its not about a conflict- there is only 1 version of the new contact on my PC which it choses to delete because it doesnt see one on the XDA. I set the conflict resolution setting to "always replace the item on my PPC"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Doesn't matter how many copies etc - it's a hidden TIMESTAMP that might cause this.
So despite them being in Outlook, and NOT on the phone, when you restore back to the phone, the timestamp is more recent than in Oultook.
Thus, when you sync, Outlook thinks ITS numbers are old, and no longer needed, and deletes them
I agree, it's the timestamp, how we work around it?
I completely agree with your diagnosis, and is very annoying to get the original date changed on my main PC since the date stamp is for me a criteria used to understand when a contact or an info comes from...
Is there a solution?
I use XBack-up, but I understand that also people who use Sprite have the same problem... is there a software without this problem?
By the way, taking about back-up, mine done on a kingston 128 menory takes around 6 hours... (restore is under one hour) is that normal? What is your experinece? Do u think it's a memory card a ROM or a device problem?

Losing storage memory

Hi folks,
I'm running into a very annoying problem with my HTC TyTN. I seem to be losing storage memory on a daily basis. I haven't installed any new app for a long time and I've been losing about .1 MB a day of storage memory. I use the PIM applications a lot (Pocket Informant 2007 actually) but I don't see how my PIM database could have expanded to an additionnal 5 MB in the last 2 months. (My calendar goes back to 2001 with many appointments, I have more than 2000 Contacts, about 300 notes and no tasks). My PIM database has probably grown between in information from 2 to 5 % Max of the size it was 2 months ago (which probably used a lot let than 1 MB) and now I'm missing more than 5 MB on my storage memory which doesn't make sense.1
In addition, I've used a bunch of memory freeing apps but that didn't affect my storage memory.
I have no idea how to solve this problem and I'm soon not gonna be able to go on using my HTC TyTN since I won't have any available memory on it.
Help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I have noticed that performing a soft reset restores some memory. I say this in passing as it probably won't help in your case. I also notice that the true memory position is not reported after using clear out apps until a soft reset is done.
Just a thought, but do you use PIE much? If so, you might just need to clear the cache out. That might be an issue... maybe.
I have done many soft resets but that didn't change anything. I also clear PIE cache on a daily basis. No change so far...
I do receive many MMS and SMS everyday but always delete them (including in the deleted items folder). I'm guessing maybe I need to "purge" the messages database... I just don't know how to do that and where it is stored.
I've had a problems with my inboxes since I did a hard reset a few months ago. I have duplicate folders in my inboxes (2 deleted items, 2 sent items etc...) for my MMS and SMS messages. I was never able to restore the default configuration (I tried to restore and hard reset many times).
Maybe this is linked...
Sorry for keeping answering to myself...
I've used MemMaid and managed to free more than 10 MB of storage memory... It seems the problem was my bloated .dll that I was able to move to my memory card...
Hope this will help others!

no activesync contacts in wm6

hi all
just upgraded using the t-mob005 rom. now when i run activesync (4.5.0) all seemingly goes well but it does not transfer the contacts.
has any one else come across this.
have deleted and reinstalled activesync, deleted all previous partnerships. even went as far as restoring from an earlier sprite (wm5) backup. this resulted in my contacts being restored but would only let me pair the devices as a guest???
thanks in advance
it gets worse.
outlook throws up error code 80007000e stating that someones birthday is gobbling up too much ram.
have repaired the pst. mutiple hard/soft reboots. deleted every repeating item in the calender.
cannot even create new contacts in outlook on my ameo.
will post back if i find a resolution....
thus far have managed to sort out contacts following another hard reset and telling acyivesync to only sync contacts...

Clearing ALL Contacts & Appointments?

Having migrated to Trinity's I wish to eBay my 2 X Prophets
How can I delete ALL Contacts & Calendar appointments?
I do not wish to Hard Reset the phones as I wish to sell them with TomTom & other programs installed
Deleting Calendar as well as Contacts
Athough the link on http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=272996 allows the deletion of all Contacts, I needed to delete my Appointments yet leave various software installed, Hard Reset wiped them.
By using SpbBackup in 'Custom Backup' mode I only selected My Documents & System Data. Hard Reset the Prophet & restored from the Custom Backup file.
All software still works & no personal data; Prophet now on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280136214281

