Here's a camera template that i put together - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hey everyone I just wanted to share the camera template that i created, tell me how you like it!
You can use it for taking half and half pictures, like half of one persons head and then half of someone elses, its quite entertaining!
**EDIT!** For everyone that doesnt know how to use the camera templates! Heres what you do!!
1. Unzip the attachment that you download off here.
2. Copy it over the UnZiped file to your device to: My Device > My Documents > Templates.
3. Open the camera attachment.
4. Then go to Picture theme and go though your choices till you see one that is Half and Half!
5. This is very important!!!! POST THE GOOFY PICTURES YOU TAKE HERE!! lol

haha this is tite! where can i get more templates?

Cool. Would love to have sepia and other templates.

Is it possable to have one that goes the other way so cut the face down the middle?
edit : Maybe if you can do different things you could tell us what kind of things you can do and i would be open to paying you for them!!! I am sure if you have some cool things like this other people would as well!

funman said:
Is it possable to have one that goes the other way so cut the face down the middle?
edit : Maybe if you can do different things you could tell us what kind of things you can do and i would be open to paying you for them!!! I am sure if you have some cool things like this other people would as well!
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I think if you just open the file with the image previewer on WinXP you could just rotate it 90 degrees.

just tried it with GIf programme, but it does not like it!
edit : i have been looking everywhere to find a help me how to make it, but not a thing. PLEASe HELP and Tell us how you do it!

Does anyone know how to do this?

I have found it so anyone can make them now!!!

O Sorry for my late response, Glad you guys like this! I might consider making some more later on then! Any ideas for some? or pictures to work with?

how about
a wanted terrorist photo something like on the FBI website.
a milk carton, seen these in movies in america missing people are put on milk cartons.
US president podium, might have to use a George bush outline.
one of those terrorist videos, similar to the us podium.
a goldfish, just cut the face out shame u cant put a orange tinge to the new photo it takes would blend better.
some sort of alien, ohhh a klingon or frengi ? oh theres another idea captain of the enterprise ?
some perverted guy in rain coat (aka dirty old flasher)
or a realy nerdy guy, also a muscle guy ?
lmao one of these has to be a good idea, the templates ive already found have provided heaps of entertainment.

Is 640x480 the maximum size?
all the templates i've found here or on other sites have always been 640x480 in size.
Is it possible to create a 1280x1024 (1.3 MPixel) template?

ok so im guessing the "how about requests" offer has now expired.
oh well i still picked up the 100 pack a few days ago.

st3v3 said:
how about
a wanted terrorist photo something like on the FBI website.
a milk carton, seen these in movies in america missing people are put on milk cartons.
US president podium, might have to use a George bush outline.
one of those terrorist videos, similar to the us podium.
a goldfish, just cut the face out shame u cant put a orange tinge to the new photo it takes would blend better.
some sort of alien, ohhh a klingon or frengi ? oh theres another idea captain of the enterprise ?
some perverted guy in rain coat (aka dirty old flasher)
or a realy nerdy guy, also a muscle guy ?
lmao one of these has to be a good idea, the templates ive already found have provided heaps of entertainment.
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hi there mate ive made a few now so im happy to make some for you, but meet me half way and post the pictures you want as a template here and ill be happy to do it..


Phantasm Music Player

Updated the DBC so I've pulled the cab that was here. I don't want to post another cab since at least one person was way too confused to figure it out without the docs (5-pg PDF). But at least for that confused guy, the DBC is even simpler now.
... and then there were nine
The user guide is nice and short, too, only at 20pgs not as short as before, but it's got pretty pictures this time. Since I can't attach it on this very old post, I've made a new post and (maybe, if it works) put it there (the UG that is, since last time I didn't have the space).
i cant access to your homepage for more detail,
pls check it
Here is the homepage of the music player, if that is what you wanted:
homepage doesn't work, do you have another link?
This is so not worthy of my time.
1. Build a website that actually works. With enough screenshots.
2. Make a trial version that doesn't make me want to kill the author. Seriously? Email 4 lines of number-garbage just to test it for few minutes? Look down from your tower of babel, there are people with lives down here.
3. The moment your database configuration tool (good luck explaining that to a average user) requested for moving and rebuilding my storage card, i just cancelled everything. You might want to make it more understandable. I guess it's for telling the software where the music is.
Edit: Here, i shot a quick video of the parts that i did manage to test
Thanks for the video (I like the soundtrack! ), so I don't have to waste my... er... test the progam myself.
I love this video
Your hands speaks a lot of words in this video
btw:the sound is lovely too
Add throw-scrolling via finger/thumb (ala Iphone) and album art scrolling to this app, and I'll pay your price.
respect for 40iplay..
Demens said:
This is so not worthy of my time.
1. Build a website that actually works. With enough screenshots.
2. Make a trial version that doesn't make me want to kill the author. Seriously? Email 4 lines of number-garbage just to test it for few minutes? Look down from your tower of babel, there are people with lives down here.
3. The moment your database configuration tool (good luck explaining that to a average user) requested for moving and rebuilding my storage card, i just cancelled everything. You might want to make it more understandable. I guess it's for telling the software where the music is.
Edit: Here, i shot a quick video of the parts that i did manage to test
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SciFer said:
homepage doesn't work, do you have another link?
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It won't work - the vast majority of the world is banned from there. According to the developer, most people are plain criminals; this is why they're banned from his site.
I really recommend the following links for more info: , , and
Menneisyys said:
It won't work - the vast majority of the world is banned from there. According to the developer, most people are plain criminals; this is why they're banned from his site.
I really recommend the following links for more info: , , and
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Man... This guy is paranoid. Everybody is speaking great of his app but it seems nobody can download it (and pay for it...).
Here is the Demo version of this
Demens said:
This is so not worthy of my time.
1. Build a website that actually works. With enough screenshots.
2. Make a trial version that doesn't make me want to kill the author. Seriously? Email 4 lines of number-garbage just to test it for few minutes? Look down from your tower of babel, there are people with lives down here.
3. The moment your database configuration tool (good luck explaining that to a average user) requested for moving and rebuilding my storage card, i just cancelled everything. You might want to make it more understandable. I guess it's for telling the software where the music is.
Edit: Here, i shot a quick video of the parts that i did manage to test
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It sucks that people come out with great products like this, but then get discouraged b/c people like you post crap like this. Did you really have a hard time figuring this out? Maybe get an iPhone instead of windows mobile. It took me all of 2 minutes to figure it out and catalog all of the music on my 8525. You ask this person to look down from their tower 'cuz people have a real life and cant copy and paste 4 lines into an email (5 seconds at most...learn how to use your device), yet you have time to post a video on YouTube and even add a musical background.
Get real. Ive never ever posted something bad in any forum, but after reading your reply, seeing your video, and then testing the thing out myself, i just couldnt keep my mouth shut cuz you're completely ridiculous and apparently dont know how to...hell i dont even know. Think? Problem solve? Read? All of the above i guess.
Demens said:
This is so not worthy of my time.
1. Build a website that actually works. With enough screenshots.
Edit: Here, i shot a quick video of the parts that i did manage to test
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Oh, by the way, he actually posted a VIDEO, not just screenshots...if you can figure out how to download it and know how to use Windows Media Player on your desktop PC (you have used a PC before right?)
Demens said:
This is so not worthy of my time.
1. Build a website that actually works. With enough screenshots.
2. Make a trial version that doesn't make me want to kill the author. Seriously? Email 4 lines of number-garbage just to test it for few minutes? Look down from your tower of babel, there are people with lives down here.
3. The moment your database configuration tool (good luck explaining that to a average user) requested for moving and rebuilding my storage card, i just cancelled everything. You might want to make it more understandable. I guess it's for telling the software where the music is.
Edit: Here, i shot a quick video of the parts that i did manage to test
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Thanks. Saved me lots of time on trying that piece of crap.
please, DO NOT say anything bad about that man.
like i said - he made BEST music player for ppc's, i am amazed by his 40tiplay.
i think its very original person, but geez, do you always need beverly hills 90210 fockin sweetness?
respect, 40th Floor, trust me, you are able to make amazing things.
just stop looking for Touch era users... i think you are just not known here(its second or even third, sad era of ppc's now..;/).
btw, contact me, i want to buy 40tiplay..need info how to do that.
regardless of above: uh, is that presented program(phantasm) yours or someones else , i am confused a bit.
nothin said:
please, DO NOT say anything bad about that man.
like i said - he made BEST music player for ppc's, i am amazed by his 40tiplay.
i think its very original person, but geez, do you always need beverly hills 90210 fockin sweetness?
respect, 40th Floor, trust me, you are able to make amazing things.
just stop looking for Touch era users... i think you are just not known here(its second or even third, sad era of ppc's now..;/).
btw, contact me, i want to buy 40tiplay..need info how to do that.
regardless of above: uh, is that presented program(phantasm) yours or someones else , i am confused a bit.
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Actually, we're in the same boat. If you read my past generic multimedia-related articles, I've recommended iPlay the most because of its 1, excellent CPU usage 2, groundbreaking reverb effect, which really enhances ALL kinds of content.
However, the developer, it seems, considers everyone outside the U.S. criminal... he hasn't even answered my mails where I've told him I'd pay for his stuff to be reviewed and I'm not asking for a freebie (I've purchased the full Pocket Music, both the PPC and the Symbian versions of CorePlayer and Nero Mobile Digital so that I can review them without always asking for review copies. (Yeah, it was too late when I noticed Pocket Music actually had a full-working trial version. No problem, at least I contributed to the player's future development.)) ...
All in all, I'm absolutely sure you won't be able to actually buy a copy of his stuff either - if you can't access his homepage (because, in most cases, you're outside the U.S.), then, you're a criminal. Just like me and a lot of AximSite folks. According to him, of course.
Tested the demo - indeed it's even more crippled than past iPlay 5 demos. You MUST request a trial code from their homepage in order to even make it run (to pass the initial screen - if you just close it, then, any menu operation will result in an immediate exit). This completely sucks.
All in all, it's a no-go for the Multimedia Bible either.
benjammin said:
It sucks that people come out with great products like this, but then get discouraged b/c people like you post crap like this. Did you really have a hard time figuring this out? Maybe get an iPhone instead of windows mobile. It took me all of 2 minutes to figure it out and catalog all of the music on my 8525. You ask this person to look down from their tower 'cuz people have a real life and cant copy and paste 4 lines into an email (5 seconds at most...learn how to use your device), yet you have time to post a video on YouTube and even add a musical background.
Get real. Ive never ever posted something bad in any forum, but after reading your reply, seeing your video, and then testing the thing out myself, i just couldnt keep my mouth shut cuz you're completely ridiculous and apparently dont know how to...hell i dont even know. Think? Problem solve? Read? All of the above i guess.
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So I'm thinking you're either a mindless fanboy or probably the author himself using a fake username. It doesn't matter how good your software is, dude. You're never going to make any money off it because the simple fact of the matter is that you're a douche.
By the way:
PHANTSM - n. - Something apparently seen but having no physical reality
What an appropriate name for your product.

6965 wm6 download
This is a load. I would love if someone proved me wrong but this is nothing but adware and spyware crap.
Totally fake & crap!!!!!!
no_password said:
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You Idiot,
Warez on XDA, The top 3 results always mock what you type you stupid f***.
This is excatly why limewire, kazaa, AOL , Bearshare, all that other bs should have never came out, damn peer to peer crap, now every soccer mom knows where to download a cd, movie, , this is why ELITE sites, are no longer available, RIAA, MPAA, ......, poking their nose in s***, not to mention these dumb**** who sell trademark, and copyrighted material at the f****** flea market.
Sorry for all the swearing Mods, Damn someone ban this guy
I don't even have to download this to know it fake, the screenshots just scream something you want to hear (if you ignore the fact that the download file sizes do not at all match the capacity of the phone)
Agreed... but depressing.... even the brand new phones on the market seem to have people cooking new ROMS in short order. This particular phone is just left out apparently.
Btw, love mine. Wish the screen were bigger - but otherwise very pleased.

Themes no longer available

Sorry, after this day my themes are no longer available.
I wish all users a merry christmas and a happy new year.​
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Great Stuff Thanks!
Keep up the good work!
I´ve attached a new theme: Wild West. Download look Post 4. said they're available in cabs?..
They look fantastic man, amazing job, I just have this problem though...
While copying the pirate files @ the windows dir, I got a low mem msg @ 95%...
Now the damn message keeps popping up, how do I delete all these files?.. manually?
Where could I find those cabs you mention?
- oh well...fixed it Nice work, the only thing I didn't really like was the choice of backgrounds. Otherwise, a pretty good job
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To all downloaders....My themes were downloaded together more than 3000 times (i know...many other themes more), but almost no comments. Only, if something goes wrong.
I would regret if the contribution would disappear - no comments, and at the 2nd day it´s on the 10th side of this thread and the other users never get an information about these themes.
Also it would be good to get information about some experiences you made. It´s a hard work, over 10, sometimes over 20 hours from the skinners to make their themes, but only a little effort, to post a critic after testing, doesn´t matter if positive or negative.
the only negative thing i can think of is ... copyrighted materials being used...
like trademarks and pictures ,
for the rest it looks nice
stresskiller66 said:
the only negative thing i can think of is ... copyrighted materials being used...
like trademarks and pictures ,
for the rest it looks nice
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You´re right...but i don´t get any money for making´s only fun. Here in the threads are the most things on a border to this question...Rom Cooking, working on _manilas and more. Noone makes official programs/ themes like these. And the most graphics i renewed, styled in another way as the originals and some are real new, made with graphic programs by myself. Excample: To cut the spider of the spiderman-logo, takes one hour of my time. And for the web i copied it out of 1 frame from the beginning of the film and edited this original web, so that you can see it on the little display. This theme takes over 20 hours, until it was ready. I try, to make these things as perfect, as i can.
Here in the threads we try to make the device more beautiful or more functional.... the manufacturer has less ideas and interests to this things. Maybe, it´s too much work and not so much to earn?! Or do you see somewhere programs, like you find here?
And it´s a good marketing for this people. If you have a theme like these or a better program, you have more identification with the diamond, with windows mobile, with film show, you are a fan of Pirates and make a little monument for it, and so on.
If I would sell these themes or get a donation for them it´s a step to far (for me), but to make it for fun without any financial interests.... who wants to see a theme with a pic of my father or me on his/her phone
Edit: I have a photo of me on the 1st bootscreen...if the phone was stolen, to rile the thieves. They were remembered to me every soft reset ;-)
Hi.. Your themes are great . Especially pirates of the carebian.
It would be great if you have terminator theme...
thanks for the immediate response man, I found a background
You posted some cool ones though
Thanks again for the theme
Neo XL said:
You´re right...but i don´t get any money for making´s only fun.
Here in the threads are the most things on a border to this question...Rom Cooking, working on _manilas and more. Noone makes official programs/ themes like these. And the most graphics i renewed, styled in another way as the originals and some are real new, made with graphic programs by myself. Excample: To cut the spider of the spiderman-logo, takes one hour of my time. And for the web i copied it out of 1 frame from the beginning of the film and edited this original web, so that you can see it on the little display. This theme takes over 20 hours, until it was ready. I try, to make these things as perfect, as i can.
Here in the threads we try to make the device more beautiful or more functional.... the manufacturer has less ideas and interests to this things. Maybe, it´s too much work and not so much to earn?! Or do you see somewhere programs, like you find here?
And it´s a good marketing for this people. If you have a theme like these or a better program, you have more identification with the diamond, with windows mobile, with film show, you are a fan of Pirates and make a little monument for it, and so on.
If I would sell these themes or get a donation for them it´s a step to far (for me), but to make it for fun without any financial interests.... who wants to see a theme with a pic of my father or me on his/her phone
Edit: I have a photo of me on the 1st bootscreen...if the phone was stolen, to rile the thieves. They were remembered to me every soft reset ;-)
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i agree but most of those companies do have nasty lawyers thats all,
but if we are talking about ideas.... for new things ..
how about an Amiga theme and make the diamond screen look like some workbench screen .and kickstart like it was on the amiga 1000
here are some old screens :
It would be nothing, what i would like to see on my diamond...maybe it´s interesting for other skinners.
But i thank you for your tip... i´m not angry ´bout this. I know, that some companies like to bring people to the court. Hope, that they see here, that it´s fun and support a positive image for the films and not with the reason, to harm them.
You did a great job with these themes.
My question is: can I install the themes on any version of ROM? I use 1.93.
Thank you.
I use also 1.93 and it works. The cabs have been downloaded very often since the last days and no problems reported. I hope, it all wents okay. In every cab are only the graphic files, tsk, sometimes rings. No system files.
Hi, thanx so much for these themes, they're are fabulous. I love the Pirates theme, one thing is you don't include calendar and connecion tab to your theme any more. Thanx for all what you have done.
Hope for more beautiful themes.
Keep holding on

Graphics Designer Needed. Any amount of experience welcome!

Hello! Thanks for stopping by! I'm making an app with a friend of mine and we both are terrible at making graphics (we both code). The game is a simple dice game yet what sets it apart from other dice games is online play and a level of polish above the rest. Our code is pretty polished, even in its humble beginnings, so we are looking for a graphics designer who is willing to help show to users a polished interface.
We don't care how much experience you have as long as you're willing to learn (we can't teach you though obviously). The only thing we ask for is that you give at least 3 hours a week to the project. I believe that is not a lot to ask for. We are doing this project as a hobby and we hope to add another member (or two) to our team. Once again thank's for your time.
If you would like to know more about the app please post in the thread so other people can benefit from the information and if you have more personal questions feel free to PM me.
I'm actually interested. if it's not too time consuming I will gladly give it a try.
you can take a look at my deviant art profile to see what graphic works i normally do
send me an email @ [email protected] if you want to contact me.
i do lots of traditional paper and pen design then move it over to digital paint.
let me know if you need some help and what your ideas and i'll toss up a few test designs you can look over.
i do very little in terms of actual 3d renders and modeling.
deviant art gallery
nice gallery btw.
Aoi_sora9x said:
I'm actually interested. if it's not too time consuming I will gladly give it a try.
you can take a look at my deviant art profile to see what graphic works i normally do
send me an email @ [email protected] if you want to contact me.
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Nice Deadmau5 head
not hijacking, but it'd be really cool to see resources designers kicking around here make. which could then be used in projects by devs. just putting something out there will encourage others to use it. ie. icons and so on.
MarkusPO said:
not hijacking, but it'd be really cool to see resources designers kicking around here make. which could then be used in projects by devs. just putting something out there will encourage others to use it. ie. icons and so on.
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The only problem with that is that some people don't like other people to use their work. It's the same thing with code (i.e. open source or not). In any case it would be better to submit work you would like to share on Open Clip Art instead of a thread that would be hard to upkeep and search through.
pxldtz said:
i do lots of traditional paper and pen design then move it over to digital paint.
let me know if you need some help and what your ideas and i'll toss up a few test designs you can look over.
i do very little in terms of actual 3d renders and modeling.
deviant art gallery
nice gallery btw.
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The time it will take depends on you're proficiency with creating buttons backgrounds and stuff like that. Right now I have three people that want to work on this and I always had in mind to have different themes for this app. I'm going to ask Aoi_sora9x if he won't mind other people making other different themes. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
tytdfn said:
The only problem with that is that some people don't like other people to use their work. It's the same thing with code (i.e. open source or not). In any case it would be better to submit work you would like to share on Open Clip Art instead of a thread that would be hard to upkeep and search through.
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i thoroughly disagree! so if a designer didn't want to share, they're not forced to post whatever they've made on here. and as xda is a large community, you never know who could be reading about your work. maybe a new forum would be best.
I think the main reason is that XDA is a developer forum and not a designer forum?
artists and designers mostly will post on art forums, like how developers will only share stuffs on developer forums. When i wanna share a new icon set, XDA is not the first place i would think of. :/
MarkusPO said:
i thoroughly disagree! so if a designer didn't want to share, they're not forced to post whatever they've made on here. and as xda is a large community, you never know who could be reading about your work. maybe a new forum would be best.
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True. The new forum idea has potential.
I would like to try that, too..
My deviantART profile:
email: [email protected]
I'm not good with 3D modeling, but I like to create interfaces.

Small Photo App Idea (w/ a twist). Need help!

Hello. I have an idea for an app but unfortunately have no time/idea how to write code ect. Knowing that this is the only place to find good info on android development I went straight to this forum.
Basically I need help building an apk that will allow you to frame a picture from your camera with different templates(animals, celebs, ect.) as well as add different effects to it (stretch, skew ect.) I know that this sounds fairly common and there are several apps that do this already (placeface?), but my idea has a simple twist.
With all the news lately about people getting into trouble over lude cellphone pics(favre,(R)weiner,kanye to name a few), why not capitalize off of it? My idea is to take a simple photo app but gear it to the invetible "**** pic" capturer. Yes, a **** pic app! With this app you should be able to take a picture of your junk and frame it like an elephant, girraffe, or place your own member on someone elses frame. Am I the only one who thinks this would be hilarious??
Please respond with your thoughts or PM me with ideas. Thanks in advance!
*I dont know how much developers charge or if that is acceptable on this site, but I have a paypal account
Hahahaha. Wow... dress your member.
All i can say is that this would never fly on ios.
From something awesome
