Using GPRS as a Modem to surf internet with Desktop/Notebook - Networking

There are three main steps:
1. Pairing the devices
2. Configuring the modem using an AT string
3. Creating a new internet connection using the modem
Let's start with the first step: pairing the devices and using the modem on the PDA.(Photo 1-3)
Now, run a connection wizard on the Desktop/Notebook (New Connection). I am going to show you the procedure in detail, so I opted for the Custom Mode.(Photo 4-6) The device is then checked for supported services. In our case, the Wizard offers only one but very important service, Dial-up Networking.(Photo 7)When you click Next, the devices will try to pair.
If everything goes well, the PC should display a window asking for a PIN. It does not matter what you type in (can be 8888) [Photo 8], you only need to remember this because you will have to enter the same code in the PDA. This protects you against intruders. On the pocket device, first confirm that you realy want to communicate with the PC (Yes) and then enter the PIN (Photo 9-10) .Check the box at Serial Port and tap on Finish.(Photo 11)
We are done with the PDA for the time being but need to do some more setting on the desktop/notebook. A Bluetooth driver from Notebook offers a quick configuration of the newly connected modem (Photo 12). Click on Advanced Modem Settings and enter the following string in the only possible field: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","APN", where the "APN" should be replaced with APN details of your provider (Photo 13).
For Example. APN for 'Peoples' is
Please note that different notebook may have different bluetooth module so that the above photo display may not be same.
The last step involves filling in a form where you enter a name for the connection being created in the first field and specify a dial-up string in the second field and leave the rest blank. In this case, we typed in Dial-up Connection Name : Vodafone GPRS or keep the current default connection unchanged. Telephone number is *99# which is universal setting for GPRS.(Photo 14)
That's it. Now at Notebook/Desktop select Start -> Settings -> Network connections -> Your new connection and then Dial and you should be connected to the internet .
The procedure should be similar with other BT modules.
Please note that all photo is not mine but I tested on my 818pro and Notebook and work fine.
Using GPRS as a Modem to surf internet with Desktop/ Notebook with USB Cable:

sas, I have tried your procedure and for some reason can't get it to work... do you know if the Prophet will work as a GPRS modem through USB cable? I have the newest ROM for the JAMin... maybe this is why I can't get it to work??


Laptop GPRS via BT on PDA

I have scoured the forums and the nice BT how-to's at geekzone web site but still can not get this connection set up. I want internet access on my laptop (W2000Pro) via BT connection to PDA (PDA2k) using GPRS on PDA. Maybe I just am using the wrong number to dial. I thought it is *99# for AT&T W here in the US. Detailed instruction on PC and PDA end will be much appreciated.
Have you put the modem string in?
On the laptop go to Control Pane > Phone and Modems > Modems
Highlight the XDA connection and click Properties > Advanced tab
In the 'Extra Initialization commands' field enter
at+cgdcont=1,"ip","Service provider"
for service provider it could be AT&; you will have to find that out!
swamp2 said:
I have scoured the forums and the nice BT how-to's at geekzone web site but still can not get this connection set up. I want internet access on my laptop (W2000Pro) via BT connection to PDA (PDA2k) using GPRS on PDA. Maybe I just am using the wrong number to dial. I thought it is *99# for AT&T W here in the US. Detailed instruction on PC and PDA end will be much appreciated.
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Click to collapse
There are a few factors to consider when attempting to use a PDA as a GPRS modem, as follows:
1) PDA devices, throughout several years of my testing/engineering experience in the wireless data industry do not make good GPRS modems (In fact, most of them do not function as modems - as it was originally intended by the manufacturer)
2) The Win2k Pro has to be at least Service Pack3 for decent GPRS connectivity (I am going to assume that it is either SP3 or SP4 on your box)
3) Under control panel > phone/modem options (as mentioned by the person below) you need to click on the "modems" tab, then highlight your PDA modem and click the "Properties" tab....Here you will click the "Advanced" tab, AND in the "extra initialization command" bar you will enter the following string (case-sensitive) at+cgdcont=1,"IP","proxy" ....don't leave spaces in the string...then click OK and OK again (or apply and OK, whatever the option is)
4) Most importantly, you need to make sure that your SIM card from ATTWS/Cingular is accurately provisioned for the GPRS PDP option. (If it's not yet, you will need to call the ATT Wireless Customer Care/or Cingular Customer Care -whatever it is called right now)
5) You will then go into the Control Panel > Network/Dialup Connections and "create a new" manual DUN connection using that PDA modem driver (not your internal modem driver obviously - you would be amazed how many ppl make that mistake)...You will want to dial *99# ....You don't want to use ANY area code or dialing rules, and you want use both a blank username and a blank password (make sure "save password" is checked)
In conclusion....Provided that all of the aforementioned components are in place, you should be able to connect and browse/get mail, whatever your needs are.....depending on the capabilities of your PDA modem, you will get anywhere from 28kbps to 70 kbps for your data throughput.
Your local neighborhood friendly GPRS expert :lol:
PS. I just realized that you are using BT as your connection means (which implies you have to use Bluetooth Neighborhood, Bluetooth Places, or Bluetooth Devices, one of the above anyway........Therefore, just apply the settings I gave you to the Bluetooth DUN setup (instead of the Windows DUN setup)...You should see your PDA modem as a "bluetooth Dialup modem" on com6 or something of that nature.....
Cheers 8)
Finally got it - was easy in the end
A correction... I am using XP SP2 not 2000 (duh). Anyway I got the connection working and it all seems very easy in retrospect.
For anyone else having this problem: You just need to find the services offered by your pda2k through your "BT Places" on the laptop. Dial up networking will be offered, choose that and a shortcut will be created automatically in BT Places. All else was automatic, just dbl click Dial-up Networking. You will see a dialog on pda2k explaining the connection, you get a phone icon in banner area and then use the internet on your laptop just like normal. In case it does not happen automatically you just need to make sure you have a BT modem in Control Panel/Modems on a COM port and a BT connection using that modem with number *99#, no other options or settings required.
Glad you figured this out!
I was going to suggest using the Widcomm drivers found on this forum. I switched and was able to get a DUN service.
On another note if you are using the MS BT drivers, I found that if you establish an Activesync connection via BT, you can setup the outgoing serial port as the BT modem.

Using Jam as Blutooth GPRS modem for laptop with Vodafone UK

I'm trying to get a net connection for my laptop over bluetooth through my Jam.
I'm on Vodafone UK & they provide software called "Connect Me" for the laptop but, of course, the list of supported phones during setup doesn't include the Jam or any PPC Phone device.
Does anyone know how else I can go about this?
Hey. It shouldn't be too difficult. The only thing you need is to start the modem application on your Magician and (provided that you have a working GPRS connection for your provider already configured) enter the exact (!) name of this connection (on my Magician it's the GPRS connection under "ISP" - use the name of this GPRS connection, not ISP!) in Options->Use preset GPRS APN and also check the box. Then you have to go to the settings on your PC, check in your Bluetooth manager the available services and click the modem service (SSA or something). There you have to enter your name and password of the provider and as phone number (at least for german providers) *99#. In the last step, you might have to check the TCP/IP settings and set them the way your provider needs them to be. Hope it helps.
Thanks Dandie - I'll give it a go....
Nope - sorry - I'm totally baffled.
My GPRS connection on the phone is fine in normal use and is names "voda gprs".
By "the modem application" I assume you mean "Wireless Modem".
In the tools/option menu I have "Preset GPRS Connections" checked and the APN box completed as "voda gprs"
The connection type is set to bluetooth.
Whjen I press the "Start" button not a lot happens. It doesn't connect to my GPRS service.
However, if I connect to my GPRS service manually by clicking the connection icon in the bar at the top and clicking "connect GPRS" the "Connection" box in WModem turns yellow - which I assume is a good thing.
I have bluetooth turned on on my jam and my laptop (sony vaio) and the devices are already paired.
However - the laptop BT manager (Bluespace NE) only shows the following services available on my Jam: File Push/Serial/vCard & Dial up Networking.
No modem service. Clicking dial up networking gives me Dial-up networking Com 8 & Serial Port Com 10 options which I have enabled. But clicking dial up networking just pops up the options box again and doesnt seem to connect.
Launching browser on laptop having done all this = still no connection.
Jeez - I'm not new to this and have had this laptop connected to numerous mobile phones for internet access but this is driving me nuts.
I just want to make a BT link launch my browser and go but it ain't happening ;(
You're on the way. Don't give up. It's not anywhere as easy as it is with a normal mobile phone and a special application. This is the fault of MS if you ask me.
Anyway. You shouldn't connect to your GPRS connection when you use the modem. Otherwise it won't work. So disconnect on the PPC, start the modem application and select bluetooth (the APN setting is alright already). Klick on start. Now you have to initiate the connection from the PC. Connect to the dial up profile of your PPC. Then should a normal DUN dialog be displayed, allowing you to enter the password, number etc. These informations are given by your provider. The bluetooth modem might have to be configured separately in device manager of the system. (you don't need AT strings when you use the APN setting on your PPC)
I give up.
Followed these instructions to the letter - also followed MS support sheets & nothing.
Just end up with helpful error message - error 777 the modem on the remote computer is out of order.
My God - this should be soooo simple. It's a basic requirement. But I am going to have to revert to my trusty cellphone for mobile internet from laptop.
Even if I could get it to work I don't want to have to launch the Wmodem app on the Jam every time I need to connect. This is screwed up.
Thanks for the advice anyway.
It is a requirement to start the Wireless modem app on the Magician [if you want to use it as a modem] and set it to Bluetooth.
On the PC, go to control panel > phone and modem options and select the properties of the modem installed for the Magician - I am on XP SP2 and it is installed as a 'Standard modem over bluetooth link'.
On the advanced tab, enter +CGDCONT=1,"IP","Internet" and then set the Dial-up number in you network connection to *99# - that is it.
I am on T-Mobile [UK] and it works fine
When you enter the AT string, you have to leave the option "Use preset GPRS connection" in the settings of the Modem app on the Magician cleared. For me, both ways worked, either by naming the (working) GPRS connection in the settings or by entering the AT string. I prefer the first solution. You can't combine them! (at least it always failed when I tried)
You're damn right! It really is too complicated and could have been made much more comfortable. But once you get it to work, it's quite flexible too, since you can connect via cable, infrared and bluetooth.
When you enter the AT string, you have to leave the option "Use preset GPRS connection" in the settings of the Modem app on the Magician cleared. For me, both ways worked, either by naming the (working) GPRS connection in the settings or by entering the AT string. I prefer the first solution. You can't combine them! (at least it always failed when I tried)
You're damn right! It really is too complicated and could have been made much more comfortable. But once you get it to work, it's quite flexible too, since you can connect via cable, infrared and bluetooth.
OMG, I got it to work, and I'm using the internet connection now on my laptop. I've had the SX-56, the MDAIII, and now the MDA Compact. I must say that I like the compact the best as it is the most practical. I have T-Mobile in the USA, and the initialization string for the bluetooth modem on my laptop is:
My APN here for T-Mobile is I think it's different for people who use WAP though.
Thanks guys. Now I can sign on by bluetooth, USB, and serial.
Afraid I gave up on this a long time. Nothing I tried worked and life's too short to spend several days trying to get my "phone" to work as a gsm modem.
The anansky rom upgrade, by comparison, took just under an hour (mainly as it was my first outing with a hex editor).
Mark One, I totally agree with you. I've tried everything and I can't get the bloody thing to work.... I had no problem last time with the Widcomm stack on XP but now that I've upgraded to SP2, the bloody MS Stack is driving me nuts.... Tried all the instructions here and it still won't work. It's pissing me off!
There is the option within Wmodem to use bluetooth, i have only used it over usb atm tho
Yeah, I guess on the PC you need the Widcomm Stack, or at least any other than Microsoft
You can find many hints in the web how to make the Widcomm stack runs under SP2.
i ve got nearly same problem but i did all the same and cant connect
ive got internal BT (toshiba), i create SSA connection (automaticaly at port com 40) , entered extra dial string command (it is 100% correct), turn on Wireless modem program at my HTC, choose bluetooth and tap start.
Maximum that i reached was that connection led turned yellow. Other 2 are black.
i tried to make direct port connection at ports from 1-10 and to install modem manually. But i could choose only standart modem cause usb modem driver dont fit.
So ... dont know what to do
Ive got the same problem at the minute, however when i browse what services are availible on my magician in "My Bluetooth Places", dial up networking isnt one of them!
Also i havent got any form of bluetooth modem installed on my pc anywhere (i.e the phone) ive tried enabling wmodem and then searching for it but i get nowhere fast
Please help i need to get this working!
Ive just been in touch with Imate (who are BRILLIANT by the way)
and i have solved my problem! here is the pdf they sent me which i followed and it worked fine!
argh .. didnt help. I have another BT browser and it is not same as u have . And it creates not bluetooth modem but only a standart 33000 kbs modem
so , i need a driver for BT modem on Jam
When your Stack on the PC supports SSA, you can install a Bluetooth modem yourself. Just go to Hardware, select "device connected", then chosse "select yourself", then "Add new hardware", then select Modem then "select Modem yourself", search for Widcomm (maybe other Stacks work aswell), select Modem and then your outgoing com port! Then you should have the Modem available.
I think the radio version 1.12 didn't work for me either. Try installing the radio 1.13 (which I would recommend anyway) and maybe also the latest ROM version (I successfully use version 1.12).
You need some patience with that crap but it works.
Chaosmage, which bt software you using?
been using mine as a modem since february.
my way is similar to one above, except that I DO NOT turn the wireless modem on.
using the XP SP2 built in stack with an MSI 6967 dongle.
in bt services in control panel, pair the devices.
on device tab, highlight the device and click properties
go to the services tab and tick the DUN service.
click ok and wait for the new hardware bubbles by the clock to disappear
In phone and modem options in the control panel, click the modems tab
open the properties for the standard modem over bluetooth link
on the advanced tab, enter at+cgdcont=1,"IP","internet" in the extra initialization field
click ok and then go to network connections
create a new connection that dials *99# using the standard modem over bluetooth link - vodafone would tell you to use a login and password of web, but that's not really needed as they don't use authentication (none of the uk networks do)
This i know works, cos it's how i do it, and also how i used to set them uo when i worked at vodafone in newbury.
Any q's, feel pree to PM!

guide to connecting laptop to web via universal

i have an m5000 and would like to use it as a modem to surf the web on my laptop. can anyone give me simple instructions as to how this is done. i have looked at the wireless modem app but can't see how to initiaite a connection on the laptop,
Using your device as a modem to your PC via USB
This is for GPRS connection
You must have from your network provider: the internet access point name, your user name and password.
Download and unzip the attached file in a folder on your desktop
1- Disconnect the device from your desktop
2- On the Activesync icon on your desktop, open "Connection Settings". Uncheck "Allow USB Connection".
3- On your device: Go to "Beam" (in Settings/Connections), and uncheck "Receive all Incoming beams".
4- Then in Programs, click on "Wireless Modem". With the Connection type on USB, click on "Start".
5- Now, connect your device to the desktop. The "Found New Hardware Wizard" starts on your desktop. Click "Install from a specific location", then "Don’t search. I will choose…", then click on "Modems", and "Have Disk…" and go to the folder where you unzipped the attached file.
The HTC USB Modem will be shown in the compatible hardware: click to install. Continue if you receive the alert of the software not passing the Windows XP compatibility test (Continue anyway). Finish.
6- Now, in Control Panel of your desktop, open "Phone and Modem Options". Select the "HTC USB Modem" and click on "Properties". In the "Advanced" tab type for "Extra initialization commands":
where xxx is your internet access point.
Click OK to finish.
7- On your device (always open in the Wireless Modem program), click on Tools/Options. Check the Preset GPRS connections and write in the APN, your network provider internet access point.
8- Finally, on your desktop, go to "Network Connections" and click "Create a new connection". Choose "Connect to the internet", then "Set up my connection manually". Click "Connect using a dial-up modem", then give a name to your ISP. In phone number type *99#. Get username and password from your network provider.
Better keep a shortcut of this connection on your desktop for quick access.
Each time you want to use your device as a modem:
Disconnect your device
Disable Activesync from your desktop by unchecking the “Allow USB connection”
Open Wireless Modem on your device and push on Start (with the Connection Type on USB)
Connect your device, then dial from your desktop using the shortcut you created
PS: Remember to enable Activesync once you’ve finished.
Hi Tekflow
I have never seen on this forum such a precise and simple guide !
You thought of everything and it is working perfectly for me
Until now I had a Novatel internal UMTS modem,but using the JJ is much better
Thanks mate (actually neighbour...)
How much of Tekflow's excellent guide applies to Bluetooth modem connections?
Well, guys and dear neighbour, regarding Bluetooth, I did not try it yet, because I work on a desktop and not a notebook, so I prefer USB connection.
Still you can try this:
(If your PC does not have an integrated Bluetooth connection, you must first install a Bluetooth dongle (USB to Bluetooth) on your PC, with the related software (widcomm or other))
Open on your PC in the Control Panel the Phone and Modem Options
Choose Modems, pick the Bluetooth Modem, then click on Properties
Click on Advanced tab
Type in Extra Initialization commands:
where xxx is your internet access point.
Now, on the Wireless Manager of your device, turn WiFi Off, and Bluetooth On, then click on Settings/Bluetooth Settings and check "Make this device discoverable..."
On your PC:
Click on Bluetooth icon (My Bluetooth places)
Click Bluetooth Setup Wizard.
Choose I want to find a specific Bluetooth device …
After a search period, an icon of your device is displayed (usually with your owner’s name): double click for settings
From the Dial-up Networking Links, click on SSA
SSA settings: Modem: Bluetooth Modem
Number to dial: *99#
User name and password, according to Network provider
Please tell me if this works
Thanks for your additional input. I'm not having any success though, although I'm convinced I'm not far from success.
I'm confused: In the help for my laptop's BT it says that "Dial-up Networking allows a remote Bluetooth device to use a modem that is physically attached to [the laptop]."
When I search for Bluetooth devices, choose my Exec and then browse the Exec services, I see the service "Dial-up Networking on HTC Universal". Is this correct? Maybe both the laptop and the Universal offer this service. I want to use the DUN on the Universal but don't need it on the laptop. Is that right? (I can disable DUN in the laptop's list of services?)
I've turned on BT on the Universal and started the Wireless Modem app, choosing Bluetooth as the Connection Type.
So, I've created a Bluetooth modem attached to COM5 with your special initialisation command (using 'mobileweb' as my internet access point). When I query the modem it responds confirming it's a Pocket PC. All looks good.
I've created a new dial-up connection, using the new Bluetooth modem and with the connection properties for O2 GPRS (number= *99#, username= mobileweb, password= password).
However, when I try to connect this new DU connection, I immediately get the error dialog on the PC- "Error 633: The modem (or other connecting device) is already in use or is not configured properly."
Any ideas?
OK, here is another step by step:
First on the UNIVERSAL open Wireless Manager: turn WiFi OFF and Bluetoth ON
then in Settings select Bluetooth Settings, and check "Make this device discoverable to other devices".
To set up Bluetooth drivers on your PC, click on the Bluetooth icon in the System Tray in the bottom right hand corner of the PC's screen. Click 'Add' to begin the search for the UNIVERSAL. Note that some PC's are installed with other types of BT software that will look slightly different.
Check the 'My device is set up and ready to be found' (discoverable) and press 'Next'.
After a short period of searching, an icon representing the device will apppear, with your owner's name used on the Universal.
Select the UNIVERSAL device and begin the Bluetooth "Pairing/Bonding" process. Select the 'Use the Passkey found in the documentation' and enter the appropriate PIN (usually "0000") and then press 'Next'.
The pairing process begins with the UNIVERSAL.
On your UNIVERSAL, enter the same Passkey/PIN entered on the PC and tap on the 'ok'. The Partnership Settings screen will appear, press Finish.
Windows™ XP Service Pack 2 automatically detects and installs the drivers.
Press Finish to complete the Pairing of the PC and Device.
Clicking on the System Tray Bluetooth icon again will now find the previously bonded UNIVERSAL. Select the device and click Properties.
Check the available services on the UNIVERSAL. Select the Dial-Up Networking (DUN) Bluetooth Profile and click OK.
From the Network Connections screen click on "Create a new connection" and click "Next".
Proceed with the following: "Connect to the internet", then "Set up my connection manually", then "connect using dial up modem"
Select the Bluetooth link, click Next, then OK on the next window
Name the Connection and click Next.
Enter the User name and Password for the Connection and click Next. Then click Finish. The dial up connection is now setup.
Now use the Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options to add in your operator's APN:
Select Bluetooth Modem and click Properties. Then select the Advanced tab at the top. You must enter your operator's APN (Access Point Name) to the internet in that location. This is a common mistake and the modem won't work without it! This information is also contained in the UNIVERSAL in the 'Start > Settings > Connections > Tasks > My ISP > Manage Connections'. The APN for the O2 UK network, for example is "", so the line would be at+cgdcont=1,"IP","".
[The APN selects which path the data takes within your operator's network. Alternatives to the internet APN may be APN's to WAP or MMS servers.]
Optionally, the Access Point can also be defined in the WModem > Tools menu.
On the UNIVERSAL, run the Wireless Modem application by pressing Start > Programs >Wireless Modem. Select Connection Type: Bluetooth. Then tap Start.
From Network Connections, dial the recently created connection (i.e. "My dial-up to the Internet via UNIVERSAL Bluetooth Modem" if that was the name assigned to it).
UNIVERSAL Dial-up Connection Progress: "Dialing *99#" then "Verifying username and password" then "Registering your computer on the network"
Finally, the popup shows that the modem is now connected
When finished browsing or e-mailing, first right click the connections icon on the right hand side of the PC and press disconnect. Then deactivate the USB Modem by pressing Stop at the WModem application.
Tell me if this works, because I still don't have a bluetooth connection on my PC
thanks for a great set of instructions, very easy to follow. However it does not quite seem to work for me. I can add the exec as a modem and when I try to connect I can see that a gprs/ 3g connection is made on the exec. On my laptop it goes through the authenticating user prompt, but when it gets to registering the computer on the network it just times out and the exec drops the connection, any ideas?
I am using
Username: o2web have tried mobileweb as well
Password: password
advanced command: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","","",0,0
wireless modem apn:
Hiya megman,
In anticipation of doing tech support at my folks' house tomorrow (dial-up *shudder) I decided to set my trusty Exec up as a modem. Booze almost certainly smoothed the process out
Some notes: (a) I'm a tad drunk . (b) On the Exec, I had to make a new modem connection. I use "work" for both connection types so added my new connection there. (c) I first paired my Exec with my lappie, choosing serial port and then set up an incoming com port on 4.
Having done this, and topped up my glass, I did:
1) Connect from lappie to Exec on BT, choose dial-up networking, use the string from Tekflow (respect going out):
in the advanced bit. Set the phone number to *99#; username:mobileweb; passwordassword.
2) On Exec, make a new connection (I didn't have one to start with) Manage Existing Connections > New... -> line:cellular gprs;; username:mobileweb; passwordassword; no advanced stuff.
3) Connect that puppy
4) Start Wireless Modem, making sure it's a bluetooth connection
5) On lappie, connect to the Exec via Bluetooth Settings window.
6) Job's a good 'un. Use new connection to do this!
Thanks this_mike. I forgot to put on my post that I was trying a USB connection though. I don't have bluetooth on either of my laptops.
Two things...
First, a massive thanks to Tekflow for your great setup instructions... i had been trying to do this for ages without any success
Second, for those Vodafone 3G users, the setup instructions are exactly the same, except the username and password (in the UK at least) are:
Username: web
Password: web
Million Thanks to Tekflow and all the folks engaging in sheding lights on all this. I had been wrestling the use of that since my old XDA I -> XDA II. And now i just succeeded using the wireless modem with my XDA Universal.
Thank you
Re: Using your device as a modem to your PC via USB
Tekflow said:
This is for GPRS connection
You must have from your network provider: the internet access point name, your user name and password.
Download and unzip the attached file in a folder on your desktop
1- Disconnect the device from your desktop
2- On the Activesync icon on your desktop, open "Connection Settings". Uncheck "Allow USB Connection".
3- On your device: Go to "Beam" (in Settings/Connections), and uncheck "Receive all Incoming beams".
4- Then in Programs, click on "Wireless Modem". With the Connection type on USB, click on "Start".
5- Now, connect your device to the desktop. The "Found New Hardware Wizard" starts on your desktop. Click "Install from a specific location", then "Don’t search. I will choose…", then click on "Modems", and "Have Disk…" and go to the folder where you unzipped the attached file.
The HTC USB Modem will be shown in the compatible hardware: click to install. Continue if you receive the alert of the software not passing the Windows XP compatibility test (Continue anyway). Finish.
6- Now, in Control Panel of your desktop, open "Phone and Modem Options". Select the "HTC USB Modem" and click on "Properties". In the "Advanced" tab type for "Extra initialization commands":
where xxx is your internet access point.
Click OK to finish.
7- On your device (always open in the Wireless Modem program), click on Tools/Options. Check the Preset GPRS connections and write in the APN, your network provider internet access point.
8- Finally, on your desktop, go to "Network Connections" and click "Create a new connection". Choose "Connect to the internet", then "Set up my connection manually". Click "Connect using a dial-up modem", then give a name to your ISP. In phone number type *99#. Get username and password from your network provider.
Better keep a shortcut of this connection on your desktop for quick access.
Each time you want to use your device as a modem:
Disconnect your device
Disable Activesync from your desktop by unchecking the “Allow USB connection”
Open Wireless Modem on your device and push on Start (with the Connection Type on USB)
Connect your device, then dial from your desktop using the shortcut you created
PS: Remember to enable Activesync once you’ve finished.
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Excellent guide. Thanks Tekflow!
I'd had problems with this up until now, just followed the guide and got it working first time... Thisll save me trying to find a wifi connection when on business
usb modem error!
Hi everybody!
I tried to connect laptop to my Universal but in wireless modem with USB type when I tap START I receive an error: " COM OPEN ERROR"
Any idea???
cata delete any bluetooth outgoing port setup you have for xample I had a bluetooth outgoing gps reiciver setup and delted that fixed the com port issue,
got the info from another thread so if it works all credit due to that chap
Nice work Tekflow
I added a link to this topic in the wiki under Universal/FAQ
How can I figure the username/password for T-Mobile USA?
t mobile mda pro user pass ?? anyone?
Thanks to Tekflow et al. I have now managed to connect using both methods [USB/Bluetooth], I prefer BT over USB though so I don't have to keep on fiddling with Activesync Connection Settings. BTW am posting this now using my Exec as the modem.

Using WModem for wireless modem on Vario II

I'm trying to get my Vario II to act as a modem to my laptop using the phone's 3G connection.
I eventually located the "generic modem" driver files to permit the phone to act as a modem to my laptop but I don't know what to do next. I've installed the driver and Windows (XP) reports that the generic modem is installed and working OK.
The downloaded files also included a program called "HTC USB Modem" and when I run this I am asked for a Username and password - and I haven't a clue what I should enter since I don't normally have to enter anything on my phone to access 3G.
Can anyone tell me how to proceed? Or tell me another way to get my phone to act as a modem to my laptop?
i have the same problem, have you solve the problem ?
3G access thru PDA
u could try this...
Number: *99#
Username: your 3G access username (some telcos do not use it so leave it blank)
Password: Your 3G access password (some telcos do not use it so leave it blank)
remember to set your access point on your wireless modem before connecting.
leo-chan said:
u could try this...
remember to set your access point on your wireless modem before connecting.
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That last bit threw me Leo. What exactly to you mean by this?
Your network requires you to connect to an access point. If your device came from the network it was already set up to do so. As you need to manually enter the access point (or APN) and any user/password details, you need to google for your networks GPRS Settings.
For example with Orange, their APN = orangeinternet
(with no username or password.)
I notice you are using T-mobile Uk
Their GPRS settings are:
Mode ...................................Permanent
Security ...............................Off
Bearer .................................GPRS
Connection ..........................When Needed
IP Address ..........................
Port Number ........................9201
Authentication ....................Normal
Access Point Name
Login ..................................Automatic
User name ..........................user
Password ...........................wap
Web site / or
Thanks for these details Mike but I still can't configure my Vario II to work as wireless modem to my laptop.
When I create a new Dial-Up Networking connection (I have to do that, right?), it doesn't ask for any of this information (except the ID and password) but does ask for a telephone number - which I haven't a clue about.
Can someone give me an idiot's guide to getting the Vario to work as a (3G) modem to my laptop?
type *99# for tel no
user for user name
pass for password
this is what i put for t-mobile uk
Thanks. Tried this. Would only begin to work with GPRS (not 3G). But still failed with GPRS, reporting "Please end data call first." (on my PPC). I messed about with various permutations of start/stop wireless modem etc. but I didn't manage to get a connection. Help!
bobbyelliott said:
Thanks for these details Mike but I still can't configure my Vario II to work as wireless modem to my laptop.
When I create a new Dial-Up Networking connection (I have to do that, right?), it doesn't ask for any of this information (except the ID and password) but does ask for a telephone number - which I haven't a clue about.
Can someone give me an idiot's guide to getting the Vario to work as a (3G) modem to my laptop?
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I am no techie but I did it by following the info on the wiki site and I have the same phone and same network. Mine works ok - have you had a try this way?
active sync
bobbyelliott said:
Thanks. Tried this. Would only begin to work with GPRS (not 3G). But still failed with GPRS, reporting "Please end data call first." (on my PPC). I messed about with various permutations of start/stop wireless modem etc. but I didn't manage to get a connection. Help!
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Before you dial you need to untick the usb connection in the active sync. Otherwise it thinks you want to do that instead. Have you tried that?
bobbyelliott said:
Thanks. Tried this. Would only begin to work with GPRS (not 3G). But still failed with GPRS, reporting "Please end data call first." (on my PPC). I messed about with various permutations of start/stop wireless modem etc. but I didn't manage to get a connection. Help!
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Open the comm manager and disable the data option (a little PDA with two arrows) then open the modem and select start. Now when it is plugged into the USB cable the PC will not recognise it as a PDA but as a modem.
Then configure a dial up connection with the options described above and it should connect OK. If not call 150 and they will talk you through it in a couple of minutes.
bobbyelliott said:
I'm trying to get my Vario II to act as a modem to my laptop using the phone's 3G connection.
I eventually located the "generic modem" driver files to permit the phone to act as a modem to my laptop but I don't know what to do next. I've installed the driver and Windows (XP) reports that the generic modem is installed and working OK.
The downloaded files also included a program called "HTC USB Modem" and when I run this I am asked for a Username and password - and I haven't a clue what I should enter since I don't normally have to enter anything on my phone to access 3G.
Can anyone tell me how to proceed? Or tell me another way to get my phone to act as a modem to my laptop?
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Let's try and get this working for you. I assume that you are on a T-mobile Web & Walk package and want to use the Vario II as a modem for the laptop to allow a data connection via your T-mobile 3G and GPRS access? If this is so then here goes:
- Configuring WModem on Vario II - Go to Programs and select the WModem option. select Menu - APN Settings. Ensure 'Preset GPRS connections' is ticked and in the APN box enter '' then click Done.
- Modem configuring - you seem already to have done this as you have installed the drivers and say it is working - that means you also know how to start the "wireless modem" function on the Vario II in programs.
- Forget about the HTC USB Modem software - just create a new Windows XP 'connection'. I found that this software just added a level of complexity and it meant that you had to enter settings (usernames and password) manually each time.
- Create a Windows Connection on the laptop/PC:
- go to 'show all connections' then click 'create a new connection' (or follow the new connection wizard if this view is what you use).
- Select 'Connect to the Internet', then 'Set up my connection manually' then 'connect using a dial-up modem' then in the ISP Name box that comes next enter something of use like 'Vario II (T-Mob) Connection'
- In phone number enter *99#
- In username enter ''
- In the password fields enter 'one2one'
- Consider unticking the bottom 2 options for default and allow all users...
- Save all the settings so far and close the wizard and dismiss the dial-up that appears.
- Change Dial-up Settings - You have created a Vario II dial-up for use by the laptop but you need to ensure that the dial-up uses the Vario II 'HTC USB Modem' and not the built-in laptop/PC modem:- Start WModem - with the Vario docked or USB connected (and activesync running OK) start the WModem (from programs) by selecting Menu - Start. This should stop activesync automatically and then your laptop/PC should see the HTC USB Modem (the Vario II with the WModem running).​- On the laptop/PC go into your available connections and right-mouse select properties on the new Vario II connection. In the first (general) tab under 'Connect Using' select/tick the entry for the Vario II modem that should read 'Modem - HTC USB Modem (COM#)' - where COM# is the com port automatically set by the laptop/PC. Check the phone number. Make sure that any other modem is unticked.​That should be about it and all should now work! To use the connection just set-up turn off your wireless network or unplug the network cable, then connect the Vario II with the USB lead, then start WModem (the program and menu-start!) on the Vario II, then on the laptop just double-click the connection that you created. Note that the laptop/PC will display the data connection established to the Vario II not your 3G/GPRS connection speed. I changed the settings on my Vario II USB Modem to increase the maximum speed of the connection (to the modem only) to 921600bps and also checked the Hardware features were all ticked.
Hope this helps - let me know if you have a problema and I'd be glad to help more. The connection works seemlessly on my laptop and basic surfing and e-mail is really quite fast - way quicker than a 56k dial-up that we all used to have!
Tony, you beat me to it!
Good description on how to setup wmodem.
hi, this is NOT my guide just posted it here cos i cannot remeber the exact link ( it is from universal forum); i did everything according to this steps and all is good been using my hermes as modem since i got it yesterday hehe
so here is the guide and u need to have the driver mentioned in this thread.
have fun it works for me so it should work for u.
access point for t-mob uk :
user: user
pass: wap
You must have from your network provider: the internet access point name, your user name and password.
Download and unzip the attached file in a folder on your desktop
1- Disconnect the device from your desktop
2- On the ActiveSync icon on your desktop, open "Connection Settings". Uncheck "Allow USB Connection".
3- On your device: Go to "Beam" (in Settings/Connections), and uncheck "Receive all Incoming beams".
4- Then in Programs, click on "Wireless Modem". With the Connection type on USB, click on "Start".
5- Now, connect your device to the desktop. The "Found New Hardware Wizard" starts on your desktop. Click "Install from a specific location", then "Don’t search. I will choose…", then click on "Modems", and "Have Disk…" and go to the folder where you unzipped the attached file.
The HTC USB Modem will be shown in the compatible hardware: click to install. Continue if you receive the alert of the software not passing the Windows XP compatibility test (Continue anyway). Finish.
6- Now, in Control Panel of your desktop, open "Phone and Modem Options". Select the "HTC USB Modem" and click on "Properties". In the "Advanced" tab type for "Extra initialization commands":
where xxx is your internet access point.
Click Ok to finish.
7- On your device (always open in the Wireless Modem program), click on Tools/Options. Check the Preset GPRS connections and write in the APN, your network provider internet access point.
8- Finally, on your desktop, go to "Network Connections" and click "Create a new connection". Choose "Connect to the internet", then "Set up my connection manually". Click "Connect using a dial-up modem", then give a name to your ISP. In phone number type *99#. Get username and password from your network provider.
Better keep a shortcut of this connection on your desktop for quick access.
Each time you want to use your device as a modem:
Disconnect your device
Disable ActiveSync from your desktop by unchecking the “Allow USB connection”
Open Wireless Modem on your device and push on Start (with the Connection Type on USB)
Connect your device, then dial from your desktop using the shortcut you created
PS: Remember to enable ActiveSync once you’ve finished.
managed to find the USB driver/file so i attached
sorry was too lazy to reply as I really can't remember the whole wireless modem ****...
moved on to wm6 now, internet sharing is a breeze.
T-Mobile Charges for Vario use as modem
I set up the Vario II as described above and it worked fine. What I don't understand is why T-Mobile should charge more (£7 per month extra, or thereabouts) simply because a laptop is included in the system. Surely, provided you don't go over your limit for W&W (1 Gig) then why should they worry?
Am I likely to be charged extra, simply for accessing what I can already access from my Vario ii, but using a laptop as the "front-end"?
harrogate22 said:
I set up the Vario II as described above and it worked fine. What I don't understand is why T-Mobile should charge more (£7 per month extra, or thereabouts) simply because a laptop is included in the system. Surely, provided you don't go over your limit for W&W (1 Gig) then why should they worry?
Am I likely to be charged extra, simply for accessing what I can already access from my Vario ii, but using a laptop as the "front-end"?
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u need to exceed the limit of 2gb i guess to be warn but then you can still you ur w&w. i been using my vario a lot never had any problems with t-mob
if your using a updated rom you dont have the option of a WModem do you?

Has anyone got the wireless modem on Vario II (TyTN) to work on laptop?

I'm trying to get my Vario II to act as a wireless modem to my laptop.
I've downloaded and installed generic modem driver for my laptop, initiated the WModem program on the Vario - and Windows (XP) does detect the modem. In fact, Device Manager correctly reports a "HTC USB Modem" as present and correct.
I've also tried to create a DUN setting for this configuration but I'm not sure what setting to use. For example, do I need a username and password and, if so, what are these? Or do I need to set an actual telephone number to dial out?
Any help appreciated. I really need a connection between my laptop and Vario before I go on business next week (to somewhere without wi-fi but with 3G).
bobbyelliott said:
I'm trying to get my Vario II to act as a wireless modem to my laptop.
I've downloaded and installed generic modem driver for my laptop, initiated the WModem program on the Vario - and Windows (XP) does detect the modem. In fact, Device Manager correctly reports a "HTC USB Modem" as present and correct.
I've also tried to create a DUN setting for this configuration but I'm not sure what setting to use. For example, do I need a username and password and, if so, what are these? Or do I need to set an actual telephone number to dial out?
Any help appreciated. I really need a connection between my laptop and Vario before I go on business next week (to somewhere without wi-fi but with 3G).
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you will need to get the userid and password from your telco for GPRS conection settings thru PPC from laptop.
WM6 internet sharing does not require this
Yes, I have used the UK Vario II as a wireless modem successfully. You use the same settings in the modem as you use for GPRS and it works fine.
paulfanner said:
Yes, I have used the UK Vario II as a wireless modem successfully. You use the same settings in the modem as you use for GPRS and it works fine.
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Thanks Paul. Where do I find these settings?
T-mobile do a good range of on line manuals and I found the settings I needed to connect my laptop via my Hermes there. I'll post details tomorrow.
Bill - That would be great since I still can't get it to work. Cheers.
bobbyelliott said:
Bill - That would be great since I still can't get it to work. Cheers.
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I've cut and pasted this from the site at
Find the manual for "T-Mobile MDA Vario II"
The "Featured Instructions" have a section "Connecting To The Internet" with the option "Set up a GPRS data connection for WAP and Internet"
Personally I use these setting with the software from PDANet ( to connect my laptop to the outside world with my usb cable with my T-Mobile sim card (Vodafone badged TyTN)!
T-Mobile MDA Vario II
Set up a GPRS data connection for WAP and Internet
Information: Before you can access WAP and Internet services from your phone you need to set up a data connection. You can choose between using GSM and GPRS as data bearer. With GPRS you are always connected to the network, whereas with GSM you need to dial up every time you want to use WAP and Internet. Follow these instructions to set up a GPRS data connection for WAP and Internet.
1 Find "Advanced"
* Press Start.
* Press Settings.
* Press the Connections tab.
* Press Connections.
* Press the Advanced tab.
2 Create new connection settings for WAP and Internet
* Press Select Networks.
* Press New... below Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using.
3 Enter name
* Press the Enter a name for these settings input field and key in T-Mobile GPRS
* Press ok.
4 Edit settings
* Press the Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using drop down list.
* Press the connection settings you have just set up (T-Mobile GPRS).
* Press Edit... below Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using.
5 Create new data connection
* Press New....
* Key in T-Mobile GPRS
6 Select connection type
* Press the Select a modem drop down list.
* Press Cellular Line (GPRS , 3G).
* Press Next.
Information: If you want to establish a GPRS dial-up connection via another phone or phone with a modem, you need to select the Generic IrDA connection type.
7 Enter APN name
* Press the Access point name input field and key in
* Press Next.
Information: The APN name must be in lower case letters.
If you selected the connection type Generic IrDA in step 6, you are now asked to key in a dial-up number. Key in *99# and go to step 8.
8 Enter username
* Press the User name input field and key in user
9 Enter password
* Press the Password input field and key in one2one
10 Delete domain name
* Press the Domain input field and make sure the field is empty.
11 Save settings
* Press Finish to save the settings and return to the list of data connections.
Information: You do not need to edit the settings in Advanced....
12 Activate data connection
* Press the data connection you have just set up (T-Mobile GPRS) to mark it.
* Press ok to activate the data connection.
13 Exit
* Press ok several times to exit the menu item.
* Press Close to return to stand-by mode.
I am trying to use another phone as a modem. The other phone is a Nokia 6120c which has no Infrared.
According to the instructions above I need infrared - is there anyway to do it via blue tooth?
I have got as far as creating a bluetooth connection between the 2; however the user/one2one/*99# settings don't seem to work.
Any advice would be welcomed.....

