Mobile Data, not as easy as you'd think. - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

This is an interesting subject to me as the company I work for is acutally in the business of providing a service just as being discussed.
I'm not going to turn this into an advert, but let me give you a quick overview of our service. We run a fully mananged network which connects to a customers office network and to the 4 major MNO's in the UK (plus a few outside the UK, and were expanding). We have at least two private AP's on each MNO plus terminals can connect via a VPN over the internet. We support a number of terminals (mainly from HTC from the Wallaby to the Prophet, but also some from Panasonic, Symbol and Intermec) that connect VIA GPRS but also through GSM DUN as a fallback.
I've worked on the terminal side for about 7 years, I've been involved in development of most areas of the code at one time or another, but for a long time I was responsible for the module that is responsible for connecting to and maintaining the connection to either the MNO network (our AP's or the Public AP) or our own network (via GSM).
The one thing I've learned while doing this is that you can't rely on the MNO for anything. We've had MNO's disconnect us from AP's without warning, we've had IP connections stop passing data again without warning, we've had AP's reject a connection when out auth server told the AP to accept it.
This being true, if your claiming your software is reliable and expecting someone to bet their business on using it, you'd better make sure that it can handle all these issue. Theres nothing worse than trying to explain to a customer why his message didn't go through when both the back-end office and mobile device claim their connected.
And one last thing, and its a big one, Cost. Its easy to make a system that costs so much to run that its economically unviable. Remember every GPRS byte or GSM second costs money, so polling for messages every few seconds may not be a great idea.

This was supposed to be a reply to this thread:
I have no idea how it got into its own thread...

That is exactly my point of veiw. Why have to be constantly connected? Its a dirty solution. The only ones who benifit from a middle man are the service providers. Thats why I have put all my effort into using what is reliable. A normal phone call.
I have spent the last 9 months creating something that can reliably transfer data over calls. When I say reliable I mean when data is sent the user will get a confirmation for each packet sent an can be 100% certain it arrived intact when with the confirmation.
Depending on the phone plan it can be cheaper than other means of communication like gprs and mms on phones. When there is no flag fall I can transfer the same data as an mms (on my account anyway) for about half the cost. In free times transmition can be free. What makes the technology usefull is the price. In Australia all forms of data transfer are VERY high, but that is not the case in other countries.

You miss my point somewhat. I don't know about Australia but here in the UK your not actually charged for having a GPRS connection up and running just for the data you transfer over it and so our GPRS connections are up all the time assuming you have coverage. Its how you manage the connection (detecting the IP layer stopping working for example) and the data that flows over it thats important.
When it comes to GSM though your right, there is no way you want to have a permanent connection up, it has to be on-demand based. That in itself leads to problems, the main being that you have to handle charging your customer for the data calls you make to the terminal. Or if you don't connect to the terminal, and it only connects to you, how does the terminal know when messages are waiting.
For us, GSM us a last-ditch solution when GPRS isn't available. However in the UK we've generally found that if you can make a GSM call you can connect to GPRS, and if GPRS is down for some reason, the whole cell is generally not available (so GSM doesn't work either). There are occasions where a hardware failure on a MNO (not at the cell but in the rest of the network) may cause GPRS to stop working but allow GSM to work but situations like that are rare and generally quickly rectified by the MNO.


WM 2003 4.00.01 and GPRS

Maybe its an odd question.....
When I press send&receive on my inbox my XDA connects via GPRS to the internet.
So good so far. Then Pocket outlook has finished, it does not disconnect.
Is there a setting, which I missed, or is it a bug?
Please help.
Hey Silver,
check this posting
for now and you could find and anwser. Its considered as a bug for the time being and there is a temp. solution for it.
Thanks ARZLEB,
I looked on
for spb gprs traffic monitor but I didn't find it. Do you know where I can get it from?
Send me a private msg here with your email and i will email it to you later on today its not a big file...
why is it concerned to be a bug.... i don't see it that way. GPRS is imho an "always on" technology. why should one want to disconnect it.
imho wm2003 uses more of that "push" technology that pushes emails ect from the serve to your pocketpc as soon as they arrive. that for the device has to be connected all the time.....
or maybe i'm totally wrong ) could be as well of course *g*
servus ize|man
Well simply because GPRS always on = battery concemption = less talk time.
Also sometimes GPRS always could make u miss a call... if there is any data activity and someone calls u at this moment it will sound like ur phone is either busy or OFF.
So i think u should have the ability to d/c ure GPRS session anytime u want!
aehmmm. are you sure you are right?
imho grps on is made possbile with the same mechanism that makes your gsm connected. so there should be no higher power drain. but i can't test that. it's just what i heard.
and you DEFINETLY get no "engaged" on the other side when you call a pocketpc that has a grps running grps connection. i just tested that again. gprs gets suspended when a call comes in. that's all. (i was d'ling a file when i called myself on the phone - it took some seconds more to get the call through though)
servus ize|man
Yeah i agree all that is true but u didnt take into consideration some of the Operator settings.
Here my operator settings for GPRS is that the party calling me while i am downloading a file gets an engaged or sometimes OFF tone.
What ure telling is the way it should be ... but its not the case everywhere!
I think GPRS "Always-On" is how the device was intended to be & finally is almost 2years later! :evil:
To further illustrate GPRS has a ALWAYS been advertised as an "Always-On" service from it's conception. In addition almost all Mobile Phones implimenting GPRS technology have had this "Always-On" connectivity behavior from the beginning. It is simply an embarrassment to Microsoft that this standard function available on Mobile Terminals for over a year of the release of the XDA was finally instituted on this device. So this just appears to be something new to XDA users.
It does not effect your battery life any more than having your radio on.
If data cost is your concern use a CSD dial-up connection for your Inbox operations. There is an option in Inbox to choose which connection to use. The CSD function will act exactly as you are wishing it to. It will only take up to about 2.5 minutes of you talk time. I so far have not noticed a substantial increase in speed during Inbox operation using CSD verse GPRS.
To me I was furious that I had to wait as long as I did for the XDA to act like it's lesser Mobile Phone brothers. Personally the freedom of "Always-On" has changed the way I do business amazingly. The amount of freedom it provides me in giving me an almost "true-real-time" virtual office is incredible.
If data connection is a real tool to you, then you wont be able to live without a dedicated connection. If it is a novelty or cool factor, then you will always be worried about accumulating data costs, but don't worry if data usage is going to be successful for providers they are going to have to re-think their price structures (ala T-Mo unlimited) to eliminate or diminish this concern of customers if they want data services to be adopted by subscribers & simply to justify/recoup their cost to build these data networks. So be patient
if you have a program like messenger running it would have to send some data over GPRS once in awhile not sure how much it would be maybe
it's soo little it dont really matter
but if it's like one MB a week with XDA always on and GPRS always on
it would be pricy
a bit anyway
GPRS always on is a good thing, but at leased in Germany it is still very expensive.
So I like to have a option to switch it off.
GPRS monitor is really a cool tool for getting control over the GPRS costs.
Thanks 2 ARZLEB who pointed me the right direction.
Silver its my pleasure anytime if i could help dont spare me
As to anwser the above posts about GPRS "always on" be sure that "always on" is used for the devices also that goes into Stand By therefor killing the active connection. Some of the ROMs from o2 and QTEK had this matter solved in the latest upgrades to keep GPRS always ON when device goes into stand by
What we are discussing here is the ability to d/c when we want! In the QTEK ROM 3.19 the GPRS always on would allow you to stay connected even when the device goes into stand by and also be able to d/c when u want. Also when sending and receiving email the device will connect and d/c as need it.
this isnt the case in WM2003 where u cant find a d/c button anywhere and that i consider wrong! Also taking into consideration that some countires GPRS is still expensive.
i hope you got my point on this matter - i can assure you its a bug and when talking to someone in the Mobile Division in Microsoft he assured me in an unofficial way that it is a bug...
Sorry to change topics, but it is regarding GPRS. Does anyone have procedures on how to setup the GPRS connection. I loaded WM2003 4.20.1081 (Build 13100) and it seems to work great except no modem connection is setup.
Please help
What is the access point name for Tmobile?
I use or you can use .

Using your HTC Wizard to dial out on a analog phone line or Tiscali DSL Phone

Hi guys,
I want to use my HTC Wizard to call out on the "normal" or DSL phone line when I am at home. This beacause all phone calls to all national non mobile numbers are free.
My PC is connected to the DSL Modem (ZYXEL P-2602HW-D1A) and with a modem connected to the phone out put of the modem and to the normal analog line.
Is there any one who has experience with this?
MartindH said:
Hi guys,
I want to use my HTC Wizard to call out on the "normal" or DSL phone line when I am at home. This beacause all phone calls to all national non mobile numbers are free.
My PC is connected to the DSL Modem (ZYXEL P-2602HW-D1A) and with a modem connected to the phone out put of the modem and to the normal analog line.
Is there any one who has experience with this?
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The answer is likely to not be as easy as you expect, although it may not be that hard.
Your modem may or may not work, when you do voice over a modem the modem needs to know this and not demand a carrier tone and other things that signal a data connection. Some modems are known to work in this capacity others are known to work very poorly (lots of echo) and others are known to not work at all. The majority of modems are not known whether or not they will work at all.
In short the easiest way to accomplish this task is to send data from your phone VoIP to your PC. There are free clients out there such as sjphone from You will likely want a headset on your phone as most dont use the same speaker as a regular phone call but instead the speakerphone and echo cancelation doesnt work well (the remote side will hear echo without headphones).
Now that your phone is taken care of you need something on the other side. Here you have choices. If you have a compatible modem you can use that as an FXO card with software like and soon If you do not have a compatible card, or do not wish to run VoIP software on your PC you can get an ATA that has an FXO port and lets you route calls to/from it. has some, the HT486 comes to mind. I believe the linksys pap2 will also do this. Ebay may be your friend in locating a fairly cheap one, although they arent that expensive - and you are doing this to save money so depending on the number of calls you make it may pay for itself soon
Once you have this set up, you can actually choose to call people via your mobile plan or landline or even an internet based telephone company. Depending on how well you configure everything, you could in theory have it use all of those things, and you can even route calls from those services to your phone (ie get phone numers all over the world and answer them on your mda when you have internet).
All your mda needs is wifi/usb/gprs. And for those providers that block VoIP on gprs shame on you (and they generally dont block vpn traffic or even know what the contents of that are
Port restricted Cone NAT
Thanks for your support.
The WIFI way with a direct connetion to my Modem will do for now, but I have got the following problem there.
The error that is displayed is the following:
NAT/Firewall: Port Restricted Cone NAT
The settings which I have entered are the same as in my Modem:
Zyxel: P-2602HW-D1A
Provider Tiscali
Anybody who knows how to solve this or who has experience with VOIP provided by Tiscali or other ISP using your HTC Wizard

T-Mobile Tech Support Really Sucks...

Man I really hate T-Mobile's tech support. I called them to ask a simple question:
If I cancel my Total Internet Package which is just 20$ more on by phone bill that I don't really need to be spending, will I be charged for using the WIFI on my phone when I am at home?
I have Comcast cable internet at home and can pick up the router's signal with my MDA even with the sim card out and browse the internet.
They turned around and told me that I would be charged per Kb if I canceled my Total Internet Package and then used my WIFI to pick up my home internet service.
By the way this was T-Mobile's Windows Mobile Department that told me this...
Ok now I have 2 questions for all of you.
Is what T-mobile told me true?
Is there a cheaper way to get unlimited GPRS internet than T-Mobile's $19.99 Total Internet package?
The only time I use my GPRS is to update WeatherPanel and when I am using the OZ Instant Messenger. All other time I spend on the internet is with WIFI turned on and GPRS turned off.
Please, all help will be greatly appreciated and well received.
Thanks in advance, your friendly neighborhood computer geek, Dan.
Well I hope I can help answer your question somewhat.
I do not pay for the GPRS service through Tmobile, I try not to use it at all. If I pull data through it then I am charged. But if i use a wifi hotspot then Tmobile will not charge me. In truth they should have no way of telling if and when I use a WiFi connection. The reason the rep told you this was really a twisting of the truth. He can probably get away with telling you this because it will cut your access to Tmobile HotSpots which you get access to with the data plan. Sneaky sneaky bastards, you should post this little tale on .
To answer the second if Tmobile is your carrier then NO I dont believe you can get GPRS data from another carrier. Unless your phone is sim unlocked and you choose to use another carrier to get your data through, but this will need you to switch sims out. Either way your gonna pay for it. I would hold out till 1-2 quarter of 2008 Tmobile will start its HSDPA role out, providing upwards of 3Mbps for data. Of course you will need a phone capable of HSDPA, but such is life.
If I am uninformed of another method maybe someone here will be so kind as to enlighten us.
ritalin said:
Well I hope I can help answer your question somewhat.
I do not pay for the GPRS service through Tmobile, I try not to use it at all. If I pull data through it then I am charged. But if i use a wifi hotspot then Tmobile will not charge me. In truth they should have no way of telling if and when I use a WiFi connection. The reason the rep told you this was really a twisting of the truth. He can probably get away with telling you this because it will cut your access to Tmobile HotSpots which you get access to with the data plan. Sneaky sneaky bastards, you should post this little tale on .
To answer the second if Tmobile is your carrier then NO I dont believe you can get GPRS data from another carrier. Unless your phone is sim unlocked and you choose to use another carrier to get your data through, but this will need you to switch sims out. Either way your gonna pay for it. I would hold out till 1-2 quarter of 2008 Tmobile will start its HSDPA role out, providing upwards of 3Mbps for data. Of course you will need a phone capable of HSDPA, but such is life.
If I am uninformed of another method maybe someone here will be so kind as to enlighten us.
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I figured T-Mobile was full of S**T... I know I can access the internet via WIFI even without a sim card in the device. I only use it at home or in hospitals anyway. Like I said though, the GPRS for me, is just for WeatherPanel. That's why I am trying to find a cheaper way...
Thank you for your help though. Not the answer I was hoping for but very grateful non the less.
You won't get charged for using wifi. If weather panel is all you really use GPRS for then go to the 5.99 plan. That's what I use and have no problem using weather panel or even browsing the web. The other day I even streamed video over it, although GPRS is way too slow to be any use for that but I wanted to see if it worked. The only apps that I know of that do have problems are mostly IM apps since they have most of the ports that those programs use blocked on the 5.99 plan.
Just realized that you said that you use OZ IM, I'm not sure if that will work or not, I can't seem to get it to work with WM6.
You will not be charged per kilobyte, whoever told you that was either new or retarded. The only difference you will see is that your instant messaging will go thru text messages instead of wifi, charging you per message, to log in, to log out, etc. That's due to the way the OZ instant messaging is written. The 5.99 has been working for a lot of people, but it was a glitch in the system that is slowly being fixed market by market, so don't get upset if it doesn't work for you or if it suddenly stops working, as it was never meant to work. If you connect thru wifi, you won't pay anything as it's your connection thru wifi to your phone's wifi, and the T-Mobile network is nowhere in the mix. Again, the Instant Messaging will be billed as text messages.
johnny12times said:
You will not be charged per kilobyte, whoever told you that was either new or retarded. The only difference you will see is that your instant messaging will go thru text messages instead of wifi, charging you per message, to log in, to log out, etc. That's due to the way the OZ instant messaging is written. The 5.99 has been working for a lot of people, but it was a glitch in the system that is slowly being fixed market by market, so don't get upset if it doesn't work for you or if it suddenly stops working, as it was never meant to work. If you connect thru wifi, you won't pay anything as it's your connection thru wifi to your phone's wifi, and the T-Mobile network is nowhere in the mix. Again, the Instant Messaging will be billed as text messages.
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That is really good to know. Can you tell me or direct me to a thread that explains the real difference between the 5.99 plan and the 19.99 Total Internet Package?
i don't know about the question you had, but I've had the other extreme as far as Tmo's customer support/tech support... always been great to me. Even after 2 refurbs.
Whoever told you that you'd be charged using Wi-Fi was either full of it or was ASSUMING you would then be accessing T-Mo services...why would you? Just use whatever service you use from home.
I use my MDA with Wi-Fi in my house ALL the time and it has NOTHING to do with T-Mobile. It's not EDGE/GPRS--it's a totally different technology, just like hooking your wireless laptop up to your home router.
Furthermore, you can use the Wi-Fi with T-Mobile Hot Spots if you have that subscription with ANY Wi-Fi computer you have--no reason to have more than one Hot Spot account--many hotels now have it, not just Starbucks.
T-Mobile NOW forces you to pay for Hot Spots with Internet Service as a bundle but they are different technologies.
The Internet Service is EDGE/GPRS and that is a CELLULAR service and is programmed into your SIM chip. I use that too. My MDA can hook into eMail and web sites without a Wi-Fi connection via the cell modem. But it's not nearly as fast.
I actually have 2 SIM chips with this service--I got one for my old IPAQ6315, but that's in the MDA. The one in the MDA is in my notebook computer--it has a Cingular Sony Ericsson cellular modem that I got the unlock code for, and put the chip from the MDA in there--I ALSO can use my notebook with EDGE/GPRS, or Wi-Fi (or even RJ45) connections.
I have the eMail for my regular eMail routed to my MDA--no messing with another address. So it's working a lot like a Blackberry as well.
Finally, you asked if there's a cheaper alternative: There is. It's called "T-Zones" and it's T-Mo's WAP service, for $6 or $7/month. It gives you the limited access you get on cell phones, and you already have it with the fancier internet access--click on T-Zones and you'll see it.
Generally, with T-Mo, service is a waste of time till you get to Level 2. But if you get to Level 3, then you get the techs that really know their business. The PDA support can be similar. But you got to jump through a lot of hoops to reach that level and that can take 30-45 minutes on the phone. Be persistent.
dharvey4651 said:
That is really good to know. Can you tell me or direct me to a thread that explains the real difference between the 5.99 plan and the 19.99 Total Internet Package?
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the 19.99 plan gives you your actual connection to the GPRS/EDGE(and in 4 test markets 3G! T-Mobile bought a whole lot of 3g network up recently.) network (, by connecting thru this route you are given access to the ports required to get to full websites, as well as email servers, etc.
the 5.99 plan is your basic wap access, t-zones and other wap sites. It's what is used by motorola's, samsungs, basic phones. Gives you access to your account information from T-Mobile's wap sites (but not on an mda running less than wm6 and having had the tzones applett installed), accuweather's website, and other wap websites. By connecting thru the wap APN, you are directed thru a filter that doesn't allow you full access to normal websites.
Now, T-Mobile has a glitch in their system where every now and then you get 5.99 internet and your number isn't put into the filter, so the ports that were supposed to be closed off to you never were, and you can browse and email just as if you had the 19.99 feature. The only problem? They know of the glitch and are closing it market by market, which has been taking the better part of 7 months now, but it's not that far from being finished.
Almost all programs you have installed on the mda that are third party will default to what ever internet connection is available, however, the OZ instant messaging program from the MDA and almost all other T-Mobile PDA's is written specifically to use the SMS (short message system) as the next backup if you aren't connected thru the, or apn if you are using a blackberry, so if you are connected thru wifi, then you will be charged text for each message.
Hope this helps, if not, let me know.

How GPRS works.

I have recently been told the following about the way carriers figure out GPRS charges. This is something they were apparently told by someone at O2 UK, but I thought I would check whether it is or is not BS....
Since GPRS is an always on service the network doesn't monitor when you use it. THE PHONE DOES. The phone/sim card records information on data transferred and then once in a while uploads that information to the O2 network this is why your GPRS charges may appear on your bill way after you actually used it.
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Now this raises two issues in my mind.
1) If your phone does the calculations and your phone is hackable, why do people not get free data?
2) This doesn't agree with what I know about networks and how to use them. Surely my phone goes onto a carriers network and gets a private IP, will navigate through a NAT to pick up my email or browse the web and network management tools on the carriers network wil monitor what traffic I cause and this will be polled at the end of the day, thereby accounting for the delay.
Which leads me to a final question - if I am right and the quote is incorrect, how are IPs allocated? Are they static to accounts? (They are private so the carriers could have 256^3 entries) Or are they dynamic? (Because they are lazy and would rather try to update tables as old dial-up ISPs used to do).
Any feedback and/or corrections greatly appreciated.
I can't say one way or another with certainty, but my logic agrees with your conclusions. Like you said, someone would have hacked it by now.
Aside from that, I have a couple different phones that I frequently switch my SIM between. What if I use a bunch of data on phone A, then swap my SIM over to phone B, and leave phone A off for weeks or months? Or for that matter, what if I am using one phone with two different SIMs? Say I use a bunch of data on SIM A which has a data plan, then swap in SIM B with no data plan, and then the phone decides to report my day's usage to the network?
I have to think that the phone company tracks data usage my IP. When you request data, the network must have to identify your SIM as being attached to an account with a data plan. Even if they assign a different IP for each session, that IP would still be tied to your SIM. I have to think that they meter your data by your IP address.
If anyone knows for sure (or can poke holes in my logic) I'd love to hear it.
i believe this is the old case of not always being the best and brigtest who are in customer contact support
there are countless cases of support and sales people speaking out their rear end
it would be crazy to put the phone itself in charge of keeping track of what was downloaded
when it's not the case of normal phone calls or sms's or mms's (which also use gprs)
or old analog modems for pc's which is the closest thing one can compare gprs with
could also be something he said to get people to buy grps monitoring software rather then bothering him about their usage or asking for them to supply a service for users to see
and maybe even limit their usage and cost the company a bit of overusage income

Airave hacking. Home cell network? VoIP? Possible?

I have a really off the wall question here. Since the airave is basically a short range cellular antennae I assume that it would be possible to program what it broadcasts. Would it be possible to modify the airave so that it connects to and broadcasts normal cable or dsl internet so that it can be accessed by the phones connected to it, and would it also be possible to program it to use either the landline or voip service, preferably google voice. Then couldn't we write a custom PRL to only connect to our airave, and have the airave set to a unique tower ID so it wont conflict with official towers?
xplus93 said:
I have a really off the wall question here. Since the airave is basically a short range cellular antennae I assume that it would be possible to program what it broadcasts. Would it be possible to modify the airave so that it connects to and broadcasts normal cable or dsl internet so that it can be accessed by the phones connected to it, and would it also be possible to program it to use either the landline or voip service, preferably google voice. Then couldn't we write a custom PRL to only connect to our airave, and have the airave set to a unique tower ID so it wont conflict with official towers?
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I believe the company that made Magic Jack tried to do this, and got lawsuits off the ying yang by Phone companies. So it definitely is possible. How difficult it is going to be to do this is beyond my level of intellect.
I thought I had responded to this but it is going to be hard. Very very hard. First and foremost those devices are built for one thing changing that functionality is going to be hard. I'm sure it already has a unique tower id, the problem is changing the routing. It is probably hard coded in how to route calls, changing that is going to be difficult, and I be the protocol is proprietary and encrypted.
The next thing is the legal aspect, the frequencies they operate on are private, as in we can't use them.
xplus93 said:
I have a really off the wall question here. Since the airave is basically a short range cellular antennae I assume that it would be possible to program what it broadcasts. Would it be possible to modify the airave so that it connects to and broadcasts normal cable or dsl internet so that it can be accessed by the phones connected to it, and would it also be possible to program it to use either the landline or voip service, preferably google voice. Then couldn't we write a custom PRL to only connect to our airave, and have the airave set to a unique tower ID so it wont conflict with official towers?
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I work for the Corporate Technical Support Team for these devices. Basically there is not much you can do with it. There are some neat features inside of the device which you can mess with extending the range, and Allowing more users than normally allowed. But the device, built by Ericsson is made specifically to connect to one Sprint tower within 15 miles of your home location, once authorized it outputs an EVDO signal for your phone. Everything else is done by your internet. Flashing a PRL won't do anything but brick it, since Verizon does not carry this product, and the GSM Giants have a different version of it that will not authenticate. So creating a personal network is not really a viable option.
Just like a vonage box or any other VoIP device, it has to authenticate somehow. The only thing I see even remotely possible is that you can [maybe] alter the devices firmware to allow multiple authentication channels. Even still the data would be reported to Airvana, Sprint, and Ericsson and it would probably term your service. Same thing when people flash phones over to the Verizon PRL. It gets noticed quickly, and Sprint will proactively cancel your account if there is anything fishy.
My only recommendation to you is that you buy one outright, not connected to any account, and then begin the modding experiements.
I am to assume you have the Airvana AP, or do you have the Samsung Airave?
voip with mobile phone is blocked by our profiders in the netherlands >.<
I setup voip on my LG Vortex vs660, all you need is groove ip and google voice and one legit# just get a walmart prepay phone register with that number then get ur phone# from google and don't port anthing. Add voice to ur regular phone and then on the google voice site have your calls forwarded to your gmail address and that will be attached to your regular phone. You can then use whatever network ur on to take in/out calls on the data network. All you need is wifi to make and takes calls, why the attn? I have an inactive non activated phone and I'm on mediacom's network with topped out 1ghz upstream which is plenty for decent quality calls. More up is better but work wit what u have. If you need help or need info on setup in detail let me know I wrote an 18 page paper on the subject, just an indepth view that will explain everything and whqt settings to use. Get ahold of me if you need it.
xplus93 said:
I have a really off the wall question here. Since the airave is basically a short range cellular antennae I assume that it would be possible to program what it broadcasts. Would it be possible to modify the airave so that it connects to and broadcasts normal cable or dsl internet so that it can be accessed by the phones connected to it, and would it also be possible to program it to use either the landline or voip service, preferably google voice. Then couldn't we write a custom PRL to only connect to our airave, and have the airave set to a unique tower ID so it wont conflict with official towers?
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The custom prl would be on the phone. Basically i want to use it and my old sprint phone as a super fancy high tech cordless phone system for my house. Apparently as i thought its locked down tight.
[email protected] said:
I work for the Corporate Technical Support Team for these devices. Basically there is not much you can do with it. There are some neat features inside of the device which you can mess with extending the range, and Allowing more users than normally allowed. But the device, built by Ericsson is made specifically to connect to one Sprint tower within 15 miles of your home location, once authorized it outputs an EVDO signal for your phone. Everything else is done by your internet. Flashing a PRL won't do anything but brick it, since Verizon does not carry this product, and the GSM Giants have a different version of it that will not authenticate. So creating a personal network is not really a viable option.
Just like a vonage box or any other VoIP device, it has to authenticate somehow. The only thing I see even remotely possible is that you can [maybe] alter the devices firmware to allow multiple authentication channels. Even still the data would be reported to Airvana, Sprint, and Ericsson and it would probably term your service. Same thing when people flash phones over to the Verizon PRL. It gets noticed quickly, and Sprint will proactively cancel your account if there is anything fishy.
My only recommendation to you is that you buy one outright, not connected to any account, and then begin the modding experiements.
I am to assume you have the Airvana AP, or do you have the Samsung Airave?
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This is exactly what I am looking for. Any links?
Using Net10 with Sprint Air Rave
I used to have an account with Sprint also using an air rave. Worked fine till I switched over to Net10 with my same Sprint phones. I am still on the Sprint network but getting billed from Net10 at 45% less per month still using the Sprint network. So how can I use the Air Rave now? Or do I have to have an active open account with Sprint to use it?
I stay in India .. Can you help me to setup everything and does it costs money... I am in 8th class... I don't have much money
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