Can you change links (favourites) icons? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have a very commonly used link to a web site that i have on my start menu. How can i change the default PIE icon for favourites/links?

Yes go to windows\favorites find the url you like - edit\copy and then go to windows\start menu\programs and edit\pastelink and there you will have the link you want

Thanks, but i have already done that fine. What i want it to change the icon image from the default webpage one to something else. Preferably a custom one.

Ok here it is - quote from vijay
'Using custom icons on shortcuts on the PDA is not difficult.
Basically, copy this into notepad, and call it mylink.lnk
- Ignore this (it's the length of everything after #)
- this is the app you want to launch
?\windows\DIM.exe,0 (change this for the program you want your icon to have)
- this is the icon it should show instead of its default one
- it means, take the first (ie 0th) icon in \windows\dim.exe as the icon
It's not hard. This is just an example. Use your own programs etc of course.'


Using icons with PHM TrayLaunch PowerToy

Anybody got this app working and showing the correct application icons. The help file says that the icons are pulled from a storage card - but as I do not have a storage card is there any other way of getting the correct icons?
Not sure about the source of the icons you have mentioned. AFAIK the icons are sourced from the program you add to the traylaunch list. Go to Start...Settings...System...Admin Tools...PMH TrayLaunch. Click ADD and you type in the exact path of the .exe you want to add to the traylaunch list, e.g. \Program Files\PHM Tools\TaskMan.exe. This will display the icon for this program.
I have it working for some of the programs but cant set up short cuts for things like new contact and other pathways within programs. pain trying to type the whole path in. Would be nice to see a "search for file" or somethin like that.

Chage Icons?

Haya guys and or galls...
I'm trying to edit the icons of the shortcuts in my start menu.
I want to use this, so that I can use the Icons of programs like tomtom to startup via the overclock tool....
But now, sice the shortcut starts with the omapclock tool, the icon is the same as the tool...
Also, there is an app called flitsnav, which also launches Tomtom, and I want to use the tomtom icon rof this shortcut...
I can't seem to find the solution in this forum anywhere, but maybe I looked over it in my search..
Can someone help me???
okay..tnx for the advice..
Although I'm not really sure what all that means ou guys wrote there..
No easier way? just to change the icon of a .exe?
Anyway thanks..
p50kombi: if you want to change the icon for the executable, which you don't (since you want to change icons for shortcuts), you would use a resource editor on your PC. That's not too easy, but it's doable.
Using custom icons on shortcuts on the PDA is not difficult.
Basically, copy this into notepad, and call it VJMail.lnk
- Ignore this (it's the length of everything after #)
- this is the app you want to launch
- this is the icon it should show instead of its default one
- it means, take the first (ie 0th) icon in \windows\dim.exe as the icon
It's not hard. This is just an example. Use your own programs etc of course.
i'll try it right away..
Thanks VJ!!!!
It worked!!!!
Thanks VJ.....
It wasn't that hard afterall indeed!!!
Anyone got any way of extending the backlight of the keyboard allready?

HELP NEEDED: deep linking to SPB Mobile Shell folders, applications, add menus & more

HELP NEEDED: deep linking to SPB Mobile Shell folders, applications, add menus & more
What is available:
Post 2:
LNK (direct links) to much files. (I need to rewrite the post, it's a bit confusing but the files work).
Post 3:
1 Custom menu addon (Games menu, the most off you probaly already know) with LNK file (direct link).
10 CUSTOM menus with LNK files (direct links)
Post 9:
Register file that let´s you customize menus that couldn't be customized before.
What's coming, what i'm working on:
- In the near future
Working on icons attached to the links into mobile shell (it's working with SK Shortcut manager)
Working on a "repost" for the posts under here (better english).
It's going to take a while, because i'm working hard personal (on my MCSA!)
for the following:​
- Things i want to sort out (will take longer, or will never be created, or do you help me?)
How to create CAB files for the custom menus.
Figure out how to add custom Icons to the things you add to the menus:
You can add an icon by extending the command with a "?", followed by the dll/exe file that holds the icon, and adding the index of that icon in the dll/exe file (you need a resource editor to find the index).
The following is a shortcut to the memory applet, with the memory module icon; note the questio mark, and what follows:
22#ctlpnl cplmain.cpl,4,2?shellres.dll,-13900
So, i need to figure out what this exactly means.
It's working with SK Shortcut manager, but there's got to be a easier way
- Requests: (Can you help me?)
LNK to the weather page (The page you get after you hit the weather icon on the now)
Probaly LNK is not possible, tried already somethings with Mortscript.
Placed a request on:
LNK files: SPB shell actions from SPB Menu (folders & applications)...
Hello all,
I was playing around with Shell and found something that some people might like... Linking directly to the folders that SPB Mobile Shell uses.
I'm using Ultimate Launch, now with one touch off a button from the today-screen i can see active tasks, see the phone profiles and even deeper in the folders and start directly programs that normaly only can be accesed by opening spb menu (create ink/text note instantly, set phone profile instanly).
Opening a shortcut [Organizer].lnk with notepad did show me:
130#"\Program files\Spb Mobile Shell\MenuLauncher.exe" -cmd:"\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Organizer\"
Example off a created .LNK file:
128#"\Program files\Spb Mobile Shell\MenuLauncher.exe" -cmd:"\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Messaging"
If you save this as a .LNK file, you can acces the Messaging menu from spb mobile shell.
I'm using:
SpbMobileSHell2.1.1 NL arm (but it should work with any SPB Shell 2.* version)
Looked in the register how to "code" the file and it worked
Making *.LNK files is pretty easy:
Open the files attached on your device to see the effect.
Open the files attached on your desktop PC in notepad to see the "code".
I did not test this on other devices or with other versions. I've putted all the files in one ZIP file. Personaly i like the phone profiles & Mediaplayer links allot
* the dutch version (i personal use) has the link "Programmabestanden" instead of "Program files"
What is in the zip file: direct link (LNK file to run on your device) for:
- Favorites
- FavoritesOpera
- FavoritesPIE
- History
- HistoryOpera
- HistoryPIE
- Internet Explorer
- Live Messenger
- MSN Messenger
- Opera
- PocketMSN
- Camera
- - Burst
- - Contact Picture
- - MMS Video
- - Photo
- - Picture Theme
- - Sport
- - Timer
- - Video
- Media Player
- - Libary
- - Now Playing
- - Open File
- - Open URL
- Pictures
- - Browse My Device
- - Browse Storage Card
- - My Pictures
- - Play Slide Show
My Menu
- Beam My Contact
- - Beam My Contact
- - My Contact
- Calendar
- - New Appointment
- - This Month
- - This Week
- - Today
- - Tomorrow
- Contacts
- Notes
- - New Ink Note
- - New Text Note
- - Show Notes
- Tasks
- - Active Tasks
- - All Tasks
- - New Task
- Connections
- Customize Menu
- Personal
- System
- Browse Files
- Lock Device
- Phone Profiles
- - Off
- - On
- - Vibrate
- Registration
- Rotate Screen
- Search
- Soft Reset
- Task Manager
- Theme
LNK files nothing to do with spb mobile Shell:
20#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "HERE" -to ""
You need to replace the word HERE with the name off your emailclient.
Also delete everything except the first line and save it with LNK extension.
What is NOT in the zip file (but can be done when much requested):
Settings: All the links that are in "SPB Menu" can be created as an *.LNK file.
Browse files: Needless in my opinion.
- Tips:
You can place the files on your storage card and run them.
They are very small files and some off them can be usefull to place in Windows\Start menu
Use them for sorting your today plugin like Ultimate Launch (place links directly into a "deep" spb menu).
Please reply how it's working an what the "wishes" are.
CUSTOM Menu adding & direct linking to them.
Only english version for now
Adding extra is in my opinion simple:
1: copy the files to your device.
2: import the *.reg files (i use sk-tools, but there are many more).
3: look under customize menu to see (activate and change) the new menu.
4: open the *.lnk file to go directly to the menu you just added.
Games.reg is a file you can find all over XDA and adds a new menu that you can customize to the spb menu.
An LNK file that links directly to the menu Games wasn't.
They are both in the attachmend
But why only add 1 menu if we can use more off them?
I've created a *.REG file that adds 10 menus.
Don't worry about "to much", because they're all under 1 created menu.
The Custom.reg file will add the following menus:
Under the root a menu Custom and in that menu 9 submenus (named 1-9).
Also in the zip file there are 10 *.LNK files included to link directly to the menus.
Use them to sort your favorite programs like:
1 - Office applications
2 - Navigation applications
3 - Create new... "menu"
4 - messenger applications
5 - and so on...
After you've done that you can link directly to your own created menus with the *.LNK files included in the attached file.
Need a *.LNK file that you can't find? Post your request and i will see what i can do...
For the custom menus, to which folder on my device should I copy the files?
pmm1960 said:
For the custom menus, to which folder on my device should I copy the files?
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Sorry for the "mess" in the first 2 post. I'll make them better in the future (now trying to create som CAB files).
Step 1: Copy all the files (unzipped from to your device.
Step 2: Import the custom.reg file to your registry
Step 3: Go to customize menu (in SPB Mobile Shell) and see & customize the new custom menus.
Step 4: Open the *.LNK files from anywhere on your deveice to go directly to the menus.
There will come 1 new folder (named Custom) in the root of mobile shell.
In that folder there will come 9 folders (named 1 to 9).
[Request] Weather Page?
I was wondering if you have a link to the Weather page in Mobile Shell? The page you get after you hit the weather icon on the now screen...?
Thank you VERY much Very nice discovery. Your instructions about the files you included are a little unclear (maybe it's just me) but I can figure it out Thanks!
Alkhal said:
I was wondering if you have a link to the Weather page in Mobile Shell? The page you get after you hit the weather icon on the now screen...?
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For now i cannot find it, but i'll be searching
You can also try and play with your register:
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Weather"
and an LNK file with something like:
130#"\Program Files\Spb Mobile Shell\MobileShell.exe" -cmd:"\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Weather"
130#"\Programmabestanden\Spb Mobile Shell\MobileShell.exe" -cmd: -now,2
130#"\Programmabestanden\Spb Mobile Shell\MobileShell.exe" -cmd: -weather
sean222 said:
Thank you VERY much Very nice discovery. Your instructions about the files you included are a little unclear (maybe it's just me) but I can figure it out Thanks!
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It's not you, but my bad english...
I was creating them, discovered more options while writing the big post (so it got messy).
I'm working on more and will clean up the posts when releasing a "big update".
I guess all the files are working correctly on your device?
Customize SPB Mobile Shell more...
In the attachment is the file Adding Items.reg
Import it with your register explorer and you'll be able to customize SPB Menu more. The effect is visible under customize menu from mobile shell.
The strings under here are added:
"Add"=dword:00000001 added in the following folders:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Messaging]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Organizer\Beam My Contact]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Programs]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Settings]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Tools\Browse Files]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Tools\Phone Profiles]
Hints/Tips why this is usefull:
A few examples and how to use it (after going to customize menu):
Add Beam, Bluetooth to "Beam My Contact"
Add Total commander, the search function to "Browse Files"
Add your phone programs to "Profiles"
Add gmail app to "Messaging"
Adding folders manuelly will not give you the chance to make a direct link to it (it's not created in the register for some reason).
Task Filtering within Mobile Shell possible?
Hey cool stuff you are doing here, I was wondering if it was possible to create a link to Organizer/Tasks/ and then an argument to launch the filter menu within spb mobile shell and choose which category to add to the filter.
bigchrizzieboy said:
Need a *.LNK file that you can't find? Post your request and i will see what i can do...
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Thank you for a great discovery. You're very smart.
I'd like to know if you can find a link to "Call history". Also, is there a way to change icons inside windows?
Anyway to change where or wich site we download the weather info
I mean without SPB Weather
Anyway to do a link directly to weather page?
Mortscripting needed for weather
I think it's nog possible to work with LNK file to the weather page, so i placed a request on:
Is it possible to add a link to tge dial pad in contact page?
Hallucination99 said:
Thank you for a great discovery. You're very smart.
I'd like to know if you can find a link to "Call history". Also, is there a way to change icons inside windows?
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In the ZIP file in the attachment:
They're EXE files, this are the one i've found for now...
About the icons:
I'm working on LNK files with icons (the program SK Shortcutmanager works good).
But i need more time (tomorow my MCSA exam)
Tdaki said:
Is it possible to add a link to tge dial pad in contact page?
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No, cannot do that. There are links inside the ZIP file in Post one to the dial-tab & to SPB contacts. Changing the layout is not what i want to do...
Is anyone able to find a way to add the "Camera Album" (Not 'Pictures & Videos', the HTC Camera Album) to the Multimedia--> Pictures menu? I've tried my best but to no avail.
hi i have these files on my device in windows but i cant get them to link up
not sure, but...
fari124 said:
hi i have these files on my device in windows but i cant get them to link up
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It's a long time i used this files...
I don't use them anymore (also not using SPB Mobile Shell anymore, maybe version? 3)
Not sure what you mean, the exe files i suppose.
Create a shortcut to the files in "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
If you do that you can link them up to SPB Shell and Buttons.
Good luck
no MenuLauncher.exe
Hi, I want to use your shortcuts, but I don't have MenuLauncher.exe
The Spb mobile shell came with my xperia ROM and it's version 3.0
can you give a link to this file?

"Programs" panel in titanium?

Hi all.. i've searched for a while now and installed multiple plugins, but I still cannot add a "Programs" tab!! I want to be able to launch apps from titanium, is it possible?
I'm looking for the same thing - something to put my favorite apps on so I can launch directly from the Titanium panel.
I thought I saw something somewhere about this but now I can't find it. So I am looking too.....
SimpTheChimp said:
I'm looking for the same thing - something to put my favorite apps on so I can launch directly from the Titanium panel.
I thought I saw something somewhere about this but now I can't find it. So I am looking too.....
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There is a thread where a chome customizer is developed. With it you can add a plug in and launch your favorite programs, or you can add a new page to an existing plug in, and launch them from there,
claus1953 said:
There is a thread where a chome customizer is developed. With it you can add a plug in and launch your favorite programs, or you can add a new page to an existing plug in, and launch them from there,
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hi, i have installed CHome editor but i dont know how to add a program to launch. any help please?
There is a very well explained guide here in post 2. I think you need a few hours on your hands to achieve results though as it does not look straightforward.
oldsap said:
hi, i have installed CHome editor but i dont know how to add a program to launch. any help please?
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I agree, I have played with that program and actually added a programs panel, but then how does one add the necessary items? I think we need a tutorial somewhere on what are the available registry entries for Titanium....
oldsap said:
hi, i have installed CHome editor but i dont know how to add a program to launch. any help please?
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You create a new panel, Launcher for ex., then you add a new page and you add as url a program, then you add another page with another program to launch and so on. Then you can swipe from one page to the next one and tap to launch the program you want. If there are too many favorite programs you could add instead a folder with all the programs in there, or launch a program launcher like iLaunch.
Just a few thought how i would do it.
This is most likely the way to do it:
ACTIONURL= Location of exe/ink/etc for the plugin when you press on the panel or press the center D-Pad Button (Example: ”\Windows\fexplorer.exe” to make the plugin open File Explorer)
SK1URL= Same as ACTIONURL, but for the “Left Soft Key”.
SK1TEXT= The text displayed for the “Left Soft Key”.
SK2URL= Same as ACTIONURL, but for the “Right Soft Key”.
SK2TEXT= The text displayed for the “Right Soft Key”.
DefaultXML/ExtensibilityXML= Active plugins and their order. Also tells CHome which CPR’s to use (filename).
Creating a Programs Tab
From my findings, it seems you can achieve the result you are looking for by editing 3-4 files.
1. bronzeres.dll (this contains the icons for each program you want to launch)
2. Titanium_###x###.cpr files (2 if you have a landscape mode)
3. registry change
What you need to do is change everything that is set for the CWelcomeCenter and turn it into your programs panel. Look at this post for an example of my registry change .dll and .cpr files for an example.
Hope this helps in your search
got it. Using CHome Editor:
1. open CHome Editor, click Add New Panel, create a name for it (ex. Programs)
2. after adding "Programs Panel", click on Add New Page, then choose "Program" from the list and click on "Create"
3. back to the CHome editor menu, click on Edit Items Value, and choose "Programs" from the list on the left hand list of panels.
4. choose Page 1, and then edit these values:
ACTIONURL= Location of exe/ink/etc for the plugin when you press on the panel or press the center D-Pad Button (Example: ”\Windows\fexplorer.exe” to make the plugin open File Explorer)
SK1URL= Same as ACTIONURL, but for the “Left Soft Key”.
SK1TEXT= The text displayed for the “Left Soft Key”.
SK2URL= Same as ACTIONURL, but for the “Right Soft Key”.
SK2TEXT= The text displayed for the “Right Soft Key”.
5. Save and you're done
oldsap said:
got it. Using CHome Editor:
1. open CHome Editor, click Add New Panel, create a name for it (ex. Programs)
2. after adding "Programs Panel", click on Add New Page, then choose "Program" from the list and click on "Create"
3. back to the CHome editor menu, click on Edit Items Value, and choose "Programs" from the list on the left hand list of panels.
4. choose Page 1, and then edit these values:
ACTIONURL= Location of exe/ink/etc for the plugin when you press on the panel or press the center D-Pad Button (Example: ”\Windows\fexplorer.exe” to make the plugin open File Explorer)
SK1URL= Same as ACTIONURL, but for the “Left Soft Key”.
SK1TEXT= The text displayed for the “Left Soft Key”.
SK2URL= Same as ACTIONURL, but for the “Right Soft Key”.
SK2TEXT= The text displayed for the “Right Soft Key”.
5. Save and you're done
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Thanks for the summary - it makes it so much easier when you see it in a list like that. Just to add for completeness before 5. above
PICTURES= location of the graphic to be displayed in the panel eg. \My Documents\Car.png
TEXT1= Text you want to appear in the panel eg. Tom Tom Navigator.
It just looks better with these added rather than having a blank panel.
TouchFlo is so yesterday
Is there mabye possible to make a cab file? Not all of us are xperienst "hackers"
If so, thanks a bunch
custardo01 said:
Thanks for the summary - it makes it so much easier when you see it in a list like that. Just to add for completeness before 5. above
PICTURES= location of the graphic to be displayed in the panel eg. \My Documents\Car.png
TEXT1= Text you want to appear in the panel eg. Tom Tom Navigator.
It just looks better with these added rather than having a blank panel.
TouchFlo is so yesterday
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any specific dimension for the picture?
oldsap said:
any specific dimension for the picture?
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I think it gets resized automatically because the car one I have shown is 489x365 on the device - way too large. Another one I did for the camera is 128x128.
custardo01 said:
I think it gets resized automatically because the car one I have shown is 489x365 on the device - way too large. Another one I did for the camera is 128x128.
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thanks for the info
After we have created these panels what is a good way to extract them so we can share them? I have a few I want to create I want to share them.
JukEboXAuDiO said:
After we have created these panels what is a good way to extract them so we can share them? I have a few I want to create I want to share them.
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since they are created as registry entries, you may extract them as reg files using resco registry
oldsap said:
since they are created as registry entries, you may extract them as reg files using resco registry
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Any specific place I can look to extract them from? I have a registry editor but I am not sure where to look for them.
Just added a new Program panel, which launches iLaunch, with text and icon and everything and it works nice. As i customized cHome quite a bit up to now, what everything do i need to backup, to restore it when i flash a new ROM, to get exactly cHome back as it is now?

[APP] Control Panel Settings to Links (.lnk)

Hi guys,
I know it's a 10 seconds job to create a link for items inside the control panel (settings) such as "Usb to PC" or "Power" but I'm too lazy to do it every time I try a new rom,
also I found some of the values change from rom to rom, so I create a really simple app that goes through the registry key which holds the settings items (KLM\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start) and creates a .lnk file for each of these entries.
Having a direct link allows me to add that option as a quick link which is handy 8)
Anyway, here is the tool in case someone wants it.
The exe must be installed in "\Program Files\CplLinks" (Device). It only takes 11.5 kb. The only reason the .exe is needed after the lnk are created is to provide an icon.
When you run it, it reads the HKEY mention above and creates .lnk for each item in the "Settings" menu. The lnks are created in "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CplLinks" so are directly accessible through the Programs menu.
There are no messages, it runs and creates the links, no interaction whatsoever so do not expect any nice popup window 8)
Next version will use specific icons for each item, right now, all the links use the same icon from the cpllink.exe executable.
The icons for most of the Settings are .png files rather than .ico, and WM doesn't have an easy way to convert from .png into .ico, the idea for a "future version" is to collect all the .png files,converted to icons and create a dll on the fly with the icons as resources, so they can be referenced from the .lnk files
Couple of screen shots from the emulator.
Great application! It works like a charm! Thank you for this convenient time saver
EDiT (another time saver)
After applying a Hard Reset WE have to reinstall all programs if you have previously installed them in the memory card. Often it is sufficient to recreate the shortcut in the start menu. ShortCutCreator helps you to recover the exe files and to recreate the desired shortcut.
Thanks for sharing!
I guess would be better if I manage to provide a different icon for each link, but Icon support is quite limited inside VM. Need to work in the PNG to Icon -> .dll routine 8)
I though having the app in internal memory was a better solution than in \Storage Card, so it will take less time to load the icon from the program, but I can change it and allow that option, so the icons in the links are pointing to \Storage.. rather than \Programs..
Anyway, it just a time-saver thingy 8)
Nice app. It does not seem to work on WM6.1 though.
It does create a new folder structure: CplLinks\System inside the Start Menu.
Very nice. It does seems to create a bunch of redundant or non-used links though
Yep, I saw it only works on WM6.5, on WM6.1 there are no "StartInfo\Start" in the "KLM\Security\Shell\". Not sure where it keeps that info, maybe somewhere else in the registry.
I finally managed to convert PNG to ICO, so I think next version would allow you to choose which items you want to create links for rather than just dump everything 8)
dubidu said:
Yep, I saw it only works on WM6.5, on WM6.1 there are no "StartInfo\Start" in the "KLM\Security\Shell\". Not sure where it keeps that info, maybe somewhere else in the registry.
I finally managed to convert PNG to ICO, so I think next version would allow you to choose which items you want to create links for rather than just dump everything 8)
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WM6.1 control panel is "HKLM\ControlPanel" if I remember correctly. There will be numbers for the mycpl stuff and words for some other control panel items like backlight, etc.
I think this post got lost in the last database disaster 8)
I wrote a new version of this tool that now gives you the icons for the control panel settings, check it out here:

