No MMS Account in Outook? Solution!?! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I think I have a possible solution. Take a look at the attached file. It was in the o2 Active CAB file, and apart from setting up the connections, etc, it also enables MMS in outlook.
If someone can make sense of this, please help.

Did you install the Ext ROM?
Well, I had the same problem with my T-mobile phone which I used for O2. I did not install the Ext ROM of my unit and there isn't any option for MMS. I solve it by digging into the Ext Rom and find one of the CAB (guess by its name) to install. And.. it works. I think you have to set some of the MMS settings which you can get from the web for your servic eprovider.

Yes, but I installed it using hte o2 Corporate mode. It adds the MMS account only when using Basic version. But the problem with that is you get loads of o2 active crap....


No MMS folders (or settings) in JAM Messaging App

I recently upgraded to the latest ROM and installed the Vodafone UK settings CAB file, but now I have no MMS Setting option in Messaging Tools, and no MMS folders. Needless to say, I can't send or receive MMS! All Vodafone Internet and Vodafone WAP settings are present and correct.
Am I missing something obvious here?
HELP!!! (would be much appreciated!)
T-Mobile has got a seperate cab for the MMS stuff, so you may have missed it. Open your settings cab with winzip or wince cabmanager to check wether mms is in there or ...... not. Didn't check the ftp for you, but your solution can be there.
Regards, M
it should be on your ER!
look for it . easy to find.
Thanks guys - sorted!
racarter - i've got the same problem - how did u resolve it?
Found and ran the MMS app in extended ROM. (If you can't find the extended ROM in File Explorer you may have to unhide it I think...)

K-JAM MMS Configuration

I have posted this over at MoDaCo but i thought i would give it a go here as well. :wink:
I stupidly installed MS Global Contact Access (GCA) for PPC on my K-JAM to see if it would work (which it did) but it has caused other problems so i had to uninstall it. This is probably due to MS still not releasing a WM5 compatible version of GCA.
Now, when i open the messaging app and select "MMS Configuration" from the menu instead of the MMS Configuration screen it opens a New Meeting request.
Would anyone know how i can get my MMS config back without a hard reset? Is the setup for MMS in one of the cabs in the extended ROM or is it built into the main System ROM
Any suggestions?
You can download a cab file from club imate for mms, sms settings.
If you know how to access your Ext ROM, you can have a look there and 'guess' the CAB that is resposible for the MMS settings. It should fix the problem.

No mms?

just hard reset and setup my xda in corp mode. I installed the GPRS cab but still have no mms option in my outlook. Last time i installed in corp mode i had mms so what have i missed?
I had this problem too. There are 2 solutions :
- hard reset again
- download the 2 cab (EnableMMSDRM.CAB and Shorcut-MMS1-Java5xx-CyberonVoice-CV-04Nov05.CAB)
See this post for more infos
easier to do the basic install and manually remove the two O2 icon from \windows\startup. you get the mms install then
wilesd said:
easier to do the basic install and manually remove the two O2 icon from \windows\startup. you get the mms install then
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes that is true but for some reason for me I have alot of problems when running personal and basic mode? In corp my XDA works fine with no hang-ups or anything.... strange?
i now have mms working just installed the correct cab file.
I am extremely disappointed with the latest AKu2 rom upgrade from Qtek.
Hoe can they make such an oversight as to not have an MMS folder on the device?
I've tried all of the above on the latest Qtek Rom 2.17 and still no MMS folder.

No MMS folder

Hi folks,
I have recently removed all the o2 rubbish by doing a hard reset and then resetting before the rubbish is installed. I have sorted my GPS and MMS settings but I think the problem is that I do not have an MMS folder...
EG - if I go to an image and ask it to be sent by MMS then nothing happens - I am told I should have a similar setup to SMS - ie Inbox, Outbox, Sent etc - but these do not appear... Also, I have been sent vations MMS messages and they have never arrived.
Can anyone assist or do I really have to load the o2 crap?
Here you go: copy this to your My Documents folder on your Wizard, then tap it to install the fix. Worked perfectly for me. :wink:
Worked wonders - cheers for that mate!
didnt work for me
Use a registry editor (I like RegEditCE) to change the following keys:
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Svc/MMS/UserCannotCreate = 0
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Svc/MMS/UserCanCreate = 1
After this you should be able to go into Outlook and add an MMS account like any other email account. You will need to know the proper settings, though.
Worked for me.
I have the exact same problem as the original user. I am using the latest Qtek 9100 rom.
CAB doesn't work.
I tried the registry change you mentioned but it only allows me to add email addresses and not MMS folder.
I have the exact same problem as the original user. I am using the latest Qtek 9100 rom.
CAB doesn't work.
I tried the registry change you mentioned but it only allows me to add email addresses and not MMS folder.
works for me to add the mms folders.
but when i reset they dissaper and have to reinstall...loosing everything that was in folders
on the other hand, it seems i cannot setup my mms connection...neither gprs.
i have the settings from provider but hey just don't seem to work
when i try to send/receive mms it dials a gprs connection and then a message appears :dialing failed.
can anyone tell me for sure how to setup mms? i have the internet connectipon under my ISP and the mms under My work
MMS configuration under messgin dials my work .
i have imate rom
ipl : 2.16
gsm 02.07.10
Hi Peeps!
I created this post a while ago to solve my MMS problem, it really does work!
Check it out and let me know how you all get on:
Hi all,
I believe that the issue was something to do with either Sprite Backup (restore across ROM upgrade) or not allowing the extended ROM to fully install when I upgraded ROMS.
Anyways, I just did a hard reset, allowed the device to complete everything on its own and the MMS folder appeared and worked.
Thanks for all the help.
same here. i had to hard reset after a back operation just ***** my mda.
don't know why or just did.

MMS Help

I hard reset my Wizard (Mini S - XDA)
BUT: THere is no MMS in my mailbox...
I can see the seetings, but there is no inbox, can someone help...
Perhaps there is a CAB File I need thanks
What ROM version are you running? I had several different ROMs installed on my T-MO MDA, even the O2 version - all of them had the MMS Inbox without even installing the extended ROM.
Not sure...
Not sure....
I managed to get MMS working, with a CAB, but now I get the error, ELATEPUSHSERVICE.exe not signed.
I need the 02 MMS CAB I think.

