Disable the 'You are about to go online' message? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Any way to stop this poping up everytime i open PIE and other apps?

Stop the annoying message...
Yes, try searching for the answer.....

i did, but thanks for your help!

Can someone help me out here, i have been searching but i just cant find the answer anywhere. I know it can be done, but i forgot where i read it. Thanks!

To avoid being a **** I would tell you, but to be perfectly honest I dont remeber the last time I got that... and I sure dont remeber going through any trouble to get rid of it.
Sorry; Lew

Going to have to bump this thread sorry. Really want a solution please!



I'm sorry, but I need this file but I don't find it.
Where's possible to find it?
Pls don't tell me "search", because are two days that I want find it, but I don't find nothing, pls help me.
Searching 2 days?
it's a shame
In every case, thanks so much
croweland said:
I'm sorry, but I need this file but I don't find it.
Where's possible to find it?
Pls don't tell me "search", because are two days that I want find it, but I don't find nothing, pls help me.
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Now, I'd really like to know why searching was so difficult (I mean this in a friendly way - to help others) You see I have placed a sticky called Search XDA..using Google at the top of the messages list.
Now when I just put in SSPL Hermes - guess what, top of the list came the link you were just given by ARC. Took maybe 20 seconds!!
Please tell me how you tried your searches and whether you spotted the google sticky above?? We really need to sort out the searching difficulties some folks are finding.
With thanks

Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emergency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi people, im using the 8525 and yesterday i installed a hebrew support software
then i restarted the phone.. and it froze! =[... first i see the AT&T sign on the screen then the animation comes and then the screen turns black anybody knows how to get the all the info out of the phone i have so much important stuff there... ???? helpp??
the thing is... it looks like its working... cuz the green light on top is flashing..
heres how it looks like:
It looks like your Hebrew Support software has changed something needed in the boot process, so I'd try to remove that software somehoy (how?) first.
Leave the phone for some time and then try connecting to your PC. Can you get an Activsync connection? If you can then try to remove the Hebrew program using Activsync (Tools / Add/Remove programs).
Other than that you may need to Hard reset which will lose all your programs and settings, but leave it a while and hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me will come along with some help.
If you do come up with a solution, please post it here.
Good Luck.
i tried connecting it to my pc and nothing pops up.. =\ its like i didnt even connect it... but somehow it looks like its charging cuz when i connect it the light on top is solid...
any better solution?
I think only a hard reset will save you.
i dont want to do a hard reset! i need the info from my phone...
anything else i can do about it?
Indeed it looks like a hard reset is needed.
What ROM version are you using and what hebrew support wereyou trying to install?
im not sure what rom version i have... im new at this.. i mean i would tell u if the phone would turn on.. but i dont know how to check when its not on.. sorry =[
is there a way to check? sorry again.. i dont know alot about these stuff.. =[
and i was installing Ectaco hebrew support
hey, to check the ROM version, when you soft reset theres a bunch of red text.. the one on the right buttom next to the letter 'D' is your ROM version.
I'm sorry that this had to happen to you.. I had a similar problem (different software) a month ago.. cept I didn't have any data that I needed so I hard resetted it :S.
I'm sure there's definitely someone on the forums who can help you, I'll keep a look out for solutions.
tnxx alot for the cheer up and for the help.. =]
so my rom version is 2.15
eliran9 said:
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ask here:
and stop using bad manners on this site.
lmfaooo wat r u talking about "bad manners" r u kidding mee?
i was wondering if platform builder might help the situation?? cuz i saw alot of threads with a brick devices but im not sure if its the same situation as mine... any suggestions??
dont think yelling out unnecessarily for help will bring you nowhere except for inviting FLAMING you.
if you read around and observe, use of all caps is considered rude and bad etiquette.
i do share the same view as the other poster and seems like a HR is your only option.
oh wow lmfaoo if u consider that rude then ur stupid... and i was yelling help.. cuz i cant live without my phone.. and i need help. so i dont see how is it rude...
w/e i just need help wit my phone soo i guess im sorry (if that makes u happy) soo will someone please help me?
Ok, because you don't seem to get the hint, you need to do a hard reset on your phone. Look in the manual to figure out how to do this.
dude i no how 2 do a hard reset okay.. i've done this before.. but i dont wanna do a hard reset.. i need my information from my phone =\
sucks for you, maybe if you were more polite=/
damnn you people r so meann, im asking nicely for help.. please im begging u!!
i need to get the info out..
is there anything i can do beside a hard reset??

First of all, i read read and read, and i still cant get it, can someone help me?????

i want to hardspl my t mobile wing, but after i installed the cab files, i soft reseted the phone, then i ran the hard ruu file, but it doesnt go thru, it gives me an error message, therefor i cant installed none of the beautiful roms (like the vista one) that are here. someone please help me,
im breaking my head doing this and my wife threatened me cuz i be on the computer all day trying to figure this sh*t out, please guys help me keep my marriage alive. thank you
wow i have such a bad luck, 15 views and out of all those people none of them was able to help me.
ok 33 views and no answer yet, admin, i think this is a valid reason for me to post this on another thread, dont yell at me for this.
You may want to post in the "Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking" section of the general discussion area or possibly the "Development and Hacking" section... I suspect more people will see your thread in one of those areas. Sorry I can't help more.
I can help you out if you'd like. Just catch me on one of the instant messengers on my account and I'll answer any questions you have.

JesusFreke, Or any other mod

Ive been having troubles registering my G1 without the data plan,
Whenever I plug in my G1 nothing pops up on my computer screen.
I have Windows Vista Home Premium.
Can anyone walk me through the process step-by-step on maybe aim?
Or on here is fine.
Please help me.
Try this, please also do a search before starting another thread.
joners said:
Try this, please also do a search before starting another thread.
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He didn't ask for your help! He obviously wants JesusFreke or some other mod.
Are you serious? As long as someone gives help, it doesn't matter who gives it. If you going to ask for help from one specific person send them a PM don't start a new thread.
this is hilarious asking JF for help

[Q] Keyboard auto pop up.

Hello everyone, I'm so sorry if this thread has been already solved, but I could not find it.
Please could you tell me how to disable keyboard auto pop up. I have used this: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sip>:
Create or change DWORD TurnOffAutoDeploy from 0 to 1
It worked on internet, mail, and SMS. But I want to disable the one, when you are press "Phone"(Calls list) button.
And also in the same Calls list, how can I make the as default "View=>All Calls", because every time I choose "All Calls", then close it and going back it's changes to "Calls and Contacts".
I know I need to change/create registry, just please tell me which one and what value to put.
Please anyone. Thank you in advance.
+1..this is bugging me also
Anyone??? I can not believe noone has sort this problem out.
Please anyone, it is really annoying me!!!
I'm not sure, I haven't test it, but i think the path, you are looking for is:
For contacts, I don't know.
Thanky you for reply, but it does not working for me.
Maybe try to test yourself??? I might do something wrong!
Try to think of something else, maybe you will find a way to doit.
Thank you in advance.
Please anyone, I will really appreciate it.
I'm sorry, but your posts above are a little bit Spam-like. If some one knows how to fix, he or she will tell you. Please be patient.
Ok sorry.))))))
I am still in hope, someone knows solution for this problem!!!
Please guys, I will realy appreciate!!!

