has enyone used Qtek9100 in Audi A6? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Is Qtek 9100 compatible with Audi A6 BT phone connection? Will i be able to use my contacts list or only those from the SIM card? How to transfer contacts to the SIM card?

Don't know if this is any help, but I use MDA Vario (Qtek 2.17.x.x ROM) in Audi A4 and use Bluetooth. Works fine as hands free, but not tried copying contacts accross as I have more contacts than a SIM can hold.
Hope this helps

Don't know if this is any help, but I use MDA Vario (Qtek 2.17.x.x ROM) in Audi A4 and use Bluetooth. Works fine as hands free, but not tried copying contacts accross as I have more contacts than a SIM can hold.
Hope this helps

Sorry but not everybody drives a A6.
Myself I drive a Fiat Grande Punto with Blaupunkt BT radio.
Handsfree calling, phone on dashboard.
Works great.
hope this helps . . . even it's not an Audi

Works only for headset profile, no AD2P support yet.


MDA Compact (MDAc) and BMW Bluetooth Module (SA633)

I just got my new BMW 330 (E90) with Navigation and Bluetooth. I can pair my MDAc but that's it.
When a call comes in, My BMW signals it. Sometimes I can get the call with the button in the steering wheel. Sometimes not. Sometimes I can but the connection breaks down in the middle of the call.
I see the reception of my MDAc in the display and when a call comes I also see the number of the caller.
I cannot make a call (dial out).
I read a lot but did not find a solution yet. Has anyone experience with BMW carkits or any advice what to change in order to get it going. I sort of refuse to have another handy...
BTW I have the latest T-Mobile Update (1.12) but I did not install everything from the extended ROM.
I have exactly the same problem with Audi bluetooth, with my Nokia 6230 works perfectly, with my S100 I have the same problems you have experienced. I have an old ROM 1.06, but I see that even with 1.12 the problems are not solved.
I tell what I tried: I've installed various BT stacks (Toshiba, Widcomm, Bluesoleil also with crack). Toshiba pairs but does not find any service, Widcomm does not run, Bluesoleil does not have the needed profiles.
I have installed the CAB from VCABT project (see the thread in this forum), I can answer from the car I can call using the car voice command but I can't use the S100 buttons.
Hope that somebody could help us.
fdigianv, have you tried the new A2DP Stereo BT Tool to see if it works better with your Audi.
I just upgraded my JAM to 1.12 and have yet to try it with my Audi A6 4.2 2005 MMI BT System.
I'm tired of waiting for Audi to fix anything. It seems like the only fixes or upgrades they offer come in the form of a new car release.
I like you can call out from the Audi, but those on thger other end of the call complain about sound quality.
I'm getting ready to make a move to the new Treo MS Mobile device, or a smartphone that works better with my Audi.
I spoke to BMW this morning and they claim has more to do with the version of Bluetooth installed on the phone than BMW's implementation of Bluetooth.
BMW supports Bluetooth verson 2 and up.

Magican & Pioneer DEH-P70BT Car Audio

Did somebody link Qtek s110 (or another Magican) to Pioneer DEH-P70BT Car Audio??
DEH-P70BT can`t find s110 as phone.
s110 see DEH-P70BT and recognize it as handsfree, but don`t work
the phone is listed as compatible
Try updating to the new bluetooth stack
Or try this
kuld said:
Did somebody link Qtek s110 (or another Magican) to Pioneer DEH-P70BT Car Audio??
DEH-P70BT can`t find s110 as phone.
s110 see DEH-P70BT and recognize it as handsfree, but don`t work
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Click to collapse
I have the same Car audio!!!
What you have to do:
- First enter the phone menu on Pioneer.
- Then choose a place where you want to register your phone (ex.: phone1, phone 2 etc.)
- Press center on pioneer and select CONNECTION OPEN on Pioneer.
- The search for the radio on S110, then choose the radio and enter 1111 for the code.
- After that, pioneer should write Phone registered. (Sometimes it will not work for the first time).
- Than you can connect your magician to the radio.
I've these steps and I can use my Pioneer, with no problems.
try it and post the result.
autoconnect works on O2 Xda mini & DEH-P70BT
When I step in the car and have an icoming call or if I dialing somebody my O2 mini automatically coonects to my DEH-P70BT. The only problem is that that works after about 30 seconds since i get to the car. It's doesnt show batery and signal- and sometimes doesnt show the phone number, but autoconnect works fine! Olso I transfered all my phonebook to the radio. To do that just select all the numbers in your phonebook and send them.

Bluetooth Remote SIM access profil - RSAP

I just received my new car which is delivered with a bluetooth connection which can be paired only with phones compatible with the Bluetooth Remote SIM access profil (RSAP).
It seems all the Nokia phones have that, of course the Wizard (m3000-qtek 9100) is not
Is there any way to change that or do you know if an updtate will change that?
Thanks for your help!
Ferator said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My MDA has it with the latest UK ROM if thats any help ?
PS Whats the car ?
This is a volkswagen passat and i have the running on my Qtek 9100.
which rom did u used
didd the problem solved and if yes i would like to know which rom did u used.
The car is a volkswgen passat. The same system is used on vw, audi and it seems that bmw joigned them.
I finally sold my qtek and went to nokia...

Tytn & Sap Problem With Mercedes

Hi my friends, I have problems to connect my Tytn with my Mercedes Benz bluetooth UHI interface system.
Have you notice about this bug ? I have installed Jetware test build but the problem is the same.
Thank you for your courtesy
A friend of mine had the same problem, seems you need upgrade to WM6 to fix the connection with your Benz.
I have WM6 but the problem is the same. Do you know if your friend has operated other operation ?
I have just purchased a TyTN II which won't connect with the Mercedes SAP car kit. It gets as far as finding the device but when the car kit tries to send the pairing code it fails.
Go to http://www.benzworld.org/forums/audio-telematics-forum/ and/or look on the site for your specific vehicle group such as W163 or whatever yours is.
Mercedes - Tytn integration
So it looks like one of the few options is by sending virtural cards to the mercedes thing...
Problem is that you need to do this one by one... any way to automate this? a script or something?
I would be happy already if i could synchronize, copy all my contacts to the mercedes memory every now and then...

Bluooth & Carkit (Mercedes)

Hello all, I have upgraded to Sharps 4.0 but the bluetooth in teh car still does not work. Carkit finds the phone and calls to connect, however there is no answer from the phone to give the code.
Can any body help. This did not work with original WM5 from T-Mobile and still does not work wit WM6
Thanks in advance for the answer to solve this problem
I have a similar problem with my TyTN and Pioneer DEH-P75BT, and i found this post...
With this changes in registry, my TyTN connect with headunit tottaly correct.
