Hi Guys,
Anyone know how to change the splash screen on Wizard?
Thanks for your help!
I like the splash screen of Qtek a lot, but I use the latest I-mate Rom.
Thank Buzz, I can change the splash screen, but how can I get the splash screen from the Qtek Rom?
Besides, is there a side with VGA splash screens?
Hi Guys,
Does anyone know how to change the boot up splash screen on the Wizard?
Thanks for your help!
Look here.
I found it by using "change boot splash screen" in the search function.
when you say boot up screen...do you mean the normal windows screen??
or the operator screen....as i want to get rid of the tmobile boot screen?
I want to get rid of that tmobile screen as well. Any help?
I wonder if there is a simple way to change start or boot screen on my Prophet?
i would like to change the welcome windows 6.0 splash image of my own when in switch on the phone.
can anyone guide me how to change that ?
You can try this Splash Screen Changing guide.
Any idea on how to change the splash screen on a myTouch?
search is your friend...
Howto change the Vodafone Splash?