text messaging... smart redirects, password protection etc ? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I would like a more intuitive messaging application. Can the standard messaging application be replaced and/or disabled. Ideally I would like to direct text and mms messages from different people to be routed into different folders and to password protect some of these folders if possible.
I would also like to kill the messaging 'envelope' icon that is displayed when a new text is received. I never want to see this.
Any idead for any/all of these, the last one is the most important to me.
many thanks,

I'd like that too...
Please help us... :wink:

Re: text messaging... smart redirects, password protection
maltloaf said:
I would like a more intuitive messaging application. Can the standard messaging application be replaced and/or disabled. Ideally I would like to direct text and mms messages from different people to be routed into different folders and to password protect some of these folders if possible.
I would also like to kill the messaging 'envelope' icon that is displayed when a new text is received. I never want to see this.
Any idead for any/all of these, the last one is the most important to me.
many thanks,
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Ehehe! This looks like a one man - many women situation!!!
Anyway, to disable messages notification go to : Settings - Sounds and Notifications - Notification - New SMS and uncheck everything.
As for filters, folders and password i can't help, but if your friend owns a PPC too you could install Jgui ASMS (http://www.jgui.net/asms/) on both phones and use its encryption feature.

You can also try Smart Guard Pro: http://www.handango.com/PlatformPro...806&Ntt=smart guard&productId=185976&R=185976

risidoro said:
You can also try Smart Guard Pro: http://www.handango.com/PlatformPro...806&Ntt=smart guard&productId=185976&R=185976
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That's kinda pricey...
I don't think it has the option of sorting incoming messages into different folders...
Did anyone try it? I don't want to spend $40 for something I won't use...

Re: text messaging... smart redirects, password protection
risidoro said:
Ehehe! This looks like a one man - many women situation!!!
Anyway, to disable messages notification go to : Settings - Sounds and Notifications - Notification - New SMS and uncheck everything.
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I dont think this gets rid of the envelope icon in the top system tray. Thats what im after above and beyond everything else

Does anyone know if smart guard is wm5 compatible? I've emailed the programmers but havent had any replies

InfoSharp or create your own with SKschema
InfoSharp does all theses things http://www.mycnknow.com/.
SKschema has many nice scripting tools but would be more difficult since you have to create your own scrips. But it does work nicely.

Re: InfoSharp or create your own with SKschema
llestat said:
InfoSharp does all theses things http://www.mycnknow.com/.
SKschema has many nice scripting tools but would be more difficult since you have to create your own scrips. But it does work nicely.
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Does this program use default SMS location or does it use its own?

infosharp does this perfectly (after some poking of the settings). The manual isnt very well translated into english but you get the idea eventually will report back any problems as they occur
many thanks for the recommendation

Sounds interesting...
Is InfoSharpe a bolt-on for the existing SMS software in the phone, or does it replace it? If so, is there anything the standard software does that this doesn't?
How long is the trial period and can it be cleanly uninstalled if not happy?

it runs sort of parallel to the original messaging app so you dont lose any functionality. Im using infosharp for sms and messaging for mms/email etc. Infosharp obeys the rules you apply to each contact or group (or every contact) and one of those rules is to not display in inbox, which means it doesnt get passed to 'messaging' and the txt messaging icon does not get displayed, as i required.
If you dont have 'do not display in inbox' checked, you can carry on and use messaging as normal.
At the moment I have a few folders set up, girlfriend, mates etc and it routes them and notifies me exactly as i require. Some contacts have no notification at all and i only know theres a message if i actually check the folder theyre routed to. Some have modified notifications and some have the ordinary notification.
SMS can be routed to custom folders and be available in only infosharp or routed to the inbox where they are available to both messaging and infosharp.
as it runs in parallel i cant see theres a problem uninstalling. It doesnt seem to mess with any system files but as i havent tried this i cant say for sure.
Good stuff.

maltloaf said:
it runs sort of parallel to the original messaging app so you dont lose any functionality. Im using infosharp for sms and messaging for mms/email etc. Infosharp obeys the rules you apply to each contact or group (or every contact) and one of those rules is to not display in inbox, which means it doesnt get passed to 'messaging' and the txt messaging icon does not get displayed, as i required.
If you dont have 'do not display in inbox' checked, you can carry on and use messaging as normal.
At the moment I have a few folders set up, girlfriend, mates etc and it routes them and notifies me exactly as i require. Some contacts have no notification at all and i only know theres a message if i actually check the folder theyre routed to. Some have modified notifications and some have the ordinary notification.
SMS can be routed to custom folders and be available in only infosharp or routed to the inbox where they are available to both messaging and infosharp.
as it runs in parallel i cant see theres a problem uninstalling. It doesnt seem to mess with any system files but as i havent tried this i cant say for sure.
Good stuff.
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Are you able to create backups of all the folders? And does this program do it, or do you have to get something else?

again its not something i've tried but there is an export / import function and also theres a file where i think everything is held anyway. (*.srm) They also do a program for the pc which can read the sms.
check the manual out here


Different Notifications for txt delivery confirmation

Is there any add on for the Exec that will allow me to have a different notification sound for a Delivery Confirmation text (marked as from System Administrator on Vodafone).
I like to get a confirmation back but I only want a very short sound for it, not the normal notify sound I get with a normal text message!
Any ideas?
coercri said:
Is there any add on for the Exec that will allow me to have a different notification sound for a Delivery Confirmation text (marked as from System Administrator on Vodafone).
I like to get a confirmation back but I only want a very short sound for it, not the normal notify sound I get with a normal text message!
Any ideas?
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Don't know if this will work - but I noticed the other day that you can assign ringtones to specific contacts (I think) - maybe you could set up the SysAdmin as a contact with a short ringtone - I don't know if that would work for texts. (I've not tried it at all).
No, this only works for Ringtones, not Notifications from text messages.
where are all the default sounds for text notifications kept?
Mortring does the job. Search in the google for it. I'm using and an can assigne diferent rings for instance for notifications.
Best regards,
aprt said:
Mortring does the job. Search in the google for it. I'm using and an can assigne diferent rings for instance for notifications.
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Ive heard of Mortring, but can you tell me if it will allow a ringtone based not on a number but on a named string, as the test I get back for delivery confirmation doesnt have a number associated with it, it has the words "System Administrator" on it, no number at all.
Well i think not, because the one thing the app can do is to apply a ringtone to an unidentified contact, contact with no categories defined, by categories. The same for text messages.
So basically it functions using the number and the string used by the appz is the number.
Here is the topic made by the author of the program and you can ask him.
Thank you for that, im greatful
Thought I'd tag on this thread.
I have just got two phones, on each for me and the good lady. She wants to know if there is a way of it reminding her that she has a text - currently the phone makes a noise once and then unless you open it up to check, you have no idea if you have a text.
Her old phone used to make a tone every few minutes if she had a text.
I can't see any settings in the phone to do this. Are there any apps out there that would fit the bill ?
Any advice greatfully received.
reetp said:
Thought I'd tag on this thread.
I have just got two phones, on each for me and the good lady. She wants to know if there is a way of it reminding her that she has a text - currently the phone makes a noise once and then unless you open it up to check, you have no idea if you have a text.
Her old phone used to make a tone every few minutes if she had a text.
I can't see any settings in the phone to do this. Are there any apps out there that would fit the bill ?
Any advice greatfully received.
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I don't know any apps, but you can go to Start>Settings>Personal> Sound and Notifications>Notifications>New Text Messages and check the "Flash light for NO LIMIT". This will ensure if you receive any text msgs that the indicator light will flash orange if you have any text message and it will only disappear after you dismiss or read it.
reetp said:
Thought I'd tag on this thread.
I have just got two phones, on each for me and the good lady. She wants to know if there is a way of it reminding her that she has a text - currently the phone makes a noise once and then unless you open it up to check, you have no idea if you have a text.
Her old phone used to make a tone every few minutes if she had a text.
I can't see any settings in the phone to do this. Are there any apps out there that would fit the bill ?
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Phone Alarm from http://www.pocketmax.net/ will do this, and a lot more besides.
As for my problem, Mortring doesnt seem WM5 compatible - Oh well
I was going to say
You could read http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=9736&highlight=vibrate+play+registry
and have a play. Let us all know if you get it to work.
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but then I thought I'd have a look myself. Looking at the registry, text message notification is in notifications not sounds. Anyone know what the options are in HKCU/ControlPanel/Notifications/*/Options are ?

Release rk-SMS Switch: Possible ‘Push LIKE mail’[Updated 27 May 2009]

Here is my latest application SMS Switch which can trigger a command line based on the SMS received.
Built with the idea of ‘Push LIKE mail’ where the device gets the SMS notification on ‘New mail’ from your email service. rk-SMS Switch intercepts the SMS and based on the SMS sender and/or message text executes the command line (such as \Windows\tmail.exe) to synchronize the emails.
Your device is able to synchronize the emails using pocket outlook.
Your device receives the SMS notification on new mail message.
Push LIKE mail
Not wasting bandwidth for keep checking the server at regular intervals.
Saving the battery since you do not need always on gprs.
If you have multiple email accounts and want to make use of wifi network etc, then you might want to check up my other application rk-OSR which has support for command line execution.
This is just an idea and initial version. Let me know if you guys like it.
(Updated latest working version 1.0.4)
Version 1.0.4
Supports square screens(320 X 320)
Version 1.0.3
Now the triggerring SMS are automatically removed from your inbox! All normal SMS will only appear in the SMS inbox.
Now the application can be activated by the menu short cuts etc. No need to go to today screen. New option added to put it to tray or not.
Not tested much as I do not have SMS plans to play with each SMS i send to test get charged
Version 1.0.2 Hotfix
Bug fix: Please do not use version 1.0.1 which has a issue to sync up outlook and unusable.
Version 1.0.1 Updates
Separate tabs added for command line OR Outlook use.
If using the command line to invoke rk-OSR then timeout option added so that if multiple sms received only one the command line is executed(based on the timeout)
If want to sync up only one account then use the 'Outlook' option and only configure the 'Outlook' tab.
If using outlook show/hide outlook option added.
Since I am using Windows Live Push mail I am not using this application so you will be the tester!
If you like the application please show your support by donation on Paypal
Download from here
thank again great work
This is a great concept. I don't need it, as I don't push email to my phone, but I might now with this great program.
great program! if only i had data plan, so sad
How does this work?
I tried to run it, and nothing happened. I keep clicking the icon it placed in my start menu, and I can't figure out how to configure anything.
This sounds like a great solution, if it works that is...
It needs some documentation!
EDIT: found it on the today screen. Gosh, I wouldn't have known to look there!
Now, my question is how to manage the incoming sms it creates... If I receive a bunch of emails, I now have a bunch of SMS messages cluttering up my inbox. Can anyone think of a good way to hide the incoming SMS and silently delete it?
Dishe said:
Now, my question is how to manage the incoming sms it creates... If I receive a bunch of emails, I now have a bunch of SMS messages cluttering up my inbox. Can anyone think of a good way to hide the incoming SMS and silently delete it?
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Yes, I know the SMS needs to be cleared, Hopefully in the next version.
thank youuuuuuuuuuu i like it
tytnguy said:
Yes, I know the SMS needs to be cleared, Hopefully in the next version.
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Yeah, cuz that extra step sort of kills the whole convenience of it...
what I *used* to do when I wanted to save battery power, is forward my gmail to my sms address, and when I saw the first 160 chars with my sms, I'd delete it, go over to outlook and fetch new mail.
With this, at least I don't have to actually click fetch new mail, but it still requires manual deletion, so its not a complete solution yet. :/
looking forward to the next version then...
By the way, how do u get sms notifications for your email? Do you just forward a copy of your email to your sms address? Because if doing it that way, how do u tell the difference between what is coming from your email and what is just something someone sent to your sms directly?
if someone sends you an sms, most likely they will send it through a phone number. if forwarded from an email, the sender will not be a phone number, most likely an email address or some other sender info that is separate from a standard phone number like you would get from a normal sms.
I think that's how it works.
I currently do the same style as you. have gmail forward me an sms of the email message. if it looks important i go to outlook and download the entire message.
Dishe said:
... how do u get sms notifications for your email? Do you just forward a copy of your email to your sms address?
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Well, For me I use windows live so actually I do not need it . But I thought it might be a battery saver so developed it.
Dishe said:
...how do u tell the difference between what is coming from your email and what is just something someone sent to your sms directly?
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The field 'From' contains... Should have a partial email address... May be @Gmail.com(I am not sure about how you get emails forwarded, check the text message from address and set it)
You could also use 'Message' Contains option to check only if there is a predefined text in the message.
To use either of the two options use 'OR' option.
tytnguy said:
The field 'From' contains... Should have a partial email address... May be @Gmail.com(I am not sure about how you get emails forwarded, check the text message from address and set it)
You could also use 'Message' Contains option to check only if there is a predefined text in the message.
To use either of the two options use 'OR' option.
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ah, see gmail is good enough to leave the message intact exactly as it is recieved, original sender and all. So, as I said, there's no way to tell it was forwarded from gmail at all.
Maybe what I should do then is forward to hotmail or something that DOESNT leave everything intact, and from THERE forward to my inbox... a bit backwards...
yes i agree. gmail is good in that they are generous enough to convert the email address to only showing the Sender's name. normally this is appreciated, but in this case, it makes things a bit more complicated as now like Dishe said, it is impossible to distinguish between a normal sms and one being forwarded by gmail.
EDIT: I may have a work around. When GMAIL forwards an email to your phone with an sms notification, the sms contains the text "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" within the body of the SMS as part of the actual text message.
The program lets you set a filter for the FROM field and/or the MESSAGE field. So using the program, you can put the filter to either one of the three "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" instead of the default "@". This would eliminate the need to know that it was forwarded from GMail at all.
This would solve the problem because regular SMS when sent does not show the text "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" in the body of the sms. in theory it looks like works, i havent tested it. i installed the program, can you please let me know what is the command line argument to have it send/receive?
Right now i have the command line sent to windows/tmail.exe and it just opens the email prog. I guess i need the argument too to have it actually send/receive.
NguyenHuu said:
...I may have a work around. When GMAIL forwards an email to your phone with an sms notification, the sms contains the text "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" within the body of the SMS as part of the actual text message.
The program lets you set a filter for the FROM field and/or the MESSAGE field. So using the program, you can put the filter to either one of the three "FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" instead of the default "@". This would eliminate the need to know that it was forwarded from GMail at all.
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Nice suggestion NguyenHuu!. It should work as you suggested
NguyenHuu said:
... can you please let me know what is the command line argument to have it send/receive?
Right now i have the command line sent to windows/tmail.exe and it just opens the email prog. I guess i need the argument too to have it actually send/receive.
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Try the cammand line as follows
Commanline ----> \Windows\tmail.exe
Arguments------> -service "Gmail Account Name" -sync
Where "Gmail Account Name" should be the name of your account as typed on the pocket outlook and double quotes are required.
it worked! i tested it three times.
1. sent regular sms via a IM application on PC (AIM).
2. sent SMS via another cell phone.
3. had email forwarded through gmail to phone
i used FRM: for FROM contains, and SUBJ: for Message contains. I chose teh "OR" option.
worked as planned. the first two regular sms was sent without activating the inbox syncing. the third time when gmail forwarded the email to my phone sms, since it contained the field: FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" it automtically sync my inbox.
one thing though, it automatically syncs the inbox which is great but it does so in the background so you still need to go to the inbox then go to the message to read it. is it possible to make it so after it syncs, it opens the actual inbox so you can see your list of unread emails? maybe through adding to the argument?
NguyenHuu said:
it worked! i tested it three times.
1. sent regular sms via a IM application on PC (AIM).
2. sent SMS via another cell phone.
3. had email forwarded through gmail to phone
i used FRM: for FROM contains, and SUBJ: for Message contains. I chose teh "OR" option.
worked as planned. the first two regular sms was sent without activating the inbox syncing. the third time when gmail forwarded the email to my phone sms, since it contained the field: FRM:", "SUBJ:", "MSG:" it automtically sync my inbox.
one thing though, it automatically syncs the inbox which is great but it does so in the background so you still need to go to the inbox then go to the message to read it. is it possible to make it so after it syncs, it opens the actual inbox so you can see your list of unread emails? maybe through adding to the argument?
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The problem that I mentioned before was that ALL EMAIL sent to [email protected] will have FRM:, SUBJ:, MSG in the body, whether it comes from gmail or not.
Sometimes, if I'm at my desk and want to remember something, I'll send an email to my phone's sms address. Also, I have freinds with data plans and no sms plans who email to sms ([email protected]) all the time.
Your solution could not differentiate between those emails sent purposely to an sms address versus ones meant to trigger syncing.
Right now, its not a big problem yet since the app doesnt delete the trigger sms. But at the same time, I hate having to clear two independant inboxes of new messages now (both email and the sms trigger need clearing), so I need the function to remove the trigger after it syncs eventually.
If the email wasnt supposed to be a trigger, you can understand why this may prove problematic.
NguyenHuu said:
great program! if only i had data plan, so sad
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I Know! Outrageous prices, to put it mildly.
xd1936 said:
I Know! Outrageous prices, to put it mildly.
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heh, mine's free. Not to brag or anything, but Sprint over here in the states has killer 3G data plans. I'm just looking to maximize my meager battery life.
EDIT: By the way, TyTnGuy, I went to set up a hotmail/windows live account so that I could try forwarding email THERE and then have THAT forward to my sms with the @hotmail account in the header, but guess what? Live/Hotmail doesn't support forwarding AT ALL!!
So, it looks to me like you couldn't possibly have gotten this to work yourself... What are you not telling us?
he said he doesnt need the program since he uses live mail which should have its own pushlike mail in wm. he creating the program for people who may need it, and specifically cited gmail in his example. i think haha.
i am still trying to figure out if there is a commandline argument that opens up the inbox after it syncs. that's a really good thing to have i think. right after you get the notifications, the inbox opens and you can see all your unread email.
i am about to set up a dataplan, not just for this but for other business, and so that is why, despite my earlier comment about not having a dataplan, i am so interested in it now haha. better then polling every X-minutes indeed.
sorry to bring this back up. anyone happen to know the command line argument to open up inbox?
this is the current argument that makes it sync when you get a sms notification: service "Gmail Account Name" -sync
that works fine, but it does so in the background. I was hoping there is more to the argument where after it syncs it opens the inbox for you. or it open inbox then sync is fine too
NguyenHuu said:
sorry to bring this back up. anyone happen to know the command line argument to open up inbox?
this is the current argument that makes it sync when you get a sms notification: service "Gmail Account Name" -sync
that works fine, but it does so in the background. I was hoping there is more to the argument where after it syncs it opens the inbox for you. or it open inbox then sync is fine too
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I am working on a next version I will do something to support the above request.

Change SMS Notification by Contact

I searched for all kinds of different words hoping to find a quick but simple install that will fix my problem, but I kept finding these full blown applications that do WAY more than I need.
The phone already has ringtones for individual people, but I get system pages from the servers at my office and I'd like to set an SMS ringtone to those that will silence them. I still want the SMS from my friends, etc to come through with the default tone.
I haven't tried it, but would setting a silent ringtone in the contact silence the SMS for that contact too? I thought that was exclusively for voice calls.
Is there something simple I can use rather than buying one of these huge packages that have profiles and more advanced settings than I can shake a stick at? Should I just suck it up and get Ringo or something like it or is there something much simplier that is free that anyone is using? I only want the one e-mail address to be silenced.
(And this is on WM6.1)
Man, I am in EXACTLY the same situation.
I tried Ringo Mobile and it's a piece of junk; didn't work half the time. Was a pain to remove.
The other is phonealert, which is just too much overkill and it didn't work either. I wanna barf.
One thing I've noticed is many of these don't know how to handle SMS messages sent from an email address.
Maybe if they had a "reverse group" logic. That way I could set my default alert to be something loud while every other SMS message played something else.
I'd gladly fork over $20 for something that does this, and that works.
Found one that actually works!!!
$15 bucks.
Has a trial, but worked on an SMS alert from an email address.
I've downloaded the trial. It does appear to be working with the e-mail addresses though. Whew!
Thank you very much for the lead! This is very helpful.

[App Request] SMS/MMS Hide function

Hey guys and girls,
Ive got a Samsung Omnia (please no booing ) and I need an application to hide text and or mms messages. I work overseas from time to time with my business and my wife and I swap MMS and text messages to each other while I am away. Having a new phone means everyone wants to check it out and i certainly do not want anyone stumbling across any MMS or text messages my wife has sent me ;-)
I have already well and truly searched this forum and the only software I can find is by evolvens and it doesn work.
Im sure it couldnt be to hard for someone to code a little piece of software to hide sms or mms depending on who sent it?
Sorry if ive posted in the wrong section, id be willing to pay for the right app and im sure many others would as well.
hey, i ran into a problem in my last relationship where i ended up dating 2 chicks... so i had their sms' saved using ez secret sms 2.0. basically, you can set it up to run in the background, and you set certain contacts to be received in this program instead of outlook. the program can be named anything you want. so i named it something boring like system priority. you click it, and it brings up a calculator. you put in the code you specified, and hit ok... and it opens your "secret inbox." you can also set it to notify you in some way that you received a text from whoever. i set it as "islanders won!" for one chick, and "rangers lost!" for the other... pretty simple program to use, and it works fairly well.
if you want to hide just the pics, you could always just save the pics and encrypt the folder using resco explorer with a password or something. but if you really want to save the actual sms, this program worked fairly well for me.
I agree - SMS Security is great - I use it on my Diamond with no problems
I don't think it willl work with MMS though. As the post above - save the image from your MMS into your main files in a private folder. Call that folder something odd and I'm sure you friends won't open it. If you really want to protect the images, you can lock just that file with Resco or I use VisCrypt
Thanks hays and ou2mame for your input, I will try ez secret sms,
hays is this the same program you use on your diamond?
Thanks again guys
waverdr said:
Thanks hays and ou2mame for your input, I will try ez secret sms,
hays is this the same program you use on your diamond?
Thanks again guys
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Yes it is. It works 100%
It is easy to switch it on and off reverting back to normal diamond SMS
I've emailed the author to suggest a few minor tweaks and will report back

[Q]HELP!!!! SMS messaging issue on HD

Hi guys - not sure if i post this question here or at the Themes, Applications and Software. (feel free to move this if necessary).
Ok so here is my problem...I wanted to send a single sms to multiple recipients, the way to do that in HTC HD is to write a SMS and then select one recipient after another, this is just a major flaw if we have to send SMS to say 150 people.My old samsung showed me all my contatcs and all I had to do was place a tick infront of the names of the people i wanted to send to, thus making it so easy..
So i tried searching far and wide of a tweak or hotfix that adds the option to the standard HTC messaging. But soon after realising that i was fighting a losing battle, i decided to go for a 3rd party option. So i tried VITO SMS-CHAT 1.25..This was just awesome.(not trying to adverstise any software here), after using it for sometime i decided to tidy up by deleting all messages.
However, after deleting the messages i see that when i create a new sms, none of MY contacts shows up.i.E. sms-chat only shows those contacts that have sent messages to you and if you delete messages then sms-chat forgets about that contact.. Also,it does not show all the contacts from the contacts database from your phone..
Has someone come across this issue???
Also can anyone helpme by suggesting a way i can send a sms to multiple recipients using my default messaging on HD?
or alternatively, tell me how i can see all my contatcs in VITO SMS-CHAT 1.25.
Any sort of help will be treated as good help and thanks inadvance if you even botherd to read this so far.

