Has anyone managed to unlock cid with this way???? - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

I was wondering if you could downgrade to an old version using maimachs romupdateutility.exe , then unlock using awizard and doing the update again.
I think this would be the safest because the device will be also cid unlocked.
Has anyone tried this???

i tried getting to an older version but i couldnt... all i could do was flashing rom from imate, dopod and qtek but they to be always a more recent version from the one installed


what does it mean to CID unlock?

I just got my 8125, and i upgraded to the aku 2.2 rom and then i couldnt run any new programs for some reason, so i downgraded, and ran the lokiwiz/unlock tool, and then upgraded to the aku 2.2 rom again. and now im waiting for it to finish setting up. is that the correct way to usually do these upgrades? thanks for the help!
CID unlock is what allows you to install unsigned apps, as well as downgrade your ROM and use other vendor's ROMs.
CID Unlock
Can you please tell me where you found / downloaded the CID unlock software?
Thank you.
Re: CID Unlock
jerebo said:
Can you please tell me where you found / downloaded the CID unlock software?
Thank you.
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I recommend using lokiwiz 0.2b for CID unlocking. It's in the first post of this thread. However in order to use it, you must be using an AKU 1.x ROM. If you have already upgraded to AKU 2 then use the instructions here. However, if you have upgraded to an AKU 2.2 or greater ROM then there is currently no known way to CID unlock your phone. I hope this helps you a bit ^_^
I'm currently on Summiter's custom ROM and assumed upgrading to this ROM confirmed that my device was CID unlocked.. I guess this is not the case, but will I be able to follow the instructions in the post above without issues because I am still below 2.2?
do you guys know what rom/aku/cid/whatever the cingular 8125 comes with? i'm going to buy one off ebay and am worried it'll be the latest craziest thing that loki wont be able to unlock. although i've read a lot of "it worked on my 8125" posts.
CIDunlock or Unlock or Both?
Hi People,
I've used the lokiwiz to unlock my phone. But the most important question is what is the difference between the options.
I first used the C to superCID my phone. Guess that worked.
After that also did a Unlock worked fine as well.
But what is the difference between Unlock and CID unlock?
is unlock for the SIMlock and cid unlock for other rom upgrades?
Is the CID unlock sufficient to CID unlock and Simunlock my Vario?
Menu looks like this:
U. Unlock
L. Lock
C. CID Unlock (SuperCID)
Q. Quit
Type the letter and press Enter: U
Thanks in advance.

Problems faced before I flash the rom..please help me

Hello..i am a newbie in flashing the rom. I have read many posts regarding on how to flash the rom. My questions are :
1. Do I need to use the unlocking CID program before I flash the rom or should I just flash it using the NoVendor rom?
2. If I don't use the unlocking CID, will I able to reflash the rom again back to other versions or downgrade to the one I am having now?
Currently the rom I have now is is German language in which I cannot understand at all. I wanna switch to English version. Your help are greatly appreciate.
no one can help me???pleasssseeeeeeee
Instead of waiting and bumping your own post .. why don't you do a search?
In general, you need to CID unlock your device before any flashing. You need to unlock it after every hard reset too.
No harm CID unlocking your phone anyway. However, it may harm you if you don't CID unlock it.
but I still don't understand what's the different between CID unlock and NoVendor rom..from what i read from this forum, CID unlock is important cause it enable users to change/upgrade the rom. but there aren't any information that said what does the NoVendor rom does (or maybe I didn't see it).
so if the NoVendor rom is similar to the CID unlock, then i guess i dun need to use the CID unlock?or should i still use it?
Briefly, if you just want to upgrade your ROM to other vender's newer ROM, you could use that Machinegod's NoVendor ID upgrade utility. If you are happy with that new ROM, then you don't have to unlock your device's CID.
However, if you need to downgrade your device to other vender's older ROM, then you will have to unlock its CID first. Otherwise, the utility will tell that it can upgrade only. The major benefit from unlocking CID is you can up/downgrade your device to any vender's ROM.
Problem is that there is no reliable utility to unlock the CID for device with AKU2 ROM yet except that from Thailand website. Read more details here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=52244
Hope this helps.
This utilities won't work with the last dopod rom SPL 2.15.
This rom is great but if you choose to upgrade to it, you won't be able to change until another downgrade tool is released.
gee..thanx a lot....i will try to upgrade it now.really thanx a lot...

how to put back CID lock

Hi everyone,
I have an mda vario which has to be send in for waranty, so i want to put back my CID lock. How do I do this. I have the cid backup file.
You can restore cid by restoring the lock_backup.bin file that was created during the unlock process.
to do that see here http://forum.xda-developers.com/vie...postorder=asc&highlight=cid+locking&start=400
look for britman's post.
ok but i now have tmobile aku 2 rom flashed, is this a problem? or can i put the cid back even with the aku2 rom?
i think you would need to downgrade as lokiwiz CID only works with v1 ROMs, and not v2.
will this rom do the trick?1030710_110_10410_Qtek_NLD_Ship
And how do i then upgrade from the qtek rom to the new aku2 tmobile rom. Beceause then i have my CID back in the machine. So it won't allow me to update from qtek to tmobile.
Need to upgrade to the stock t-mobile rom ftp://xda:[email protected]developers.co...RUU_Prodigy_1060204_105_11210_TMO_UK_Ship.exe
first and then cid lock and then upgrade to aku2 rom. (if you have already locked it you will need to unlock again)
But surely it did not come with aku2 rom when you bought it as it is only just released.
I did above steps, but it only put back the simlock, not cid lock beceause i could update to qtek without problems so i gues cid was not put back
Just some experience. I sent my unit back to HTC Europe without CID-lock, and it went through without problems.

Is it possible to cid-unlock an MDA with IPL/SPL 2.26?

I have a new MDA from T-Mobile which I updated to the 2.26 official t-mobile upgrade. I would to back up the device to a mini-sd card from the bootloader; however, am not able to cid-unlock the device (aWizard fails during the write step), and the bootloader is giving me a security level violation error.
Is there a (safe) way to CID-Unlock the device? If not, how else can I do a full backup and guaranteed restore from a mini SD card? I apologize if this has been answered before... I tried to read through the forum however, could not find anything definitive.
cid unlocking t-mobile mda
I'm from the Netherlands and have exact the same problem.
Can't cid unlock my t-mobile mda.
So if there is an solution i'm interested.
This is the only solution yet: http://www.imei-check.co.uk/m3000unlock.php
Read the following link:
Lokiwiz Issues:
Thanks for your response. I tried Lokiwiz. With Lokiwiz 0.3a (LokiwizMsl.bat) and that provided the SIM unlock code. However, I could not figure out a way to CID unlock with the Lokiwiz 0.3a tool. Lokiwiz 0.2b fails to CID unlock the phone. Again, I apologize if I am missing the obvious, however, what am I doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong. The latest lokiwiz does not include the CID unlock feature, and the last version that does will not unlock 2.25 and above. It may not work on earlier ones either, but I know I have 2.25 and it's not working.
Re: Lokiwiz Issues:
Opppsss....I guess the poster on the link I gave you meant to be SIM Unlock not CID Unlock. I appologize. I just re-read the link and realized that. I'm sorry.
I think the only solution is to CID unlock before you upgrade to ROM 2.26. I read from some other threads as well that this upgrade does not require you to redo the CID unlock. Could anyone confirm me on this?
acerbix said:
Thanks for your response. I tried Lokiwiz. With Lokiwiz 0.3a (LokiwizMsl.bat) and that provided the SIM unlock code. However, I could not figure out a way to CID unlock with the Lokiwiz 0.3a tool. Lokiwiz 0.2b fails to CID unlock the phone. Again, I apologize if I am missing the obvious, however, what am I doing wrong?
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I can confirm that the CID unlock is (so far...) completely permanent once done... I think, however, that you have to unlock with a 1.xx rom, not ANY 2.xx rom. In other words, I do not think that it is just 2.25 and up or just 2.26 that you can't unlock I think it is any rom that starts with a 2. If someone could confirm, it would be appreciated... I do believe that there is some sort of temporary workaround to flash a new rom without CID unlock, but I am not sure how (I am unlocked), or even where I saw that... :roll:
Thanks for your responses: Is there a way to downgrade to an official 1.08 ROM, and then CID unlock the device, and then bump back up to a 2.26 ROM?
i was thinkin of doin that. when i bought my mda it came with the 1.8 rom, and i upgraded it to 2.26. now i be wantin to cid unlock it.
so i was thinkin of tryin to install the 1.8 rom and cid unlock it. but the question is will the 1.8 rom install properly after 2.26 is installed
Before you attempt to downgrade from a 2.x to 1.x Rom you need to be aware of a few things.
1. If you have a G4 flash chip YOU CANNOT DOWNGRADE TO A 1.x ROM. (Search for G4, to determine this)
2. You will need to use the modified RUU package from a custom Rom which is hacked to always think your phone as Rom version 1.2 installed (again a little searching will explain better)
3. If you try this, your IPL & SPL (bootloaders) will get out of sync (one will remain 2.x). This is a dangerous situation for your phone and you just might brick it!
4. If you read up on how to "cook your own Rom" (yep search for it) you can create Roms without bootloaders which don't need your phone to be CID unlocked.
Starcruiser1229 said:
I can confirm that the CID unlock is (so far...) completely permanent once done... I think, however, that you have to unlock with a 1.xx rom, not ANY 2.xx rom. In other words, I do not think that it is just 2.25 and up or just 2.26 that you can't unlock I think it is any rom that starts with a 2. If someone could confirm, it would be appreciated... I do believe that there is some sort of temporary workaround to flash a new rom without CID unlock, but I am not sure how (I am unlocked), or even where I saw that... :roll:
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Ah ha, so there is a risk of say putting in Tmobile's oem 2.26 rom (or future oem roms) to re SIM and CID lock then.
I myself have an 8125 with ipl/1.08 : 1.08, gsm : 01.16.11, os : and was thinking of upgrading to Tmo's 2.26.
Starcruiser1229 said:
I can confirm that the CID unlock is (so far...) completely permanent once done... I think, however, that you have to unlock with a 1.xx rom, not ANY 2.xx rom. In other words, I do not think that it is just 2.25 and up or just 2.26 that you can't unlock I think it is any rom that starts with a 2. If someone could confirm, it would be appreciated... I do believe that there is some sort of temporary workaround to flash a new rom without CID unlock, but I am not sure how (I am unlocked), or even where I saw that... :roll:
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Ah ha, so there is a risk of say putting in Tmobile's oem 2.26 rom (or future oem roms) to re SIM and CID lock then.
I myself have an 8125 with ipl/1.08 : 1.08, gsm : 01.16.11, os : and was thinking of upgrading to Tmo's 2.26.
Starcruiser1229 said:
I can confirm that the CID unlock is (so far...) completely permanent once done... I think, however, that you have to unlock with a 1.xx rom, not ANY 2.xx rom. In other words, I do not think that it is just 2.25 and up or just 2.26 that you can't unlock I think it is any rom that starts with a 2. If someone could confirm, it would be appreciated... I do believe that there is some sort of temporary workaround to flash a new rom without CID unlock, but I am not sure how (I am unlocked), or even where I saw that... :roll:
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Ah ha, so there is a risk of say putting in Tmobile's oem 2.26 rom (or future oem roms) to re SIM and CID lock then.
I myself have an 8125 with ipl/1.08 : 1.08, gsm : 01.16.11, os : and was thinking of upgrading to Tmo's 2.26.
kyphur said:
Before you attempt to downgrade from a 2.x to 1.x Rom you need to be aware of a few things.
1. If you have a G4 flash chip YOU CANNOT DOWNGRADE TO A 1.x ROM. (Search for G4, to determine this)
2. You will need to use the modified RUU package from a custom Rom which is hacked to always think your phone as Rom version 1.2 installed (again a little searching will explain better)
3. If you try this, your IPL & SPL (bootloaders) will get out of sync (one will remain 2.x). This is a dangerous situation for your phone and you just might brick it!
4. If you read up on how to "cook your own Rom" (yep search for it) you can create Roms without bootloaders which don't need your phone to be CID unlocked.
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ah well, that sounds like a massive pain in the ass... i dont have the patience for that anyways i already bought a card specifically to back up the rom in any case, and i dont doubt that the wizard community will come up with something. in the meantime, ive got no major hangups with 2.26, besides the occasional freeze
kyphur said:
Before you attempt to downgrade from a 2.x to 1.x Rom you need to be aware of a few things.
1. If you have a G4 flash chip YOU CANNOT DOWNGRADE TO A 1.x ROM. (Search for G4, to determine this)
2. You will need to use the modified RUU package from a custom Rom which is hacked to always think your phone as Rom version 1.2 installed (again a little searching will explain better)
3. If you try this, your IPL & SPL (bootloaders) will get out of sync (one will remain 2.x). This is a dangerous situation for your phone and you just might brick it!
4. If you read up on how to "cook your own Rom" (yep search for it) you can create Roms without bootloaders which don't need your phone to be CID unlocked.
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ah well, that sounds like a massive pain in the ass... i dont have the patience for that anyways i already bought a card specifically to back up the rom in any case, and i dont doubt that the wizard community will come up with something. in the meantime, ive got no major hangups with 2.26, besides the occasional freeze

Problems with downgrade???

I have read the tutorial to downgrade my device with the button's 1.05 ROM , but i have a problem...
I start the wizard with no ID is funktion to 98% then its broken!!!What is the Problem? My device ist a O2 XDA mini s (Qtek9100). I know that i must use after the downgrade the lokiwiz - HTC Wizard Unlocker UPDATE Version 0.2b to unlock my CID, but first the downgrade and this is my problem it doesent funktion!!!!! Can anybody help me???

