Contact Picture Size - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

How can I increase the size of the picture (associated with a contact) on the phone screen?
At the moment pictures are less than 1cm square
Thanks for any advice

yeah id be interested in expanding that pic size as well so bumpty bump.
you know who I think we need on the case?

Guys, if you're doing this on a QVGA screen (and maybe VGA), then assuming you're using either the eten, HTC or similar phone dialer skin extension, load it up into Visual Studio (or any resource hacker) and edit the dialogs, and find the image for the contact image. Enlarge to your heart's content. Save, sign (if necessary), reload onto your phone and bask in the glory.
This is all theoretical, I don't use my Universal as a phone, but I have edited the skins and the theory is sound. JGUI's green catepillar project shows what you can do with this idea.
Buzz's site has more detail on the concept (I think).
If necessary, I could write a hacker to do it without resource hacking, but it wouldn't be to everyone's taste, so I haven't.

Thank you VJ....
But I'm still in the dark ;o(

hrmm as I suspected your the man for the job, but like the other guy im lost as to what you were on about.
Everytime I have tried to resourcehack the universal files they never re-read on the universal once I put em back....
In any case, can you further help us, plz.
And yes were talking about this on the universal, well I am, I use mine as a phone amongst other things.


Picture Templates for XDA 2 Camera

Im having fun with the XDA 2 camera, even though its not a megapixel one but it still produce quality pictures.
What i'm into right now are the templates for the camera, like the magazine and totem templates built-in.
My question is, these templates are GIF in natures, How can they be created and do they have special formats if a make a GIF file in any picture/photo/drawing software?
Also, where can we download additional templates?
The Templates were offered by Ia Style
But now it is out of market..and site is down.
Unfortunately I don't have any copy of it..Only some templates for Called ID
I've got a copy, but I don't have a server to upload and host it.
If someone can tell me where I can upload it, I'll put it in a RAR-file for you guys.
i would also like to know the specifics for creating these files and does anybody out there have any tips oh and the templates for Called ID where can we get them or create our own
Maybe this can help
thanks do you have any caller id templates there the ones i want to be able to create from those samples of the camera templates it seems that the picture area is defined by a white border in the last frame and you can create the multi photo template by adding an extra frame so in total you would have 3 frames the 1 st picture or main picture in the first frame then the second picture in the 2 nd frame and then the picture area frame the 3rd hope this makes sence
R_AL_Sim...i don't quite understand with what you said...Maybe you can make it clearer ? Sorry for that...But i have caller id templates though. Hope it will help ! Cheerz !
right then if you open one of the gif files in a animation/gif editing program such as animation shop which comes with paintshop pro you will see that it is made up of at least 2 seperate frames these seperate frames define diferent parts of the template
contents of a 2 frame template
Frame 1
This defines the design of the template basicly what you see when you use a template with the camera
Frame 2
This defines the area where the photo will be visble using a white line marking the area
for more than 2 frames
Every frame after the second shows what area the next phot will be placed in
i have included a sample jpg of what the difference in the frames should be
hope this makes more sence to you
Testimo85 said:
R_AL_Sim...i don't quite understand with what you said...Maybe you can make it clearer ? Sorry for that...But i have caller id templates though. Hope it will help ! Cheerz !
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sorry, but i have a question, which folder am i suppose to put these files on my xda2? they have a .pit extension that my computer and xda2 doesn't recognize. i tried putting them in mydocuments/IACallerIDPhotos.
it doesn't work. thanks.
thanks R_Al_SIM,
that was helpful, yup creating camera templates for the XDA 2 camera was what I had in mind. Precisely what you uploaded.
Downloading now...
salaryman said:
sorry, but i have a question, which folder am i suppose to put these files on my xda2? they have a .pit extension that my computer and xda2 doesn't recognize. i tried putting them in mydocuments/IACallerIDPhotos.
it doesn't work. thanks.
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put it under My Documents/Templates
if you browse that folder, you will see that all kinds of templates are saved there (including Note templates)
Salaryman...put .pit files under mydocuments/templates
thanks for your help guys. just figured it out.
this caller ID templates really ROCKs!!!
How to use caller id templates???
how to remove weird letter "m" in front of phone n
Thanks for the Templates...
Do you guys who used callerID have this wierd "m" in front of your caller number? Showed like this:
m +phone number
John Doe
m +1(999)999-9999
HOw to remove "m" in front of phone number?
this m stands for Mobile,
o stands for office and
h stands for home
Im glad someone was there to inform the poor chap maybe he needs to read a bit more about the xda and its functions, hell infact why has he got one anyway?
M4io said:
this m stands for Mobile,
o stands for office and
h stands for home
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@M4io: Thanks!
I realized that BUT mine even I set/put to Office or Home it still showing "m" in front of the phone numbers.
Thats why I am asking is there a way to remove it? Thanks!
collins199820 said:
Im glad someone was there to inform the poor chap maybe he needs to read a bit more about the xda and its functions, hell infact why has he got one anyway?
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I'm sorry! As far as I know this forum is for user helping another user, when they need help... People ask to seek help and to learn somethings new. Why we got one coz we can afford one.

VGA files here!!

This is as far as its got so far so
Note to have your own windows boot screen replace with your own welcomehead.96.png
You use at own risk, nothing to do with me, but ive not had any troubles so far. This will create a security hole in your WM5 windows system.
thanks for the efforts carnivor, but i dont think the ftp is working, or basically i cant access it. tried the browser and an ftp client. cannot connect to the server, it times out.
access the ftp through there
Would love to give it a go, but just not quite brave enough - anyone post any screengrabs of some popular screens to see?
Thanks a bunch for creating the zip file, Carnivor. Makes things nice and easy
I managed to rip the MSN messenger dlls from my kjam. Here they are. Messenger now works fine in VGA mode.
rilot said:
I managed to rip the MSN messenger dlls from my kjam. Here they are. Messenger now works fine in VGA mode.
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Those files were set with Read Only and System attributes and Activesync refused to copy those files to my Jasjar until I removed those attributes. After that they copied fine.
Thanks for the files
wicked, just popping them onto me JJ now, i was going to ask if someone could post them from another phone, the site was down, it was horrible i was awfully lost without it
What do the VGA Messenger dll's do exactly?
joebongo said:
What do the VGA Messenger dll's do exactly?
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Allow MSN Messenger to work when in real VGA mode. Without them the app just hangs or fails to start up.
Ok, those dll's are purrrfect!!!!!
ive attached the latest vga stuff time date stamped
its got the msnm dl''s alldone in it.
also i dont really think the phone skin is going to be a major problem, i see on buzz's site they're skinning the phone app, i used a couple of the tweaks to change my qvga dialler background, so maybe the rest aint as hard as first thought. I say that in the tense that buzz prob speant hours of brain cells working it all out.
Ohh rilot, you are a deamon, msn this res is wicked!!! 22 contacts in landscape mode, godda be some kind of a record, i mean its actually useful now, better than the usual 2 is it? hehe
Can anyone post some screengrabs?
I'll try to get some screenshots up tonight.
here ya go, was before i started playing with the ozvga settings tho, looks better now
Carnivor, looks lovely: get the feeling that guy in the first pic just felt his trouser pocket distend and rip with the jasjar. Man, I'm afriad to pocket it and get a hernia. But it has such a nice solid feel to it, like a mini tombstone. They should advertise that as a feature! Engraved...
I've also noticed that I can feel the electric charge buzz when using it and holding the metalic top. I'd be careful of using it in the bath!
Carnivor: how do you find wisbar's skinning? Does it impact on speed? It's quite cool.
wisbar is good, the .12 is alot better, but you do still notice the improvement when you close it.
buzz, i was refering to buzz_lightyear, a guru on things wm based
Ok I'm a nOOb here, can someone tell me what to do with the .CAB file in the archive ?
Carnivor, this is just awesome! Working well with WA2 AND WAD! Quite surprised was I!
Some issues I am having that u may already know how to solve, in which case I'd appreciate ur input:
- Fonts tough on eyes. What changes do u recommend over and above ozVGA settings?
- Some dialog boxes only show half the text b4 the yes/no buttons overwrite the bottom part. Any ideas?
- PIN pad is all overlapped; not a big deal
- BUT, phone pad is a bit of an issue; too small and I have to turn off quickdial. Any ideas on this?
- My SIP keyboard loses its skin. Can the skins on buzz's board be applied somehow?
- Calculator keys too small; do u know of a working calc app cos I truly need a calculator available at all times
- My oh-so-pretty WA2 and WAD hi-res themes need to take a trip back to low-res world else the buttons are too big! Darn!
I'm gonna try sticking to this mode. Hell, all the apps I've got working well on WM5/VGA work just as well under this mode, so why go back? and PIE is OH SO PRETTTTTTYYYY!!!!
PS: What do u use for screen shots on WM5? Would like to post a few of mine.
craigiecraigie4 said:
- Fonts tough on eyes. What changes do u recommend over and above ozVGA settings?
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hmmm.... that's what i'm thinking - for the Today screen anyway. i wanna be able to read the stuff here with a glance, and the teeny fonts make that difficult. is there anything we can do about this?

iPhone Dialer Skins

I both registered and started this thread because I searched far and wide for something to replace that damn fish background on the iphone dialer skin. I found on post on something differing than the fish, and after a day of poking around I not only found the answer, but also made myself a new skin. Hopefully this thread will be where I post more skins, aside from the one I am going to show you guys. If there's already a thread for this, sorry, as I didn't see it when I ran a search.
Well, first off, the skin if controlled by a bunch of .bmp's in your windows directory of the phone. It's as simple as keeping the dimensions the same, but replace the buttons and backgrounds to get a new theme for the skin. It's a biotch, and is mostly repetitive work but the results are worth it. Especially if you use something like a Xv6700, where all the damn buttons are too small to use with your finger without the skin! Anyways the skin I made is only for the portrait portion of the phone. If you're like me, you never dial in landscape mode.
Here are a few pics of my skin. My next one will be a plain iPhone skin with blue. No fancy background pic.
I'll upload an RAR tonight of the pics needed to skin your phone to this skin. All you need to do is unzip them to the mydocuments portion of your phone, and then copy them over to windows, replacing the old files. I suggest you keep a copy of the old ones, just in case!
If you want to make your own skin, which is fairly easy to do, here are some tips.
1. Use the old images as a template to make sur your numbers and buttons are placed the same as the old skin.
2. For portrait skinning, you only need to skin the following files:
3.For the prog files, note the background file (bkp) all have 'end call' on the button, not talk! The talk file is handled by pcvprogtalk.
4. It's easiest to make the individual buttons by making the background, leaving it as a layer, and using a combination of invert color, flatten, and selecting the button before pasting over the image.
5. All of the files with _at at the end are how the button looks pressed, _dis is how the button will look 'switched' for things like the speaker.
Hope that helps!
Here is the skin completed. Only skinned for portrait! If you flip to landscape it will show the fishes. To install, simply extract, and copy the files to my documents on your phone while synced. Then, on the phone, copy them to /windows/ directory after backing up the files in windows first (You never know, even if they are just images).
Personally I dislike the background pic, however I do like the buttons.
agovinoveritas said:
Personally I dislike the background pic, however I do like the buttons.
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Yea well I didn't make it with mass appeal in mind. More of a proof of concept? Besides I figured someone might find some use for it. If you have a suggestion I'm open to it.
Sure, I will see if I can find some background pic. Don't misunderstand me, it is pretty cool you post it for everyone to download. And sharing the proof of concept with us.
agovinoveritas said:
Sure, I will see if I can find some background pic. Don't misunderstand me, it is pretty cool you post it for everyone to download. And sharing the proof of concept with us.
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None taken! I've just never done this kinda thing for mass appeal, any help is appreciated.
Entered in error. Sorry guys

[APP][18-06-09] AnX1 Actionscreen v1.2 (Manila, Forest and Shadowsong)

* Discontinued *
New thread at:
Thanks alot for this, I wasn't keen on the other 1 but this is perfect! Good work!
it looks nice
I like your choice of items a bit more
well done
really usefull
Cheers! Good to see you people like it.
If there's anything you'd like to see improved, post it and I'll consider the good ideas.
edit: opps. i just realised i was posting this here should have been in the original thread...ohh well. mods feel free to delete this
i like it a lot as it is but there are a number of things you might want to consider:
1-i think an extra raw of apps can be added while keeping the the finger friendliness.
2- make it startable as an executable or soft key from tf3d hoome or button
3- option for discovravle mode blutooth
4- make it easy to change default apps
ohh btw, why is it relatively big 1.6mb for an app starter. can it be redused? mabe change the color depth or something
It's mostly the skin. The original application uses a sucky compression. There's no way I can reduce it and to me, 1.6mb is squat.
"Shutdown" gives an error (it didn't with smaberg's):
"Couldn't find PowerOFFLNK.lnk or PowerOFFEXE.exe"
Also "Calculator" gives the waiting icon and then nothing - I probably either have to edit the shortcut to windows default calculator or find HTC calculator from somewhere... Any ideas where to get the one that works with this setup?
Is the editing of application paths the same as with smaberg's? BIOTOUCH etc?
I actually like this one more then smabergs one, but it still isn`t perfect. Would it be possible to create a setup tool which would allow you to edit all the buttons?
I can`t imagine it being too hard since it`s just a few reg changes you would have to make?
//edit: I would love to make it myself but I guess it would take ages (at least, maybe longer) before I would be done.
However, if anyone knows the command you have to pass to the text client to automatically start the message for a certain person I would be more then pleased .
Draqula said:
"Shutdown" gives an error (it didn't with smaberg's):
"Couldn't find PowerOFFLNK.lnk or PowerOFFEXE.exe"
Also "Calculator" gives the waiting icon and then nothing - I probably either have to edit the shortcut to windows default calculator or find HTC calculator from somewhere... Any ideas where to get the one that works with this setup?
Is the editing of application paths the same as with smaberg's? BIOTOUCH etc?
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I'll fix it in 1.1.
And yes, the calculator points to HTCCalculator. As this is based on smaberg's app, the paths are edited the same way.
You can download the HTCcalculator from this forum.
dekeijzer said:
I actually like this one more then smabergs one, but it still isn`t perfect. Would it be possible to create a setup tool which would allow you to edit all the buttons?
I can`t imagine it being too hard since it`s just a few reg changes you would have to make?
//edit: I would love to make it myself but I guess it would take ages (at least, maybe longer) before I would be done.
However, if anyone knows the command you have to pass to the text client to automatically start the message for a certain person I would be more then pleased .
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Creating that setup tool would take me longer than it would take you (and everyone else) to find out how to edit it.
Also, you'd only be able to edit the execute paths, not the icons (skin).
And I don't know the parameter for a certain person (even if it's possible).
*** EDIT ***
Updated to 1.1.
Angelusz said:
Creating that setup tool would take me longer than it would take you (and everyone else) to find out how to edit it.
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True. That`s why I`m editing it right now.
I want to make a cab of it cause I reinstall allot!
But I have a little problem creating a new cab.
I used a cab extractor to get all the files out, but what did you use to create the cab itself?
I used several tools but they all fail to install..
Thanks in advance for the help, I really appreciate it.
//edit: I managed to create a cab, actionscreens rock
Great. Thanks for 1.1.
I found the HTC Calculator and now everything not only looks great but also works
I actually managed to create a cab. Furthermore, I was able to make a shortcut for a sms contact (well technically it`s a number, but it stands for a contact)
The shortcut should be to tmail.exe and its parameters are:
-service """sms""" -to """the number"""
dekeijzer said:
I actually managed to create a cab. Furthermore, I was able to make a shortcut for a sms contact (well technically it`s a number, but it stands for a contact)
The shortcut should be to tmail.exe and its parameters are:
-service """sms""" -to """the number"""
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Hehe, nice one. Making cabs isn't hard, just use WINCE cab mgr.
great app and good things added to smabergs port
but i think with this u can do so much more.
beginning with the skin. the shadowsong skin doesnt fit on any x1 and the manila skin is boring for me.
i really like to give a contribution to this app in form of a new skin/design
but i dont know how to do it. can u pack all the image files in 1 rar and upload it here so i can modify them?
thnx in advance
(oh and sry for bad english...)
just a word of advice to all who use this app.. I have american x1a and used phone (babied) it was pwerfect, until i tried to take battery cover off and inadvetantly put a finger on the power button while leveraging it off. my power btton sunk in and jammed, staying with no way of extracting. cost me 185 to repair via sony, they formatted my phone and were less than helpful... DONT ABUSE UR POWER BUTTON! IT MAY JAM!
killerskincanoe said:
just a word of advice to all who use this app.. I have american x1a and used phone (babied) it was pwerfect, until i tried to take battery cover off and inadvetantly put a finger on the power button while leveraging it off. my power btton sunk in and jammed, staying with no way of extracting. cost me 185 to repair via sony, they formatted my phone and were less than helpful... DONT ABUSE UR POWER BUTTON! IT MAY JAM!
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I vote +1 for "funniest post in the X1 forum". xD
Oh, and Kid_DC, the shadowsong skin fits perfectly with my TF3D shadowsong theme
I know what you mean though. I've already improved the black skin a bit.
The skin files are installed to your \windows\AnX1\Actionscreen folder, they're .brn files. You can find a converter brm <-> bmp here on xda.
and why do u use brm, when u first have to convert them?
are they smaller?

[Q] No contact details in cooked ROM - please help!!

Hi there guys. New to the cooking arena, so sorry if the answer is plain. I just cooked in build 23676, and most things work fine. The one thing I don't see is when I click on contact details, I don't see anything. Just a blank sheet. Is this a known problem? Any fix for this? I've also tried build 23129, and I see the same issue, just not the extra tabs.
Does anyone know what files are called for contact entry and viewing?
I've seen this problem reported in several ROMs (I *did* search!), but not a solution.
- bump -
Can someone please tell me what files are involved in the display of contact details? I know there are chefs that ran into this same problem. It is driving me nuts!!
I probably cannot help (I have just added 23676 with no such issue, and am a noob chef myself) but it might make it easier for others to help if you added your device to your signature and explained what kitchen you were using, and perhaps what other packages you used (or things you had removed).
I use a Rhodium and Oskitchen. I still use most of the Rhodium 2.07 EXTs but have updated some to the Leo packages. As I said, I have checked and do not have that issue.
Thanks for the reply, C. I appreciate you taking the time to at least give your thoughts. The problem with providing all the information you mentioned immediately disqualifies my request for help. I have a "non-HTC" phone (well.. a non-anything phone really) with a Windows 6.5 ROM. I have piece by piece broken that ROM apart, and am trying to insert the newest build features. So I have to handcraft a XIP, go through every package, run custom osnbtool commands, etc. No help from any of the nice kitchens.
I am stuck at this one point, and I must have flashed at least 50 ROM versions to my phone trying to find the one combination that sticks, but no luck. In my search, I have found other chefs that made "standard" HTC ROMs that ran into this. All I'm hoping is someone remembers what they did to fix it. One example is here.
Would you mind doing me a favor? Can you take a screenshot of what the contact details screen looks like and post it? I can try to go through all the image files, and embedded images in DLLs to see if I can spot the graphics that show up on the page.
Err will try - need to dig up a screen shot app etc as dont use them or have one cooked in.
About to go to bed and travelling to a work meeting tomorrow so don't hold your breath - if no one else has chipped in by the time I am back I will try.
crazyC said:
Err will try - need to dig up a screen shot app etc as dont use them or have one cooked in.
About to go to bed and travelling to a work meeting tomorrow so don't hold your breath - if no one else has chipped in by the time I am back I will try.
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No worries. I've waited 3 weeks on anyone responding. A few more days won't hurt.
Hows this?
Are these what you wanted? You can see the theme background coming through behind the contact picture - I dont use this screen much as I use the Manila contacts so not an issue for me.
crazyC said:
Are these what you wanted? You can see the theme background coming through behind the contact picture - I dont use this screen much as I use the Manila contacts so not an issue for me.
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Yes - perfect! Much appreciated! Now to start digging into the dlls.
You are my hero, crazyC! I've made more progress in a day, than in the last three weeks! I discovered that I had missing icon files in the Base_DPI_96 package. So now I get a contact screen, but the background is not being populated. So I need a little bit more investigative work. Not sure how to get there yet. But man.. progress is progress!
I really appreciate you taking the time out to help me!
I am happy to have helped someone rather than always asking for help!
What do you mean the background is not being populated? I dont understand? Are you talking about the bit where my theme is showing through?
crazyC said:
I am happy to have helped someone rather than always asking for help!
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I know exactly how you feel!
What do you mean the background is not being populated? I dont understand? Are you talking about the bit where my theme is showing through?
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Yes. You see how in my images I have a really blocky bitmap in the first, and a checkered background in the other? I am assuming there is a background image that goes there that I am not getting.
For your contacts, is there a special theme that you installed? I see a dark background with some clouds. If I know where that image comes from, I might get a clue.

