how to use the universal as a WIFI modem? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

i would like to use my universal as a WIFI card when its connected to my laptop. Though my laptop has a built-in wireless card, there are times when my universal can pick up a signal and stay on it while the laptop cant.
as such, is there any possobility to link up the universal to the laptop and allow it to fuction as a WIFI card for the laptop?
are there any instructions on this? appreciate any and every help that i can get on this. thanks

For that either your laptop would need to connect to the Exec through BT dial up, or the Exec would need to act as an Access Point plus Bridge. Not very likely to happen. BT is very slow, so I'd think you should scrap that idea.
I am surprised to hear that your laptop has an even worse WiFi antenna than the Exec. I thought this was already the worst possible... My old iPAQ 6315 has a much better reception.

Humm, I'm not sure. I went to a microsoft confrence on mobility and the new features of Windows Mobile 5 a few months (year or so?) back, and asked this exact question. I was told that it's impossible, the operating system simply doesn't do that- something about the fact that it deals with the phone part very differently from the way it deals with the wifi part.
...maybe you should go give a hand on the linux port?

i am surprised too that my laptop has worst wifi connection than my exec but this is only applicable when i am in school. in public areas, connections on my laptop are pretty good and stable.
i wish i could help with the linux but i am not sure how to even start coz i am not a programmer. what would be required of me?


Wireless network - getting started

Hi folks, I'm new to the XDA 2. I was wondering if there is some way to get it to connect to my wireless network at home? I've started reading up on the subject but it's not making much sense yet. What do I need to get started, and how do I configure the XDA?
Thanks for your help in advance.
This may be too simplistic but if you just need to transfer files or download email from time to time, once you connect via the cradle and activesync to any of the PCs on the network, then you'll be on the network anyway. No need to make any other connections.
Thanks, but basically I want to be able to use my broadband connection on my XDA (sounds lazy I know, but it'll save dragging out my old laptop when my wife is using the desktop). Seems I need a wireless card for the XDA. Which is a bit of a shortcoming, when it can work as a wireless modem for my laptop (not that I would at dial-up rates)
You could use a bluetooth dongle on your pc and the bluetooth on your xda2 to do this. If you wish to use wifi you will need either an sd wifi card or to buy the backpack and a cf wireless card. the xda2 as it stands has no wifi capability and I understand there are some major problems getting the additional hardware to work satisfactorily so choose something that the supplier guarantees to work with your configuration.
You can also get a Bluetooth Access Point with Ethernet input (incase you already have a router or something).
Thanks guys, sorry I took so long to reply, been away....
I'll give the bluetooth thing a try, don't fancy a dodgy wifi card, which is a pity cos Sandisk now do one with 256mb memory on board so that you can have your wifi access, and still have some useful extra memory too.

help disabled user reach full potential

I wonder if anybody could help me? What it is, is that I am disabled. My fingers are paralysed, and so working the intricate parts of the XDA is quite difficult. It is not impossible, but it is hard.
I also have several friends who are in the same situation as me. 12 months ago they were given xda 2 each for free. None of them have used them much because they are difficult to use, because they are stuck in their ways, and because I don't think they really realise the full potential of these little devices. It has took me 12 months to get hold of one of these, but just within a few days I'm quite bowled over with the potential.
So I wonder if somebody would be prepared to lead me through making the most of my XDA, with my disabilities, so I can also share this knowledge with the other disabled guys who also have this Pocket PC?
The first thing I want to do is set up the basic software, to maximise connectivity with my home network. I have already started this, and had some help in this direction on this forum, but I am still a bit stuck.
I have loaded this Pocket PC software onto my xda 2 . I have windows XP on my desktop computer. This is hardwired to a 3Com wireless router. I have bought a SDIO wireless LAN card. When you install the software, it virtually sets its self up, the connection displays itself, you select it and have a choice between a Internet connection or a work connection. If I choose work, I am able to connect to the Internet and surf the Internet, but I am not able to do an active sync. I have gone into my start menu/settings/connections/network card/network adapters/socket WLAN SDIO V1 driver /name server and set the WINS to the IP address of the computer I want to connect to as somebody suggested to me, but it doesn't work. I also cannot see the other shared directories on my computer's on the network. (I do have Norton security on, but I have tried these with Norton security disabled.)
Can anyone make a suggestion?
Thanks in anticipation, funny keyboard.

TyTN as a wireless router

I was searching the forum but haven't found any useful info about that.
Do you know any WM5 software which can change TyTN into wireless router ?
Something like WModem, but using 3G and WiFi in the same time.
My idea is to come back home, plug the charger into my phone , run WRouter and have wireless internet connection everywhere in the flat from my mobile connected to 3G web'n'walk T-Mobile network.
What do you think ?
no way
no driver support for that
AFAIK no application
why? power consumtion on highest power setting is terrible, and battery is soon completelly depleted, there is also neecesary to left charger in phone...
if you need wifi router (w/ NAT, firewall, VPN...) you can buy inexpensive router for few bucks and it is more compatible, more stable, more usefull, more secure, far better manageable etc...
yeah right, but for what another device if I have one ?
I am charging my tytn everyday, you know how it eats battery...
just wanted to know, it could be quite useful. cheers
U can use bluetooth on the tytn as a router with a reg hack u can connect more then one computer, not the same range and speed but it is possible.
yeah but then everybode have to have bluetooth in their notebooks. we have 3 laptops in the flat and nobody has bluetooth in it. but what then ? everybody are connecting using dial-up, like thorugh normal usb cable, but instead of it, thorugh bluetooth ?
now we have like that - I am commin back home, connect tytn to my laptop, dial-up, and wireless in my laptop is ad-hoc configured, so everybody are connecting to my machine, and modem (tytn) is shared. if tytn has wireless, I thought, that I don't have to leave my laptop all the time turned on. It could be great to leave connected to charger and that's all. All the internet and local home network could be through that. If there was a linux distribution for this phone I am pretty sure this option would be one of main in netwokr configuration...
anyway thx. just wanted to know if there is any piece of soft for that...
have you seen this official htc link:
it seems it could be possible with vista... but I'm not sure...
EDIT: NO WAY... This is just wireless modem driver for vista... but not for wifi connection! Sorry!
Anyway, I'm very interested in... it could be very interesting for other connections as well... to get online a game nintendo wii...
I really hope this dream will come true!
yeah, imagine you play in the bus online. cool!
battery problem. in this configuration I give our tytn 1 hour working on wifi and 3g used together in the same time...
anyway at home you have charger, in a car aswell, you can buy few batteries on ebay and problem resolved heh
sooo, who can start write this application ?
to which company or open source coders team should I send this idea ?
You could tether your Tytn to your laptop using either a usb cable or bluetooth, then setup an adhoc network through your laptops wifi connection. All you need to do then is do internet connection sharing between your bluetooth DUN connection and your wifi card and you should be in business to let your flat mates connect to your adhoc, which essentially turns your laptop into a router. Let me know if that helps or if you have any further questions.
I've done this myself with my mates and it works flawlessly.
Yea, I searched around a while on this way back but there is no solution that I could find.
Your best bet is to either just use PAN bluetooth, or tether just one computer over bluetooth and share your connection via wifi. It's super easy on a mac, not sure about windows.
Benone said:
yeah, imagine you play in the bus online. cool!
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ehehe...NO, MATE.... There's NO adsl connection where I live... So I can just use my tytn as a HSDPA modem and I use to share his connection on my PC, BUT I'm not able to share it throug wifi on my wii...
I really hope a coder could solve this... even if I'm not sure it's possible.
Lancealot said:
You could tether your Tytn to your laptop using either a usb cable or bluetooth, then setup an adhoc network through your laptops wifi connection. All you need to do then is do internet connection sharing between your bluetooth DUN connection and your wifi card and you should be in business to let your flat mates connect to your adhoc, which essentially turns your laptop into a router. Let me know if that helps or if you have any further questions.
I've done this myself with my mates and it works flawlessly.
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yeah, cheers pal, I've already written about that above. I have this kind of network at my home frome the begninnig of using tytn. What I want is to stop using my laprop as a router, my tytn has everything to be a router itself, it needs just a piece of software. This thread is only about piece of software.

Wireless Encryption

Hello guys,
I want to see how secure my wireless network is for someone who is using a PPC, so I have been searching for any software that will allow me to crack my encryption but so far I have not managed to find anything. I have found a few software that crack encryptions both on Windows and Linux, but none on Windows Mobile.
Any of you know any software?
Thank you.
evolish said:
Hello guys,
I want to see how secure my wireless network is for someone who is using a PPC, so I have been searching for any software that will allow me to crack my encryption but so far I have not managed to find anything. I have found a few software that crack encryptions both on Windows and Linux, but none on Windows Mobile.
Any of you know any software?
Thank you.
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What a bizarre request If you've got a wireless network, set the router encryption to the strongest setting your PC's/PPC's will support and use the cracking tools on a Windows PC to test it. If you've got security and MAC filtering on the router, you're doing about the best you can anyway.
Trying to crack wireless security on a PPC is gonna be slow as - the Hermes only has a 400MHz processor, so it'll probably take four or five times (or more) longer to crack the security as it would if you did it on a desktop PC. The only software I know of that might work is MiniStumbler - kinda like the baby brother of NetStumbler, from
My advice is this , give it up as a bad job, or make sure your PPC is permanently on charge coz the battery life will be crap with the WiFi on and packet capture/cracking tools running
Great Mark I will try and see what happens with the software you told me as soon as I get a chance. Thank you.
Anyone else who knows a different way.. is welcome to say
Download the backtrack ISO LiveCD and run it on a laptop or PC which has a supported wireless device. That LiveCD comes with a suite of wifi cracking apps which you can use to penetration test your wireless network if you thusly desire.
Doesn't work with many Acer laptops though due to something stupid with the Acer motherboard design (and guess what laptop I have! haha)

Internet Sharing With Xbox Live ???

Joined this site a while ago, and needless to say, I've been literally blown away by it. The members of this site are just incredibly talented; I've been able to make my 8525 look and function just fantastic, and just about any fix/patch I've been able to locate through this site.
Currently using Custel WM6 rom and it's so stable and faster than the WM5 I had (though it was so hard to choose with so MANY excellent cooked roms to choose from)...
So, since it seems there's no limit to what can be done with these great devices, I was wondering if it is at all possible to use an 8525 to connect an Xbox 360 to Xbox Live?? I am able to connect using Internet Connection Sharing via USB to my laptop running Vista Ult. and get great surfing speed, so is there any way to somehow configure it to get the 360 to connect to Live through it? Could the 8525 be connected directly to the 360 (prob not likely) or can it be set up using the laptop to share the connection??
Any help/answers on this would be greatly appreciated!!!
I may be wrong, but I don't think that this is possible.
As far as I know, the xbox has no bluetooth pan support, and I don't think it is possible to have an USB modem directly setuped.
The remaining possibilities are: through the RJ45 or through the wifi. Sadly the hermes has no RJ45 connector, and it is unable to become an acces-point nor an add-hock host.
I just wanted to say that the idea of using a Hermes to connect an xbox 360 to xbox live would be just about the coolest thing ever done with a cell phone.
Is it possible to connect a 360 to XBL via a PC/laptop?
Well, was worth a try, especially before tangling myself in wires trynna wing it... Guess I will be calling those Optimum guys for my XB Live fix...
Precisely what I was thinking. Was sitting here surfing using the phone as a modem, getting great speed, then thought, 'hey it would be cool as f%#$# to connect to Live with this...' I mean, I know the 8525 could probably handle it... The question is, what CANT this phone do?!
HOLLIDAY1183 said:
Joined this site a while ago, and needless to say, I've been literally blown away by it. The members of this site are just incredibly talented; I've been able to make my 8525 look and function just fantastic, and just about any fix/patch I've been able to locate through this site.
Currently using Custel WM6 rom and it's so stable and faster than the WM5 I had (though it was so hard to choose with so MANY excellent cooked roms to choose from)...
So, since it seems there's no limit to what can be done with these great devices, I was wondering if it is at all possible to use an 8525 to connect an Xbox 360 to Xbox Live?? I am able to connect using Internet Connection Sharing via USB to my laptop running Vista Ult. and get great surfing speed, so is there any way to somehow configure it to get the 360 to connect to Live through it? Could the 8525 be connected directly to the 360 (prob not likely) or can it be set up using the laptop to share the connection??
Any help/answers on this would be greatly appreciated!!!
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Just tried it. Plugged it in and enabled Internet Connection Sharing, and the phone starts charging, but says "Check USB Connection" I'm not much of a hacker, so I can't attempt any driver\software hacks to get it working. You'd probably have to write a driver for the XBox to recognize the phone, and possibly vice versa. Definitly possible. Probably never going to happen though.
I'm doing it now. I connected the 8525 by USB to my computer. Then I open up the Internet Sharing program that uses the phone as a USB modem (I'm using Black Majic ROM btw). Then I select connect on the program on my 8525. Once it connects, I go to my Network Connections on my PC. I have the RJ-45 connected from the XBOX 360 to the ethernet port on my PC. I click once on the connection that says Local Area Connection # (mine is 13, everyones would be different) Windows Mobile Based Internet Sharing Device, then I hold Ctrl on my PC keyboard and click on the other connection (the one for my ethernet port). Once both are highlighted, you can right click on either one and select Bridge (I believe thats the one, anything that says Bridge on it) and let Windows bridge the connections and you should be set. Sorry if my explaining isn't very good.
Via a PC it should indeed be not an issue (as explained above).
To do it directly, it should work with an ethernet-bluetooth bridge. I'm
using 2 ethernet-wifi bridges to connect a TV and a PC to a wifi router,
but I'm pretty sure ethernet-bluetooth bridges also exist.
Wow, according to drodri I was pretty close to having it right before... I will try that setup in a sec... also, is there a way to incorporate my wireless-G linksys router into this, or no? Is that in Vista?
I appreciate your input... I've done exactly the same as your setup, and when I go into Network Connections, it has the 8525 listed as Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device (Internet Connect #5) & the ethernet connection as Local Area Connection (Unidentified Network)... In the Network and Sharing Center, do I make the ethernet connection Private, or leave it Public? Or does it matter at all... because it still for some reason won't connect to Live, it still fails the IP test... there must be a setting or configuration I'm missing here, I just know it
You could also possibly use an ethernet to wifi device (wireless access point) to go from ethernet to wifi on the 360, then use a wireless network to the TyTN (ad-hoc mode rather than ap mode) and use that to run the connection..
a) its an expensive way to do it
b) it needs extra hardware
c) it may not work (can the tytn do ICS over wifi rather than usb? DUN mode may work on the newer roms that will have it - but does DUN work over wifi)
d) the access point would need to initiate the connection to the phone while also doing dhcp for the xbox.. it should work.. and id try it for you.. except that it seems like a horribly complex way to do it.
Hmm... maybe I'll give it a shot.
Where there's a will, there's a way
I think the ideal goal here would be straight from 360 to Hermes. USB or wifi, with a small adaptor if needed. It would be beautiful if someone could write drivers so you could just plug 'er in with USB and use the built in Internet Sharing on the Hermes.
Obviously those are high hopes, and in a perfect world everything would automatically work like that. *drools over universal compatibility*
dtx said:
I think the ideal goal here would be straight from 360 to Hermes. USB or wifi, with a small adaptor if needed. It would be beautiful if someone could write drivers so you could just plug 'er in with USB and use the built in Internet Sharing on the Hermes.
Obviously those are high hopes, and in a perfect world everything would automatically work like that. *drools over universal compatibility*
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For USB The problem is the driver would have to be on the 360.. it's 100% impossible.
Even if you can run unsigned code on your 360, you'd also have to be some kind of coding,hardware modding, hacking junkie to even try to write a 360 driver; on top of which to do it for a crazy reason like interfacing to one mobile phone... that would be die hard madness!
Microsoft on the other hand could probably whip it up in 5 minutes as the xbox already supports everything that's needed except an RNDIS driver to enumerate the phone as a network card. Problem being the target audience is small; possibly even just you guys
Wifi is more likely to happen as you dont really need to modify the 360, if someone wrote a driver to make the phone look like a wireless AP (if thats possible with its wifi chipset) and assuming ICS on WM6 supports wifi connection to the PC/360 (im not sure it does) then it should work fine. (Has anyone checked if the 360 wifi adapter can support a connection to non-ap ad-hoc wifi? if it can then this might work already if you very lucky - i dont have the wifi link for my 360 or id try it)
sambartle said:
.......if someone wrote a driver to make the phone look like a wireless AP (if thats possible with its wifi chipset) and assuming ICS on WM6 supports wifi connection to the PC/360 (im not sure it does) then it should work fine. (Has anyone checked if the 360 wifi adapter can support a connection to non-ap ad-hoc wifi?....
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Does anybody know if there is already software to make the Hermes a WiFi-Router or make ICS make select WiFi?
I'm going to try this tonight with my regular xbox
There are already instructions on this forum for using your device as a wifi access point. It seems pretty straight-forward. So you should be able to connect any wifi client, including a wifi capable Xbox 360.
8525 / Hermes wifi AP
Hey, I actually did something similar since I didn't want to buy a $100 wireless adapter. I have a PC (but can be done with a laptop) with a wi-fi connection near my 360 all I had to do was use a patch cable to connect the PC to the 360. I am running vista, but Patch cables are hardware that tells the network card they are attached to a like device. It automatically shared my connection and we were able to go on-line. There were other ways I found that suggest changing router settings and such, but this was the easiest way. All you need now to use your phone to get your 360 on-lin is a computer

