More Sounds. Any ideas? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I want more sounds on my device much like my PC.
I want a different sound for:
MSN contact online
MSN Paging Me
Calander reminders
Oulook eMail notification
XpressMail eMail notification
SMS Messages notification
And probably others later
Anyone have any ideas as to registry hacks to add sounds for items that use the default sounds and how to change them?

you should store any sound media files in MyDocument folder and go directly to Setting-Personal-Sounds&Notifications to set them as you need.

Don't know if you have been to Sounds & Notifications lately, there is a very minimal selection of items to apply sounds too.

Don't know if you have been to Sounds & Notifications lately, there is a very minimal selection of items to apply sounds too.

I use my SD card for all sounds.
First if you create a My Documents folder on the SD card and dump wav files in there, the Phone App will look in that directory on your SD card and you can choose ringtones without doing anything.
The only directory that I found that Sounds and Notifications picks up is Windows. You can dump WAV files in the Windows directory and it will pick them up under Sounds and Notifications.
For the sounds and notifications though it does not automatically pick up any directory except for Windows folder. (I think. I haven't found any other directories that it picks up. I tried putting WAVs everywhere and unlike for Ringtones the only directory that works is Windows)
Since I have a bunch of WAVs I just use my SD card and I would rather not clutter up my Windows directory or use up the space on my phone.
So what I have to is this.
First go to sounds and notifications and set your sounds and notifications. Just choose whatever sound is available. (Doesn't matter to what)
Then use a registry editor and go to
There are a bunch of subkeys and each pertain to an event. For each subkey look at the (Default) Value and that will tell you for which event that key is for. i.e. for new e-mail the value is "Messaging: New e-mail message"
Then just edit the "Wave" value and set it to your wav file. Do not use the extension though. If your wave file is example.wave then just put in example.
The path I use for my notifications is the following value:
\Storage Card\My Documents\example
Assuming that there is an example.wav in the above directory. Obviously just change the above path to wherever your wav file is. I have not tried using any other sounds other than wav files so I don't know if you can use mp3's or mid or other sound files.
This at least works for the default notifications. I don't know how to add new sound events for the examples you were giving.
If you set these registry settings try not to go back to Sounds and Notifications or you will lose the settings. Then you have to set them again using the above steps. When you exit the Sounds and Notifications applet since it didn't recognize the paths you changed the wav files to, it will just put back the default like alarm1 or something so then you have to change them again.
Hope this helps

making custom ringers in sounds and notifications
wussup man.. maybe i can be of help.. i just got my vario a few days ago and ran into the same problem as you. i dont like the default sounds for the sounds and notifications too. what u need to do is if u wanna add sounds to any of those, u need to make sure that your sounds are in WAV format. then they will show up in the list.. hope this helps.. good luck kid

Am I speaking Greek? :-(
But Seriously, maybe I am not communication properly. I want to add sound events such as when a new contact somes online from MSN or any other IM product, I want a unique sound. This is not currently an option in sounds and notifications, I want to add my own if anyone has any ideas on how to do this.

Found this on MSDN:
I guess you would have to add the event directly into the registry. BTW, this is for CE5.0 not WM5.0 but should be something similar of which events might be available.
I found several notifications' keys in my registry that had no Default values (event name) nor Wave (name of sound file). For example when the battery is low it will play lowbatt.wav if it's available in Windows dir. But this low battery event does not show in Start>Settings>Personal tab>Sounds & Notifications>Notifications tab. To add it go to:
Create a String value named "Default" and set the value to "Low battery warning". Then go to Start>Settings>Personal tab>Sounds & Notifications>Notifications tab, and there you'll be able to select "Low battery warning" and customize it.
Now if we could only find out what keys define the other extra events.

While we are at it, I found this. Apparently It is for changing the default tap click.
And this:
Sounds (and soundevents) are all over the place.
So far as I know there are 4 places:
- 21 general sounds in HKLM\snd\ in a 21 line multiz string (possible to include paths) See previous post in thread.
- phone sound events in HKCU\Controlpanel\SoundCategories and Sounds
(don't have a phone so I cannot be for sure)
- System Notifications/warnings in HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications
- Screen Taps & Hardware buttons in WAPEAPI.DLL, WAVE\100 to 103
where HW buttons (Loud/Soft) = 100 and 101
Screen taps (Loud/Soft) = 102 and 103
(see attached image)
The latter have to be transplanted with Resource Hacker. Dunno if you can overwrite the WAVEAPI.DLL in de \Windows folder. But it is worth a try.
EDIT: the waveapi.dll.0409.mui is used on my system which is overwritable ;O)
UPDATE: Works splendid. Very nice sound effects (using all above together) Laughing
ps: don't forget to keep a modified copy on your Memory card. After a hard reset the default waveapi.dll.0409.mui will return from ROM.
(or make a proper backup everytime you change something like I do)
Tip: use sndrec32.exe to edit you wav file and do wav conversion
Tip: if you overwrite a \window system file you can always delete it again and do a soft reset to get the original back.
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from this thread:

Re: making custom ringers in sounds and notifications
inspired_708 said:
wussup man.. maybe i can be of help.. i just got my vario a few days ago and ran into the same problem as you. i dont like the default sounds for the sounds and notifications too. what u need to do is if u wanna add sounds to any of those, u need to make sure that your sounds are in WAV format. then they will show up in the list.. hope this helps.. good luck kid
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Hi All my sounds are wav, but they still don't wanna play. I put them in the windows folder, but they don't play. All are 22000Khz 16 bit stereo max 120kb files. So nothing big. But can't make them to play, even if there are selected.
What should I do?


QUESTION: Changing all system sounds..

I remember on Windows Mobile 2003/SE you could dump wav files into the/Windows directory on your pda, and re-direct the registry entries to these sounds from the old ones. It was possible to change all of the start menu sounds, default sounds, volume changing sounds and error/question sounds. These changes are completely seperate form the ones found in the "Sounds and Notifications" control panel applet too. I have tried this in WM5 on my HTC Wizard, but it doesn't seem to work anymore (not that I expected it to in all ohnesty).
Basically, i'm looking for a way to change ALL of the system sounds WITHOUT having to install other programs, as it used to be. If this is not possible then i'll just have to live with it, but this is the only problem preventing my Wizard from being totally flawless in every way...
I have included the old package I made with the files, and the registry entry that's needed (although I can't remember where it goes anymore), in case anyone with an oder PDA wants it...
Thanks in advance for any help anyone may give
Someone must have some idea how to do this... If it's not possible, please at least say so
i just added and changed some sounds on my htc 8125 wiz.
dump wav files in windows folder .
but does this allow you to change the start menu sounds... as it doesn't allow me to... The files seem to be ignored, and the ones in the rom are used instead. I name the files the same (obviously), and try not to make them too large. They are encoded in the same format as the other sounds on the device, at the same freq and resolution... Yet they don't show up, even after a reset...
what keys do you change?
Maybe we can try/find out what's cookin'

C# ALert Tone Change

Does anyone have the code / API that will allow a program to change a message tone? (WM5)
I've searched about but haven't come up with anything yet.
The idea of the application is to look into a specific folder and read all .wav files in there, then every hour or so change the message tone to be a random file.
Thanks in advance
have changed the solution to overwrite a Tone already set up - message.wav - however I am having problems overwriting it.
It works OK if you go to Sounds and Alerts and choose message.wav and click OK, then run the application - it overwrites successfully, however after that it won't overwrite again
I think it may be due to some caching of the file to keep it in memory for some time, but haven't ascertained this properly yet
I'll let you know if I can find it then will post the application - my main purpose for it is to have a random TV (mostly blackadder) quote play when I get a message
I'm not sure, but to me it sounds like you may have to change the registry entries for the alerts.
And look for the one(s) that you need to change.
You can do that easily in C#, there are classes for accessing the registry and making the changes.
Sound files must be stored in the /Sounds folder.
Good luck

Setting custom sliding keyboard open/close sounds

It requires some registry editing, so as usual, mess with this at your own peril.
Here are the steps:
1.) Prepare/get two sounds files. One will be used for the sound when your keyboard slides open, and the other closing the keyboard. I'm not sure what sound files formats are acceptable. The ones that I used, which work fine, are 22khz 8bit mono PCM .wav files.
2.) Name the closing sound #_in.wav and the opening sound #_out.wav (where # is any number greater then 2 because 0 1 and 2 are taken up by the default sounds). I am assuming you can add as many as you want, and just keep them in the numerical sequence. You might be able to name the sounds files anything you want also, as long as they have a corresponding entry in the registry, but again I haven't tested that assumption.
3.) Copy the sound files to the \Windows folder on the Mogul (not in a sub folder below Windows!).
4.) Using a registry editor navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\SlidingSound.
5.) Create a new key with value of the next available number (eg. 3)
----A.) In this new key, set the (Default) string value to a friendly name for your sound (eg. Star Trek Communicator)
----B.) Create a new String named in with a value set to name of your sliding in sound file (eg. 3_in.wav).
----C.) Create a new String named out with a value set to name of your sliding out sound file (eg. 3_out.wav).
6.) Close the registry editor, and go to Start->Settings->Personal tab, and tap on the "SlidingSound" icon to pick and test your new sliding sound set.
Here's a link to several slider sounds I put together:
Rapidshare Link to Mogul Sliding Keyboard Sounds
Included are a long and short transformers sound set, and a light saber sound set. The light saber set is courtesy of PDAPhoneHome forums member Wizzums. The long Transformers sound set I made by downloading it off a website, and reversing it in a audio editor for the closing sound. I thought the sound was too long, so I made shortened/sped up version. I also included .reg files you can import, for those too lazy/scared to create the registry entries themselves.
Sources: Forums Forums
AWESOME. Love the Tformers sound.
if you look at the ppc geeks thread you can see where i also posted a shotgun sound set too
im glad you enjoy that hack i got bored one day and was browsing the registry and saw that set, fiddled a bit (just used logic mostly) and it worked
how about this for the sliding sound?
how do you install/use PHM edit?
please explain how :[
im new to this forum thing. but i have the sprint 6800 & im trying to do this sliding sound thing. but how do i do the registry thing? where do i go for that? is it in the phone or something i have to download? please help!
There is a really easy way to do this on the HTC Wing
1. Set your Sliding Keyboard to Wind chimes sound. 2. ActiveSync. 3. Copy and Paste these two files into the Windows directory. It will ask you if you want to replace/overwrite the ones that are already there. Now when you open and close the Keyboard you will hear The Star Trek Original series Sliding door sound. No registry editing needed. Its really cool.
If you want to save the Wind Chimes for later use just copy and paste the files with these two names out of your Windows directory to a file on your PC.
One Additional Thought
You can also go into the Registry afterward and change the name from Wind Chimes to Star Trek Door or whatever you want and it will show in the menu on your Keyboard Sliding App.
Also you can change the other two default sounds and rename them.
replace all 3 sounds
Here is a zip file to replace all 3 default sounds on your wing just copy and paste these into the window directory on your phone and replace the default sounds.
You can rename all three
0 = change to Star Trek Door
1 = change to Whistle
2 = change to Transformers
I did this a while ago when it was 1st posted over on ppcgeeks. My problem though is I can only add one set of sounds when i try to add a 5th sliding sound it wont come up on the sliding sounds menu just the stock 3 plus my star trek doors ive done. can there be more the 4 choices or am i gonna have to copy over one. Ive done the same reg edits that i did to make the doors work
5.0stang said:
I did this a while ago when it was 1st posted over on ppcgeeks. My problem though is I can only add one set of sounds when i try to add a 5th sliding sound it wont come up on the sliding sounds menu just the stock 3 plus my star trek doors ive done. can there be more the 4 choices or am i gonna have to copy over one. Ive done the same reg edits that i did to make the doors work
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i have 6 on mine, stock 3 plus 3 custom
make sure you are adding a new (and unique) reg key for each set of sounds you want
Has anyone figured this out for WM6? I had changed my sliding sounds before I upgraded the ROM, and now when I try to put it all back, the registry isn't the same. Help?
Gah nevermind I'm a blind doofus. Carry on!
If your placing the sounds into the windows folder doesn't it get over written every boot? I've tried to make this work with my tilt using the sounds from this side. I can preview them but I can't get the noise to happen when I slide it. There is no noise at all infact unless I pic the old ones.
I also have custom sounds at my website. I can also make your sounds into a cab installer that will install and un-install the sounds. I have made a few so far. Check it out.
PS - Info is in my sig
This same process works for the HTC TYTN II/AT&T Tilt.
This is what I put on mine. It's the shotgun reload sound from Half-Life. There is a short and long version. Short for the open, and long for the close.
cool excellent work guys.... i was actually just thinking of doing that the other day... I have a good 1 to add to the list. Whos a FINAL FANTASY FAN HERE LOL.... Victory sound that would be GREAT to add !! =)
zcink said:
1. Set your Sliding Keyboard to Wind chimes sound. 2. ActiveSync. 3. Copy and Paste these two files into the Windows directory. It will ask you if you want to replace/overwrite the ones that are already there. Now when you open and close the Keyboard you will hear The Star Trek Original series Sliding door sound. No registry editing needed. Its really cool.
If you want to save the Wind Chimes for later use just copy and paste the files with these two names out of your Windows directory to a file on your PC.
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hey wats good i fallowed ur step by step instruction the the wing but i get an error saying cannot copy slider0_in be certain that thurs enough memory(witch i have)that the destination is not write protected and that the file is not currently in use please tell me wat needs 2 b done
this is the one i use...
door opens for out
door closes for in
i made star trek files as well, but the bridge door wav that has saturated the intertubes doesn't reverse well (sounds the same), likewise with the light saber.
i thought about getting the simpsons sounds where ralph is playing with the flag on a mailbox...up = laugh (or out, for us), in = cry (in, for us) but everytime i start going through wav sites, i end up spending too much time downloading things for ringtones and alerts, lol. i have a jetsons messaging notification, and oodles of ringtones and alert sounds now...

diamond alarm tones

I would like to see if someone could give me a cab file, or the group of files used for CRC diamond alarm(downloadable option).
I did search but it brought up so much between alarm and diamond.
The Cab's will, unfortunately, automatically install into main. But no problem. Copy after installing the needed, or even all sounds on the SD card. Remove then the application again and choose your sounds by using them you listen. The desired sound after you copy to Windows Folder (Main). Hermes is in no different, otherwise you can set it under Sounds and Notifications not select them.
here the link:

[Q] sms alert tone Focus only

So i have the phone unlocked and custom ring tones and i also know the name of one of my ringtones i want to use as a text sound but they say there is no explorer for Samsung focus. If i know the name of the ringtone, is there anything i can do to use it? say changing something in the registry? the name is hooha! as the ringtone. thanks for all comments.
Sound:string. The default on my phone is "\Windows\Alert-08.wma"
Changing this value should change the sound made on receiving SMS messages. If you have the ability to write multi-string values in the registry, you can also add entries which will show up in the GUI adding their filenames to
The system is a bit picky about the location of the sound file as well. Install directory of an app is a no go for example. Windir and My Ringtones are obviously whitelisted though.
So how would I know where my ringtone is located?
Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
Is ther an explorer for the focus yet?
Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
There's apparently an application capability manifest entry for installing ringtones, which I would guess gives access to the My Ringtones directory (although it could do something else like enable an API, or nothing at all). You could try using it.
You could also copy the file to the phone using Zune as just a music clip. Trying to find where it got put is non-trivial though; there's a small range of numbered folders it could end up in, and a range of numbered files under those folders. It might not work even if you got it right, too.
I've found the Alert sounds under HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\Notifications, but I can't add "Saywhat.wma" to Value Data, as in, I type it in and it won't let me save.
I'm guessing I need to:
1) Find where "saywhat.wma" is located
2) Somehow write it to Notifications
Any ideas? I added the file through Chevron's ringtone loader.
If you added it as a ringtone, the file is located at "\My Documents\My Ringtones\saywhat.wma" and you'll need that full value, with spaces but without the quotes (I believe, it might also work with them).
What's the problem when you try to save? Also, what registry editor are you using?
GoodDayToDie said:
If you added it as a ringtone, the file is located at "\My Documents\My Ringtones\saywhat.wma" and you'll need that full value, with spaces but without the quotes (I believe, it might also work with them).
What's the problem when you try to save? Also, what registry editor are you using?
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I'm using
I've entered "\My Documents\My Ringtones\Saywhat.wma" and "My Documents My Ringtones Saywhat.wma" and it always jumps back to the home screen when I press Save.
Verkunder said:
I'm using
I've entered "\My Documents\My Ringtones\Saywhat.wma" and "My Documents My Ringtones Saywhat.wma" and it always jumps back to the home screen when I press Save.
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Might just be a typo but you put a space between Ringtones and Saywhat.wma
jason.hamilton said:
Might just be a typo but you put a space between Ringtones and Saywhat.wma
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So you're saying it should be "My Documents My RingtonesSaywhat.wma"?
i have also triedd and cant get it to work
well i noticed using advanced configurator you can select ring tones for sms but why dont any of the custom ring tones i added show up in the list?
i think the best way to make it work is to rename ur custom sms tone to alert-01 then copy it to windows directory using touchexplorer(if its cabable to do so )...
unfortunatlly touch explorer is not working on my phone to confirm if this will work or not
i don't think there is a working explorer for the Samsung Focus
Are custom alert tones DOA for non HTC devices? I've really gotten bummed having a cool ringtone and yet having a standard alert tone.
I have tried a few times to get this to work on my focus with 2 different registry editors and it fails everytime i try. Maybe im not entering the correct path as it seams because it never show up. With the registry edit from the touchexperience site, after i make the edit and select ok for it to complete the edit the app exits out and goes back to the home screen. I also have tried with advance explorer and it did not succeed. I wonder if we have the correct path selected to write to and the correct location to select the sound we are wanting, if we use the samsung registry " that is being used to debrand the device " to write the edit, if we can figure this out and make it happen? When i try to add the tone for sms using samsung registry i get this error: please specify a correct integer
Does integer mean the same thing as value?
i got this to work on my focus using the wp7root tools to modify the registry.
i changed [HKEY_current_user\ControlPanel\Sounds\SMS]
"Sound" = \My Documents\My Ringtones\whatever.wma
it works for sure for focus.
does anyone know the original value for:
i want to switch back to the default value
How do I copy the tones to the Ringtone folder in the first place ??
You have to have an unlocked device and use one of the ringtone programs on this site to transfer to the folder.

