my wifi stops working when - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Can anyone explain why my wifi connection is dropped when I put my phone into standby mode. This does not happen when I am using GPRS?
If the battery was not so crap I would not need to keep putting it into standby mode.

I guess its because when the device is in standby all the PDA functions are stopped, but the phone functions are not. GPRS is connected via the phone line which is active in standby mode thus it does not drop.
This does not sound out of the ordinary to me.

thanks for confirming my fears. So does anybody know how you can use this device for 8 hours (working day) with wifi switched on? I normally leave it logged into IM when I am at home and do not want to leave it charing all the time.

Try Start-Settings-System-Power-Advanced and untick the battery Power Timer.

Agile is clever enough not to power off the device but and all that happens is the screen dims. I am trying to put the device in to standby but leave wifi on along with running agile messenger but this does not seem to be possible. The reason for this is to prolong the battery life by not having the screen on as wifi zaps my juice so much more than GPRS.
It is however possible when using GPRS as the phone function works when it is in standby.

i needed to do this on my dell axim too, used a program called screenlock which kills the display and locks the buttons. you press 2 buttons to wake the system. Wifi and other apps continue running.
my post
the app
be careful, if you cant work out which hardware buttons its using, you'll have to soft reset your device (if it works at all, i've not tested on wizard)
let me know if it does what you want

just tested and it appears to use messaging and voice speed dial as its 2 buttons

Thanks I will test it asap


Using Pocket Bluetooth Tools

MAtes, I have a question regarding this nice tool. In the latest version it switches Bluetooth automatically off after 30 seconds of inactivity which causes some problems for me. On it says:
Bluetooth is switched on automatically on incoming calls. However it take some seconds until the connection to the headset/car kit is established. If you leave Bluetooth always on there is no delay.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So how do I leave Bluetooth always on then?
Hello farnold,
Hey nice tool, I've never heard of it! Thanks for sharing the tip!
In return maybe I can help you with your problem....
In order to disable the 30 second timer you can either click on the white clock on the today screen (it must turn gray to show a disabled state) or simply disable that today item (Start/Settings/Today/Items and uncheck Bluetooth Tools) that way the power saving feature will not work, but the rest of the suite will...
I hope this resolves your problem.
Best regards,
Thanks, mate, the trick was clicking on the clock symbol I used it today in "standard" mode where Bluetooth switches itself off after 30 seconds... still answer calls wasn't such a problem - just took a second longer I would say
I have downloaded and installed this program. I am impressed with the added abilities included in it - in particular the "step down the road" of voice dialing with a BT headset, in that the phone now actually responds to a button press from the headset, though voice-dialing is not yet possible.
I am however very concerned by the huge increase in battery drain - my i-mate drained from 100% to 0% overnight last night. Before installing this program it would rarely drain below 65% overnight. This was with the BT on all the time . . . but I always left BT on all of the time before as well. This issue would need to be addresses (obviously) before this program would be a viable option.
why dont your pda sleep in it's cradle ?
It could have last night . . . but I wnated to make sure everything was normal - I noticed a quicker power drain after installing it and wanted to do a longer test.
Also, I am about to travel to Ukraine for the next 10 days, and there will be long periods (like 9+ hour airplane ride) where charging will not be possible. A rapid drain of my MP3 player, eBook reader and game console (I love the i-mate! ) would make me a very unhappy traveller.
So why don't you use the Bluetooth 60 second auto power off instead?
That way you will save some juice and Bluetooth will still work when you get a call.
I installed this program and left my cradle around 15:00 today. It's now 21:15 and the battery displays 90% left. I have sent and received several SMS'es, so I don't feel that there are any extra drain on my system.
As I am now seeing, people in other forums are posting experiences similar to mine. See for this discussion. They indicate (as I noticed when I had auto power-off enabled) that this had no effect of the quick power drain.
Strange, I am still at 86% power some 8 hours after leaving the charger. I have rebounded my GPS and used bluetooth briefly after installing the latest pocket bluetooth tools. Possible you have a conflict with some app I am not running..
Hm, really strange. I also did not see any change in power consumption using this tool. I always take mine off the cradle around 8am in the morning and use it throught the day until about 7pm in the evening. Bluetooth w/o that tool only in the car - now more or less always, but with Auto Sleep Mode... the power drain is about the same for me...
I have the same power drain problem. My device didn't power off automatically whichever profile (on the Today plugin) I used. It works only when I switch on the bluetooth timer, but I want to have it on always.
Mine, I got different issue... after installing this new version I'm having problem to connect to my Bluetooth headset sometimes it works sometime it doesn't. Also if it doesn't connect to my bluetooth headset I can't even use the phone itself, the other party can hear me but I can't hear the person on the other line. Also the Headset icon is missing when you're using BT headset. I installed it twice and end-up the same problem so I uninstall it and used the previous version.
BUT I really like the feature that you can dial the last number you call thru the BT Headset.
Anyone having the same problem? I am using the latest ROM of T-Mobile by the way!
Hey Superperry,
some problem this end non bt headset bubble when you are using the bluetooth headset.
When you make a call it does not connect automatically to the headset you have to press the button on the headset.
Sometime it connects sometimes it does not need more improvement in the latest version.
After installing the new version i got the following problem.
When i am dialing using the phone itself with bluetooth off the
BT turns on and the bluelight is bliking and it turns off after 60sec.
This drains the battery quicker than before
gigino said:
Hey Superperry,
some problem this end non bt headset bubble when you are using the bluetooth headset.
When you make a call it does not connect automatically to the headset you have to press the button on the headset.
Sometime it connects sometimes it does not need more improvement in the latest version.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the input. Atleast now I know not only me having those problem.
And Yes, it still need some improvement on this latest version.
power drain and another weird problem
Yeah .... I've had the pwerdrain problem. Was fishing and even though I'd switched the device off, each time I checked it it had drastically lost juice. Was worried it was going to go completely flat before I got home. .... and I didn't make or receive a single call.
Also had another wierd problem - sometimes after switching unit off. it wouldn't switch on again until I did a soft reset.
Power drain..seems afflict me too,but I don't use any BtTools and take BT off..!
I charge my XDA2 twice a day..hmm..this lets me think that it is a application conflict!
Also seems my xda runs very slow..
and I have noticed when i connect my xda with active sync it sometimes doesnt sync but still waiting: Connecting (for ever) and uses 90% of my cpu,amazing!
Now will try to find the prob.
I also experienced power leak from my I-Mate. It ran out in half of the day even I was trying to charge it via USB. I had to uninstall app after loosing bunch of my business call this day
blue tooth toolkit causing serious problems (I think)
OK several days of using it, this is what I think is happening.
1. Without BTTK power drain on XDA2 very acceptable. With BT switched on permanently then drains about twice as quickly but still acceptable.
2. With BTTK installed and in BT timer mode, then drain is very good ie as per not having BT switched on at all. UNTIL Blue tooth is fist used for either an incoming or outgoing call. After that - even if it's theortically in the sleep mode - the drain is disastrous - lost 70% of the juice overnight with everything switched off.
3. If battery charge is below about 45 to 50% then powering off and on again by the on/off button doesn't work. After a power-off I have to do a soft reset.
...... of course mine might be a sepcial case, and BTTK might be interacting with something else, but it looks like I'll have to go the ROM upgrade route.

Extremely Bad Battery Life on the XDAII when the PDA is off

I was wondering if anyone else is having the same problems.
When I go to bed I turn the PDA off. The phone is still on.
When I wake about 7 hours later I find the battery is at 60%.
What's the deal? I thought it was supposed to have 150 hour standby life.
I do find something else quite weird. When I turn the PDA off the screen turns off and it all seems fine. I have the button lock turned on so no other buttons will work. After a couple of minutes, if I move the volume slider up or down the PDA will beep. Then if I press any of the buttons such as "Record" "Camera" and "Calander" Nothign seems to happen.
But when I turn the PDA on the "Recoard" "Camera" and "Calander" applications will load.
It is kinda of like it isn't turning off the PDA at all.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it?
if grps is only and bluetooth is on and maybe messenger and or icq is on it drain the batt
GPRS and Bluetooth are both on but GPRS is not connected. And Bluetooth is not connecting to anything.
I don't use messanger.
Would that still be draining the battery that much?
Unfortunately, I know exactly what you are going through. Your phone is entering a mode called 'resuming', it’s a low power state that does not turn on the display, etc, but will respond to hardkeys, volume slider, etc......
I'm guessing your XDA2 goes into 'resume' while trying to find a GSM signal, (are you in a weak area). This is my problem, you can read about it here...
As a test, you should turn off the phone, (flight mode) for one night and compare the battery in the morning, (I'm willing to bet is almost the same as when you left it). Alternately install an app that monitors cpu usage, (like the one in the above link), and you probably will see a similar pattern to mine.
The registry solution does help, but causes problems with Bluetooth, (at least it did on my device, nothing a soft reset didn’t fix, but it was VERY annoying)….
If it is your GSM phone, you might want to try using another GSM SIM card from another provider, (maybe a friends) and see if you get better results. When I switched to a better provider I got an increase of 10% on the battery, (not great but something!)
Thank You very much.
That does answer a lot. I do have very bad reception at home. I guess this may mean I need to leave it charging over night. However I do find the XDA does charge very quickly which mean in the time it takes me to get ready for work it is back up to 93%.
I will put it into Flight mode tonight to see what happens.
It's still a little bit ****ty and it seems to be because of software. Hopefully they will fix it in the next ROM update.
How did you go with your test last night cyeoh, did your battery last a little longer?
I'm intrested to know as when I charge my battery over night in the morning its still is not on 100% untill I do a soft reset or disable and enable flight mode then it pops up to 100% and stops charging... yet a nother feature of some software I've installed or the ROM version at the moment!!!

WiFi kills battery when Universal is switched off?

Hi there,
With my BlueAngel I could leave the WiFi on all night as when the phone was switched off it did not eat up the battery - when the phone was switched on it would spend a couple of seconds reconnecting to the wireless point.
The Universal seems to behave in the same way, yet it eats up all the battery overnight even when I have switched the phone off and it is not connected to the WiFi access point.
Is there some setting or registry key I can alter to fix this?
@Qulity, if you don't close PIE I have found the battery can be drained. I assume overnight you are using Flight Mode.
Are you closing the flip and presuming that the device gets turned off or have you actually set your device to turn off after a fixed period of inactivity in the power settings?
If it is the former, then the device actually does not turn off if there is any activity in the background like active GPRS or WiFi etc. A simple solution to this would be to press the hard-ware on/off button once you are done irrespective of whether wfi is active or not in the background.
Try it out and post your results here.
My device is set to turn off after 2 mins on battery power, but I made a special point of turning it off with the hardware button before testing last night. As I said before my BlueAngel never behaved like this.
my jasjar was turned off yesterday, and every 5min i heard sound for new wifi network!! same problem, i solved it with turnig wifi off!! any other solutions?

how to switch off a MDA PRO Universal and battery life

How do you switch it off ? I have set the thing to switch off automatically after 2 minutes, but its still on after 3 hours and the battery has dropped from 99% to 40%. I had the bluetooth on and everything else switched off.
It is one week old.
Is the battery life normal ?
I'm sure it didn't switch off.
I have a jasjar. First thing i did, i uninstalled antivirus and skype. I keep it all day on with bluetooth active, and everything off at night. Based on calls and activities i put it on charge every 3 or 4 days.
I have set my MDA Pro to turn off after 3 minutes, and it does indeed turn off. If I don't touch it (turn it back on), the device can go all day with negligible battery usage (a few %).
Bluetooth is off. WiFi is on. 'Incoming beams' are off.
I sync by cable, so the device is powered while syncing. If you sync via bluetooth, then perhaps activesync is keeping the device awake even though it is not powered.
If you turn it off manually (power button on edge near SD card slot), does it turn itself back on? Mine does that when activesync is running and connected. Otherwise it is happy to stay off until I get a call or some reminder.
go to the phone options and change from Auto band select to GSM. Using 3G sucks battery like a mofo
my main issue is that it should have turned itself off
1) in the comms menu, only bluetooth was on
phone was off
wireless was off
beam set to off as well
From 98% charge to 40% in 3 hours, when I hadn't used it at all.
I am sure that is not usual.
So gsm/3g/gprs shouldn't have any bearing on the batt life, as it was set to off ....
was bluetooth actively doing anything during this time or just on and sitting there?
Firestomer, the following eat batteries:
- PIE running in the background
- Camera app running in the background (can be activated when you shut the camshell as it is easy to hit the camera switch on the front)
- UMTS (which is not a problem for as your radio is off)
hi joe
BT wasn't doing anything - I closed the clamshell and left it expecting it to switch off, but I guess it didn't since it chewed through nearly 60% power in 3 hours.
Also, what is the technique for switching it off ? I have pressed the power button to the left of the SD slot, all it does is switch the backlight off. I have held it for 0.5 seconds, 1, 5, 10 ....
I am loosing patience with the thing - wifi isn't working for me and TomTom5 keeps forgetting it has a GPS connection ...
btw what is PIE ??
PIE = pocket IE
Two clicks of the off switch will turn the device off
On my device BT only uses about 10/15% of battery over a 12 hr period
Are you talking about svitching the device entirely off? i dont think that can be done...exept if you take the battery out and put it back in and dont turn it back on
yes as close to off as possible when I am as sleep etc, but it guess it needs to keep the clock and alarm and keypressed detect powered ....

Wifi wont turn off in sleep mode

Hi Guys,
I got my HD2 today and i have to say i am impressed!
I only have one problem which i am not able to resolve.
When i turn on WiFi, it wont turn off during sleep mode (when i turn off the screen). i need to manually turn it on or off. this is how it came out of the box.
I wonder if other HD2 users are having the same problem / found a solution?
I tried advanced config tool, and i unchecked the "wifi during sleepmode" setting, but after each reboot the settings just come back.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi mate, you should look this
I thought that guy just want to keep WIFI on but you did.
thanks man but it does not help me with my problem. I cant seem to be able to get WiFi to auto turn off when in standby. the reg tweak will work until you reboot the device. after reboot the WiFi again won't turn off when in sleep mode unless I manually turn it off.
Can any other HD2 owner please confirm if this is happening on his device too?
Same problem.
HDtweak and AdvanConfig does not work. After soft reset, wifi-on-standby is back ON (checked).
Been trying to find a Auto-Disconnect for GPRS(HSDPA) but the above 2 apps does not work too.
have you tried to change wifi power settings to high? I think it does work then. I guess the medium setting is something keeps the wifi connection alive in standby, but also doesn't consume much power. I have an exchange connection active, so i always need an internet connection. The moment i turn on wifi at home, it stays on, even in standby, and my data connection over 3G disconnects. My exchange still works perfectly...and no huge power drain! My wifi power setting is on the medium setting...
Yes, I can confirm I'm encountering this issue too - on my HD2.
Strange, 'cos I wasn't at first, I'm sure - I remember the wi-fi notification icon flashing when resuming from sleep.
glenner05, can you confirm that you can get wi-fi to sleep please?
Hmm.. thought it might be connected to the htckeepwifionwhenunattended registry value but mine's set already to 0.
There're others trying to do the opposite!
Anyone else found a solution?
I think HTC made this by design. If you turn GPRS data off and leave Wifi on while in standby you will be surprised how low the power utilization is.
I tested and with GPRS data off and Wifi ON, in standby you lose about 2% battery per hour...that's nothing.
It seems that on the HD2 the Wifi power consumption is really optimized so no real need to turn
I think HTC made this by design. If you turn GPRS data off and leave Wifi on while in standby you will be surprised how low the power utilization is.
I tested and with GPRS data off and Wifi ON, in standby you lose about 2% battery per hour...that's nothing.
It seems that on the HD2 the Wifi power consumption is really optimized so no real need to turn
Mine is on default Wi-Fi settings and when it goes into standby, wi-fi goes off.
Yeah goes of in sleep mode, if you get wifi toggle, you can choose to keep it on or turn it off when you like .
Shame the grps is still a problem....
pgamble and jrvenge: you really mean wifi switches off on the device when it goes to sleep? Ie. you see it disconnect from your router or something?
jrvenge: what did you mean by, "if you get wifi toggle"?
clubtech: when I read your post I agreed with you, maybe. I can't now be certain I remembered correctly that I'd seen wifi reconnect. And yes, the power consumption does seem low
There is a cab floating about here that enables you to force the wifi on always or turn it off.
If you forc on it stays on, if you turn of it goes off.
Return to normal and the hd2 does its power saving thing, so im all sorted there, just need a timeout on the gprs now.
If you cant find it let me know. It works a treat.
can youplease post the cab ? I have been looking for something like this .
Sure pm me your mail and i will send it
GPRS Disconnecting software here fella's, tested and working on my HD2 100%
May also turn off wifi but i've not loked yet, just about to leave for work so will check later!! lol
Ok just tried and it does not do what we want with WiFi
Yes ... if device goes to standby, when it comes out .. you see wi-fi searching to connect again ... so it definitely disconnects and the reconnects when it comes on again.
Yup your right!
If it's in balanced or best battery mode then it turns off in standby and reconnects/searches again when you press a button to bring up the lock screen.

