First Day with 8125 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

So I got my new phone yesterday and decided that I might as well activate the new SIM that came with it, since mine in almost 4 years old, and I didn't upgrade it the last time I got a phone from them.
Well here we are 16 hours later & my phone will still not connect to the network, and my old SIM and been disconnected. So I have no way of making or recieving calls. Before I activated it I tried my old SIM in the 8125 and it worked fine Even without installing any of the Cingular Extended ROMs.
I guess I will have to go into a store latter this afternon and have them work it out.
Also when I went to install ActiveSync It wouldn't let me because I didn't have all of the service packs installed in XP. (I am using an early edition, and keep the updates turned off) so it took 2 hours of downloading and installing updates before I could even sync.
On the up side, I was able to CID unlock it and upgraded to the custom ROM that summiter posted, Installed Reg Wizard, Total Comander, and Weather to Go. I am also able to use WiFi at home.
Next things to do are Get the dam thing on the network, then install a VoIP client so I can use my Broadvoice VoIP on it. then decide on a GPS program and get that going.
Sorry for the long post. Thanks to all of you for giving so much info & Help.

I wouldn't change any thing to do with CID unlocking or the ROM till they fix it. You could end up in one of those situations
You: "it wont make calls."
Them: "you changed the ROM (unlocked cid), that's why it don't work."
You: "Id didn't work before I did that."
Them: "Well it voids your warranty."
You: "but..."
Them: "Bend over, we're drivin'!"
Later; Lew

lewcamino said:
"Bend over, we're drivin'!"
Later; Lew
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The problem was the SIM card they sent me was bad, I went and got a new one and it works great now.


Cingular 8125 - upgrade to latest KJAM ROM - issues/gotchas?

I've tried following the main upgrade thread and think I've found a lot of these, but wanted to hear from 8125 users who have upgraded on their experiences. Are there any gotchas? Is this a worthwhile upgrade? Is there anything that I should know before attempting the upgrade?
Thanks for all of your help.
-Pete Schott
I upgraded a device, and immediately went back to the Cingular rom. The only thing worth using (in theory) was the push mail and the updated radio rom. The radio rom 2.07 worked great with the 8125, but push mail did not work even after tweaking. Also, WIFI did not work. I would advise to wait until April when CIngular says it is releasing the push mail update for the 8125.
How did you go back from the IMATE ROM to the original CINGULAR ROM?
Thank you
There are some people who have had problems with wifi, but I have not had any network I can't connect to thus far and Ihave been using since the night it was found over a week ago. I have had no issues except when I installed some of Cingular's EXTRom cab files. I have not tried push mail, but everything is responsive and working.
urologyhealth said:
How did you go back from the IMATE ROM to the original CINGULAR ROM?
Thank you
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Use the aWizard Tool.. I've switched Roms several times and even restored the splash screen.
Only thing I can't o is change the IPL/SPL.
Is it possible for you to outline detailed steps? I have the Cingular ROM and external ROM only from the XDA DEVELOPERS site, I did not back up my original ROM and I now have latest IMATE ROM
I can't believe the difference in the ROMs. The cingular rom was dog slow. Even with all the registry hacks and processor boost. The Imate rom is MUCH faster and I haven't even pimped my ppc yet. I was ready to get rid of the cingular device until now. Push works, just follow the directions in the forum!
Re: Cingular 8125 - upgrade to latest KJAM ROM - issues/gotc
I guess i have to share my experiance here. I bought Cingular 8125 a month ago and this is my first PPC phone. I liked the features a lot and was generally happy with my purchase.
One thing i hate about my phone and was driving me nuts was that i was not able to connect to WiFi easily, even if i was standing beside my rounter it usually take literaly 4-8 mins to connect to it and even after connect it keep on losing it. I was hating it so i started looking on internet to search a cure for my problem. Then i saw some sites with ROM upgrades for these phones. It seemed interesting to me so i started researching this. After a week or so i stumbeled upon this site and started reading all these threads about upgrading.
I was hesitent to actually go ahead and flash my device since i knew that these ROMs are not for my phone model. So i started with trying some tweaks which are scattered all over the place. I must admit they all help in improving my machine.
Well reading on and on for about 2 weeks i had enough information and courage to actually try the ROM flashing. By this time I know all the backup mathods listed here, so to make sure i have everything backed up i wanted to use all those mathods. For one of them i needed to have a miniSD card so i started research on it and finally ordered ATP ProMax 1GB miniSD Card, i seleted this because to my knowladge this is the fastest 1GB miniSD card available. Okay now i was ready for the ROM flashing. First i took the backup to SD card using wizBackup. Then i unlocked my phone using aWizard which also took the backup. Then i went ahead and installed the i-mate ROM.
Keeping all the research in mind i did not installed the Ext ROM and soft reset my phone as soon as the Select Carrier screen came up. After my machine came back on again, and i started using it and man i said WOW when it connected to WiFi is less than 5 seconds!!! It was very quick on connecting to it and seemed a lot faster while browsing. My whole experiance of using the phone was very pleasent. Also one more significant thing i noticed was my phone has better signal strength.
While i was playing with the new version for 2-3 days the Qtek version came out. Without spending even a minute i flashed to that rom and again i did not installed the Ext ROM and i soft reset my phone when the message came up that your phone will be customized in 3 sec.
Well now i have this ROM for about 2 weeks and i'm very happy with it. I think this is the best thing i have done to my phone. I have no lock ups, perfectly working WiFi and GPRS. Oh i forgot, i configured my GPRS manually after both flashing. I only ran the cab file from the orginal Cingular backup which changed the GPRS icon from G to E.
Well, anyone out there waiting to upgrade their phone, my advice is go ahead, you will love it!
Just so people know, I'm using the stock Cingular 8125 ROM and have NEVER had a lock-up, have perfectly working WiFi and GPRS, battery life is great, the thing comes from soft-reset to ready to use in 45 seconds flat, everything works 110%.
I don't have push email but I also don't need push email.
You can definitely upgrade if you want but I just can't figure out why I would want to! :lol: 8)
Just wanted to throw in my two cents on this topic.
I felt the same way as mobilehavoc at first. The original Cingular ROM worked great, but I am the type of person who likes to have the latest and greatest. So I got the courage one afternoon and did the upgrade to the I-Mate ROM.
The I-Mate ROM has worked amazing to say the least on my 8125. Probably the biggest improvement for me is the interference with speakers is completely gone. With the cingular rom there would always be a buzz on my speakers at work and in the car when data was sent/received but with the new radio rom this is completely gone. Also the windows media player actually remembers the last song you were on. The battery life and speed of the device has probably doubled as well.
Its your decision to upgrade, but I am completely happy with upgrading my 8125. And as for mobilehavoc, if you think your 8125 is working great now wait till you upgrade.
kjason said:
Just wanted to throw in my two cents on this topic.
I felt the same way as mobilehavoc at first. The original Cingular ROM worked great, but I am the type of person who likes to have the latest and greatest. So I got the courage one afternoon and did the upgrade to the I-Mate ROM.
The I-Mate ROM has worked amazing to say the least on my 8125. Probably the biggest improvement for me is the interference with speakers is completely gone. With the cingular rom there would always be a buzz on my speakers at work and in the car when data was sent/received but with the new radio rom this is completely gone. Also the windows media player actually remembers the last song you were on. The battery life and speed of the device has probably doubled as well.
Its your decision to upgrade, but I am completely happy with upgrading my 8125. And as for mobilehavoc, if you think your 8125 is working great now wait till you upgrade.
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Good to hear. I'm a techno-geek as well so I love having the latest and greatest but I also don't want to mess with something that works perfectly.
I'm also lazy don't want to have to resync everything, reinstall everything, retweak, recustomize. I think my laziness is apparent everywhere - my desktop PC is running Windows XP which was originally installed 4 years ago and is running *knock on wood* perfectly...I know several people like to reload XP regularly.
Guess I'm just different.
YAY i may have to do this when i get mine tommorow hopefully fedex doesn't let me down from what i heard they have
First Post
I have had my 8125 for a week - and have been nothing but impressed. The speed, call quality, functionality have all been great. Just upgraded the rom (I am never satisfied and am always *?^&ing around with things that work fine), and from what I have seen the past 2 hours, things only get better.
is there an app or something where i can just back up all my contacts and put them back on the phone after i flash with a different rom?
MMS working?
To anybody who has loaded a new ROM on a Cingular 8125, did you get MMS working with the new ROM? That (and the seemingly random occurence of Wifi not working for some) is the only thing stopping me upgrading mine when it arrives in the next week or so.
WiFi works great as long as you do not install a particularly nasty cab from the original Cingular EXT rom. That cab disables WiFi due to an incompatable DLL and is called As far as MMS goes, the Qtek rom installs MMS but you will need to go in and add Cingular specific server information to get it up and running. Sorry, but I don't use MMS so I don't know that information. Also, you will want to install if you want the GPRS indicator to change to a large "E" when its edge connected.
Sleuth255 said:
WiFi works great as long as you do not install a particularly nasty cab from the original Cingular EXT rom. That cab disables WiFi due to an incompatable DLL and is called As far as MMS goes, the Qtek rom installs MMS but you will need to go in and add Cingular specific server information to get it up and running. Sorry, but I don't use MMS so I don't know that information. Also, you will want to install if you want the GPRS indicator to change to a large "E" when its edge connected.
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Thanks - out of interest, which ROM build are you running?
I've got the production Qtek AKU2 rom installed:
ROM version WWE
Radio version: 2.07.10
After installing, I simply let the builtin extended rom cabs run then installed the Edge Icon fix cab from the original Cingular ext rom. Qtek installs a minimum set of cabs including MMS support. The Edge enable cab from the Cingular ext rom can be found in the Qtek thread in the Wizard updating etc. forum. I posted it there as an attachment.
I have 8125 running Qtek's AKU2 ROM ( WWE) that was just released. No problem at all so far. Everything works perfectly. Speed and reliability of the device have improved since then. I stored a lot of calendar items and contacts plus emails syncs. I do recommend the upgrade. Original Cingular ROM isn't fast enough with all the contents that I have.
Agreed. It's pretty much a must-do upgrade IMO. However...
I just wish I could find a way to set the default SIP to the block recognizer... The original reghack is no longer effective.
Then there's that damn battery icon..... :evil:

goodbye sidekick 3, hello MDA!

hey everyone.. just signed up and wanted to say hi.
i just ordered my new MDA, and should be here in a few days! ive had the SK3 for a month after upgrading from the SK2, and its just not what it used to be. Im looking for something with way more functionality other than being cool. Not to mention a more mature phone.
anyway, i just wanted to see if you guys could help me. seeing as how i dont have the phone yet, i wanted to read as much as i can about hacking it up. im aware that the stock phone (USA Tmobile MDA) rom isnt very well, so i need some pointers on where to start...
ive tried searching already, but theres only so many "newbie" threads i can sift through... basically can someone point me into the right direction of everything i need to get started? it would be most appreciated! Wink i guess which rom, how to update, which apps, where to go... lol, basically everything!
ill obvisouly be reading until the day the phone comes (and charged for 12 hours) so i should be more knowledgeable by the time the phone arrives.. but i really appreiciate any help!
banky said:
im aware that the stock phone (USA Tmobile MDA) rom isnt very well, so i need some pointers on where to start...
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The first thing to check is that your MDA has the latest ROM (2.26) - intalling this solved a lot of my problems. I have no other "hacks" on the MDA and am now happy with its performance.
I would definitly start by SIM and CID unlocking the phone with lokiwiz (free and available on this forum) if it has a 1.X and not a 2.x rom (if the comm manager screen has 4 icons not 6...), because once this is done it is permanent, and once you upgrade it is MUCH harder to do.. if you need specific directions let me know.
I would then upgrade to the T-Mo 2.26 rom as suggested above, I am using it now and I really like it.
I personally use Registry Wizard to tweak the wizard, at least for the basics... Some good tweaks to start with are disabeling the go online and unsigned program warnings, enable 802.11g, Enable Indicator (lets you know when CAPS and symbol are on), Different GPRS/EDGE icon, and personally I always enable the IE 4-way nav, engineering mode (type string *#*#364#*#* into phone and hit send to show cool technical info...) I also set GPRS always on... (probably not a good idea unless you have unlimited data, like I do... (if not you also may elect not to disable the go-online warning, so you know when its doing stuff...))
Agile messenger is a good program, total commander is more or less essential, and I have recently been using a program called Hubdog ( I think it can do more than I do with it, but I just use it as an rss reader...) All are free. Novii remote also works well (however with limeted 2-3 meter range) but is not free...
If you want any more info on programs I use, where to get them, ect..., or any other tweaks please just let me know.
i appreciate the help!
ill definitely be coming to you for questions
when you first got your phone, did you charge it for the whole 12 hours before using it?
Starcruiser1229 said:
I would definitly start by SIM and CID unlocking the phone...
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I upgraded to a custom 2.24 ROm without SIM unlocking. If I want to SIM unlock now should I downgrade to 1.8, SIM unlock, then upgrade to whatever ROM I want (probably xelecin's custom 2.26 when it's out). I don't really care about the SIM lock since I'm in a contract with Tmo, I'm not changing any time soon. I just don't want to have problems if I upgrade the ROM later on.
Sorry not trying to hijack...I swear
bittermormon said:
Starcruiser1229 said:
I would definitly start by SIM and CID unlocking the phone...
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I upgraded to a custom 2.24 ROm without SIM unlocking. If I want to SIM unlock now should I downgrade to 1.8, SIM unlock, then upgrade to whatever ROM I want (probably xelecin's custom 2.26 when it's out). I don't really care about the SIM lock since I'm in a contract with Tmo, I'm not changing any time soon. I just don't want to have problems if I upgrade the ROM later on.
Sorry not trying to hijack...I swear
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no problem
so, did everyone here charge their phone for the full 12 hours before using their phones?
also, another question, on the sidekick there was an app called "money clip" where it allowed me to keep track of different accounts such as my checking, savings, and credit cards... are there any apps like that available for the MDA?
i tired to use exel right now to see if i can just do it the ghetto way, but its not really letting me.. ;x
hey good job man (i donno about money clip) about returning the sidekick 3 for the MDA. i did that too. and i upgraded from a sidekick 2 too.
i can tell you the MDA is at least 9 times better (random number?)... but the only thing i haven't gotten to work is setting up outlook email... hopefully you have better luck. (but it is because the free yahoo doesn't support it).
hmmm, i charged phone for maybe two hours out of the box, did the cid unlock and sim unlock, and have been flashing the rom ever since (remember to thank all the folks here who cook up all these lovely roms)
zetajunkie said:
hmmm, i charged phone for maybe two hours out of the box, did the cid unlock and sim unlock, and have been flashing the rom ever since (remember to thank all the folks here who cook up all these lovely roms)
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haha.. cool, so i dont need to do a full charge on the it?
where can i find the instructions on how to flash the ROM? and also, which ROM is recommeneded?
I'm a newb waiting for my MDA too. I dont see why one should SIM unlock if he/she already has the MDA (US). Can't I just upgrade to the 2.26? Or are there some feautures that I would be noticably be missing?
Starcruiser1229 said:
I would definitly start by SIM and CID unlocking the phone with lokiwiz (free and available on this forum) if it has a 1.X and not a 2.x rom (if the comm manager screen has 4 icons not 6...), because once this is done it is permanent, and once you upgrade it is MUCH harder to do.. if you need specific directions let me know.
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What version of lokiwiz would you recommend using? I noticed there are two different threads, one for 0.2 and one for 0.3. Do they do the same thing? The steps for 0.3 seem to require a second SIM, is that true? Thanks.
Ok, first, the reason to SIM unlock is because then you can swap to a different providers SIM later on, for instance if you dump T-mo or you travel to Europe or something. For me, it simply seems like a good idea to do it now, because then I know I have it if I need it.
CID unlock is for using other providers ROMS. You can just upgrade to the 2.26, but then what happens when you decide you want to upgrade to the cingular 3.xx b/c of some amazing feature... Once you are in a 2.x rom it becomes much harder to do this. It is sooooo simple, why not just do it now? again, your phone, yor decision, and I think flashing an unofficial rom will void the warranty if they can prove it (personally I don't care, some do)
As far as Lokiwiz, I used Lokiwiz 02b, downloaded from this forum. The newer version, .03, is only needed if you have already upgraded to a 2.x ROM.
As far as SIM unlocking after upgrading, I do not know if it is possible to downgrade from a 2.x to a 1.x, especially if you haven't CID unlocked already... I think you may be stuck using the .03 2 sim card method (this is required as the phone dosen't know it needs to prompt for unlock code untill you enter a 'banned (ie from another provider)' sim... get a cheep prepay (NOT T-mo prepay if you have T-mo) from the local drug store/Walmart... This may be easier than downgrading and then upgrading anyway, and since ( I am assuming) you have already CID unlocked, I do not think you will have any problems...
.02 does not need the second sim as it changes the setting directly by accessing some part of the memory on the device, which cannot, apparently be done in the new roms...
O. Brown... SIM, as I mentioned above, is different from CID. You are thinking of CID. I would do it simply b/c you cannot do it later, yet once done it is permanent...
Bittermormon, same idea...
As far as chargeing, I am notorios for taking it out of the box and hitttng the power. If it turns on, well then why should I charge it...? Plus, you can turn it on plugged in, so if you are worried, plug it into the wall and then start playing... but I don't want to promise this won't have some negative effect, do what you feel safe with, all I am saying is what worked for me...
As far as financial software goes, I checked out the PocketPcMag Nominations for best software 2006, in the financial category... Cash Organizer '05 Premium, Pocket Quicken, PocketMoney, Spb Finance, Stock Manager... I have not used any of theese. I do not know if they are what you want... I do not know how much they cost, but it is a place to start at least.
As far as pocket outlook, no problems here, except with gmail pop access, which always seemed kinda... messed up... to me... So, I did something even better... I setup a free exchange account with (I think they call it mail2web live or something...) and my gmail forwards a copy of all incoming mail to the exchange mail address... THis allows me to use PUSH email for my gmail acct (which is my main acct.) If you have a corporate exchange, you can use that instead. The only "Problem" with this is that deleting messages on the phone does not delete them in gmail... I personally like this as I cna then use gmail on my pc to its fullest to label, archive, ect... On the ppc I delete all of the newsletters ect... and only really read personal mail or important stuff. This lets me keep my phone inbok clear, and I can still read all of the other stuff later on the desktop... Or you can always just switch to using the exchange email address as your main...
And as far as the best ROM, well, that is as much opinion as anything else... I am running the T-mo 2.26 with the extended rom installed... I have noit seen any cooked versions of this yet, although I believe someone on the HOFO is working on one... I gotta say, I like this rom. I have a few small glitches, but I think that it is installed software, not the ROM...
A few other tips... I recently discovered microsoft voice command, and I am enjoying it very much... First of all, no setting voice tags, and secondly, for me, I could never remember exactly what the voice tag was for someone, especially when I had one for the house and cell... Now I can just say ther full name ie, Call John Doe on Mobile, and the phone does it... as with any other software, your mileage may vary... PM me if you want me to email the cab...
Also, buying a large miniSD is a great idea, I have a Sandisk 1gb and I love it. Watch out for 2gb cards, a small minority may be valid, most are fakes, and all are probably lower quality...
Any other questions, feel free to ask, or even PM me (especially if I do not seem to be responding fast enough....)
And Uh, SORRY about the length... just trying to answer everythng...

"Phone Not Ready...." Can anyone help?

I have an O2 XDA mini s as its so called, and an Orange Sim (both UK)
Now I can make/receive calls fine, but when I try to send a message, or goto the "phone" option, I get the message below. Nor do any contacts from my sim show up.
"The phone is not ready. Wait 15 seconds and try again"
Does anyone have some advice to resolve this as its pretty annoying!
I did try a search and got no results, so please forgive me if this is a topic that has been given the run around before.
Sounds like the simcard is dirty try taking it out and inserting again happens on probs every1 phone sometime.
Another option would be to go back to your cell provider and request they give you another SIM card
sounds like you might not be getting a strong enough signal to use the phone...or send out messages...consider flashing your radio rom to something higher (do a search for radio rom). radio rom flashing usually won't effect the os or ipl/ you can keep all your existing settings. newer radios have more information on it has a chance to get a better signal...or at least that's what i've been told...
2.19.11 is common for cingular...but there's a post somewhere on changing something that will let you use higher radios with cingular without too many problems...personally, i'm messing around with 2.69.11 (t-mobile) and i haven't had any problems...
Tried cleaning the sim card to no avail.
As with regards to the radio rom, im sure thats the issue as i can make phone calls fine, so im getting a signal. It just seems accessing the sim card and texting is the issue
Its bugging me because its an awesome phone. Im wondering if its due to it being a different network branded phone to the sim card im using...
Ozington said:
Im wondering if its due to it being a different network branded phone to the sim card im using...
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if that's the case, you may need to sim unlock your phone? but if you're making and receiving calls, you should be fine...
if the sim card is old, or the service provider was taken over...or something of that sort, maybe your sim card has a problem...something like this was a problem back in the US when cingular bought out at&t...the problem was resolved by consumers going to cingular to get a 64kb sim card rather than a traditional 32kb...perhaps something of that sort is happening there?
I suppose that is a possibility,
I will try using the unlocking tool, but im not sure it would be the sim as it is only 2 months old. I just didnt like the phone i got with the contract so bought this.
I will certainly try. I kinda wish i'd just bought the Orange version of the phone
@Ozington. If you can make calls, chances are your phone is already unlocked. Did you bought this phone 2nd-hand? The previous users may have done something to it. Soft reset your system and tell us all your stuff (especially the Radio/GSM displayed) displayed on the first boot screen.
Alternatively, if you want to avoid all O2 crap, hardreset your phone and during init setup, soft reset it (poke it) just after you have done your security settings. If it is not using official ROM (e.g. no O2 stuff around to be seen), make a guess on the ROM used, and you can also try upgrading an official ROM (safe to do so).
The phone was bought from ebay, but was brand new sealed, all in o2 packaging, the seller stated it was unlocked. It was all factory packed and the seal wasnt broken..
The Device info is as follows:
Rom Version WWE
Radio 02.07.10
Protocol 413.1.03
Does this mean anything?
I'm doubtful that it is factory sealed and unlocked. From the information you gave (although not those I've asked for), seems that your phone ROM is a bit, old. Go to O2 webpage and download an update for the ROM (I'm not sure, but I think they have an updated ROM).
To check your ROM version, tell me the battery icon on Today screen, is it on the top left or bottom left. Top left battery icon means it is AKU2, the updated version.
To throw a spanner in the works the battery icon is in the top right?
Thanks for your help. What info did i miss out? (Please bear in mind i have no idea what im doing with the more technical side of the phone!)
I briefly had this problem as well. In my case, I could also receive text messages, but still could not send. I changed OS's and it was fixed. The problem only seemed to happen with one of the new OS6 roms. It was intermittent, and even resetting the phone seemed to solve the problem occasionally and briefly. I have flashed my device too many times, but think it was the most recent Touchflo version that had the problem for me. I was using radio 2.69 Ipl/Spl 3.08. I hope this might help. Good luck.
Orange SIM & Unlocked T-Mobile MDA Vario
Hi Guys,
Just a quick note to say that I have a similar problem with my new Orange SIM.
All the GPRS works fine, calls send & receive OK, POP3 email works a treat but no text messaging and when I try Start > Settings > Personal > Phone .. I get "The phone is not ready. Wait 15 Seconds and try again"
I have no answers to this but from all the searching I have done over the past few days to try and find a cure this problem seems to be common to Orange SIM cards. All I can think of is that the Call Centre Message Number needs changing to get the txt messaging to work.
The phone has worked fine on other networks - no GPRS but text messaging & phone calls
Any advice gratefully received !!
Hi guys first poster so be nice
I've got the same problem but came from T-Mobile to Orange.
My IPL / SPL is 1.03 so I'm going to upload the newer versions on the fourm to my phone and see what happens tommrow. Havn't got the time at the moment but I'll post up how I get on.
Do you guys think this is a good approch to the problem I've got?
Hi Sasyboy
You posted just after me. I got my phone working great on Orange now. It has taken me 3 days !!
You'll have to be careful on how you do it. I just jumped in and it caused me a lot of work and time. and a long period where I thought it was bricked 'cos the bootloader screen stayed on and I lost all comms with the MDA
First make sure the CID is unlocked, you must read this:-
I wish I had. This may seem a long way of doing it, but you don't want an expensive paperweight do you ??
After you have unlocked the CID and updated everything as per the Dr P stickie (link above) and it is working, you then need to get the Wizard_Love ROM upgrade. I tried after doing all the Mr P instructions in the stickie but still kept getting the "Phone is not ready...." so I decided I then needed the Wizard_Love ROM upgrade. This took me ages to find, I tried to d/load it via uTorrent but only got 25% and then found it on a Russian website - anyway I have it now, and as I said you'll need it, PM me and I'll get it to you.
You will have to download several files and set half a day aside. If you are struggling PM me and I'll get the files to you as I have them now.
I just need to get the Ornge MMS settings right and then all is fine. GPRS, POP3 email, Internet, Txt messaging OK now, SIM manager works fine (didn't even have it before!) and can access all phone settings for call divert etc
Good luck. Any queries I may be able to help, but I'm no expert. I have spent hours looking at this forum and all the answers are there it is just getting them in the right order.
How do all,
Really happy I updated everything and now it all works fine. Thanks to the community. I love this phone and now with updates it's even cooler.

02 XDA Orbit

I want to get the ROM updated as my GPS is slow to load and I was told that updating the ROM will sort this out.
I haven't done this before on the XDA (have on HP iPac) so I get the idea. Having reading through many posts I am totally confused as to what I should be doing.
I have downloaded and installed Artemis_USPL and I get everything in order - however it doesn't report current ROM version and doesn't update (Active Sync seem to drop connection).
All I want to do is update the ROM to the latest version.
Therefore I want to know where I can get the latest O2 Rom for WM5, and what software I should be using to make the update.
Many thanks for any help
(BTW - I am happy with WM5, however if I can kill 2 birds with one stone and get on to an English version of WM6 I would like to do that as well!)
losing sync
got the same problem here
Have you tried waiting the screen willgo either white or black for a period.
When using USPL it doesnt alter the device data or appearance just the CID status.
If you follow the idiots guide
you should have no problems.
I have UK O2 Orbit and no problems at all as I said follow the guide and will work sometimes it seems to be taking ages and doing nothing but trust me for me it gets there.
o2 are doing WM6 updates - just take it to the store....
Thanks for the reply.
I did follow the idiots guide as mentioned, and having working in IT for 10 years found it simple enough to follow. Didn't change the fact that I couldn't get passed the "dropped" used connection and no update!
What I then did was ring o2 who did have a clue and then I rang the XDA (o2) dedicated service center.
The girl on the phone went and checked with the techs and rang me back to confirm they are installing WM6 on all XDA's that get sent back, and that the update is free!
With this information I went to my local o2 store who accepted the phone for software upgrade to WM6 and told me it will be back with me on Thursday of next week.
Problem sorted - let them do it......
Wishfull thinking....please check when they return the device...may have the SD Card with the flashed ROM on it hee hee hee...!
ukmp3 said:
Thanks for the reply.
I did follow the idiots guide as mentioned, and having working in IT for 10 years found it simple enough to follow. Didn't change the fact that I couldn't get passed the "dropped" used connection and no update!
What I then did was ring o2 who did have a clue and then I rang the XDA (o2) dedicated service center.
The girl on the phone went and checked with the techs and rang me back to confirm they are installing WM6 on all XDA's that get sent back, and that the update is free!
With this information I went to my local o2 store who accepted the phone for software upgrade to WM6 and told me it will be back with me on Thursday of next week.
Problem sorted - let them do it......
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is your pc Vista by any chance
I did ask the service center direct - if you want to check give them a call on 01603 269901 - XDA2 warranty returns line.
Also I rang o2 twice on 0800 5874715 and on both occasions they confirmed they are supporting it from 23/27 of this month - so that all ties in nicely.
I will let you know when mine returns if it works and if they have upgraded the ROM etc.....
They are indeed upgrading all retuned devices with WM6. That is for sure.
I got my XDA Orbit Back from o2 yesterday after 6 days.
It has been updated (ROM, GSM etc) and has WM 6 Pro on it.
Sat Nav is still very slow to kick in - what else can I do to speed up the connection?
ukmp3 said:
I got my XDA Orbit Back from o2 yesterday after 6 days.
It has been updated (ROM, GSM etc) and has WM 6 Pro on it.
Sat Nav is still very slow to kick in - what else can I do to speed up the connection?
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Have you ensured that QuickGPS is up to date?
Also when you run the GPS ensure u are static while it locates you.
Also overclock the Orbit slightly?
Hope this helps

New Advantage won't connect to Voicemail

Odd issue, but prob just me being thick.
Bought replacement Advantage off ebay to replace my old/dying one. It was said to be locked to O2, but I put in my SIM (T-Mob) and it "just works". Happy Bunny me.
BUT, I just tried to dial Voicemail and I get a recorded message saying my voicemail has been re-set, please wait 5 minutes to re-dial. 5 mins later I dial and get same message.
Got hold of T-mob and they are stumped. Put SIM back into old phone and works just fine.
So the question is whether the new phone is "locked" and whether simply unlocking it will work.
Apprecaite yr thoughts before I stump up my hard-earned
Just had a call back from T-Mob (hey, pretty good service !!) - according to the very nice lady, who had done some research the problem may be that my HTC phone doesn't reconize the "+" sign at the beginning of the phone # for voicemail. Could I try dialling long-hand.
I did, and it worked ! She says some HTC phones and some Crackberrys have this problem. Never experienced it before, but then again I either used T-mobs software on the Ameo or MiChy's rather lovely cooked replacements.
Is there a registry setting somewhere?

