Some questions about simlock and system language - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi, everyone! I don't know if it's the right forum to ask... I found it using Google...
I want to buy an MDA Pro, which is also known as HTC Universal, from what I've read. I live in Poland, but I think about buying one from Germany, because it seems to be cheaper there. But I have a few problems...
First of all, the MDAs which I can buy in Germany have a T-Mobile simlock, so they probably won't work here unless I unlock it. So, is there a way to unlock it?
Second, it will be in German, and I don't really know German. Is it possible to download and install an English ROM?

First of all welcome to XDA DEV
Point one, so far it is not possible to unlock the universal for free. You have to "buy" the unlock code from T-Mobile as the unlock hasn't been made yet.
Second point, yes you can flash the device to change it from german to english. This is possible and not that difficult.

Thanks for the welcome!
I've noticed on eBay that some people from Germany are selling unlocked ones... maybe I'll get one of them


sim free vs. unlocked xda ii

im new here and don't own an xda ii yet. a friend of mine will purchase one for me from O2 UK and have it unlocked so that i can use it at home (philippines). the question is - will there be any problems with this in terms of OS/ROM, software or usage.
what will be the advantages if i'll purchase one which is sim-free - say from singapore.
No, there will be no problem at all with upgrades.
Just buy the cheapest you can find.
All the other info you need to unlock, do ROM upgrades etc, you can find on this forum.
thanks jos.
i guess i'll post some more questions once i got the unit.

black xda mini

hey y'all. Im new here, just bought xda mini in HK. I wondering where does this xda came from, becoz the person i bought said that it is not originally from HK. I got problem when I tried to register the IMEI, because the number is not valid. I also emailed o2 helpdesk, they asked some infos about where i bought it and if there are any o2 logos on housing and on welcome screen. Both of cases are ok, there are o2 logos.
Anyway if anyone could tell me how to register it would be great, thanks.
i bought one as well, this is originally from Germany
I am not sure if those are EUR 1 dollar machine - you sign a contract and you can get the machine for just 1 EUR Dollar.
The IMEI may be useful only in Germany site.
The one I bought is in Traditinal CHinease, but I have it changed to Simplfied Chinese, but please note this has void the warranty, you have to change it back to Germany ROM before sending it back for repair.
oh man, i dont understand germans, btw, they flash the rom in my xda too to english, so that makes the warranty void huh? anything goes wrong so far with this device??
nope, nothing wrong with this machine, on the other hand, as this color is rare is this region, people also admire of me holding this machine
it's stable, and recently I just got the Simple Tunes for it, so now it functions as an iPod like gadget!
Do u have e english version rom??? can u post it here so i can download it.. i want an english version rom too. coz mine is in german...
Yes! your Handset is most probably from germany. coz only o2 german is selling xda mini black... while other is selling e silver color.
yeah, i believe this is from german, but it doesnt have any support online, or i just dunno germans. I dont have the WWE rom, coz the seller already flash mine before I bought it.

Softbank X01ht

BUY OR NOT? I can save about 150$ but i see that ppl have many problems with it. so i don't know buy or not. I would like to see your opinion/
I'm using it, have no problem at all.
in someplace here i readed that it not fully unlocked or something and that i have much more problems that TYTN ... but still it's 150$ difference
it able to upgrade it to WM 6?
it will work at any country i want?
i just think that or buy softbank or buy this
cause its 50$ difference from tytn and it looks better (but bigger)
is it any analogs of hermes (and all hermes based...)? (exept g900)
suggest nothing other then HTC. cause you can see how much support you can get from Xda here. also check out this Original Shipped WM6 ROM Versions
you can pick the rom you want for X01HT.. also X01HT=Tytn=Dopod 838Pro= CHT 9000= Hermes...
i can put any rom of hermes to softbank? even of tytn?
im asking too many questions cauze i get money today and i want to buy it today ....
and what u think about G900?
yes, but you need to unlock it. It is great if it come with unlocked but if not you can check out this to find the unlock program
u shure about this? any rom i want?
also couples site for useful info. for X01HT
so can u answer me several question and that all (please =) ):
1) is x01ht same as tytn and it possible to do all things like in tytn?
2) can i put original tytn wm6 rom to softbank? (just make x01ht tytn )
3) y u choosed softbank and not tytn?
4) what about g900?
5) at my place which pda phone u perefer to buy?
maximuz329 said:
also couples site for useful info. for X01HT
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im form israel....
I'm a junior, I do my best to answer urs question.
1) both X01HT and Tytn are using the same platform-Hermes. they pretty muc the same. Just X01HT is Japan version that out with their carrier "softbank", so it come with a Japaness rom. Tytn is europe version.
2) u can put tytn rom on x01ht, but need to be unlocked
3) cheaper when the time I bought it.
4) G900.. you won't get the support from XDA, you can see pretty much all the discussion are HTC platform pda. if you want better one you should just go for HTC Kaiser.
5) really don't, it depends on you carrier. check to see if they carrier similar product.
maximuz329 said:
I'm a junior, I do my best to answer urs question.
1) both X01HT and Tytn are using the same platform-Hermes. they pretty muc the same. Just X01HT is Japan version that out with their carrier "softbank", so it come with a Japaness rom. Tytn is europe version.
2) u can put tytn rom on x01ht, but need to be unlocked
3) cheaper when the time I bought it.
4) G900.. you won't get the support from XDA, you can see pretty much all the discussion are HTC platform pda. if you want better one you should just go for HTC Kaiser.
5) really don't, it depends on you carrier. check to see if they carrier similar product.
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so u bought it unloked? where? after it u putted english rom and that all?
can u pt here links to rom u used? u r using wm6?
I bought it in HK unlocked. and I try US At&t 8525 rom, but I'm using HongKong Dopod 838 pro wm6 now
maximuz329 said:
I bought it in HK unlocked. and I try US At&t 8525 rom, but I'm using HongKong Dopod 838 pro wm6 now
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what it means Hong kong unlocked? and where u live?
my cariier here it's orange (but not the sam like in UK for example) (utms/gsm...)
I'm in US.. does you carrier offer pda phone? do you need built in GPS? do you need to have a slide out keyboard?
my carrier sells TYTN but for about 1100$ !!!! no way ill buy it here...
i dont need gps... and i think that kayboard it inportant.... hate to write sms only cauze all celulars have lame keys in... so un-comfortable to write....
i gonna install messenger on pda and that all

Vodafone simlock

I'm considering buying a 2nd hand unit Vodafone HD2 from Ebay, I was wondering if anyone knew if Vodafone simlock the HD2? I've seen some sellers claiming Vodafone don't lock their devices, others don't mention it. A couple of searches have drawn a blank, can anyone give me a conclusive answer?
Oh trust me, they lock the devices. I had trouble with them regarding this.
At least in my country they do!
thanks for the reply however I should have mentioned that i will be buying a UK handset ~ an unwanted upgrade, do Vodafone in the UK lock these?
I can speak for UK and the devices I had direct from Vodafone were not locked.
They are:
SE M600i
My friends had:
Touch Pro
Touch Pro2
None of the above were locked and they were offically from Vodafone UK.
I think you can see other threads pointing to the similar coonclusion here.
Sherbet66 said:
thanks for the reply however I should have mentioned that i will be buying a UK handset ~ an unwanted upgrade, do Vodafone in the UK lock these?
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I received a Vodafone contract HD2 last week and was surprised that it worked with an old Orange SIM I had lying around, so I reckon it's not SIM locked.
It comes with the 1.43 ROM, so you would probably want to reflash it anyway.
Thanks all,

want to buy this phone to use in the UK

hi i want to buy this phone,
ive been looking on ebay and have found a few but i wanted to know whether this phone will work in the uk if i get it unlocked.
i need to get it unlocked to o2 so if anyone knows whether this phone will work in the uk on the o2 network would they be able to help me out..
ropin1 said:
hi i want to buy this phone,
ive been looking on ebay and have found a few but i wanted to know whether this phone will work in the uk if i get it unlocked.
i need to get it unlocked to o2 so if anyone knows whether this phone will work in the uk on the o2 network would they be able to help me out..
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Atrix will work anywhere
You need to check if the one you're looking to buy is already able to use any carriers SIm... if it isn't then there are people on ebay who will be able to unlock it for you and it should only cost you a few pounds.

