recommended ppc text editor? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I'm looking for a text editor for my ppc that can edit and save plaintext files such as sym.txt. I like playing with config files while on the road, so uploading them to a computer first isn't very practical.
Anybody have any favorites?

I like Total Commander. It has a nice built in text editor as well as reg editor and its a pretty nice file manager. Oh and its free...]

PHM Notepad

marsonist said:
I'm looking for a text editor for my ppc that can edit and save plaintext files such as sym.txt. I like playing with config files while on the road, so uploading them to a computer first isn't very practical.
Anybody have any favorites?
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mine is PocketNotepad: - ingenious in its simplicity.

PocketNotepad - bad files editor, can't edit .reg files.


Good Registry Editor for Universal

Anyone use a registry Editor for Universal? What is the best one out there?
I personally use Resco File Explorer, hit two (well technically three) things on the head with one program
excellent program, superb file explorer, with built in ftp and registry editor.
*edit* need sleep, corrected typo
Yer i find resco the triple whammy aswell
A simple Google search would reveal some excellent freeware alternatives to Resco, or you could even search these forums. :roll:
As your starter for ten, try searching for "TRE registry editor" or "PHM regedit". Both of those are free and work perfectly for me on my Exec.

Free registry editor?

Hi all,
1st, does wm5 contain a registry editing utility?
2nd, what is the best FREE registry editor? (plz provide links, if any)
thanx all,
1st, no it doesnt contain a registry editor.
2nd try Tascal Registry Editor:
Total Commander!
total commander rocks (and is free).
it has a registry editor and a file explorer and a ftp client
it is a MUST HAVE on any PocketPC
get it at
Re: Total Commander!
SkyyBoy said:
total commander rocks (and is free).
it has a registry editor and a file explorer and a ftp client
it is a MUST HAVE on any PocketPC
get it at
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Hello SkyyBoy, i tried Total Commander... Stupid question, but how do you access the registry editor?
start total commander
keep hitting the .. (top right corner) until you reach the top level
then open the folder named \\
inside there is a folder named registry
bingo! 8)
Thanx all, I will try them both and then I will choose, I may report anything here.
I tried two regedit, TotalCommander and RegEditCe. I've noticed that both regedit doesn't provide (TotalCommander doesnt provide, RegEditCe doesn't work) the function of searching 'values' of the registry keys. Total Comm is able to search for registry key itself, not value. Any other recommendation?
I strongly recommend PHM Registry Editor. It is freeware (although the author does have a PayPal donation button on his site I would encourage you to use), and is available from
When you go there, you'll notice it has not been updated in quite a long time. Don't worry about that however - it hasn't been updated because it is such a solid app that there has simply been no need for updates.
You'll find ALL the info you need HERE.
You'll find ALL the info you need HERE.
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Great... Thanx ...
Thanx all, great help, I think this article would be a good reference for all interested people. Thanks again

what are some good free registry programs?

what are good programs that i can put on my MDA
someone showed me resco explorer but that cost money and someone showed me Wizard_registry_tweaks. from this site.
but when i install it, it doesnt show up under start/programs.
can someone help me with that, or just show me an alterenative registry program?
Check out this link
It is a link to's registry utilities page. I like resco exlorer myself but a good second choice is the PHM registry editor (4th link on page)
TotalCommander CE is great, and its FREE! Just google "total commander"
File explorer, Registry, etc
I use regedit_820.exe
throwback1718 said:
what are good programs that i can put on my MDA
someone showed me resco explorer but that cost money and someone showed me Wizard_registry_tweaks. from this site.
but when i install it, it doesnt show up under start/programs.
can someone help me with that, or just show me an alterenative registry program?
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The Wizard_registry_tweaks is not an application. When you run the .cab file, it puts the registry entries contained inside the cab into your registry. After a soft reset, the changes should be good to go.

Which registry editor?

Searched high and low on the forums and wiki, but can't find an answer. Which registry editor are people using?
cpetzny said:
Searched high and low on the forums and wiki, but can't find an answer. Which registry editor are people using?
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For me am using Total Commander.
Not solely a registry editor, but allows access to registry to views keys etc. Also gives you ftp, enhancement to the file explorer and much more and above all that its free!!
BTW: Used to use PHM Registry editor but total commander replaced it as it was duplicating the same function.
it's my favourite price - free! :lol:
Good stuff, thank you both...
RESCO is your friend
Resco appears to be the best registry editor - or so the forums and reviews say. It certainly makes life easy for me. It also comes with a 31 day trial... so you can check it out
Make sure you get the WM5 one under Smartphones on their website though.. I think that the other ones have 14 day trials
rmorby said:
Resco appears to be the best registry editor - or so the forums and reviews say. It certainly makes life easy for me. It also comes with a 31 day trial... so you can check it out
Make sure you get the WM5 one under Smartphones on their website though.. I think that the other ones have 14 day trials
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Where can i find RESCO registry editor? Is it free?
not free -
my favorite is mobile registry editor.
i hate editing the reg through the phone. id rather do it from my laptop via cable or bluetooth.
second hiimcliff, but i use SOTI POCKET COMMANDER.. also OP, most cooked ROMS come with built in registry editors. i know my black majik came with one.
PHM Registry Editor is intuitive to me for regediting, so I continue to use it. Small, free, does registry backups, stores 'favorites', can directly copy key names to the clipboard, multi-pane display, and I've never had any problems with it.
I also have Total Commander installed and love it for file management, but I usually need to use both panes for file management and cant spare one for reg editing The ROM I burned came with TRE, but I removed it.
For some reason PHM doesn't install on my vista computer. Any ideas?
Tasco Registry editor is one of the best and is free.
It will also import reg files so customizations can be saved and restored without having to re-do them manually after hard resets
PHM will save reg files but will not restore them..
I use both PHM Registry Editor and Total Commander, but prefer PHM for it's simplicity.
@celicatoe46m3: PHM install's on the device not the PC.

Syntax Highlighting for Morscript using Notepad++

Mortscript for Notepad++
Hello guys, not sure whether this is the right place for this thread, but as MortScript seems pretty popular and santax highlighting makes things easier, I wrote a little script for use with Notepad++.
The attached file contains a file called userDefineLang.xml which you simply need to put into %APPDATA%\Notepad++ for the installed version or into Notepad++'s Program folder for portable version. If you open a Mortscript with Notepad++ for the next time, it will be highlighted. I am not sure whether I catched all functions, but this script can easily be extended by using Notepad itself.
Maybe it helps you a bit.
Cool contribution, thanks a lot. I use NPP as windows notepad replacement, and edit mortscripts with it as well. This should make it a bit easier
Cool. I use Notepad++ on my PC, But to make MortScript file on my phone i use zNotepad or MADE. zNotepad is made for making MortScript files. Thats the standard extension when you save a file. MADE is a great text editor wich I've used since I first got a windows mobile phone. They're both free but zNotepad comes with GSlide
Awesome, I tried to do this last week but notepad++ kept crashing on I can't ftp to my phone with this, so I use pspad.
Hi guys,
I use CKE as onboard editor. GSlide was more or less built on my P3600
CKE is by far the most competent code editor for pocket pc. With built-in support for syntax-colouring, indentation, running files with external apps etc.
I will post config files soon.
This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a bunch.
I suggest you provide your UserDefinedLang to the Notepad++-Wiki.
Notepad++ AutoComplete
I just created AutoComplete file: MortScript.xml
File should be placed here: \Notepad++\plugins\APIs\MortScript.xml
To have a instant Autocomplete change: Settings > Preferences > Backup/Auto-Complation according to file: AutoCompleteSettings.png

