In the latest K-JAM rom, Default_MT_UpdateUAProfileAKU2.0_Wizard(AKU2.0)_051214.CAB is a file in the extended ROM. This file isn't present in the extended ROM on the QTek - anyone have any idea what it might do? Just curious, but when looking for differences between QTek & i-Mate ROMS, its possible that one of the differences is simply hiding A2DP, similar to what HP did with the profile when they deemed it to be 'unfit'.
I checked it, seems to do some MMS settings and nothing else. I don't know why the file is named like this... :?
I would like to ask
How to disable the Protection of Extenede Rom of XdaII?
Now it is protected, just allow to read, but can't either delete or write.
Please help!
I do have the same problem.
It looks like nobody knows!
Since when is read-only? Weird, you're saying that registry hack openf Extended ROM but you can't move files from it?
Yes. We just can view the content, copy it to desktop.
BUT We CANNOT Delete, Write or Overwrite the content in it.
How can?
That's really weird. My EXtended ROM is fully accessable, read/write/delete without any hacks.
I got the same problem. just recieved my i-mate from and i can't write to the extended rom area.
Here is my info.
ROM - 1.03.00 USA
Rom Date - 09/24/03
Radio-Version - 1.05.12
Protocol - 1337.12
ID64 what is your rom version?
1.03.00 USA, but I have iMATE XDA 2
Maybe it's an issue with MDA IIs.
I can read/write/etc fine to my i-Mate's Extended_ROM. I have my own customized startup after a hard reset.
mine is not MDA II its an I-mate that i got from it says i-mate on it and it looks like i-mate not MDA II. weird. may be i should run a compare on the registry of the ones that work and the ones that don't. can somebody with a working extended rom post your registry file export so i can compare it to mine.
ID64 do u have XDA II or I-mate? is urs O2?
It's XDA 2 i-MATE
strange. can you post the registry file?
How can I post it?
just copy and paste?
I can't find where to attach a file
use any registry viewing program to export ur registry and post it. although i got a reply from somebody else saying that registry was already compared and nothing was there.
I exported it already, but in this forum, seems can't attatch file. Then, how to post it?
if u can email it to me ppc at gololed dot net
I want to ask anyone know how to build an Extended Rom for XdaII to Upgrade it's Extended Rom?
My thought is that, we can't modify the extended rom, how's we buid a rom then upgrad the extended rom part? I think it's an alternative way to modify the Extended Rom.
does the "mkrom" can do it?
Since XdaII structure seems different to XdaI
Wrong forum. Go to XDAII forum.
can someone plz tell me how to upgrade my xda1 to wm2003?
i´d like to know if there´s a german version available...
thanks in advance
about a german version i have no clue
about how to update it
For german ROM, I think you can get 4.00.33 from Stefan kitchen
Good luck ...
i am also interested in upgrading my 64Mb XDA I to 2003 Version.
Nalye: How does the Upgrade worked? Do you have any problem in using or installing? Do you have any problems using the upgraded device with german O2? How about the Home-Zone Display and whole stability?
Thanks in advance!
a cellphone company depend on the radiostack they dont know if you connect from a nokia phone or a xda with what ever rom
as long as you set it up right
Thanks for answering. German o2 uses a special application with the XDA, called "Home Zone Status", whats implemented in the original ROM provided by O2. With this application you get a special sign at the top of the screen if your device is in an defined area called HomeZone. The data used by this application must be provided by the gsm-part of the device, but i think, that the T-Mobile-Rom does not support the transfer of this informations because german T-Mobile does not provide this feature.
Does anyone experienced any solution for this problem?
i dn´t know ´bout a special program for displaying the hz-status, but i´m about to call o2 for an application to fix it.
the rom i cooked works well, but as you know every data got lost (about 350 sms or so) :x
try to cook it at - coz stefan´s kitchen seems to be a lil´bit slow :wink:
I want to ask something!
I have Qtek 8020 (it's like SP3i) and it has wmp 9 on it.
I was wondering if i can have wmp 10 on my phone like
Audiovox SMT5600, dopod 565 and 575.
I' ve asked Qtek service in Greece and they said that they don't
know when they are going to release the firmware that has
wmp 10.
So, does anybody know if this is possible?
Maybe a hack on Qtek rom?
Thanks a lot!
See the thread about this in the Blue Angel Upgrading section
also Qtek 8020 is not a pda it's a smartphone they cant use programs compiled for pda's as they use a different type of cpu
There are no ROM tools that work with smartphone ROM images. So you cannot cook ROMs yourself.
I made quite the mistake yesterday. I have an MDA compact that came from T-Mobile Germany and originally had german as the default language. It was easy to change to english by going to regional settings & selecting english.
So I didn't think twice about using a German T-Mobile ROM upgrade - and now I'm stuck with GERMAN!!! Regional settings doesn't change the language any more! what the heck?
Sooooo, I need a WWE .exe ROM that will load - I tried a UK WWE and I was told by the installer that I had the wrong language and install could not continue. Is there a way to go back to WWE? I don't care at this point what version.....
Also, I have downloaded from the FTP server other ROM versions but they are all .nb1 files and, despite my best efforts, I can't understand the proper way to install these. I've looked thru lots of posts and found one set of instructions but they were very hard to understand. HELP!!
Find here on the forum NEMESIS posts on Upgraging subforum. You will get all the answers.
I have XDA Mini O2 from German O2, but with Qtek S100 WWE 1.12 Rom
thank you very much! i'll try it...
jorde73 said:
Find here on the forum NEMESIS posts on Upgraging subforum. You will get all the answers.
I have XDA Mini O2 from German O2, but with Qtek S100 WWE 1.12 Rom
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is wwe 1.12 stable? btw do u know the different between all this
any idea?
Yes, for me its stable... I used both of them, but I think, 550 is more friendly, but I couldn't know your taste...
If I remember well, 550 is a Qtek S100 rom, 172 is an Orange or something else.
jorde73 said:
Yes, for me its stable... I used both of them, but I think, 550 is more friendly, but I couldn't know your taste...
If I remember well, 550 is a Qtek S100 rom, 172 is an Orange or something else.
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yeah that right jorde, ur memory is good.
but most of people in this forum says that v1.12 is not stable due to gprs and bluetooth problems & and it also used more memory than the old version. Is that true?
btw jorde, did u know how to update the caller id? because it says dll file is being used unable to update the callerID. Even after I restating, still being used. can u help me with it. thanks..
I think, everybody on this forum always want to use the best and the newest SW... For me its ok, I had only a little bluetooth problem, for my bluetooth gps I need COM8 port, but XDA mini has COM5 by default, but I got a good program (GPSGate) to make it virtually.
But the bluetooth by itselves absolut ok.
For me, Caller ID is no problem, Phone --- Tools----- Option----- Caller ID, and it works without problems.
Perhaps, some other program use it.