Tmobile Mda java -- Sucess! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I got it working. For the how to, see my post on page 2 of the thread found:
video of said phone doing it.



Hi. Can i have the i-mate JAM manual. Didn't get one with my pre-owned mobile. If it's already uploaded on the ftp, then can you please let me know the location for it. Thanks.
LOL, this whole site's a manual! Seriously, everything that is in that book has appeared on this site at some stage. The search button above will become your best friend!
But sorry, I don't know where you can get an official manual from.
Yes. Probably even more to learn from this site then what i could find in a manual. I read this post about the functions of the two battries (which i didn't know) and someone mentioned that it's in the manual. So i thought i should read the manual incase i'm missing something.
Found it. The manual is here to download in .pdf format. - it says (on the site) that the manual is 47MB but actually is only 8.1MB in size. Can I upload this on the ftp ?

Blogging from a 8125/HTC Wizard

hey everyone, thought I would throw this out there..
Anyone know of any PPC apps for WM5 or compatible with WM5 that would let me post a entry into my MovableType Blog? Including taking a picture with the 8125 and automagically embedding it into the post and uploading it as well? Just thought I would ask.. Thanks.
Pocket SharpMT 3.2.1 was released a month ago, that should do the trick. Have a look at this article on the HTC Wizard Web

HTC Universal Service Manual

My reset button has been acting strange so I really would like some instructions on how to disassemble my Universal.
I found an article on another website that mentions a HTC Universal Service Manual but I cant find it.
Could anyone help me out, please.
Never mind. I found it myself, I should have paid more attention in the ftp archive.
Hope this will help
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Universal/Manuals/confidential/
it's 23 MB pdf file.

broken lcd - can't find service manual

broke my lcd.
if anyone can chime in on what i should do to fix it myself, please...
want to make sure i am going to buy the right lcd on ebay. i went to the wizard wiki page and the service manual link to the FTP isn't loading.
edit: found it here:
admin should update the wiki page anyway...
why didnt you just update the wiki page, that is what it is there for ,for us all to contribute to it, ableit with useful information

How to get VoIP working

I read through a couplee of posts regarding VoIP on WM6, but am still unsure if I am on the right track to make it work on my Touch2.
I'd like to make it work through the built in dialer/phone app, but don't have the required files as stated in the thread titeld [GUIDE] How to configure VoIP/SIP client in WM6, that's ipdialplan.xml, dnsapi.dll, voipphonecanvas.dll and rtcdll.dll. I also don't have the Internet Calling today item.
As far as I understand it the WM6 VoIP.CAB from the thread titled THIS IS How to get VOIP Working with 3G on Wm6 Trinity should provide me with the necessary files. What I am not sure of is the following - will this cab and the files therein work with the touch2, seeing that the thread is for another phone model (the trinity with wm 6.1)? I really wouldn't like to mess something up that would require a hard reset afterwards. Can anybody help me out?
Edit: the board didn't let me post links to threads, so I put the thread names in the post instead. I hope the gentle reader can be arsed to search the forum to find the relevant threads

