Wizard upgrade/downgrade options - how much trouble? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Ok, so let's say I'm willing to experiment with the "test" WWE rom here, BUT I have to be able to get back my T-Mobile one - including all the customizations - if I don't like it.
How do I go about this? Are there "gotchas" trying to reload things like there are on some Motorola phones where boot loader versions prohibit reloading an older image?
Can I "r2sd all" to the SD card to get the entire image off the device, bit copy that to a file on my PC (now its safe), and if I don't like what I get reload from the SD card? Or is that potentially dangerous?
I've got the T-Mobile MDA and I'm willing to experiment so long as I know I can go back...... The missing JAVA capability is what's driving this, although there's probably more I'd like to get rid of / add.


ROM upgrade help

I wanted to install one of the ROMs from www.yorch.net. But before doing so I have some questions:
1. If I choose to build ROM as an installer.exe, is installing it to my device as simple as running the .exe file? (of course with the device connected thru Activesync)
2. Is my present ROM (see specs below) supported?
3. If Murphy comes to visit and I screw up, will my phone be completely unusable or can I just reinstall old ROM, do hard reset and everything will be back to how it was?
My specs:
OS: Pocket PC ver 3.0.12039
ROM:3.20.06 ENG( 07/30/03) (O2 Asia I think since I bought it here in the Philippines)
Radio: 4.21.00.
1 as far as i know yes havent don it to my own device yet though
2 a rom dont have to support a rom since it'll overwrite it
3 of cause merphy can also show his ugly face
but if all fails a sd flash reader writer can save many a tears
also if your phone is working ok then i would not mess with the
radio stack and beware because some roms include the radio stack
and if you try to update your radio stack to a US (900/1900) and you network is 900/1800 you could be in for a world of pain
ROM upgrade step by step
OK I'm really dying to give it a go but I'm just a overly cautious bloke. So I'm gonna outline what I interpreted (after reading lots of posts I think I'm getting it but not sure) to be the way do the upgrade. Please correct me if i'm wrong:
Equipment I have:
1. My notebook (Windows XP, Activesynch 3.7)
2. O2 XDAI
3. Cradle and USB connection.
Steps that I think I should take:
1. Place XDA on cradle and make sure it's connected with PC.
2. Backup?? (not so sure what to back up since contacts, calendar, notes are synched with outlook, docs are also synched, I have copies of cab and program files since I download them to PC before installing them to XDA.) If i'm missing something please slam a frying pan (this is a kitchen right?) on my head.
3. Go to www.yorch.net, check mark on all appropriate options, then (since I have to Unix box and dont know Unix at all) just go for the easy option of cooking the .exe install file.
4. Assuming, the .exe is downloaded to my PC. This time I just run it. I expect this to be just like installing PPC apps. If not, throw a tomato on my face
5. Assuming everything worked and Murphy's in the Arctic freezing his A**e off, then all I do now is hard reset.
6. I have a new ROM and I'm singing happy-happy-joy-joy.
To the wonderful people at xda-developers, am I in the right direction or am I as lost as Bill and Ted? If I'm lost, is there a step-by-step guide for non-unix programmers? (Sorry, there was a sticky but I thought it was for people with Unix boxes)
Once again, thanks for all your help and your patience.
2. Backup?? (not so sure what to back up since contacts, calendar, notes are synched with outlook, docs are also synched, I have copies of cab and program files since I download them to PC before installing them to XDA.) If i'm missing something please slam a frying pan (this is a kitchen right?) on my head.
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well i can think of one thing to backup and thats your current rom
so if you dont like the new rom you are getting you have the option to go back
of cause if the rom you have now is downloadble from a place you know like your isp then maybe it dont matter
Thanks for the reply. That's a good point. Question: When you back up old ROM, is it just the ROM that gets backed up or is it the whole content of the device, like how you do in PCs?
Also, since no one, besides you, has made any comments regarding the steps that I outlined, is it safe to say that they are the correct steps?
When you backup your ROM, no stuff that you customised will be in the backup - the backed up ROM will be the same as when you received it from your retail shop, or if you upgraded, it will be the upgraded ROM without any of your stuff. Do a backup and store it on your hard disk.
DON'T use the .exe cooked ROM, use a .nb1 or .nbf, and use XDA Tools from this site to do the upgrade. It's very easy that way, and less dangerous. Don't upgrade your radio stack unless you know exactly what you're doing, or your phone supplier has made an update available just for you.
If you use a T-Mobile ROM above version 4.00.05 it blocks the XDA-Tools from updating the ROM. At that point you need to use XDARIT (from this site) to low-level write the ROM image you have onto your SD card using an SD card reader which shows the card as another drive on your computer. Once you do that you need to boot into the boot-loader (press the reset button while holding the power button) and follow the prompts to restore from an SD card. If you're unlucky and are running bootloader 5.17 (or above I think) you need to write the bootloader diagnostics patch (wallaby patch from this site) onto your SD card first before doing the boot into the bootloader thing. You can then remove the SD card, write the O/S ROM onto it with XDRIT, and put it back into your phone while it's still sitting on in diagnostics mode. Then you can restore from the SD.
It sounds complicated, but it's easy, as long as you have an SD card reader, and as long as you don't mess with trying to update the bootloader or do an unknown radio update. There's lots of info in these forums if you get stuck.
I made a thread that summarised all the steps using the new tools and ROM's at this address : http://xda-developers.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3860. It's for Asian/European users, but if you are in the US the instructions are the same, except instead of using European 900/1800 radio you use 900/1900.
Further questions on ROM update
Thanks. It's becoming clearer and clearer. Have more clarifying questions:
1. How do you know whether or not you're including the radio stack with the ROM upgrade at yorch.net. I did not see any options there.
2. At www. yorch.net, nothing happens when I press the "Build ROM Now" command button. Is the download supposed to happen in the background or is there something wrong with my PC or the site?
3. I dont think I'm using the T-mobile ROM but how do I know if I'm runing bootloader 5.17? Is bootloader 5.17 only for T-Mobile users or all?
Once again, thanks for the help and bearing with a newbie.
2. At www. yorch.net, nothing happens when I press the "Build ROM Now" command button. Is the download supposed to happen in the background or is there something wrong with my PC or the site?
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it should start to write some text about the progress of making the rom
and when it's finished then it should init a std download dialog
The meter down at the status bar does move, same as when you're loading a webpage, then it says Done. That's about it. Didnt see any other messages or dialogue boxes.
Can anyone confirm if it's up today or has it been down?
PS. Tried to email using the email utility at the website but getting errors there as well.
OK, firstly to answer your question about Yorch's site... well it worked for me in getting all the ROM's I wanted, then when I went back again the download didn't work. I guess it's just on and off, so unless Yorch finishes getting married or someone else makes another kitchen it's a matter of pot luck. You can get away without using the kitchen if you can find another download source for ROM's, whether it be FTP or whatever. Just remember if you get an exe you can usually pull it apart with winzip to get the .nb1 or .nbf out of it.
Now, for Q1 :
An operating system ROM is generally just under 32MB, but when zipped from Yorch it's usually about 14 or 15MB - the operating system ROM will NEVER be smaller than that. I'm not sure about the exact radio stack size but I know it's a lot less than that. Also, doing some homework about the operating system ROM helps. eg. reading about the 4.01.00 ROM tells you that it's not a radio stack upgrade, it's an operating system upgrade - and the filename and the size of the file you receive reflects that.
answered above...
I think the bootloader is just pot-luck depending on when you phone was released. To check your bootloader it will reset your device completely, but I read somewhere that if you turn the radio (phone) off it doesn't hard reset. If you're worried, do a full backup first. But basically when you're ready to look, reset your phone while holding the power button and it will tell you the bootloader version. Don't be too turned off by that, I have read that SD card readers can be picked up very cheap if you look around, and that's all you need to get you out of trouble regardless of the bootloader version.
There's no real risk (but I won't guarantee anything), just make sure your phone is fully charged before mucking about with SD upgrades. Also make sure the radio (phone) is switched off before upgrading... using the bootloader/sd card method you shouldn't need to be concerned. I'm not sure what effect having your phone on and receiving a call while using XDA-Tools can have, but someone did mention it somewhere.
I'm a newbie too, but there's really not much you need to know, just a few caveats.
Yorch's Kitchen has been working OK for me the last couple of days. It takes maybe about 5 mins to "cook" before telling me that the ROM is ready. The 4.00.05 ROM gave me a lot of ActiveSync problems, so I went to the 4.00.16 ROM tonight and it looks like it's behaving better.
My SD reader is a Microtech Zio. It appears as a disk drive in windows, but the newer XDArit can't initialize a connection to write to the SD card. I used the "dangerous" older version of XDArit instead (available on Yorch's site), and it's worked OK for me (so far?).
One thing I wish I had realized before I started playing - going into the bootloader will reset your phone most (some?) (all?) of the time.
While I was flashing the ROM tonight I could see the GSM light flashing - I had the same "hope no one calls" feeling tht others must have had. Note that this was while I was flashing from an SD card in the bootloader - so apparently the process doesn't deactivate the phone while it's ongoing.
Muchas Gracias!
Ebswift, if ur a newbie then ur the god of the newbies. Thanks for all the help and for making me see the light. Much appreciated...
A quick Q:
Is the process for installing an .nbf file the same as that for installing an .nb1 file?
I have cooked a few ROMS to an .nb1 format and installed those OK, but now I have one in .nbf that I'd like to install.
So what I'd plan to do is put the nbf onto an SD card using XDArit, and then stick the card in the PPCPE and reboot to the loader. Is that it?
So what I'd plan to do is put the nbf onto an SD card using XDArit, and then stick the card in the PPCPE and reboot to the loader. Is that it?
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You can do it that way (onto the SD card), or if you're not already using a T-Mobile ROM you can use XDA Tools which is easier. Basically the capabilities are spelled out for you with the available file types in the drop downs when you select a source.

Upgrade WM2002 toWM2003 TOO MUCH INFO ALL AT ONCE!!!!!!

I love this forum! (first off)
HOWEVER, there is certainly a whole lot of info here. Too much to effectively sift through; I know becuase I keep trying. I have a T-mobile Pocket PC 2002, and it works fine. I do however want to be up to date screwing around with new progs and stuff. SO, my question is this..... What is the latest OEM ROM update for Tmobile USA, does it have problems, and is it worth the upgrade? Also, what is this warning about not being able to change your rom to any other rom after updating to 4.x.x? Thanks!
AND how does lumpistephan's kitchen know if you are trying to burn for an MDA I or II? Is it the same image for both? Thanks..... AGIAN!!!! :mrgreen:
Lumpis kitchen is for xda 1.
The warning about not being able to change your rom to any other rom after updating to 4.x.x is partially true.
I made a WM2003 ROM for my XDA I in LumpiStefan's kitchen.
When I upgraded to WM2003, I could not use the SER 1.2, also on this site, to revert back to PocketPC 2002.
I had to use the SD card flash methode to flash back my original XDA OS.
So flashing the ROM the cradle way is not possible, flashing the SD way is
i once found this guide in this forum it explain it all in laymans terms
Ok here you go, its a little outdated but its what I still use:
Qman's how to use XDArit to write nk.nb1 or nk.nbf to your SD card aka the Bootloader Method!
1. Place XDArit and the nk.nb1 or nk.nbf file in the same folder and start XDArit.
2. Select your SD card (disk drive) from the drop down menu.
3. Select Write to SD
Notice that the Windows CE box is already checked so just click the browse button at the end of that window.
4. Select your (nk.nb1 or nk.nbf) image and then Open
Notice by default XDArit will open looking for a *.nb1 file but if you're going to use a .nbf file you'll have to manually change the "Files of Type" to *.nbf
Notice that nk.nbo / nk.nbo was automatically added as your boot-loader and its check box is unchecked so leave it that way and click OK. XDArit should start writing to the card.
When XDArit has finished writing the image put the SD-card into the XDA and hold the power button and soft reset. You'll be taken to the below screen:
Card Type:
Press action to Download
Press REC to Exit
Press action to download and it will start the download/restore from the SD card.
Follow the on screen instructions once its "Completed" which will consist of a "Soft Boot/Reset".
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You guys (ladies too) are the best! So, I can change my rom after an upgrade to 4.x.x, but not with the cradle; I would have to use the SD method.
One more question?????
Can I back up my existing ROM using my PC/ActiveSync, and leave the image on my PC??? Just in case I need it? I have no idea how to do any of the cradle flashing/backing up, but i'm sure I remember seeing some good threads about it.
interestingfellow said:
One more question?????
Can I back up my existing ROM using my PC/ActiveSync, and leave the image on my PC??? Just in case I need it? I have no idea how to do any of the cradle flashing/backing up, but i'm sure I remember seeing some good threads about it.
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Yes, use XDAtools to generate NK.nbf file of your current ROM stored on your PC and later you can use it to re-flash your ROM in case needed ... but if you use 4.xx ROMs you will have to use SD card
So, I've been looking around the web for user reviews of the 2003 Rom from T-Mobile. Apparently it sucks for a lot of people. I wanted to know....
Has anyone had a personal experience with it?
Does someone have a copy I could get from them, if need be?
Does anyone know if the radiostack is good/bad to upgrade to latest version? (I konw it is dangerous, but specificly the latest update)
What would be thought of if I go to the Tmobile store and backup the rom from a PPC 2003 off the shelf, and flash my device with it's image?
Was the malfunctions with the upgrade released by T-mobile related to serial #/ batch, or just Idiot error?
Anything else you can think of?
Thanks again!
about radiostacks then if you dont have any issues with the gsm part dont mess with it
it's a bit sensitiv imho
i used to run the 4.01.00 beta back when i had a xda1 and i never had any issues with it with sd card erasures or anything else
but then nor did i with the 2002 rom i had before
What about grabbing an image off of a 2003 at the store?????
Do you actually know of a store that has a WORKING model for you to get a hold of? The T-Mobile stores here only have empty cases out where the public can see them (and potentially steal them or mess them up). Getting them to allow you to actually touch a working model requires a credit card - of course then you can do whatever you want with it . . . because you own it!
I sell cell phones. I know all the T-Mobile people in this area (the important ones at least). So actually getting my hands on an operational model in a retail store wouldn't be too hard. Even then, Comp USA let me play with a unit once or twice already. SO THERE! But in reality, for most people, in most places, what you said does apply.
I'll let the forum know if I get the image.


I know this subject is old but I could not what I need & how can I fix it
I have bought a pocket pc with phone edition from USA, and when I tried to insert my SIM card it asked me to but my PIN code, then ask me to but the unlock code (SIM code).
Now I am in Saudi Arabia.
ROM Versino: 4.01.16 ENG
ROM Date: 02/04/04
Radio Version: 6.25.02
Protocol Version: 324e4
NOTE: I do not have a serial cable.
Check this: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/wiki/UnlockWiz
Hope it help you
You have a WM 2003, this link work only for PPC2002
SIM Lock
Thank you for your help, I have tried this site, but It did not work because my device using WM2003 and also has no Wireless Modem feature.
Thank you.
Unlocking Quest
Here's my quest to unlock my T-Mobile PPCPE. I think some of this information might be useful to anyone confused about getting this
First I called TMobile to request the unlock code. Since my account was up to date I figured no big deal right? WRong. My IMEI (or TMFT) number was not in their database so they could not give me an unlock code so they said. They told me to call the manufacturer of the device which they said was Microsoft. Knowing full well this was crap I called anyway.
The support guy got a good laugh; MS does not make devices
like this, they only provide the OS. He recommended I call Siemens.
So I did. Real nice guy named Jack had a good laugh as well. Not only could Siemens not tell me who really made my device (a third party made them for T-Mobile) but even if they had unlock codes they could not provide them because of contracts with TMobile. So I go back to TMobile.
The support people felt really bad about the run around and escalated really high up the chain (or so they said). AFter 48 hours I decided to take my own course. Having had good luck unlocking a Treo 600 through 'alternative means' I figured time to tackle the Pocket PC Phone Edition.
This was MUCH different and much harder to figure out.
After a good 12 hours and a whole slew of reading I finally figured out some stuff. Most of this may seem a no-brainer to some of the more educated XDA people out there but for us newbies maybe it will help.
The PDA side of the ppcpe and the radio/phone/gsm side are two totally different animals (not a surprise to some). When you refer to the 'operating system' you're talking about the ROM
like the XDA Developers special edition or any of the ROMs from the ROM kitchen at http://lumpistefans.dyndns.org/. The Radio or RSU (for Radio Stack UPgrade) is totally separate from this. The other variable is the bootloader version (Wallaby in my case).
Now my goal was just to use the XDAUnlock program. When I ran the program right from the defaults I got 'error getting unlock code.' All the posts I read said put on the special edition rom and you'll be fine but that did not do the trick. Still got the same error message.
Here's what I started out with:
ROM: 4.01.16 ENG
Radio: 6.25.02
Wallaby booatloader: 5.22
What finally worked:
Radio: 6.24.00
ROM: 3.17.03 ENG (xda special edition)
then upgraded bacdk to 4.01.16 ENG
Wallaby boot loader 5.15
How I did it
I meandered my way through this to eventual success and since the dratted device now works fine I'm leery about putting it all back to the old way and doing it all over again. Therefore use this process as a guide only, not a definitive instruction set. Also I walked through this as a troubleshooting exercise so some steps may not have been necessary. I eventually succeeded but maybe went the long way around to do it.
- Bootloader utilities: Get to this by holding down the power button and pressing soft reset. You may have to hit the contacts button to get into the menu if you don't see it right away (like if you see a simple GSM OK message at the bottom of the bootloader display.
- Cold boot: the reset swtich on the right side bottom of the device with a picture of a red battery with an \ through it. This disconnects the batter from the mainboard and trashes all the data on the device except the Operating System in ROM.
What I grabbed
- XDATools
- XDARit
- ActiveSync (I used 3.7.1) and connection by USB cable
- Wallaby bootlolader version 5.15 files
- XDA Developers Special Edition ROM
- RSU 6.24.00 files
- XDAUnlock.exe
- SD Card (mine is 128 MB but I think as long as it's bigger than 64MB or your current memory in the device you're OK)
- pnewbootflash_40116.exe
All of these files are available here on xda-developers.com, just
search for them.
First back up everything. Not just using the sda backup tool, from the boot loader. You can do the SDA backup if you want, consider it backing up your data. You can also do the ActiveSync backup if you want to save your data. In my case all my data is stored in Domino so I don't
give a hoot about the data on the device. Your mileage may vary!
Second I'm doing ALL of this with no SIM chip in the device. THis may or may not be necessary.
Stick your SD card into the PDA. If it complains about wanting to format it go ahead and let it format the card unless you have stuff on it you want. I'd recommend dropping anything you want from the card onto safe media and just working with it as a blank the rest of the way through because it's easier to just wipe the card in between some steps.
Go to the bootloader utilities. Hit Contacts button and you'll get the boot loader option stuff. If the bootloader utilities you get to right away takes you to a menu with things like Boot+CE-->SD then you don't have to worry about hitting the contacts button. You only need Contacts button
if when you get to the bootloader screen you see nothing more than
some nice colors, the bootloader version and "GSM OK" message.
Take the Boot+CE-->SD option to back everything up. This will take a few minutes.
Once it's done pull the SD out ofthe ppcpe and stick it into your SD card reader.
Bring up xdarit and chose your removeable device.
If you have more than one MMC slot select the different ones until you get one that says 'wallaby' in the hex codes at the bottom of the XDARit screen. You'll be writing out two files, the first is the NB0 file (which is the bootloader) and the second is the NB1 file (which is the OS or ROM). Name these something like original.nb0 and 1.
Wipe the SD card (format FAT).
Stick the SD card back into the pda and soft reset, then cradle it.
Go to a DOS prompt and CD to where you put 'pnewbootflash_40116.exe.'
Type 'pnewbootflash_40116 nbl515.nb0' to write the wallaby 5.15 boot loader to the device. If when you downloaded the 5.15 bootloader you called it something else (like 'wallaby_boot_loader_V5.15.nb0'
you should of course use that name instead!
The output looks like this:
D:\XDAtools\binaries>pnewbootloader_40116 bl515.nb0
Copying D:\XDAtools\binaries\itsutils.dll to WCE:\windows\itsutils.dll
in FindFlashInfoOffset
protection found at 8c0d60f8
result: 00000000 00000000
Now..why did I downgrade the bootloader? At this stage I'm troubleshooting why I get the 'error getting unlock code' message running XDAUnlock. I've got three variables I know of, bootloader, ROM and Radio Stack. I chose to start with the bootloader because
some posts out there say boot loaders 5.17 and higher have some checksum that keeps certain ROMS from working properly. Perhaps if I'd started with the radio stack I'd have been done right away and saved a few hours but all the posts about possible device destruction made me start with the bootloader! Again, your results may vary!
Next I changed the ROM to the XDA Developers special edtion.
Make sure the SD card is in the PDA and cradle it.
Run OSIMagetool and load the ROM file in the first box, chose SD Card in the second box.
If you downloaded the special edition ROM you might
have some luck using the Installer that comes with it but apparently that
does not work with ActiveSync 3.7.1. I got messages that said it could not access the device or no connection etc. Instead I used OSImageTool to load the NK.NBF file included in the distribution. Note that to get to this file you DO have to unzip the EXE file you download!
Once complete pull the pda out of the cradle.
Hold power+soft reset to get the boot loader menu. This should show up as 5.15 now. It will automatically detect that the SD card contains a ROM that can be flashed to the device. If for some reason it does not automatically detect this maybe you have to hit Contacts. I did not have
to do that, it just told me to hit Action to download the ROM.
Hit Action button (aka the jog button) to write it to the device. This will take a few minutes, go grab a beer or two or three. I took the safe route and connected power to the device while writing the flash.
Once it's finished cold boot the device. I waited 2-3 minutes before re-engaging the battery.
Here's a gotcha. On the right side of the SIM there is a little switch. If the rubber door for the sim is not totally closed you can't get the device to boot. This switch is real small so it's very possible to miss it. You can see it fine if you take the back off the device (which I determined from a post here that told you how to get the battery out).
When it boots you should have the 5.15 wallaby booting the xda special edition. Follow the instructions to calibrate the screen and you're ready to move on.
Now if the radio is 6.25.02 xdaunlock won't work, it just generates the 'error getting unlock code' message. You have to downgrade the radio to have this work.
There's lots of posts around here that say don't screw with the radio because if it errors you've got a fried device. I imagine this is true so balance how bad you want to unlock the device against the possibility of totally frying the device. I've done two radio upgrades in my life on the PPCPE, both were OK but again, caution is advised.
Grab the 6.24 radio zip and unzip into a folder on your computer. Use activesync to copy the files to \windows on the device.
Execute the rsupdate.exe program to reprogram the radio to 6.24. WHen completed soft reset the device and go into start-settings-system-device info to make sure you're at 6.24 radio vesion.
Copy the xdaunlock.exe to the device and execute. It should say 'you're device appears to be SIM Locked, would you like to remedy this?" click Yes to unlock the device.
Now the device is unlocked. You can change the ROM to WM2003 now if you want (which I did). I imagine you can re-upgrade your bootloader
and radio stack if you want but I'm leaving well enough alone for now!
I did unlock my phone thank you all.
Spicial thanks to "rhodwyn".
Best regards.
Thanks !!! Its working!!!
help in getting all the files needed....
I would like to try this.... but where can I get the file pnewbootflash_40116.exe? Or is this a file that I'll create?
I would appreciate some help in getting most of the files.
Thanks in advance.
It worked for me too, thanks for the great solution, rhodwyn!
Thank you rhodwyn and everybody... my 2 cents
I love this site and I think that everybody does a great job. I found rhodwyn’s post to be very comprehensive and it is the one that ultimately helped me out this time. I don’t know if anybody is even interested anymore, but since I’ve been helped, I figured that I’ll try and help someone else. I assume that you’ve already read rhodwyn’s post.
I had the same starting configuration. I did everything that he suggested except for changing the bootloader and it worked perfectly. So, as he suspected it was enough to downgrade the radio stack and to load the special edition ROM. I subsequently upgraded my ROM and all is good (although I haven’t upgraded the radio stack and I’m not sure if I will).
I’ve read other posts about problems downgrading and upgrading the RSU and the 1% problem… I had a problem the first time I tried and I became very nervous, but I looked at rhodwyn’s post more closely and placed rsupdate.exe into PPC’s \windows folder and tried it again and was successful.
10 minutes and done

Backing up firmware - and how to access it?

I know about the "r2sd all" command on the Tornado; does this work on the Wizard? And if so, is that useful to folks - that is, is it a REAL full dump?
How do you get access to the boot loader to load this, if you do use it? And if you do, is it device-agnostic (that is, do you need to have the device CID unlocked before you can use it?)
I've got a 128mb SD card whcih should be big enough - this would allow me to dump the firmware on the MDA (T-Mobile's), load whatever, and if I don't like it, go back without pain. I could also create images of the different loaders and then swap them by copying the appropriate one to the card.
Does anyone know if this will - or won't - work?
Ok, answering my own questions here.... Figured out how to get into the bootloader. Hold CAMERA, insert USB cable. (Is there a way to do it like there is on the SDA, hold CAMERA, press power, release power?)
Next stupid question - will a 128MB card hold the entire image? The entire ROM is only 128MB, right?
Wizard bootloader:
if Power OFF, - Camera (long) + Power (2sec)
if Power ON, - Camera (long) + SR (shortly)
'r2sd all' gives a real full dump, 128Mb is enough (full dump size is 73927168 Bytes)
CID unlocking is obligatory
To extract parts from the dump, you can use itsme typhoon tools
To restore ROM from SD-Card, you should have installed IPL/SPL 1.01 or 2.08
'Search' and 'wiki' will help you..
Used search and wiki...
The real question is, if I load something that has a newer bootloader (e.g. the Test WWE rom floating around) and decide I don't like it, can I reload the SD image without problems?
THAT'S the key, because without that I'm potentially screwed and tattoed if I load a different firmware release. I know that there have been in the past issues with the boot loader refusing to restore "old" images - is that an issue with the Wizard?
What I'm basically looking for is someone who had the T-Mobile MDA ROM loaded, put the TEST WWE firmware on it, and then went back to an SD dump of the T-Mobile firmware without problems.

Can't seem to install anything on ATT Pure...

I can sync and copy files like several of the cabs from this site to the phone Storage card or My Documents in the phone and when I try and run any of them I always get an Unsuccessful .
is the ATT Pure Application locked? I did notice that all the applications I am running are not digitally signed or signed by a trusted provider and the phone complains and ask if if I still want to run. I pick yes and it still fails.
Any thoughts? I know some of you have ATT Pure devices!
I did this and all is working...
1. Deleted my partnership with my laptop (Win 7 64bit)
2. boot my ATT Pure
3. Connect but dont establish partnership
4. copy over the cab files you want
5. use file explorer on the Topaz (Pure) to run them
6. all works fine!
7. loading EnergyROM now
the lesson to be learned if it does not work for you and it works for everyone else then go back to the basics!
Welcome to AT&T... yes all branded phones are app locked because they want to force you to use their apps.
You can app unlock it using a cab install... but some new phones are even rejecting that.
Official and Custom roms are the way to go. I recommend everyone with a Pure to at least flash to the newest Official WM6.5 build. It will work just the same but be clean of AT&T junk.
I have an AT&T Pure
I have no particular problems with installing Cabs
As another poster said copy the cab to a temp directory
and run it from File Explorer (delete the cab to save space after its been run)
Or you can use "CabviaActivesync" availabele on this site which makes it a little bit easier. (but I did have two cabs that had bad setups and needed manual install)
Bottom line the PURE does not block most cabs (I've tried)
(I only had a problem with the write protected weathercity database now ok)
Chances are something is wrong on your Pure or your method
To the senior poster that replied
Hey I've made tweeks and played with the stock ROM
I'd love to clean the bloated and unused ATT aps
incorporate weather into the clock ( TF3D 2.5+++)
and get a cleaner start menu (too many aps)
and certainly see an improvement in performance and snappiness
Id love to try a new ROM
but most new roms are written for Diamond2/Topaz
I'm not clear if the radios are the same on the the D2 and the Pure?
Can I burn WM and TF3D without affecting the radio part of the code?
Are the any other issues we need to be aware before we burn a new Topaz rom
onto an ATT variant of the Topaz ?
Is there a copy of the original Pure Rom available in case we need to return
it to ATT (what else would we need to insure we could return to ATT to fix any other later warrenty covered problems)
Of course I realize there is a risk invilved,
but whats the best safety prep?
I'm new to phones but an old micro hard/firm/soft ware and PPC guy
Thanks in advance
I haven't had a single problem installing anything on my stock Pure. Even software that normally requires an app-unlocked phone installs just fine.
I'm also curious about what Kenn asked. I'm getting a Pure tomorrow and I won't be able to get the crapware off there fast enough.
Specifically, can I flash the official HTC 6.5 rom to the Pure without having to hard spl? Is is just a straight flash?
I have the same problem with this ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=5743820#post5743820
Everything is OK but installing the cabs.
When I try to install any cab it wrote me "Instalation of ... was unsuccessful."
I tried a lot of cabs and all of them are the same
Any help please?
This particular problem gave me 4 day headache last week when i couldn't figure out why I couldn't HSPL my Pure. Had to Hard Reset entire phone, everything worked
Yes, I also hard-reseted my phone yesterday and everything works now!

