i found this small application which works directly by tabbing on it from the device.
i tried to search for a similar app here but couldn't find what this could give me (a very simple process). this app is a free app, no license or purchase is required (i hope so because i didn't find any on the app settings).
my apologies if this post is replicant.
I don't know if this has already been posted as my searches haven't turned anything up. I have found an app to add this function to my 8525. My only complaint is that it requires .NET CF. This was one of the features I missed the most from my Treos.
I also recommend the Directory Assistant application which appears to be identical to the version developed for the Treos. Again this requires CF to be installed. I have found this app most useful during my travels, and believe it is very accurate when searching for businesses.
I'd love to see if these could be rewritten for those of us who prefer to not use CF.
Credit goes to Blade2032 for these apps.
Both apps can be found here...
This i basically started as an idea. but i have started working on it. Not a pro dev myself, so am calling all devs to help me out. Credits wil be given to all of those who contribute. Hoping for your support.
[IDEA] everyone here is testing a new rom almost everyday. new rom testing means, installing everything from scrap. In other words it a lot time consuming. so this app is mainly for those who want to test roms, and after flashing they just have to install one app. So they can run all from that.
[app functions]
i dnt knw exactly how much this can be done, but i am tryng to make it work. here are some of the things that it will contain-
1. launcher (themable, fast, without animation,LWP support)
2. messenging (themable, sms backup)
3. task manager
4. file manager (having zip file support)
5. app manager (having backup functions, app2sd move function)
6. terminal
7. flash light
8. gallary viewer
9. QR barcode scanner
10. dialler (including contacts, contact backup)
11. media player (includs both music, video)
some thing i hope to include but might not work-
1. wifi theter
2. busybox installer
3. filesystem explorer (with root)
4. sns
5. power manager
total app size~ not exceeding 25mb
more over this app has to hold some of the apps that are in the market but will be installed through this one. So the developers of the respective app has to be contacted for permissions.
i was hoping that this app to be released as a free app. but if developers come forewad to help me out, then every developers request will be counted.
hoping devs would come to help me.
Hmm..wow that's an interesting idea, I wish I could help (sorry only c# developer ) Now...some things which I thought about though, that might make something like this difficult is, first fitting everything you mentioned into 25mb (lol, that's veeeeerrrry small) Next if I understand correctly, you want to make this like an "All In One App" Basically within the app you can restore or load a launcher, messenger app, and all the other things. So one question, what would make this different than an one quick restore with titanium backup?
filmaker said:
Hmm..wow that's an interesting idea, I wish I could help (sorry only c# developer ) Now...some things which I thought about though, that might make something like this difficult is, first fitting everything you mentioned into 25mb (lol, that's veeeeerrrry small) Next if I understand correctly, you want to make this like an "All In One App" Basically within the app you can restore or load a launcher, messenger app, and all the other things. So one question, what would make this different than an one quick restore with titanium backup?
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well first i was hoping that all this i would have to accumulate in or around 25mb.i have some of the things working and that was around 45mb.
this app will have all the stuff a normal person would need. this can be helpful when one does not have root. if i get everything working here then, i wd create two versions- one for normal use, an other for dev use(which would have many things)
I believe that by using Tasker, we can set up multiple task executions ata set time or situation. I haven't tried it myself but I'm planning to now. I just need some info on how to make it work. Most importantly, if it can do THIS:
A = An App
B = Titanium Backup
C = Another app
In simple terms, is it possible to have Tasker run Titanium Backup and freeze an app whenever a designated app is launched? Basically, launching a specified app will 'trigger' Titanium Backup to be launched and freeze another app.
I hope I'm not confusing anyone.
Thanks, XDA! I'm so proud to be a part of this community.
It looks like you might be able to. I'm unfamiliar with tasker... But the dev does have something of a user manual on the site. You may want to start there.
Tried tinkering around. Couldn't get anywhere with this. Is there an existing guide somewhere in these forums that I might have missed? Can anyone please point me at the right direction? :'(
Well, I'm fairly new to Tasker myself, but there's no easy "tap, tap, scroll, tap, done" way to do it as far as I can tell. Post #3 here gives a suggested way forward (same question as yours only with a time context instead of an app) but it is quite technical and certainly beyond my understanding at this point.
Otherwise you could ask on the Tasker forum. The developer seems to answer most threads, even if only to say something's not possible.
Can I ask why you need to freeze an app on the fly like that? Maybe if you explain it a little, there could be a workaround.
selection16 said:
Well, I'm fairly new to Tasker myself, but there's no easy "tap, tap, scroll, tap, done" way to do it as far as I can tell. Post #3 here gives a suggested way forward (same question as yours only with a time context instead of an app) but it is quite technical and certainly beyond my understanding at this point.
Otherwise you could ask on the Tasker forum. The developer seems to answer most threads, even if only to say something's not possible.
Can I ask why you need to freeze an app on the fly like that? Maybe if you explain it a little, there could be a workaround.
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Well I found out that one of my apps doesn't work when the other app is installed or active. I really liked the app in question, so I made an experiment to freeze all apps until I found the culprit. I did found it. That's why I'm trying to check if it can be achieved.
Have you tried just killing the app?
Context: Application > App A
Task: App > Kill App > App C (and most likely check "Use Root")
You may want to add an exit task to restart App C after you're done with App A.
If it works, that would stop it running in the background. The problem is that Android 2.2 and upwards have changes to stop an app being able to kill another app. It's inconsistent though - I've tested it on about 6 apps and it has worked on 2, so it's maybe worth a shot if you haven't tried.
If you or anyone else is still interested, this is easy to do. Just use the Secure Settings plugin, specifically it's Package Manager option, and disable or enable to have the same effect as freeze/unfreeze. TB isn't required.
selection16 said:
If you or anyone else is still interested, this is easy to do. Just use the Secure Settings plugin, specifically it's Package Manager option, and disable or enable to have the same effect as freeze/unfreeze. TB isn't required.
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Thank you very much!!!
I downloaded the sample tasker app that expires in 7 days from their website and installed it. I can run tasker, enter code and save, and the icon shows it as running when I quit out to test my code. I can't get anything to work using code examples from the wiki for simple items such as action at preset time. I am running CyanogenMod 7.2.0 is this causing my problem?
Here is a list of the new stock application/settings GUIDS that I have found so far:
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea562a": CompanyApps
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea562c": SIMApplications
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea562d": Family
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea5647": BackupSettings
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea5648": Backup
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea5670": Feedback
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea5682": BingVision
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea5683": Wallet
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea5801": EaseOfAccess
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea5802": KidsCorner
"5b04b775-356b-4aa0-aaf8-6491ffea5803": KidsCornerSettings
"B0894DFD-4671-4BB9-BC17-A8B39947FFB6": Sharing
I am sure there are more and there are ones with sub pages as well. I can't verify the sub pages until I find a way to launch an application from within a native app. If someone provides me a new way to execute native apps I will update My Supreme Shortcuts app for WP8 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1343993 .
MJCS said:
I can't verify the sub pages until I find a way to launch an application from within a native app. If someone provides me a new way to execute native apps I will update My Supreme Shortcuts app for WP8 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1343993 .
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You can launch apps by GUID with NFC tags. You can optionally supply parameters. Maybe there's some parameter that let's you specify a sub page.
Search for Mifare on Amazon. I grabbed a few of the 1k tags. Install an app called NFC Interactor to write them. I just tested with the Wallet app. When I tap the tag (after writing it), it says "Someone wants to use wallet with you. [Open App] [Ignore]". When I hit [Open App], it prompts me for my pin. Let me know if there are any other interesting ones worth trying (i.e., ones not available from the start menu) and I'll give it a shot.
scottt732 said:
You can launch apps by GUID with NFC tags. You can optionally supply parameters. Maybe there's some parameter that let's you specify a sub page.
Search for Mifare on Amazon. I grabbed a few of the 1k tags. Install an app called NFC Interactor to write them. I just tested with the Wallet app. When I tap the tag (after writing it), it says "Someone wants to use wallet with you. [Open App] [Ignore]". When I hit [Open App], it prompts me for my pin. Let me know if there are any other interesting ones worth trying (i.e., ones not available from the start menu) and I'll give it a shot.
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Same here, wrote a few with these GUIDs and it was awesome.
How are you locating these GUIDs? I'm curious, since having a complete list would make NFC tag writing awesome. For example, having a tag launch internet sharing would be the most useful for me, while others would likely benefit from a music app, etc.
Getintothegame said:
Same here, wrote a few with these GUIDs and it was awesome.
How are you locating these GUIDs? I'm curious, since having a complete list would make NFC tag writing awesome. For example, having a tag launch internet sharing would be the most useful for me, while others would likely benefit from a music app, etc.
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jaxbot has an app called Folders. If you run the desktop version, you can look up apps in the Marketplace by name. Search results yield not only icons, but GUIDS as well.
I hope that this is not the wrong place for my post.
I am trying to protect an apk from being copied/extracted/backed up off the phone and installed later, on another phone.
I have to mention that the app is not (and will not be) for sale on PlayStore or on any web store, being sold along with the phone. This is why I can not use apk protection offered by GooglePlay, which is anyway cracked at his time.
But I want to take advantages on this situation: every single phone will pass trough my hands (I will install myself the app) before hitting users. How can I use this advantage in order to protect my app?
At this time my app is not visible in Running Apps drawer, is having a default Android icon and the name is disguised in something pretty innocent. GUI access by dialing a code. No worries, is not malware but only a security app regarding GSM connection security.
Also, is running as a system app, which make it invisible for apps like Astro file manager, thus impossible to copy/back up by such file manager apps. Unfortunately there are a bunch of system app managers, that can convert a system app on user app, and then copying the apk file is easy.
I know that security sucks big time when it comes about Android OS, but I am determined to find a way to protect my app.
I know also that even a licensing scheme based on IMEI, WiFi MAC or Bluetooth MAC addresses can be bypassed by some skilled crackers. This values can be spoofed or even null.
I have tried apk encryption. Doesn't work: some apps supposed to encrypt other Android apps are actually encrypting only app libraries, not the apk file itself. By encrypting apk file, the app obviously will not work.
Code obfuscation is not an option as long the app can be duplicated off the phone and installed later on another phone.
The last idea that I had: pulling some app resources (like drawables) from a server. What do you think?
At this time I'm in a dead end. I have no more ideas how to protect my app. That's why I need your help. Can you give me please some feasible ideas, based on your huge experience?
Thank you very much for your time.
theres a thread
where we're discussing about methods to protect apps from piracy u can post it there
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
Thx a lot sak-venom1997.