NEED Help with Sync... !!!!! - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

My XDA II did a hard reset on error.. and now not able to sync. witht the data already on laptop... its telling me
1) Either establish the GUEST relationship
2) Change the name- Name exists...
How do I resolve this issue to get back back up reloaded..
I have given the same device name and have done same Regional settings... Anything i am missing..???
Please help...

the data which is syncronised is stored in Microsoft OUTLOOK and such so this doesnt effect your syncronised stuff.
In Activesync Goto File and DELETE PARTNERSHIP also Delete any old uneeded partnerships which are in there,
You may need to Hard Reset the PDA but try without, put it on the cradle, it will give the option to set up a new connect or guest, then when syncing it will ask to leave replace or combine with the data held on the pc and pda.

The problem is simply the same name on the XDAII
Change this name, and it will work. Activesync will then recognise two devices by virtue of the same name. I used to have the XDAII and this was always an issue, so I just kept changing the name on the device to suit myself...
Or as indicated delete the partnership on your PC (note if you need any of it, get the "files" sync folder as this will be deleted also, and you may want the stuff thats in it.

How do I resolve this issue to get back back up reloaded..
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Click to collapse
connect as guest
restore the backup you want from the list
softreset your pda
connect your pda to the pc again
and you are don


Password locked phone: anyway to hack and access data?

My wife put in a password to lock her phone (sensitive data) and now she doesn't know what it is, is there a way that I can dump the contents or access the data on the device? She took client notes on it and they were not set to be sync'd with her desktop, she needs them desperately. I'm the one that set up the syncing for NOTES and not WORD docs so I'm in deep S&*t with her!
The docs are in 'my documents' on the phone and not on the SD card.
Anyone able to do it?
Is there a limit on the number of try's?
When using a remote viewing/control software could I simple write a program that continues to run through the 9999 combos or the x trillion combos if she used the alpha-num setting? Are you able to enter the password on the desktop machine?
I like my private parts, please help!
I know a hardreset will dump everything on the phone and then she would be able to use the phone but I'll still be missing a couple of valuable parts of my body, if you know what I mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try to get your wife to remember at least the first number, so that you only have 999 tries before you actually find the correct code.
I didn't think it was to much to ask her to reminber the other 3 also but as wives will do, its still my fault for not backing it up!
Don't know anything that might help right now, but if I find something, I'll let you know. Also, for information, you might want to try SignWise - it uses a signature as a 'password' - and it's quite good
if my memory is correct (which isn't always the case) there is a program that shows your xda screen on the pc and you can manipulate it there. This in cooperation with a macro/keyrecorder you might get thru it. It probably would still need a lot of editing of the macro.
Thanks guys,
dcs, but then I won't be able to check on her
Does anyone know how to hack this?
Im stuck too. I thought maybe downloading the rom to the SD card might work, but you would have to do hard reset which would lost the data.
You might be able to try setting the active synch to backup up word documents (do it from the pc) then put the XDA in the cradle. Then try to forcefully synch from the PC. It might bypass the password.
I may have a solution, give me a couple of days to try it out and I'll let you know. In the meantime dont hard
reset orplay with it.
Cradeling the device requires the password before the connection is completed so I can't explore the device.
it's not an xda then i suppose ?
because all the xda's i've had synch without the password unless you are forming a new pathership
Its an MDAIII, but I think it still works the same with the WM2003 XDA. Maybe the solution in an old active sync, but I don't think I can go back in a version because the device is updated when I went to 3.7
Can anyone confirm if you can access data when a password is set using an old active sync?
well i can confirm that when i once types in the password for a connection and make it save it then i'm never required to type in the password again when i sync
If I had the Password the first time she entered it we could have done that but she forgot it before it was ever sync'd with the computer. So I need the password for the first time.
Anyone ever use this?
pget.exe gets files from your PocketPC.
pget.exe Doesn't work until the password is entered to establish the link, it just sits there waiting for a connection. As soon as the Password is entered, it dumped the files to the PC (testing on my phone)
You may patch Active Sync so that it would not stop asking you a password after 3 wrong attempts:
old wcescomm.exe - patched WCESCOMM.EXE
00006C26: 74 90
00006C27: 05 90
Then you can "guess" the password by a bruteforce.
This patch is for ActiveSync 3.7.1 build 4034
You should kill WCESCOMM.EXE process before patching.

A couple of questions...

How do I get rid of that daft 02 logo in the title bar that you can drag along. It has a menu that says mobile web and a few other things. Is it something in teh startup ? I removed the O2 active from the startup but there is an 02 prog that says connections or something.
Just installed a router so my son can use his psp. always just used a pci wifi card before to connect anything to the net. I now have the net running fine on my wizard and the psp, but can i browse my shared pc files through the router or do I have to use the pci wifi card ? The pc with the shared files is connected directly to the router via lan cable.
Also when connecting to my wifi, I keep getting hotmail messages appearing even after delete. I now have a trash can full of 2 lots of the same messages and now its just downloaded them to my wizzard again. I select all to delete and they go from the inbox, but then next time I connect it downloads them all again. Is it not deleting them from the server or something ?
can only answer the first one I'm afraid as I havn't had the other issues you mention but see this link for how to remove the O2 nastiness. Its easiest to remove all the O2 rubbish in one go, I tried removing 'O2 active' from startup as well but it wasn't sufficient, its a much faster handheld once you remove the O2 stuff!
Other posts to help you:
OK, i did a hard reset then a soft reset to prevent th O2 stuff installing.
I then installed some of the ext_rom files with help from here:
Then i added the settings i got from O2 UK Pay monthly:
There must be a reg hack or a prog to remove that will get rid of that silly 02 prog on the taskbar without having to hard reset ?
there may well be but at the same time, active sync will backup all your contacts, calendar and files which should allow you to do a factory reset but not loose anything, simply resync once your through the reset.
Dont want to hard reset now, my device is starting to take shape. Will just see how it goes and maybe someone will find out how to get rid of it.
knowsleyroader said:
Just installed a router so my son can use his psp. always just used a pci wifi card before to connect anything to the net. I now have the net running fine on my wizard and the psp, but can i browse my shared pc files through the router or do I have to use the pci wifi card ? The pc with the shared files is connected directly to the router via lan cable.
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Try these to open shared folder at remote PC from Wizard over WiFi (names might differ coz I'm using localized version of WM5):
1) Run "Explorer" on your Wizard
2) Open "Menu" and point to "Open Path...[A]"
3) Choose "New path...[A]" and enter your PC's name there as "\\PCNAME" or the entire path to shared folder like "\\PCNAME\FOLDER1" (to reveal your PC's name open "My Computer" properties and look at "Computer name" tab in "Full computer name" field. PC's name will be text before the first dot, ex:, i.e. name = pcname)
Also when connecting to my wifi, I keep getting hotmail messages appearing even after delete. I now have a trash can full of 2 lots of the same messages and now its just downloaded them to my wizzard again. I select all to delete and they go from the inbox, but then next time I connect it downloads them all again. Is it not deleting them from the server or something ?
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You are having default behaviour of "Inbox" message removal. Which is "Delete manually". All you need to do after deleting your message is:
1) Delete your messages like you always do
2) Choose "Empty Deleted items" from your "Menu" of "Messaging"
3) Choose "Send & Receive"

ActiveSync every 5 minute

Hi, new to the form. This is a useful place!
Am with O2 Mini S, 1.5.70, AS 4.1, XP sp1, Oulook 2k3.
Does anyone notice AS runs every 5 minutes? I first tried the Add Server Source hack by WM5 Axim users, but didn't work. I couldn't find any registry entry that relates to the sync frequency.
Apart from suffering the unplug usb and wizzard freeze problem seen here. AS syncs every 5 minutes really annoys me. I need to rely on AS's tcp via bluetooth to use networking on the device and AS is heavy weight process.
So far, I have some solutions:
1. kill the wce* processes, which leaves the device connected (TCP stack still works, USB charges) but AS on the desktop says disconnected. Your wizzard's AS will still TRY to sync every 5 minutes, but it'll return quickly because the desktop ain't listening. But remember to double click AS on your desktop when you need to sync stuff again.
2. Replace the useless MS bluetooth stack with the widcomm stack taken from the Atom? Then use the PAN profile for connection. Disconnect PAN and run AS via bt from the device when needed. (But PAN on PC is not always possible as company laptops will almost certainly not allow internet connection sharing, never mind allowing you to have BT PAN enabled in the first place)
So afterall, does anyone know how to re-enable manual syncing? Some registry hack? AS 4.x is such a big step backward, I already have to disable firewall and VPN service from my company laptop when connecting, AS 3.8 was so much better when I was with an ipaq or SP3i. May be a sticky with enough post on it to get M$' to fix AS.
There are numerous threads relating to AS 4.1 and starting every x mins .... Please try to search next time....
Anyway, the simplest way is to create a dummy server entry in AS (On the mobile device) then when creating it uncheck all the "MAIL / NOTES / ..." entries in the advanced section. Once the Server has been created you can modify the server sync to set it to never.
For more info have a look through this forum for other threads on AS 4.1.
sorry if that has been talked about alot before, I suspected it. But I did a search before and couldn't find related stuff on this site, plenty of firewall/VPN stuff found which I also had a problem with...
The Add Server Source hack has been widely referenced in the dell Axim WM5 forums. As I mentioned, it didn't work for me, my ROM is very recent, as the phone is new for two weeks. I couldn't find any entry in the device registry that suggests it will run at any schedule! Although I can see peak time settings...etc but none of the scheduling options in registry.
Am really wondering if this is a problem with the specific ROM.
Yeah, I aplogise, am I bad, didn't read all your post....
Have you got any other apps that try to update regularly like Weather plugins etc?
I can agree with humps on that.
I've got a new k-jam and tried to stop AS4.1 from syncing when not connected to pc, by creating a fake server then through options setting it to manual sync.
No luck however as it still comes up in the list of running programs whenever i check :evil:
fix for constantly syncing when USB-connected
Sorry in advance if this isn't the right place for this.
I was so mad about Activesync 4.5 re-syncing during two out of every five minutes when connected via USB that I implemented a workaround that might prove useful to others as well. The result is that you can click an icon on your desktop computer and instantly change whether your handheld willl connect to its partnership for syncing or as a guest for doing other work (or just charging). Most of my data syncs wirelessly with an Exchange server anyway, and MightySync and PocketController function independent of the ActiveSync partnership. Ah, the peace ;-)
Here are the steps:
1. Change HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\GuestOnly to "1".
2. Export HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\Partners\[your device's partnership key] to a .reg file with name like "partnership.reg".
3. Create a batch file or script to stop WCESMGR, import the .reg file (regedit /s = silent) and restart WCESMGR. Name it like "partnership.bat".
4. Make a copy of the .reg file, edit it to *delete* the reg info (place a minus sign inside the beginning bracket of each key/subkey name), and name it like "guest.reg".
5 Create a new batch file or script to stop WCESMGR, import the guest.reg file and restart WCESMGR. Name it like "guest.bat".
6. When you execute "guest.bat," your device's partnership is deleted, and with the "GuestOnly" key enabled and no partnership found, ActiveSync will connect it as a guest without asking. After you execute "partnership.bat," ActiveSync will be ready to recognize your device on connection and sync.
7. Now, create a batch file or script that allows you to choose which .bat to execute, so you have one thing to click to go back and forth between connection types.
As will be obvious, I'm not a programmer AT ALL. I use pskill to clobber WCESMGR, and CHOICE.EXE copied form Server 2003 to choose connection type. It could be done more elegantly...but it sure works.
Only caveat: Later changing of syncing settings might require re-export of .reg key and recreate/edit of.reg-delete file.

O2 XDA Mini S, Active Sync 4.1/4.2 Problem

Hi, I am looking for some help regarding a sync problem I am having with my XDA Mini S. I have recently re-installed my copy of Windows XP Home. Prior to this re-install I was able to sycn with my XDA using activesync 4.1. Since the re-install however when trying to sync I am presented with an error on the desktop machine.
Support Code:86000107
I have trawled the internet to find a solution, but to no avail. I have tried the new 4.2 beta of active sync and tried un-installing the software several times aswell as removing sync profiles form the unit.
Any help would be apreciated. I am using ROM version WWE and Windows Mobile Version 5.0 (Build 14847.2.0.0)
See my responses in a similar thread posted by someone else...
Thanks for the reply! I had tried searching the forum first, but my choice of keywords obviously let me down.
I have tried both disabling the firewall and ensuring DHCP is enabled. I am using the windows firewall controlled by Microsoft's Windows OncCare Live, and within which all processes associated with active sync have been granted permission to access the network.
The phone appears to be able to send data to the desktop pc, but the desktop fails for some reason. Any further advice?
Do you hear the usual "bing bong" type noise that Windows makes when a USB device is plugged in?
Does ActiveSync on the desktop even start up?
If so, on your PC goto Start -> Control Panel -> Network Connections. When you plug the PDA in, does a new connection profile eventually show up in the Network Connections window? It will be called something like Local Connection #6 or something similar, I've renamed mine.
Yes everything connects and establishes a connection. I can browse the device and even upload to and from it. Active sync even tries to sync with the device, but then shows the error detailed above. The XDA was able to upload my contacts to outlook for example after the re-install of windows, but nothing is synced from the desktop pc to the xda.
See the Microsoft Knowledge base..........
............there's something I remember when I had this prob.
For me, it was ZoneAlarm firewall [free edition] which doesn't allow individual ports to be configured, just application rules [you can in Pro version] but in my research, I remember seeing something about Activesync not working even though the exception was set in Windows Firewall.
Try with NO firewall at all - probably best to pull your network cable if you're worried whilst you test ActiveSync with no firewall at all.
I'm sorry I can't post the reference but you should be able to find it again.
I now don't use any s/w firewall - I have a switch router with hardware router built in which shows as 'stealthed' to the outside world on all ports @ [ShieldsUp] and all my WM5 stuff works - ActiveSync and WiFi
I didn't get the error you did, mine just connected then hung whilst showing 'Syncronising'............'cept it never did !!! LOL but I could do all the other things as you describe....just no syncing.
Thanks for the reply. I have already tried without a firewall enabled at all but with no luck. I am trying to work out what is different with this installation tot he previous that worked.
I have found that I need to dissable the Sync of my contacts and it works with the Caldener etc. I have no idea why this is, but its the only solution I can find anywhere and its very frustrating. :roll:
That's a weird one, not be able to sync contacts but can do calendar events.
Have you tried a reinstall of outlook?
If so then, and this is just a guess, it could be that there is something wrong with a particular contact entry that's causing things to go wrong. Perhaps some invalid characters in any one of the many available fields (name, num, email address, website, notes etc).
Some solutions that worked for me
I had the problem with contacts not syncing when everything else would. My solution, which worked for me, was to:
1. disable 'contacts' in ActivSync options
2. sync as normal
3. disconnect device, reconnect device, sync again
4. re-enable 'contacts' in ActivSync options
5. contacts should now re-sync
Incidentally I found many problems with the ActiveSync partnership after restoring the device from a backup. The solution is to delete everything in the \Windows\ActiveSync folder on the pocket PC, go into ActiveSync options on the pocket pc and remove the partnership there. Finally delete the partnership on your PC.
I am running V-Com systemsuite on my PC (which I think uses the Sygate firewall) this firewall never interferes with my XDA Exec but oddly enough does so with my XDA mini S. If I disable the firewall - problem still exists. If I shut down the firewall completely (keeping Windows XP firewall running for security) the problem goes away.
Maybe some of this will help
Norwich, England
I had moved the Outlook.pst file to a location other than the default. When I moved it back and created a new profile the error had gone. thanks for the help everyone.
Sounds like it was a corrupt pst file causing the problem then. I'm glad you got it all working now
Re: Some solutions that worked for me
apprentice said:
I had the problem with contacts not syncing when everything else would. My solution, which worked for me, was to:
1. disable 'contacts' in ActivSync options
2. sync as normal
3. disconnect device, reconnect device, sync again
4. re-enable 'contacts' in ActivSync options
5. contacts should now re-sync
Incidentally I found many problems with the ActiveSync partnership after restoring the device from a backup. The solution is to delete everything in the \Windows\ActiveSync folder on the pocket PC, go into ActiveSync options on the pocket pc and remove the partnership there. Finally delete the partnership on your PC.
I am running V-Com systemsuite on my PC (which I think uses the Sygate firewall) this firewall never interferes with my XDA Exec but oddly enough does so with my XDA mini S. If I disable the firewall - problem still exists. If I shut down the firewall completely (keeping Windows XP firewall running for security) the problem goes away.
Maybe some of this will help
Norwich, England
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First of all you have to open some ports in the sygate firewall:
In my experience it's necessary to change the RNDIS driver settings in the mobile phones registry as well!
Use a regedit tool like PHM Registry Editor.
Here are the settings to be added (or to be changed respectively):
Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers\RNDIS
Name of the Value to add: MTU
Type : DWORD
Data: 1514 (Value is Decimal)
Name of Value to add: MaxOutTransfer
Data: 1642 (Value is Decimal)
After a reset my Prophet (XDA Neo) synchronized well with active sygate firewall!

What is needed to be able to sync?

Hi all, i hope this is the right forum.
I have problems with ActiveSync... i dont get it, i have a HTC Touch Cruise with Windows Mobile 6, ActiveSync 4.5, Outlook 2007. Windows XP Pro (SP2) and the HTC connect, but the only thing I'm able to do is to browse the file system on the HTC, i cannot sync. The sync-action in the menus are disabled and cannot even be selected/pressed on either of the machine. Still they are connected, and i can, as i said, browse the HTC:s file system without any problems.
I have read something about "partnership" between Windows and the telephone on several forums on internet, but i have never been given the opportunity to set anything like "partnership", and following the guides to do so does not work. Also, ActiveSync says i'm connected as "Guest".
I have performed uninstall of ActiveSync and cold start on the computer along with reset of the HTC several times. I have also tried to perform the above procedure with the Anti-virus/Firewall software (F-Secure) deactivated all network traffic allowed. Still no luck.
What have i missed to be able to sync?
I gave up, installed Funambol instead, it's benefits over ActiveSync is that it actually works.
i posted a comment to this last night, but for some reason,it hasn't shown up!
basically if you right click on the active sync icon ,you can create a partnership.
But what i would do is unnstall active sync then restart the pc , then reinstall it from the download link i have provided at the bottom of this text.
Make sure also that you disconnect your phone from the pc and click start > programs > active sync
then click menu > options. If you have no partnerships in the phone then you need to do nothing. If you have partnerships then that is probably why you cannot create a new one as you can only have two partnerships on the phone.
before deleteing the partnerships ensure that you have backed up all your contacts etc in your phone as deleting any partnerships will also delete the info it is syncing to the pc i.e. contacts,appointments,tasks etc.
I would also click menu > connections and make sure that syncronise all pc's using this connection is ticked and that 'USB is displayed in the box underneath, then when that is done ,click ok.
use ppcpimbackup on your phone(not the pc) to back up all the important info so that you can restore it if anything goes wrong. Just unzip the following file then copy it to your storage card and use file explorer to open it.
download the latest version of active sync here
delete this post
scousemartin said:
basically if you right click on the active sync icon ,you can create a partnership.
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Problem is that that option has never existed for me, as soon as i plug in the HTC it is always connected as "Guest" (and has always been like that from the very first time) and there has never been any possibility for me to create or delete any partnership. When i right click on the ActiveSync icon only three (3) options are available, these are "Open Microsoft ActiveSync", "Connection Settings..." and "Explore", all other options are greyed out. And option to create partnership does not exist at all, neither selectable or greyed out.
Also, i do have the correct version (4.5) of ActiveSync, i did even try the English version instead of the Swedish to rule out any impossible "possibilities" for the reason of my problems with ActiveSync.
I have written further on the subject (what procedures i have gone through in my desperate quest to get a partnership between my PC and the HTC) on this link.
scousemartin said:
if you are using Funambol ,does that mean you are using a mac?
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No, i'm using a PC, Windows XP Pro (SP2), installed the complete Funabol server bundle and Outlook client plugin on the PC, and installed the Funambol client on the HTC TC. Set up the Server to my needs and everything that did not work with ActiveSync, now works with Funambol -- and all my base are now belong to me.
did you try the settings on the phone to see if you have the sync partnerships setup already? also did you check the sync connections were set to allow all pc connections to usb? I know you have it sorted out now , but just curious with what the problem is, especially as you can connect as a guest. Is there any other software on the phone that is stopping the active sync connection. Or is the firewall on the pc blocking it?
I have just read the forum link you posted.
The reason most of the options are faded out when you try to select them on the pc and ppc is that you have the device connected when you try you need to unplug the device and then the partnership options will be enabled.
P.S. I love sweden, i worked over there for 8 months and Norway. Mainly in the north of sweden. Your beer is too expensive though
scousemartin said:
did you try the settings on the phone to see if you have the sync partnerships setup already?
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Cannot find any partnerships on the phone, not even in the registry.
scousemartin said:
also did you check the sync connections were set to allow all pc connections to usb?
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This i have done. I can only do it when i'm disconnected, but i'm guessing that is normal.
scousemartin said:
I know you have it sorted out now , but just curious with what the problem is, especially as you can connect as a guest. Is there any other software on the phone that is stopping the active sync connection. Or is the firewall on the pc blocking it?
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Well, to be honest, the solution, using Funambo, is a last resort option (gee, i really come close to write "final solution" here. ), and i would still prefer to get it to work with ActiveSync. With Funambo, since i want to have full control over where the information goes, i have to run a pretty heavy server on my computer, and it does feels a bit overkill for just syncing Outlook with a PDA.
Anyway, i have tried to disable the firewall and Anti Virus software (F-Secure bundle) and allow all traffic, uninstalled AS, removed the AS aplication drawer, reboot, installed AS, soft reset my HTC, and connect it. It feels like i have tried everything. I even tried to do the complete reinstall process with my network cable to the FiberLAN disconnected to exclude the possibility of failure because of some security restriction reasons in AS, since i have WAN (internet) straight into my computer without a modem, switch, router or anything else in between (part from i do not even have a local IP address, only a public WAN IP).
scousemartin said:
I have just read the forum link you posted.
The reason most of the options are faded out when you try to select them on the pc and ppc is that you have the device connected when you try you need to unplug the device and then the partnership options will be enabled.
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When the phone is disconnected, the ActiveSync window says "No partnership" and if i right click the ActiveSync-icon in the task manager only two options are available for selection ("Open Microsoft ActiveSync" and "Connection Settings...").
So, neither the PC or the phone has any partnership, still, when i connect them it immediately connects as guest and leave me no option to set up any partnership (neither disconnected or connected). Something is fishy.
scousemartin said:
P.S. I love sweden, i worked over there for 8 months and Norway. Mainly in the north of sweden. Your beer is too expensive though
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*lol* Thanks! I'm no patriot or nationalist so i cannot take pride in being swedish, but i do appreciate our nature and so on... Indeed beer is expensive here, very expensive... But prize must also be put in perspective as it's a part of our still pretty successful national alcohol and drugs policy. It's a small price to pay for the sake of decent public health, and even with our high alcohol and tobacco taxes, the tax incomes from these products does not even close to cover the costs for the damage they indirectly cause.
Also, as i'm a "far left extremist", high taxes is a kind of a turn-on for me.

