Active sync in standby - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

My other PDA, a HP H6340, can retrieve e-mail when it’s in standby mode.
The HP will switch on temporarily to activate Wlan and active sync according to its schedule.
After this it goes back to standby.
This function isn’t in the Qtek 9100.
Anyone any idea if this can be activated in the Qtek?
I’ve found a regkey on a website but it only works when you switch on the Qtek.
This key will resume Wlan after standby.
Set this to 0


Bluetooth woes on i-mate

I been having the following problems with using bluetooth on my imate. I have version 1.66 rom.
1. I would manually turn bluetooth on. A few minutes later, I notice that the i-mate automatically change the bluetooth mode to 'Discoverable'. It will remain in 'Discoverable' until I manually click the 'On' button.
2. I am having a problem using my i-mate as a bluetooth GPRS modem for my bluetooth-enabled laptop. I am able to get it connected successfully, but when I get an incoming call, the connection is lost. I have to do a soft reset on the i-mate in order to establish a connection between my laptop and the i-mate again.
Any help would be appreciate.

gprs auto connects after wifi turned off

how do i stop this from happening? i'm thinking i should just remove my gprs settings so it can't connect but then i can't use MMS. it happens when i'm using messenger. i'll turn wifi off and then it will say connecting to gprs.. i click cancel but it doesn't register some times and goezs ahead and connects. any suggestions?
Same problem here ... I want my Qtek 9100 to always use my WLAN network if available. If not available it can use EDGE/GPRS.
Seems like the device turns of WLAN in standby mode and use GPRS in such cases.

Why does Wizard connect to GPRS on it's own ?

I have a Universal and a wizard - I have noticed that the wizard ALWAYS seems to be connected to GPRS - I'll manually disconnect , and there will be no running programs - then a few minutes later it'll have connected again !
Why is this ? I don't have this problem with my Universal , Magician or indeed any other HTC / PPC I have owned
Any Ideas anyone ?
Any of your email programs (esp M$ ones) are running? Or set to automatic retrieve message?

DirectPush via Wifi instead of cellular-line - AUTD

I have just updated my wizard to the newest Qtek-ROM (186504-ruu_9100_2170702_21707102_20710_qtek_wwe_ship.exe) with AKU2/MSFP and DirectPush. Everything works fine when I am using a cellular-line.
As soon as I change to a Wifi the ActiveSync tells me the error 85020013: "Your current sync schedule requires a cellular data connection. Please set up a cellular data connection as described in online Help or change the sync schedule." Whats that :evil:? Is there a way to setup DirectPush with a Wifi-connection?
As far as I know Directpush works only with GPRS not via Wifi.
If you disable directpush in your active sync it can connect via WIFI and your error will be gone.
It will sync by wifi even if directpush is enabled but this error will come back every time it sync's according to its schedule.
But your device has to be switched on for this.
I had the same question for days.....
Every peace of information you read about microsoft Direct Push says it's possible to sync using gprs AND wifi.
But.... as soon as direct push is enabled and only wifi is available the dreaded error appears.
It doesn't make sense..... wifi is, just as gprs is, a normal IP connection which supports the heartbeat signal en HTTPs notification.
Perhaps someone could clarify this matter
I can try.
Possibliity one:
Its got something to do with the legal IP address associated with the Wizard. This address is crucial to the "always on" connection since there's an IP socket associated with it for port 443 (or 80 if you don't use HTTPS) on the FrontEnd Exchange server. If the IP changes, then the connection is dropped and has to be re-established. That in itself is no big deal, but I believe that there is no mechanism in place to notify Direct Push on the Wizard that this has happened.
(more likely) Possiblity two:
There must be some low-level tie to the Direct push app from the GPRS connection that allows it to function when the device is in standby mode. Have you ever noticed that your WiFi connection is dropped when you place your wizard into standby mode by pressing the power button?
Yep.... i've noticed the WIFI standy but it still would be nice te recieve pushed mails as soon as i start using the wizard.
All this without having to do the manual operations.
Perhaps something for the future.................
@Sleuth255: I am convinced that possibility two is the right one.
Wifi takes a lot of power (at least with my wizard it seems so) and so they don't let it on when the device is in standby (you are right). Switching off GPRS or GSM wouldn't be so clever for a phone so this is probably the reason for making DirectPush only work with a cellular connection.

How to initate GPRS session?

I've recently migrated from a Magician (O2 mini WM2000SE) to a
Prophet (i-mate JAMin WM5). On the Magician, I could manually start/stop a GPRS session by tapping on the "G" icon and selecting connect/disconnect. The Prophet/WM5 does not seem to work this way, I guess because the device also has WiFi.
I cannot find any way of manually starting a GPRS session. Can anyone elighten me?

