XDA lli - Networking

Hi there guys, Many thanks to Clustred for his help and Pug for the program worked like a dream 1st time.
nice one.
Many thanks again,


my New i-Mate (XDAII)

hello , i'v got my new XDA II (i-mate ppc)
these are my picz
and the vidoe testing here
Thanks for great pictures
Salam HerbaZ
hey good to see you again bro and thanks for posting these photos and sharing your experience with the rest of the cool guys and gals here.
Happy Ramadhan and i wish you all the best.
Best regadrs and have a good one.
thanks for your posting othman and happy ramadhan

Christmas gift - rltoday clock

Hi guys a christmas gift for you - a charmer specific clock - copy cab to device via activesync and install via file explorer.
Thanks to Rotlaus for the original program.
EDIT Added a generic version for those who dont want the bottom line of text.
Cool! Thanks very much.
Regards Jeff
Thank a million Meschle...I have been browsing the wizard and other forums and you have made some great contributions....keep up the good work and a big thanks..give us charmer owners more if possible...also as big thanks to all at XDA developers....have a happy 2007.....jd76
WOW! It looks amazing !
Thank You very much!
Very Nice! Thanks Meschle!
Thanks for that.
oh great
thanks a lot
This is my favourite time of the year.. hohohoho

hey all, Noob posting up what do i need to know bout modding my XDA11s

hey guys
i just got my xda today and i want to know some things about it
ie. ROM
what is this in refferal to
i have had some experience with modding phones not PDA;s though
so any help would be appreciated
if you have an xdaIIs it's not himalaya but blue angel

htc ty

hey guys do u know if mobile 7 has come out for htc ty phones and also if t here's any new roms out here that i can find.
please help
WM 7 doesn't look like it will support the Hermes series... Sorry, time for an upgrade if you want that.


Welcome everyone! We finally have Treo Pro forums, thanks to the moderators of XDA-Dev!
Yes Indeed
Thank you MODS! Now to get to work .
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the Forum!!!
Happy Treo Pro Owner
Its about time
Thanks XDA!
let the modding begin. Thanks xda you made my day.
Thanks for listening guys! For a minute I was worried it wouldn't happen! YAY!
Can't wait for the custom ROMS!!! Let the fun begin!
Thanks to the mods!! You've saved me parsing through the other thread with hundreds and hundreds of posts to read.
Thanks, thanks, and more thanks!
oyeah! thx XDA!
No more MEGA thread.
Hear Hear!!
Let's get cracking - in every sense!
Thanks guys.
Sweet I've been a lurker around xda-developers for a bit; But the addition of this sub-forum got me to finally register. Thanks to the mods and everyone on this site; this place is an invaluable resource.
At Last!!!! >THanks buddies
Happy New Year!
Thanks to the Moderator who made this possible. Happy New Year to ALL!

