Jamin On route - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Finally ordered a Jamin from expansys and Royal Mail willing it should arrive tomorrow.
After the whole Atom/Jamin etc etc debate I finally made a decision. I had written out the Atom due to the lack of local warranty support/price. My final choice had been Jam 128mb and Jamin and after a bit of humming and hawing I have opted for the Jamin.
I will now spend my next three days off work (yeah) testing the Jamin to see if it will meet my demands.
Basically it will need to run SBSHs today programs (Pocket/ContactBreeze-iLauncher-PocketWeather) smoothly, do Tom Tom Memory Map GPS along with the normal texting phoning gaming stuff. Hopefully the ability to overclock it in specific apps will solve some of the poor performance in GPS programs that have been reported.
I am going to keep my JAM for a few weeks in case it doesn't work out, so I can send the Jamin back and get a JAM 128mb instead. I hope that won't be necessary but only time will tell.
Now I just need to sort out my new contract with o2, get the cheap MiniS and sell it on eBay to offset the cost of the Jamin to keep SWMBO happy!!


Questions about the Danish Orange SPV M1000

I'm newbie, so maybe these questions are silly!
1) Is it possible to change the Danish SPV Orange M1000, so it's behaving like the Qtec 2020?
2) If the answer: "yes" - is it then possible to use my Nokia 3330's SIM (from TDC) in the M1000?
Best Regards
look in the unlock forum if it can be unlocked then you can use any sim in it
also you should be able to update the rom with a qtek2020 rom if you have one
Unlocking Orange M1000
Yes, I have unlocked my Orange M1000 and use a Telmore SIM for GPRS (10 DKR/MB) Orange, however is far cheaper when calling land lines, so I will continue to use that card as well on occasions.
The unlock program works perfectly, it extracts the unlock code from the M1000 and displays it on the PC screen. You then load the new SIM and enter the code when prompted.
This way, you are not changing anything inside the M1000 (using any questionable method) and they should have a hard time denying you warranty if you need it.
I have not yet updated the ROM, I have not found a need. I have loaded a 'fix' to correct the problem about missing alarms (check http://www.scarybearsoftware.com/ppc_cn_overview.html).
Since everything is working close to perfectly, I will wait on the ROM upgrade until I read about something I need..
Congratulations with the M1000, I love it, it is the best device I have ever had.
A BIG thanks to you guys - specially Michael for your excellent answer...!!!
It's sounds perfect, so now I'm going for the M1000 instead of the Qtec 2020, and earn lots of money - maybe spend on bluetooth-GPS :wink:
Best Regards
Bluetooth GPS
I use TomTom Navigator 2 and the Emtac Bluetooth GPS. Works much better than on my HP IPAQ:
On the Ipaq you need to select the bluetooth device everytime you start Tom Tom.
The 128 MB RAM makes it possible to load the South Scandinavia map, previously on the IPAQ I had to switch between each country.
I feel that the sensitivity of the bluetooth receiver is better on the M1000, I have picked up my GPS mounted in the car from my 2. floor flat on several occasions, this was difficult on the Ipaq.
Do look at more recent versions than the Emtac, it has a pretty short battery life (rated 6 hours), if you walk a big city, a device with a larger battery would be better.
Once again Michael, many thanks for your information.
I'm going to mount the M1000 and GPS together on my motorcycle, so i'm not get lost on my travel to Austria next summer! 8)
Best Regards

Confused - Imate JAMin

Was reading through another forum today and someone was asking about the O2 Atom and I-Mate JAMin. I knew about the atom but hadn't heard anything about the JAMin :shock:
Thought I'd do a search on the trusty xda-developers forum and found it actually comes under the Prophet group :? why??? isn't it just the replacement of the Jam as the Atom is to the mini??
Anyway looks like some research ahead me!
No....the Atom is not even made by HTC.
Strictly speaking, the Charmer replaces the Magician, the Prophet is something else. Various providers seem to have done different things though. T-Mobile brought out the Comact-II which is a Charmer. O2 brough out the Atom, I-Mate brought out the Jamin (Prophet) Orange have brought out the M600 (also a Prophet) etc etc etc.
Each has replaced their variations on the Magician in thier own way.
WOW thats certainly a handfull, thanks TheBrit
Explains why I haven't seen any comparisions as there in two different threads areas. :?
Although I haven't had a chance to fully read up on both it appears the Atom has major phone issues like echo, etc. and the JAMin has had multi ROM updates suggesting there are ongoing issues they are concerned about.... :shock:
Anyone got any -/+ feedback on these puppies?
marto_martin said:
WOW thats certainly a handfull, thanks TheBrit
Explains why I haven't seen any comparisions as there in two different threads areas. :?
Although I haven't had a chance to fully read up on both it appears the Atom has major phone issues like echo, etc. and the JAMin has had multi ROM updates suggesting there are ongoing issues they are concerned about.... :shock:
Anyone got any -/+ feedback on these puppies?
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I checked out the Atom in a store recently and did not like it. The very shiny case was literally covered in fingerprints, and the screen image seemed washed out (contrast too high) and the image did not use up all of the space. In short, I was disappointed.
I'm hoping to check out the JAMin tomorrow (in a store in Sydney), and have heard that the latest ROM really brings the device up to speed at last. Note that the Atom has an Intel processor and the JAMin a TI OMAP processor, so they really are different gadgets.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for that The info I'm finding on the 2 units certainly supports your comments.
I look forward to hearing how your adventures go with the JAMin, I haven't found any stockests in Perth yet (like there's a surprise ).
JAMin the Atom
In short, bought an Atom, great speakers, A2DP, and that is about it. Bluetooth weak, no voice dial through headset, no external aerial (the latter killed it for me as I am often in weak radio areas). Shiny case looks good, but don't pick it up without gloves. Now on third ROM. It is stable however, but camera is crap!
Bought JAMin. Even though JAMin is 195Mhz and Atom is 416MHz, hardly any difference. JAMin has great Bluetooth (no A2DP though Grrr), Voice dials, and soft keys make 1 handed operation possible. Screens about the same, Camera slightly better.
If you can live without FM radio and dual speakers, go JAMin and pocket $200.

is it still worth to buy Win2003 Magician ?

hello guyz,
This is my first post here. I have a couple of questions from experienced PPC users . Please respond as early as possible. Thanks in Advance.
1) I am getting a very good deal for Magician(i-mate JAM). But i am confused wether to buy it or not. Is it still a good idea to buy a WM2003 PPC device OR should i wait for WM5 PPC devices to become cheaper. ( i might have to wait around1 year which is a loooong time... )
2) Are people still writing softwares for PPC WM2003 devices? or the majority has moved to writing softwares for WM5 ?
3) Right now which windows have more softwares available. WM2003 or WM5?
4) If i purchase softwares written for WM2003, will these softwares run on PPC WM5 device?
5) Finally i need some nice websites for free or paid softwares for PPC. ( you can PM me if you are not allowed to post websites links here)
The magician is a great device and, if you don't need integrated Wifi, still the best compact PPC you can get.
WM2003 in general has some advantages over WM5: It is usually faster and has less bugs. WM5 only offers better one hand use and no data loss when battery is down. The latter can be compensated for WM2003 with using good backup software (sprite backup) and the internal backup battery of the magician. I never had data loss because of this.
Get the magician for a good price. You won't regret. Really advanced devices are still to come. Maybe the Hermes will beat the Magician but it will definitely be more expensive at that time.
Regarding the software question: I haven't seen any software which only works on WM5 and not WM2003 but I have seen many softwares not supporting WM5 yet but WM2003. Most softwares are even still backwards compatible to WM2002. You can compare this to the desktop world. Most programs can still be run under Windows 98.
I recommend to get the imate Jam with 128Mb RAM if possible
Get the imate JAM if you do not have a wi-fi network at home
I fully agree Dandie's comment. I tried my friend's O2 Atom for a week (he need me to install softwares for him) and I still prefer my Magician as my working/entertaining machine.
Pro: Cheaper, more responsive and faster (media will have jitter sometime on the Atom if running GPS together), more softwares are available to 2003SE than WM5
Con: No wifi (not a problem to me since I can BT over Activesyn at home), Bad Camera.
Unless there is a very good deal. I never see the need to upgrade to 128mb if U know how to manage the RAM use. (I always run TomTom 5/IGuidance 2/TCPMP together without any problem.)
Unfortunately WM5 is the way of the future, but it's unlikely you'll encounter software that won't work on WM5 and WM2003 (since both can use .net, the "new" developers environment).
I still use my Magician as my main phone, although I'm upgrading in a few weeks and it'll have to be a WM5 phone, probably a Mio 702. WM5 adds some usability features, but not enough to turn my head IMHO.
If you're getting a good deal on a Magician, I'd certainly consider it. I'll be holding on to mine for a good while yet.
Oh, and I recommend using VJLumos II. It really brightens up the Magician screen, gives it a new lease of life.
I agree with V the magician still is a wonderful device & when you don't want to wait for the devices that sports hsdpa you can have loads of fun with it.
Like stated earlier TCPMP for video, Mortplayer for audio. Lots of games & other goodies. AEButton Plus for one-handed in combi wit ... VJKeyPress.
Make sure you got a good deal & enjoy it.
WM2003 also means no bluetooth A2DP, at least not from anything other than WMP, and even then with some odd bitrate and sample rate restrictions.
Also, I don't know about you guys, but getting stereo sound out of the magician at the same time as using an external mic is a goddam pain. Every handsfree kit I try with a mic will only play sound in the left ear.
Personally, I'd go for a Wizard (or even a Hermes <3 ). It's only a bit bigger, but has WM5, WiFi /and/ a keyboard. Now, if only Orange carried it in the UK... >.<
I've got a Wizard. It's the 3rd one in 5 months and it locks up nearly every day but a soft reset sorts it out and it fails to recognise the memory card 2-4 times a day (a known wizard issue) If you dont need the wi-fi stick with the Jam NEVER had a problem with mine. As for the wizards keyboard..I use the on screen one it's quicker.
For stereo headphones with mic try the SE P900/910 headphones they work brilliantly!
bobgorila said:
WM2003 also means no bluetooth A2DP, at least not from anything other than WMP, and even then with some odd bitrate and sample rate restrictions.
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Maybe just the O2 Atom and my stereo headset, the quality of BT A2DP is just a joke for me.
bobgorila said:
Also, I don't know about you guys, but getting stereo sound out of the magician at the same time as using an external mic is a goddam pain. Every handsfree kit I try with a mic will only play sound in the left ear.
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It's just U. I use my Sony headphone (with shorter cable) with this 2.5 to 3.5mm adapter w/ external mic. And it just work GREAT!
Mine can be bought here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=9725172095
I upgraded to the Prophet. 8)
This is the second listing on eBay. The first one got hit by a nigerian scammer. :roll: Now I've had to specify UK only and PayPal only.
thank you for your comments guyz
i have bought the magician device. So far i am pretty happy with it.
Join the club, did you got a nice offer?
i think i did get a good offer
i got imate jam (scratchless screen) + alumunium case + 128Mb kingston SD card for 19000Rs ( 316$ )
Seems like a fair price to me. Did you search the other threads for goodies & tips?
Both magician and mini are great device.
Wifi? sandick sdio wifi card with 256m storage is available in a reasonable price now. BT & MINI CABLE could bring with most functions you need.
In my point of view, never try detailed camera in PDA.
So, congradulation you with a desirable product.
navid_ahmed said:
i think i did get a good offer
i got imate jam (scratchless screen) + alumunium case + 128Mb kingston SD card for 19000Rs ( 316$ )
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where did u get it so cheap......i bought it for 24000rs with no accessory
jackleung said:
It's just U. I use my Sony headphone (with shorter cable) with this 2.5 to 3.5mm adapter w/ external mic. And it just work GREAT!
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Mine arrived this morning, it works, it works!!!

xda2i or xda exec?

I've recently had my xda2i stolen (again) and the insurance company are offerig me an exec as replacement.
I use it mainly for tomtom (5) and my calendar.
I can't get the version I have to install on the exec, but it seems a better machine.
Which one is best, and how can I get version TTN5 5.21 which seems to be what is required
I changed from a IIi to an exec, it's a nice phone and a worthy replacement.
As for tomtom, surely you can just re-install it from the original disks, AFAIK 5.21 is a free upgrade for legitimate users
I agree, i missed my 2i like mad, but after spending time sorting the exec I would miss it like mad now, just think of the screen resolution and the keyboard, hard things to live without once you have had them!
For what it's worth, I just switched from a 2 to a 2i to an Exec. The 2i was very nice but there's no WM5, and I'm too fond of persistent storage now to give it up.
Plus the Exec really is a nice machine. The keyboard is useful (more so if you get PQz so you can have Control and Alt back), the battery life is longer, the screen is nicer. And Buzz is about to release a SIM unlocker, so no more worries about that!
Personally, I'd rate the machines in this order, best at the top:
- Exec
- Himalaya with WM5
- Alpine with WM2003SE
Thanks for the replies all.
In the end I decided to go for the 2i, mainly because I already have a thb setup in my vehicle and the tom tom works OK on it.
I've had 2 stolen in 6 months, lets see how long this one lasts

spv m600 gps reciver

hi there i am totally new to the smartphone / pda sceen i bought my first one off ebay last nite a spv m600 and i was woundering wot the best/cheapest gps reciver is for it i found some on ebay but postage was £9.99 which i was not impressed with so decided i would find a foum like this and ask also i will be using the gps on my motorbike so any good holders ? wot other things can i do with the m600 thanks
this was the one i was looking at any good?
any one like to shed some light
well i should get the phone tomorrow so i would like to know if that gps is ok or if there is a better one so i can get it sent to me
That should work, but you will need software for the SPV M600. Google maps is free, but uses lots of data, and so may come out quite expensive. Things like TomTom are expensive to get, but store the data on the phone, and so will cost nothing to run.
i would keep an eye out for OpenStreetMap
