T-mobile Vario (SIM unlocked) upgrade to i-mate ROM (orig) - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi all.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I did a search and could not find any info on this.
I have a t-mobile vario (sim unlocked - using Lokiwiz02). Shop told it couldn't be done, but quite a few of you clever people had already done it, so I did too. All went well, it's now sim free!
However, I prefer the i-mate ROMs and have already got the original i-mate ROM installer ready to go.
Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, is it a straight forward procedure (regular way of upgrading a ROM), or is there anything specific I would have to do and what, if any, are the risks?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Too many late nights!!
So sorry guys!! Wrong Forum!! :lol: :lol:
Have moved this to the Wizard forum


mda compact (tmobile) changing firmware/rom to imate or qtec

how did you guys do it, ive got the latest from both manufacturers and everytime i run it, it moans about country codes, on my tmobile mda compact, i just want away from tmobile and the latest rom arghhhhhhh
search the forum, all the info is on there
duncan888 said:
search the forum, all the info is on there
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where cos ive had a good look and cnt find it, perhaps a little more help rather than a smug comment?
Would help if you were looking in the Upgrading section!

Upgrade T-Mobile ROM

Hi, I am absolutely new to this, I am about to take delivery of an MDA Pro on T-Mobile, and i am wondering can i install say a jasjar or O2 rom image to get round some of the problems experienced with T-Mobiles roms?
I hope someone can help
Cheers in advance
yes, you can arbitrarily mix Windows Mobile core, Radio stack, and Extended ROM version.
Thank you and a further Question
By using the say Imate rom, will that eliminate the problems experienced with the t-mobile rom
Cheers and thank you
what problems are you having
i updated a magiacn that was ok and it totally fired it beyone repair
jesus, what did you do? You've got me a little worried now since i'm looking into cooking roms or trying some other device roms on my sx66. I was under the impression that it was relatively safe if your careful.
what did you do to fry it?
i simply downloaded a rom update off the phone porivders website,ran it and my lil magican was no more lol
this is the Universal forum. Of course if you burn a ROM for a different device then it will make poof.
Back to the question - what were your problems with the T-Mobile ROM? Were they T-Mobile issues or Microsoft issues? Or radio stack?
Where can you get T-Mobile roms from other than the ones on the WIKI (which is missing links). Do T-Mobile UK publish them, as I could not see any sensible links when I was logged in.

NO WM6 Ameo T-Mobile UK

As some uk t-mobile user might know or not there is no plan to have a wm6 ROM upgrade for Ameo (t-mobile uk) i have confirmed, i am total gutted as i have a universal(MDA PRO) running WM6 and is brilliant, i have tried olipro's unlocker on the ameo and have had two bricked within 3 days, i have received a third . i believe newly shipped versions must have been changed because i can see some people with unlocked phones. Any normally person will think twice after bricking two of these. if there is any UK T-Mobile user who have recently received an ameo and is successfully running wm6 please let me know.
Many thanks for you Time.
digigem said:
As some uk t-mobile user might know or not there is no plan to have a wm6 ROM upgrade for Ameo (t-mobile uk) i have confirmed, i am total gutted as i have a universal(MDA PRO) running WM6 and is brilliant, i have tried olipro's unlocker on the ameo and have had two bricked within 3 days, i have received a third . i believe newly shipped versions must have been changed because i can see some people with unlocked phones. Any normally person will think twice after bricking two of these. if there is any UK T-Mobile user who have recently received an ameo and is successfully running wm6 please let me know.
Many thanks for you Time.
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You don't need to unlock a T-Mobile Ameo to put WM6 on it... there is a TMOB005 verstion that will upgrade the OS without unlocking anything...
Olipro's device is great if followed to the letter, once the initial part is complete, there's always a way to restore, as it is brick-proof Although, as mentioned... you don't need to unlock.. ANY UK T-Mobile Ameo will take the TMOB005 WM6 ROM :-D
Hi, I've got a t-mobile AMEO and did the WM6 update mentioned above with no problems.
Since, I've run Olipro's unlocker and am now running the Blacktouch ROM.
The only thing I found difficult was after stage 1 you need to reflash with a new ROM, whilst the unlocker is in the background.
I agree if you follow the instructions you can do it, but I do think they could be a little more explicit around have you do the above.
Good luck, stick at it, its worth it !
I upgraded to WM6 without unlocking but then unlocked and installed Black Touch.
It's so simple even I could do it!!!!
Confucious said:
I upgraded to WM6 without unlocking but then unlocked and installed Black Touch.
It's so simple even I could do it!!!!
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Could you please guide me to the correct WM6 upgrade for T-Mobile Ameo, I just do not know where to start. Please help.
msolanki80 said:
Could you please guide me to the correct WM6 upgrade for T-Mobile Ameo, I just do not know where to start. Please help.
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I suggest you read up on the matter first, there's a lot of information within the Athena WM6 forum postings. But don't try it unless your confident... if you mess it up through lack of understanding, then all you gain is an expensive flash doorstop.
msolanki80 said:
Could you please guide me to the correct WM6 upgrade for T-Mobile Ameo, I just do not know where to start. Please help.
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Removing Orange Rom from TYTN ii

I have just taken delivery of the TYTN ii and it was locked to Orange, I used Imei Checker and had the lock removed as I am on the 3 network and all is fine.
However can someone please do an idiots guide list on how to remove the Orange Rom as it is awful - Orange wreck their phones by installing their own Rom.
I have experience of flashing Nokia phones with no problem so am not a novice.
I have spent days reading the posts on here and still cannot get Hard Spl installed...
I hope someone can help - also what is best rom available at the moment....
I see some people state that you cannot update the Orange rom!!! is this correct???
The tytn ii is running WM6 and my pc is running vista.
So please an idiots guide from start to finish for the orange rom removal would be great.......
stav4187 said:
I have just taken delivery of the TYTN ii and it was locked to Orange, I used Imei Checker and had the lock removed as I am on the 3 network and all is fine.
However can someone please do an idiots guide list on how to remove the Orange Rom as it is awful - Orange wreck their phones by installing their own Rom.
I have experience of flashing Nokia phones with no problem so am not a novice.
I have spent days reading the posts on here and still cannot get Hard Spl installed...
I hope someone can help - also what is best rom available at the moment....
I see some people state that you cannot update the Orange rom!!! is this correct???
The tytn ii is running WM6 and my pc is running vista.
So please an idiots guide from start to finish for the orange rom removal would be great.......
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u need to go to kaiser development forum. There are some valuable infos.

Noob wants help upgrading k-jam to wm6! pleassse

Hi guys, I've just got a k-jam and want to flash it to wm6 / wm6.1. i have read the guide to upgrading and it seems rather easy, just requires patience and strong nerves , however i'm still unsure where i can get the wm6 ROMs from? url? Also a friend downloaded a ROM and had to re-do it after a week because it had some timer on it? how do i avoid ROMs like this? Im in australia and my carrier is optus, do i need an optus ROM? if i use another carrier branded ROM will it work with optus? Thanks heaps in advance and sorry for my noobiness!!
Hey, welcome to the forums, dther1!
But man, please, use the search function...
WM6 ROMs here
and a complete list here
We have a whole Wiki for our devices, always check it before posting
Good luck man!
Thanks for your help, The second link was exactly what i was after, thanks heaps! I've now successfully flashed my wizard to wm6.1! Thanks Again!

