Upgrade Rom or not - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi there,
im currently running the O2 WWE Is there a newer rom than this by O2 and if so do you think its worth the upgrade. If there is not a newer one, what would you recommend, if any, to upgrade to?

I'm still using the shipped O2 ROM on my Mini S and I don't have any complaints yet (as of a months use so far). I used personal mode and turned off the O2 UI rubbish (remove from startup folder) and I have made use of some of the various tweaks you'll be able to find in these forums.
I got Tomtom running eventually but it did take a lot of fiddling! Other apps seem to install without a problem though.
In short, I'd stick with it and apply some tweaks like the program cache, cleartype for landscape, enable .11g etc. Someone has bundled them all into a cab file in another thread here that's always near the top. Enjoy!

ROM upgrades have still a long way to go ... still much tweakings and bugfixes. My adwise is only to upgrade if your device really starts to behave buggy.
When there comes out a real stable ROM ... then you can do a ROM upgrade.
only .. my opinions ..


Which Rom is the best?

Ok guys - since my Molski.biz rom has a few bugs (like the volume-control slider not working), I decided to reinstall a new rom. Ive seen already tons of threads including thousands of posts so it`s difficult to find out which rom is the best.
I heard of Faria released a cooked WM6-Rom but I m not sure if it`s working fine with the wizard and if there are still some bugs. In addition to that i don`t know if there are any incompatabilites with WM5 applications.
I`ve also seen a WM5 Rom tons auf WM5 Roms - but which one is working realy fine?
Oh forgot that: I`ve a G4 Device but it`s already CID unlocked.
I haven't tried them all but Crossbow Reloaded 1.7 has been working great for me.
A couple of people, myself included had a problem where the built in phone dialer disappeared, but I fixed that by installing the Iphone dialer (can be found here by searching).
First Post.....
Yes, I as my post count would suggest I am new to flashing roms and setting up 3rd party softwares on my Wizard but I must say after hanging out on this forum for a couple of weeks I now feel somewhat like a veteran.
I first flashed with crossbow reloaded 1.7.1 I liked it and didn't notice any major problems at all.
But I was so impressed by XDA Mobile 6 that i had to try it and must say after about a week using it (since it was released) I'm much more impressed, wizard seems faster, i love the interface and the post offers great insight into problems and finding what configurations work for everyone.
I would suggest you try a few roms till you find what suits you best, here is the link to XDA Mobile 6
ok guys first i've installed core 2.0 what seems to work fine but, well u know, it's like a clean vanilla rom - too clean for me. So next i wanted Titanium but it's not released yet. After looking over the programs Faria delivers with his rom, i've decided not to have this much software and installed XDA Mobile 6. Seems to work fine and it looks nice.
Just one more question: where the heck is some difference to WM5? I mean everything looks like the same in WM6. Well ok, there is maybe a new skin, and some new tones, but in the end, i've could also use WM5 with wisbar and the Vista Skin.
For me it seems to be the same sh** like Windows XP and Vista - no real changes at all.
There's a page somewhere on Microsoft.com that details all of the new features in wm6 (Im sure if you do a google search for wm6 review you will find it). The most important one in my opinion is the ability to display HTML with in emails.

benfits of cooked ROM VS HTC ROM

I'm new to the world of playing with my PDA/PPC phone. I've had a treo for several years before upgrading to the PPC6800. Prior to getting my PPC in Aug I worked with whatever was standard on the phone. Nothing at all extra. I've been learning and reading since Aug and have learned A LOT! But I am still confused as to the point of using a cooked ROM. What's the purpose? The benefit? My phone works fine now as it is. I have tons of programs installed and running 18-20 free memory during the course of the day. Would a new ROM increase my free memory? Sometimes while running A_Cs S2U2 in the background and having PIE open my memory will drop to 3-8mb free. I simply close out PIE and stop S2U2 using ilock.exe and memory comes up to about 14-16mb. Would upgrading the ROM change that? I hope I have made sense! And thanks so much for all the helpful information here.
Yes many cooked ROMs are lite ROMs so some of them will allow you a little more memory. But I dont recommend using a cooked ROM. I used a cooked ROM on my ppc 6700, Treo 750, TyTN II and heck I even customized the ROM in my 650 but every time you have any little glitch your always going to wonder if it is because you hacked into that area that is ment for only official updates. Even If you revert back to the OEM ROM you are always going to wonder if an issue is related to tampering with the ROM. Using a cooked ROM can allow you to run faster and smoother with no carrier [email protected] The community here is full of talented engineers that do an awesome job but once you tamper with the ROM your always going to kinda feel like you may have jacked something up. I ebayed my TyTN II and I regret flashing it with a cooked ROM. I just got the Titan and I wont be deflowering that "never the same again", area.
Cooked Rom
I was using the Sprint ROM, but it's garbage compaired to the new DCD ROM. Keep in mind nothing ruins a phone worse than installing apps that always run... i.e. HTC home customizer, sms threading apps, etc...
internal gps...nice
Well I sold my Kaiser and bought a Titan.......... I said I wasn't going to use a custom ROM again............ I made it for 1 week before flashing my Titan......
I couldn't resist the lure of tethering without a plan, getting full use of the GPS and threaded SMS that actually works right!!!! dcd is kickin @$$!!!
There is a parisite that is sometimes transmitted from uncooked roms.. or was that pork.

UK O2 ROM - How many people switched to a cooked one?

Guys, just wondering, I can't find anything conclusive over how many people have actually moved away from the UK O2 ROM to a cooked one. Can anyone who has made the jump tell me if there was a noticeable difference and what ROM you used. Also, were they functional for everyday use?
I will be moving to a cooked ROM later, but for the time being I have gone from the o2 rom to the HTC one on the FTP.
I'm happier with it. All the HTC stuff that o2 seem to uninstall (because they are losers) is there without any need to install it all yourself.
I can't see any reason to change as yet unless there is a good cooked rom a la meschle's Touch 4.0.
Likewise, I'll be moving to a cooked rom, but am waiting for someone to make the leap first!
Any reports (successful or otherwise) will be great!
Hey guys
I've been running Bepe's 6.1 preview for the last week. To be honest, the only improvement is the threaded messaging.
I found the o2 rom quite good, but if there's something to flash I'll always give it a go. By the time you've added all your own apps it really doesn't make a huge difference.
App wise I'm running:
Vistahide battery gauge
Samsung time
o2 plus2.3 - with shortcuts & diary enabled
Spb pocket suite
Not that that has anything to do with the rom!?!
Has anyone over here tried upgrading the radio to
I'm still on the o2 rom, with:
Schap's Advanced Configuration Tool
HTC Home plugin
Home Customizer
WkTask (I really like the battery meeter along the top and the task buttons)
Until a stable WinMo 6.1 rom comes out with everything I'll stick with the o2 rom.
Why they removed the HTC home I'll never know
jamiee said:
Has anyone over here tried upgrading the radio to
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Me, but have not noticed any difference.
I think we should start a campaign to get meschle to defect to polaris. I have already donated to towards this campaign. We would need to set up a new thread and link it to the artemis wm6 thread.
The biggest problem with the O2 ROM is that tweaks don't work. You can change a registry value and after a soft-reset it will go back to the original value. Annoying!
That's why I use that tweaking tool, it actually sets the values. Although it's not as exansive as a registry
i'm in the US using a UK Orbit 2 and i've been running the .53 version of bepe's WM 6.1 ROM. aside from the improved responsiveness and threaded messaging, you start out with 140MB of available storage and 69MB of available RAM. with all my programs loaded, i have 85 MB available, which is important to me. with the stock ROM, i started off with 89MB available before loading my standard set of apps. i've held off using newer versions because i'm happy with what i have and how it's working so far.
nickbro said:
That's why I use that tweaking tool, it actually sets the values. Although it's not as exansive as a registry
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What tweaking tool? The Kaiser one? I thought that messed peoples device up.
Don't see why I would want to flash for the time being.
To me, flashing a rom is so that I don't need to spend so much time configuring the device (because everything is pre-configured in cooked roms). And as there ain't many changes to the current cooked roms, it is quicker to configure the device than to mess with flashing.
MrSmith22 said:
Guys, just wondering, I can't find anything conclusive over how many people have actually moved away from the UK O2 ROM to a cooked one. Can anyone who has made the jump tell me if there was a noticeable difference and what ROM you used. Also, were they functional for everyday use?
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You'll never find the best ROM suited to your specific taste unless you try 'em all. Me? i'm totally sold out with Panosha's Butterfly ROM but at the moment am testing Bepe's v0.56 Full, and so far, liking it too! Cooked ROM's are always way faster and more responsive than the shipped one's.

ba upgrade wm6 to 6.5

Hi can anyone please tell me how to upgrade my ba to wm 6.5 from wm 6? , i used the wizard to upgrade from wm2003 to wm6 about 2 yrs ago, any help much appreciated, love this pda and i love using it as a phone too
basicly, when your device is already upgraded, there is not much to do.
you probably don't have to worry about sim lock and radio roms and storage sizes anymore, since apparently, it all worked fine so far.
so all you need to do is download any wm6.5 rom, unpack it, and make a RUU folder, containing the rom itself (nk.nbf) and a few other files named for example maupgradeut_noid.exe and getdevicedata and so on.
then you hard reset your device by pressing camera+record+power+reset and set the menu options clear registry hive and format storage to "YES" and enable kitl to "NO" using the camera and record buttons to flip and switch, confirm that with the mail button.
then you put your device into bootloader mode by pressing reset+record+power, kill active sync, connect the device to the pc and start maupgradeut_noid. if the 2nd screen shows you at least the version of the rom you go to, you are fine and can start the upgrade.
as soon as it is finished, use the hard reset method described above to prepare the device for the first start and then you might want to use "getting started" on the device to set it up and set up sync to get your pim data back. i shortened this description as you might remember a lot of stuff, or so i hope. most of what i wrote should ring a bell, if not, please feel free to have a look in the wizard for upgrades from wm5 to wm6 -=here=- or simply ask again, what troubles you.
with best regards
hi Tony thanks 4 ure help, when u say any rom is that only those specific for ba or are they all universal? i downloaded WM65-23052 & EnergyROM_RAPHAEL_20090811_Titanium or should i stick to the ones on the ba wizard page eg r6? i guess its the latter
of course you can only use blueangel roms found in the ba wm6 section, i mean, if you have a dvd writer that can read any disk, you wouldn't shove a slice of salami in there, would you?
the roms are so far interchangable as being WWE and work with every BA worldwide, but you need a blueangel rom, because of the rom's structure, memory consumption, drivers and so on, and after all, the buttons and the display resolution.
i once had a case, where someone tried to flash a charmer rom to a ba, that rom was way too big, and also the files were completely different, so he couldn't get through with it on his own and asked, because he would have messed up his ba with that pretty bad.
so, conclusively, 23052 builds are nice, but wait, till it's coming for the BA. i think d-two is working on it, maybe you want to have a look at the 23004 german rom thread, i asked him and he is gonna make an english version too, but until then you might want to catch status updates there.
Tony thanks it worked awsome phone, i used xplodes english rom, is there much difference between that & the german one? who needs an iphone eh again many thanks will lookout for d2s new ba release cheers
with the current releases there are no major differences between d-two's and xplode's build (except for the language) but what i wrote was about the next builds, they're both working on 23047 or 23052 builds, but d-two has the advantage that he has overcome the know sync and sms bugs, so his build will probably be the first of those two to come out. although he is rather new to this forum and so far he only supported his own wm6.5 build 23004 german, that is a guy you better keep an eye on. he is making fast progress and maybe will become one of the major chefs soon.
hi again please can you tell me how to do a wm6.5 hard reset & also how to get into into bootloader mode as to reload a new rom eg d2's, also i did notice there were 2 excel icons in msoffice maybe a bug many thanks
actually i solved it myself, just gotta be quicker with the camera & record buttons cheers
Hi Tony everything on explodes exroms installed ok except jbed, is that java? Also i looked at xplodes manila thats really nice, i guess thats on the latest phones , its like a mini o/s, so u would just install that after u install a 6.5 rom?
yes, jbed is the java applet manager.
for manila, i wouldn't say it is a mini os, it is more of an alternative gui, it replaces the titanium today screen with a touchflo one, but it also just features basic functions, photo viewing, music playing and does not alter the start menu or any add-on apps, most of the functions are also available in titanium or for titanium as an add-in, let's say facebook or stuff like that.
the time to install doesn't really matter, you can also install other apps first, whatever, you only need to know that after you install it, you have to deactivate "default" in today plug-ins and also all the others, because you can have only manila as your today plugin then and then you should find a "touch to start touchflo" button on your today screen and then you'll see, whether it works or not. that really depends from user to user, and between the different devices, roms, countries and manila versions, maybe you have to try several versions before you actually find one that runs in an acceptable speed, because that seems to be the general issue when it comes to porting manila.
thanks i may just stick 2 what i have, d2,s new 6.5.1 rom is beta so would that except xplodes extrom 23004 cabs? or is it best to wait for him to put his own one out?
thanks i may just stick with what i have, D2's new rom 6.5.1 is that compatible with xplodes 23004 extrom or is it best to wait for d2 to bring his own one out?
d-two said he wanted to release one, maybe till the weekend he's done putting it together.

T-Mobile stock ROM is 100% trash, looking for a new one !

Well guys, after a couple weeks with the stock TMOBILE rom I conclude that it's just USELESS.
I can't even use the phone... It's getting stuck when I'm trying to call someone, stuck when viewing images, stuck stuck stuck, at least 5 times a day.
Plus a million SOD's a day... I tried everything, from losing all apps, to modifying the registry.
But there are so many over there, I do not know what to choose.
I need:
1. As little visual tweaks as possible, i'd like to take care of that myself (CHT Cooked in is fine though)
2. Maximum system stability and performance, I DON'T WANT HANGS FROM SIMPLE OPERATIONS SUCH AS CALLING SOMEONE
3. No bloatware
4. Not much bugs (ie good support, constantly worked on, not a 1 time "job" )
Basically If it can resemble the stock one, but with more stability, tweaks and performance boosts, then i'm happy.
I have the sticky flashing manual in hand, so all I need is a recommendation.
Looking forward to flashing this thing today, thank you very much XDA.
Energy ROM Cookie's Reference ROM
this is a custom rom close to stock as you're going to get, please make sure you read loads before flashing.
chaoscentral said:
Energy ROM Cookie's Reference ROM
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Or the standard sense reference or full. I recommend using the 23569 builds as well. more finger friendly and slightly quicker. Also there is an advantage with the full version in that if you wish to update the rom in future you can backup your settings using the energy settings exporter and then reimport them.
regarding the builds mentioned - can you expand ? links ?
thanks !
Exporter sounds GREAT.
Basically there are two builds of almost all the custom roms. One build will be the latest 6.5 build (21907, same WM version as the stock roms but with some bug fixes) then there is the 23569 (or higher) builds. These are WM 6.5.5. Some big changes here to the way the start menu works and also to the UI to make it more finger friendly. It's also a little quicker than WM 6.5 but (apparently. i've not found any yet) more buggy then WM 6.5. Also as i said (and i've now checked this) custom roms also include newer, less buggy, versions of sense (AKA manilla)
I suggest EnergyROM
Great, I think I will go for Energy.Leo.23569.Sense2.5.Cookie.Reference.Jun.26.7z
Is that OK for me ? (well, is it better than what i have now )
Is there a settings exporter in Energy.Leo.21907 ?
If you have the T-Mobile US HD2, make sure you use the right radio for your device.
That would do nicely although i don't know if it includes the exporter tool. You may want to look at the full cht version.
Good point about the radio. I have a UK version so i can use whatever i want. The right radio roms for the TMOUS devices have verison numbers that look like this: 2.xx.50.xx. the 50 bit is important as radios with the 50 in it have the unlock code for the extra ram in them and are compatible with the 1024MB rom chips. Also never ever use a radio with a version number like this: 2.xx.51.xx. The 51 radios will brick your phone and they can not be recovered as far as i am aware.
And yes afaik there is a setting exporter in the WM 6.5 builds
My radio is
Is that OK ?
Just how much faster is the 6.5.5 over the regular one ? I'm not liking that lower start button anyway so if it's not really faster i'll pass.
Looks kinda like an iPhone.. Less " serious "
m3ph - what ROM have you had in mind with the Exporter build in and the upper start button and CHT ?
I thank you for all the help... I am feeling positive about my HD2 again.. Can't wait to flash it !
Just making sure I get everything right about all the different Energies so I don't reflash and reflash a thousand times... Making a concious decision
Silencer23 said:
My radio is
Is that OK ?
Just how much faster is the 6.5.5 over the regular one ? I'm not liking that lower start button anyway so if it's not really faster i'll pass.
Looks kinda like an iPhone.. Less " serious "
m3ph - what ROM have you had in mind with the Exporter build in and the upper start button and CHT ?
I thank you for all the help... I am feeling positive about my HD2 again.. Can't wait to flash it !
Just making sure I get everything right about all the different Energies so I don't reflash and reflash a thousand times... Making a concious decision
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the radio will be fine.
The difference in speed is not massive so i wouldn't worry about it.
The rom i'm thinking of will be at this link: http://hotfile.com/dl/50755734/bde591c/Energy.Leo.21907.Sense2.5.Cookie.Jun.26.Take2.7z.html
Sorry if i'm being a little slow. i'm trying to eat my din, while texting the mrs, getting nfs world beta to work and figure out why sense will not show around 3500 of my messages and thinks my sister is my best mate
Deal, I will burn that ROM then, in the 21907 version and settle down.
Does it have the exporter for future upgrades ?
Looks like i'm fixed then ! Thanks ! What version is the faulty Sense that thinks your sister is your best mate ? hahah
Sorry to hear that... my stock ROM still works fine... I did not even update it yet - this one was right from the get-go
Well, I'm on Energy CHT now and IT'S A DIFFERENT PHONE !
Thanks guys. You saved my phone and my money !
Now install chainfires 3D driver patch v2 on it and leocpuspeed v4 you'll be shocked.
Wooo Hoo ! This phone is ON FIRE now
Now we're talking !!
Thanks man ! Any more tips ? hehe
What a coincidence. I'm also having lots of problems with my TMobile UK Rom, same freezing, etc.
I have seen quite a few Roms that I'd be interested, but most of them don't mention whether they will work with a locked T-Mobile handset, and if they do, it only refers to TMobile US version.
Will any Rom work on a T-Mobile UK locked handset, or would I also have to flash a new radio. I have 2.07.50 at the moment.
Like I said, I've seen quite a few Roms that I like, but just concerned in case I flash a Rom that's not compatible.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Silencer23 said:
Wooo Hoo ! This phone is ON FIRE now
Now we're talking !!
Thanks man ! Any more tips ? hehe
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if you have a wifi router in your house get wifi remote access. It allows you to transfer files to and from the phone using a web interface over the wifi. It also allows you to edit the registry "remotely". Really handy little tool that.
Also have a look at omarket. some handy tools can be got from there but be careful not everything is Leo compatible.
Coreplayer is handy if you wanna watch tv shows or movies. just set the video mode to raw frambuffer if the picture looks scrambled. This one isn't free but is definitely worth paying for coz tcpmp (it's free cousin) isn't as good. I also use srs WOWHD with this to improve the sound. look for 1.5 V2.
The only more i can say is use a PIM backup tool regularly. something like MS myphone or PIMBackup. Saves some time if you don't have an exchange server to store you contacts, mail etc
s32bauer said:
What a coincidence. I'm also having lots of problems with my TMobile UK Rom, same freezing, etc.
I have seen quite a few Roms that I'd be interested, but most of them don't mention whether they will work with a locked T-Mobile handset, and if they do, it only refers to TMobile US version.
Will any Rom work on a T-Mobile UK locked handset, or would I also have to flash a new radio. I have 2.07.50 at the moment.
Like I said, I've seen quite a few Roms that I like, but just concerned in case I flash a Rom that's not compatible.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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My advice to you would be to stick to a rom that says it is tmous compatible. that way it will work on any leo but the phone will still be sim locked. so if you wanted to sim unlock it you would need to get an unlock code from TMOUK

