Having been unable to get any sense out of O2 in Thailand or Singapore, I took the plunge and installed the PUG ROM (stripped version) from this forum. This went smoothly and most issues that I was having have been resolved. There are however a couple of caveats, obviously the Autoconfig utility goes, not a big issue but I found that using Orange I could not initially receive calls but after making a couple of outgoing calls could. Looking through the Phone settings I note that the Band Selection is gone, i.e. Auto, 900, 1800 etc. presumably this is installed with the Autoconfig. However I think this is not a major issue just to KIV. The issue of the 'vanishing' screen orientation shortcut at the bottom of the today screen isn't resolved, it vanished very quickly. Anyone know how to resolve this one?
Another advantage of the PUG ROM is that it gives more memory!
I've installed pug's rom with o2 crap stripped and camera being improved and it's working find. I did share the same problems like you but it's all gone. I should say almost all but the missing screen orientation icon on the bottom of the today screen.
As for the band selector etc., maybe the following would be of any use to you. You can download custom asia rom here:
you'll find some rom goodies there. Just install whichever you like with a cab installer program so that you can put them in your storage instead of cluttering your main memory!
cheers from your ASEAN friend.
Cooked Asian EXT Rom
Cheers, downloaded this, indeed has quite a few things that may be of use...
downloading it, hope this one will work.
The only things that missing are:
1. Screen orientation button
2. Band network selector
is that all ?
using ftp://xda:[email protected]_Radio-1.04_O2stuffstripped_Camera_Fixed.rar
sorry for the silly questions.
hi. any cab files for the autoconfigurator in the original O2 rom?
Missing screen rotation icon
Has anybody found out how to restore this feature?
Combine pugs ROM with the one from pdamobiz.com
Just take the Autoconfig Asia from pdamobiz and make our own Extended ROM......
Im sure it will help you.....
Is the screenrotate.dll still part of the startup service?
I used Memmaid to check on the startup service of my Alpine. (Still using stock 02 Asia ROM, and still trying to understand to cook own ROM)
If pug's ROM still has the screenrotate.dll in startup service, can we have the icon back by editing the registry?
Screen Rotate & Band Selection CABs
Found something that might be of interest for those who want the band selection and screen rotate icon.
Found out from O2 asia ExtROM that there is a bandsel file... from another forum I read it was for band selection in Phone properties. Might be the band selection everyone here is looking for.
The other is RotateSE.Arm.CAB. Stated it is for rotate screen.
The first I have attached a copy but for the second I can't seem to DL it but rest assured will post it ASAP.
Haven't tried it out, I'm still making research to customize my own ExtROM.
Hope this helps!
JP2005 said:
Found something that might be of interest for those who want the band selection and screen rotate icon.
Found out from O2 asia ExtROM that there is a bandsel file... from another forum I read it was for band selection in Phone properties. Might be the band selection everyone here is looking for.
Hope this helps!
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Could you copy the bandsel.exe file from your phone and add it here to a zip file? I'm trying to fix the crippled bandsel.exe from my blackjack. No, it's not mine which is "broken". It just comes like that straight from Cingular.
this is a great forum. i have learned a lot from the last week gathering info and upgrading my XDA from O2Asia PPC2002 to T-Mobile WM2003 and AT&T WM2003 and back to T-Mobile.
i like the A.30.09 ROM but the sound problem is completely useless. i like the 4.01.16 ENG ROM but hate all the extra T-mobile stuff which i don't use and the problem with the band selection of 900 or 1900 only. that means i either have to be careful not to accidentally touch the Band tab while changing settings or never go with a 1800 provider which i am considering. fixing it with the bootloader means i have to completely re-install everything again.
some device info:
Before upgrade: 3.20.06 ENG 07/30/03 4.21.01 32S54 PW10A1
After upgrade: 4.01.16 ENG 02/04/04 4.21.01 G32S54 PW10B1
my questions:
1. why the change in the protocol version on bootup and the device now identifies itself as a 900/1900 device when it was a 900/1800 device? does this mean i could use this like a tri-band phone if i ever go to the US?
2. my bootloader is now V6.22 and i would like to change it to 5.15 with the files from the bootloader.zip file i downloaded from here. is that advisable? can i also back up the present 6.22 bootloader in case i need to restore it someday when returning it for service?
3. is there an English WM2003 ROM which has band options of 900/1800 instead of 900/1900. or some means to change that in the registry or dll edit? if T-mobile can create an app to switch bands without going to the bootloader, surely someone here can modify it too.
4. can the ROM kitchens take out the useless T-mobile apps, PDF viewer, Powerpoint presenter and Syncrologic app? Could release more space for other apps or the Permanent Save feature right?
5. i have Spb Pocket Plus installed and i notice the repeating alarms feature is missing. the WM2003 repeating alarm feature is not as good. is there a workaround?
6. i notice the signal strength indicator fluctuates a lot more and shows less signal strength sometimes. i don't think it's really getting a weaker signal. is it because PPC2002 wasn't telling me the truth or WM2003 is indeed seeing less strength?
i would go back to PPC2002 but i like the dual volume controls, midi ringtones, Wordlogic keyboard that works properly and Jawbreaker!!
appreciate any and all feedback.
donpkong said:
1. why the change in the protocol version on bootup and the device now identifies itself as a 900/1900 device when it was a 900/1800 device? does this mean i could use this like a tri-band phone if i ever go to the US?
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No, the XDA is a dual band device ... no matter what's read in the device info, the rear sticker is where you get the real type (of course if the mother board was not replaced!)
2. my bootloader is now V6.22 and i would like to change it to 5.15 with the files from the bootloader.zip file i downloaded from here. is that advisable? can i also back up the present 6.22 bootloader in case i need to restore it someday when returning it for service?
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If you can flash your ROM using 6.22 (it surprises me!), then no need to down grade it ... or if it's really a must, you can use the batch file fixbootloder.bat which comes with the XDAtools.
3. is there an English WM2003 ROM which has band options of 900/1800 instead of 900/1900. or some means to change that in the registry or dll edit? if T-mobile can create an app to switch bands without going to the bootloader, surely someone here can modify it too.
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No, the band switcher comes only with t-mobile ROMs which are designed for 900/1900 device. The best way is to use the GSM switcher from the boot loader screen.
4. can the ROM kitchens take out the useless T-mobile apps, PDF viewer, Powerpoint presenter and Syncrologic app? Could release more space for other apps or the Permanent Save feature right?
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It's not easy to update the NK.nbf file which is the original ROM image for XDA, but you can swich all this stuff off by unchecking them in Today's items list and remove the Vbattery.lnk file from \windows\startup directory
5. i have Spb Pocket Plus installed and i notice the repeating alarms feature is missing. the WM2003 repeating alarm feature is not as good. is there a workaround?
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you can use a wav file which contains a repeated alarm sound ... not so smart but it works!
6. i notice the signal strength indicator fluctuates a lot more and shows less signal strength sometimes. i don't think it's really getting a weaker signal. is it because PPC2002 wasn't telling me the truth or WM2003 is indeed seeing less strength?
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It's not that indicative ... the point is to be able to make/receive calls. If you have GPRS or CSD line, you can use the page www.texan.net/speed.htm to measure your link speed.
Ok I scoured the archives and can't find what I need. Basically I've..
1. Hard reset - Soft reset and got back to it not installing anything off Extended Rom.
2. Run Total Commander and found the Extended Rom, got list of apps.
3. How do you install them from here, there is no apparent command and clicking on them messed up the title, on my JAM when you go into ext rom clicking on stuff installs it, so what do I do here ?
4. Anyone got a link to list of what to install and what it does ???
many thanks
in TCommander, set it up for single click operation - go to about/settings.
once done, then just click on the cab file(s) you want to install and you're done!
Hey thanks, I'll give it a go. Am I correct in saying that the T-Mob vario does not have the Skype and antivirus programmes on it ?
Yes, no Skype and Av on the Vario, only on the K-jams. When in TC, just double tap on a file and it is executed, a single tap does nothing or lets you change the file name.
Thanks very much. Are there any posts here concerning what each bit in the rom does, I can find one from the Magician on T-Mob but not the Wizard.
on this site they have a list for the Dutch T-Mobile Vario and the I-Mate k-Jams. (it is in Dutch, but you can understand what the files mean)
I'll have a look, for those contemplating doing this too,
The one called 'Cab customisation connection TMUK wizard'
is your GPRS settings, bit of a simple one, but probably essential unless you like tapping in your own settings 1
The one called TMO wallpaper sound ominous so I deleted it.
That Dutch list is good, most apps are the same replace the TMONL Moniker witl TMOUK and you'll be on track.
There are less things on the UK one that though quite a few less.
Hi Guys,.
Is there such an app that would allow me to swap out my work sim to my own sim on an evening.
I.e. I would like an app that detects what operator sim I am using and automatically choose the correct profile for gprs, mms and sms.
Using Voda for work and O2 payg for personal.
a plugin would be nice that just swaps the operator setiings over.
I am not over bothered about having a dual sim as changing it over manually is easy enough. Just want an easy way to swap the connection settings over.
Just a footnote I recently re flashed to latest T-Mobile rom and needed to run an app that required Compact framework 2.0. It ran like a bag of Sh**e. Dropped back to the o2 rom and everything cool and groovy.
Answer my prayers brothers of the mobil revolution
SVP M2000
O2 1.40
O2 ext rom
O2 plus (its cool and groovy.
Radio 1.15
You are looking for a combination of a dual-SIM adapter and the Wivit SSS software.
The Dual SIM adapter holds two sims. The active SIM can be switched by switching off & on the GSM radio (or by going into and out of flight mode).
Just for this purpose SSS (see wivit.com) was developed. It lets you switch sims and show (on today) the active sim (by its phone number).
One thing: SSS is currently not reliable om WM5 (I have used it for more than a year on my Himalaya and am very confident.
Thanks for your reply
Had a quick play with this, however it only changes the operator. I need something that will auto detect the correct operator settings for GPRS MMS etc.
Not really bothered about running the 2 sims at the same time. ]
Thanks for your reply
Had a quick play with this, however it only changes the operator. I need something that will auto detect the correct operator settings for GPRS MMS etc.
Not really bothered about running the 2 sims at the same time. ]
dw1991: to tell you the truth, the easiest way is just to carry a .cab file with the settings for each operator. One click and it's installed.
I keep one for Orange PAYG, one for O2 contract. I know you don't need it, but I use a cut dual sim on my Magician and never had any problems with this solution.
An autodetecting system could be written, but it'd be over-egging it a bit compared to 2 shortcuts to the .cabs, in a folder on your start menu.
Last year I discussed this with the Wivit guys. They planned switching active GPRS network settings linked to SIM switching in some next version of their SSS. Nother was released however since their first 1.0 build. (also i havent seen these guys on this forum for a long time). Pity
Re Cab files
I tried this solution also. Howeve when I double click the cab file on the device it dissappears. Do I have to copy these file across every time |I sync
This cab has some regedits in it that will prevent the .cab files from being deleted after you execute them.
making the CAB's readponly beforehand also solves this!
That's what I want to do!
vijay555 said:
dw1991: to tell you the truth, the easiest way is just to carry a .cab file with the settings for each operator. One click and it's installed.
I keep one for Orange PAYG, one for O2 contract. I know you don't need it, but I use a cut dual sim on my Magician and never had any problems with this solution.
An autodetecting system could be written, but it'd be over-egging it a bit compared to 2 shortcuts to the .cabs, in a folder on your start menu.
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Hi, vijay555!
I also use 2 SIM cards from different operators in my Excalibur / Dash / HTC S621 and I want to me cabs for changing the connection settings (gprs/mms/wap) more easily.
Can you help me doing that? I use brasilian operators VIVO and Claro (if you find easier making the cabs than explaining how to I can post the settings latter on )
BTW, I use one of the latest Ricky/Kavana 6.1 ROM.
Thanks in advance.
hi there
I have orange M5000 with
exRom unlocked etc
my phone app is playing up
firstly smartdialer does not seem to exist and the option
in menu does not start any dialogue
video call is not there either tho the options still exist
(this I can live with but I used intellidialer all the time on my M2000
and I believe this is the same prog)
help would be appreciated
trust me to forget the weirdest thing
on phone app menu
select options and I get the settings page
this cannot be killed tho - I have to reset the device
moreover cannot alter the settings - stuck on ring fantasy.wma
( Have got dialer and video back by selection of orange
ex ROM cabs - had to guess but all is ok )
I understand, that you did not install all cab files which were supplied by orange in extended rom. Maybe you missed installing a required cab file?
Just my quick thoughts.
Good luck.
Try installing the ENABLE-VT-RTPLUGIN-0727-2-SIGNED.CAB or similar file... should do the trick
I did install that cab prior to my last post and
video calling and smartdial are back
however the
stuck on phone options issue is unresolved
I've been playing this weekend, first downgrading the ROM with 1.04 bootloader, so I could upgrade to the latest HTC x.35 ROM. Having done that and upgraded the radio to the latest version as well, I find I still have one issue.
I've combed through all the registry hacks and have flipped the right bits and entered the appropriate keys/strings and yet I can't get this phone to display anything but "ROGERS" (302720) on the today screen. I was successful changing the operator name on my HTC Herald before sending it off to a friend, but this unit will not cooperate.
Anyone have some hints on where else (obscure if necessary) I can look to make this thing display what I want?
I've never been able to do this either on the Hermes
I kinda think I'm missing the point here...but I got rid of most of my Cingular logos simply by simply downloading all the stuff in my 8525's \windows directory to my pc, and finding all the gif's, png's and jpg files that were Cingular logos. Then I loaded those graphics into photoshop and made transparent images of the same size and properties, saved them back using the original names, and reloaded them to the original locations on the 8525. Restart, and voila, no more Cingular branding.
Maybe this will work in your case?
pvs said:
I kinda think I'm missing the point here...but I got rid of most of my Cingular logos simply by simply downloading all the stuff in my 8525's \windows directory to my pc, and finding all the gif's, png's and jpg files that were Cingular logos. Then I loaded those graphics into photoshop and made transparent images of the same size and properties, saved them back using the original names, and reloaded them to the original locations on the 8525. Restart, and voila, no more Cingular branding.
Maybe this will work in your case?
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No actually, this has nothing to do with the files on the phone, except that the tweak to change the Operator Name given the right registry value (302720) should work, but doesn't.
OK ... never mind. But I'm confused by what you're asking. You actually have Rogers branding on your Today Screen? Where does it appear?
Maybe this is something Cingular didn't implement? (Thankfully?)
Sorry I couldn't help. (wish there was an icon for "embarrassed"),
No, not branding, it's just displaying "Rogers" on the homescreen when I'd prefer to dictate what it displays.
Cruisin1966 - Rogers name is part of SimCard, you wan't change it.
Same was here - non VoiceStream (or current T-Mobile US) cards said VoiceStream (T-Mobile US), VoiceStream (T-Mobile US) cards said VStream (T-Mobile).
It is part of SIMcard and if your's OTA operator can change name as they want.
Hope this help
No disrespect intended, but please re-read my original post. I successfully changed the name displayed on the homescreen with the HTC Herald, and my question was why can't I changed the name displayed on this 8525.
Cruisin1966 - Question: Does Rogers has 3G network so your phone could log in there?
Pawlisko said:
Cruisin1966 - Question: Does Rogers has 3G network so your phone could log in there?
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3G isn't available anywhere but around Toronto, as far as I know. Definitely not in/near Calgary, that much I do know.
Cruisin1966 - hmmm I thought that it might be OpName over UMTS but now it might be just imposible to change SIM directive in this model. I have the same problem with Cingular or T-Mobile.
Lets wait for official aku 3.3 and then we can go back to this discussion.