Unlock extended ROM of MDAcompact (magician) - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I am trying to unlock the extended ROM of the MDAcompact.
I can see the \Extended_ROM folder but it is write protected.
The unlocker for Universal and BlueAngel/Himalaya does not work.
Has anybody unlocked the extended rom of an magician successfully?
Have also searched this forum but could not find anything?
Thanks for any hints!

Sucker. :evil:

Why you call me sucker? :roll:
If your brain is so intelligent then
please share your knowledge with me.
Is it possible to remove the write protection only?

AFAIK, there is no tool to unlock the Extended ROM of the Magician.
If you wish to use the extra storage.. try Big-Storage ROMs.. there are may of them in the FTP
Cheers :wink:

Thanks duke911 for this info.
I know the Big-Storage ROM feature, but I want
to place my own cab file in the extended rom so
that it will be installed after hard reset.
But when not possible I cannot do this. :?

You can cook your own ROM if you wish, with your own Extended ROM files.. But this is a bit hard :?
I read a guid about this somewhere here ( in Magician upgrading ) it tells everything about creating you own BigStorage ROM with Extened ROM.. etc
you may search there...

Houser said:
I am trying to unlock the extended ROM of the MDAcompact.
I can see the \Extended_ROM folder but it is write protected.
The unlocker for Universal and BlueAngel/Himalaya does not work.
Has anybody unlocked the extended rom of an magician successfully?
Have also searched this forum but could not find anything?
Thanks for any hints!
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I bet this htt*://en.pdamobiz.com/en/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=395&PN=1 will meet your requirements. Go check it out!

Pls that's a complete copy of a xda-developers thread, one of ours. Just search for bal666 posts about it!!!!!

Great, that is what I am looking for.
Thanks to everyone.


PPC 6700 Extended Rom

Tried to upload it to the FTP but it said I didn't have the rights. Can someone PM me the details so I can toss the files up?
just uploaded it...
It's now on the FTP site with the rest of the Wizard Extended ROMs
Have you unlocked your extended ROM?
Have you unlocked your extended ROM? I'm really in need of the unlocker for a 6700 so I can run the DOC tool and make my ROM larger. Thanks so much!
What does each cab/file in the extended ROM do? I get most of them, but I'm specifically curious about Cert_SPCS and Cert_SPCS.sa
I don't have the 6700. I have a K-Jam and a friend just bought the 6700. I wanted to grab the extended ROM before he started to hack around with his new phone.
I haven't a clue what any of them do and I know he won't let me play with his new phone. He's gun-shy about that stuff.
When the new K-Jam ROM comes out, I'll try to figure out what they all do.
I have a 6700 and have unhidden the extended rom, but I cant seem to get it unlocked where I can remove things.... Has anyone been able to do this yet?

Wizard - Extended Rom - how to delete ???

I am wondering, if anybody has ever found out, if it would be possible to "reformat" the Wizard in oder to eliminate the space for the Extended Rom?
I do not need it and the almost 10 MB more would be just perfect to encrase the space of the first partition (to get all 64 MB from the Rom for programs in one partition).
Any ideas??
Please let me know!
have you tried a search? there's tons of threads on modifying your Wizard Extended Rom if you're using a pre-AKU2 ROM. Here's one thread on modifying ExtROM when using AKU2:
Note that you won't gain any additional space from deleting bits in the Extended Rom, but certainly you could replace bits with applications of your own which would otherwise take up space in the user section of the persistent storage.
Edit: there was a thread about about the AKU2 extrom editing %)
From what I've read, you can only delete stuff (or do anything with) the extended rom if your OS rom version is LESS than 2.x. If it's 2.x (and yours is), it's locked and you can't do anything with it. As I understand it, there are people working on this, patience would probably be appreciated.
cma, take the 'search' hint on this
Unlocking the CID has NOTHING to do with unlocking the ExtROM (nor has is anything to do with SIM Unlock).
You are running the AKU2 ROM (as am I). Until now there is NO solution on making the ExtROM writable on all 1.6 roms and above (your rom is a 2.x rom).
You can try to change it via a very complicated way as mentioned in the thread wich is mentioned above.
Just be patient (like te rest of us) Buzz_lightyear is working on it, but until now it has been hard to extract a proper bootloader from the wizard. I send buz my bootloader last week and if that one is useable he might be working on it right now.
Re: Modify Extended Rom
cma said:
Hi edsub,
you wrote: "...Buzz_lightyear is working on it..."
Did you already hear anything from buz about modifying the extended rom?
I'm hardly waiting already!!!
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You can follow up what's going on here at Buzz's Forum
There is another thread which deals with modifying your ExtROM post-AKU2, but the steps are relatively complex;
erm.. that thread deals specifically with being able to alter the contents of the ExtROM - which is part of what you want, no?
The other part of what you want - which is to say to re-allocate memory dedicated for ROM/ExtROM storage to user data storage, is an entirely different matter.. last I checked
there IS someone on the case already. You just have to WAIT until the people in that OTHER thread manage to come up with the answer!
cma said:
Hi ZeBoxx,
yes, ok, this is true - but in that thread is only written, that all people want this option, but nobody could do it!? Or???
I read and serach and read but - as many others for sure - I could not find anything helpful, exept knowing now, that many other persons do want to use the extended rom but they - as myself - simply can't.
Theirfor again my question in this tread:
I can not see any reason why it is done so!!!
THANKS for your pations and also for your response.
I hardly hope that anybody is capeable to help!!!
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I'm not a flamer, but I've been cracking my head with the AKU2 Disk on Chip protection for the whole goddamn weekend...
Wizard/Prophet and probably Charmer all have this new protection. The bootloader has been completly changed, the memory structure also changed. IT'S not a trivial problem, buzz and me been looking at it and the password is not visible as it was...
Please respect the work of others. If your not happy about it, write your own tool.
xxx sorry but I do not want to post anything anymore... xxx


Hi, can anybody help me to find latest ROM for my Wiza100 pocket pc?
It looks exactly like Cingular 8125 but with a little different keyboard layout and sold as vodafone mobile.
I tried to install the ROM from Cingular 8125 and its all work fine except the secondary keys at the flip out keyboard.
If any body could help me I would really appreciate it.
paste this in your browser in phone or pc
ftp://xda:[email protected]
got to wizard
the roms
have fun, i personally like the dopod.
ftp://xda:[email protected]_22113102_021911_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
also make sure you only down roms in your language
wwe- worldwide english
This rom is excellent as well.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/o2/Xda_Minis_Upgrade_v2.21.4.101.exe
also run lokiwiz first...it will unlock your phone.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Unlock/Lokiwiz02b.zip
this links will take you directly to each file. make sure you extract lokiwiz to you desktop prior to running enjoy. By the way trun sCID unlock
by the way they are all the same device
read up
justinstafford said:
paste this in your browser in phone or pc
ftp://xda:[email protected]
got to wizard
the roms
have fun, i personally like the dopod.
ftp://xda:[email protected]_22113102_021911_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
also make sure you only down roms in your language
wwe- worldwide english
This rom is excellent as well.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/o2/Xda_Minis_Upgrade_v2.21.4.101.exe
also run lokiwiz first...it will unlock your phone.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Unlock/Lokiwiz02b.zip
this links will take you directly to each file. make sure you extract lokiwiz to you desktop prior to running enjoy. By the way trun sCID unlock
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i tried the 1st rom u posted here and it dosen't work 2 my wiza100
i think u r wrong
ChIcO*GsM said:
i tried the 1st rom u posted here and it dosen't work 2 my wiza100
i think u r wrong
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Justin is correct, the Wiza100 & Wiza200 are all the same with only minor cosmetic differences. I see that you are new here so I'm going to politely suggest that you spend some time reading the forums and searching for the information you seek.
I don't know what the layout of the secondary keys is on your Wiza100 but I have a Cingular 8125 branded Wiza100 and have found that all WWE Roms correctly map my secondary keys. If you search the forum, you will find how to change the mapping of those keys.
You will find that other members here are very willing to help you but their patience is limited by your willingness to read and search the forums before starting a new thread that:
Has a vague title, I would suggest changing the thread title to something more indicative of your issue.
Asks for information that is already covered several time in the forum.
Attacks or insults someone who has a greater knowledge of these devices than you.
Good Luck in your Search for "Symbol Secondary Key Remapping".
(If you didn't get the hint then please don't contact me for more).
BTW, this isn't texting or IMing so if you want to be taken seriously don't type like it is.

Wizard/MDA Upgrade Procedure...

Some info about my phone
IPL 1.08
SPL 1.08
GSM 01.09.10
I would like to upgrade to the latest i-mate rom ( i think ) i don't know any differences with any other roms etc... ive been looking on the other threads maybe if my question has been answered with someone else... i can get pointed to a proper thread, i just want to know what steps i should take to upgrade my rom, i dont wanna lose any data, not that i have much id like to backup my contacts basically thats the most important, also.. since i dont have money for a 128 card right now would it be possible to load someone elses backed up tmobile mda rom ? if they zipped it up and sent it so i can restore it when i get a msd card.. any help is greatly appreciated , thanks in advance.
Copy your contacts by ActiveSyncing them to a PC, or copy your pim.vol (in the root of your Device) to your SD card and upgrade it.
Good luck.
Ah okay now... which rom should I try out first ? and... don't i need to CID unlock it? i'm trying to find a good thread on the upgrade procedures and the best rom to try first.
Best rom...best rom..... the Rom you choose is a personal choice (and yes, you need to CID unlock first IF you want to upgrade to a Rom of another manufacturer, if you have lets say T-Mobile and you want to upgrade to another T-Mobile Rom, you don't have to CID unlock your Wizard).
I like the Qtek Roms myself, but then again, I only use Dutch Roms, not WWE (WorldWideEnglish) Roms, so I have to make a choice between T-Mobile or Qtek and then the choice is simple in my opinion
If you don't know anything about upgrading, my opinion is, try soms official Roms first, then you know what the deal is and then you can make a choice if you maybe want to use a customized Rom like the Mr. Clean Roms for example.
p.s. There are A LOT of threads about upgrading.
Ah thanks for the info... i tried a beta 2.24 rom i think... its pretty nice, i personally cant tell much of a difference,, connmgr is different has more options etc... im thinking of trying mr clean 2.3 is the latest right ? and if i get this does it include all the office apps and such ?
a second question... i dont like the wifi apps included and i noticed an AXIM dell PPC with WM5 had a nice wifi config app/wifi AP finder, and noticed it was made by Hi Tech Computer (HTC) any way to copy this or use it on my phone ?
check my other thread about my CID unlock problem and let me know if i should try to CID unlock it again... and backup... thanks!!

Anyone have Qtek9000 3UK Rom or Ext ROM contents?

I need to get hold of the 3UK Rom or the contents of theh extended ROM as my mate with an XDA Exec cant access services etc and his videomail is full and killed all his mail! 3 Helpline is useless needless to say!!
Please help!!
Would be nice, however this seems to be like hen's teeth. Have been looking for this myself.
OK change request... anyone with a QTEK 9000 care to look at their registry to see what PIE identifies itself as? Then we may be able to get it working on 3!
I ve got a 3uk contract with qtek 9000 and i dont mind sharing my rom or my ext rom if u can give me some instructions on how to do it.
I requested such a thing on numerous occasions in the past but noone replied at all.....
I tried to dump my rom as explained in here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=323023 but i m not quite sure if this is correct the procedure.
Anyway m8 if u r interested reply here or send me a PM
just privated you my friend!
Could I get a copy of this as well please??
I'll let everyone know if we manage to copy the ROM
there was talk on http://www.3g.co.uk/3GForum/
a while back regarding browser identification and 3 services.
I'd be interested in the contents of the extended rom. Should be easier than dumping the rom - just a case of unlocking/unhiding it with the tools from this site, copying the contents with ActiveSync or using an SD card, then zipping it and posting it to rapidshare or the xda ftp.
That'd do it. It's only the extended rom that's really got the changes in.
To unlock the ext rom have a look Here
3 ExtROM
Fantastic idea... i'm looking for 3 ExtROM for a cuple of months....
The main ROm doesn't matter, we can find the usefull things in Ext.ROM.
Just unlock your ExtRom and take a copy from that what you can find on it.
Pls. post it where you can upload the ExtROM. FTP of xda-dev?
Z£Y$ said:
I ve got a 3uk contract with qtek 9000 and i dont mind sharing my rom or my ext rom if u can give me some instructions on how to do it.
I requested such a thing on numerous occasions in the past but noone replied at all.....
I tried to dump my rom as explained in here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=323023 but i m not quite sure if this is correct the procedure.
Anyway m8 if u r interested reply here or send me a PM
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