New Message Soft Key - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi all,
Enjoying my O2 Mini S (K-Jam) a lot so far... had my XDAII for a year then got a MDAc for only a week before gadget envy took over and I just HAD to get a K-Jam.
Other issues aside, I have Wisbar Advance installed, as well as PocketPlus (overkill, eh?) and Tweaks2k2.
I have used Tweaks2k2 in conjunction with PocketPlus to make my left softkey link to the "New Message" action (a PocketPlus function). That is all U use PPlus for anymore (prefer Wisbar skinning), so I would like to uninstall it altogether. Problem is, I can't seem to find another way to make a shortcut that creates a new message. Any ideas?

You can use my VJPhoneTools to start a new email or sms by just using an empty command line, eg VJSMS ""
Make a shortcut and assign it to the softkey.
Is that what you need?
You could also use my VJPhoneShortcuts to assign a key to download new emails if you do that kind of thing.

That might do the business, yes. Thanks for that.
Btw, I'm not a complete newbie, but I don't know how to amend the command line...

Install PhoneTools, and use a good explorer like gsfinder+.
Go to start menu > vijay555 > VJPhoneTools (I think).
In there, choose one of the example shortcuts eg VJSMS, press and hold to get properties, and then change tab to edit the shortcut. Changing the command line to only "" should start a new message.
eg "....\VJSMS.exe" ""
will start a new SMS

Star man!

Did it work?

gadget envy is a very powerful and real problem , its ot taken seriously i think there should be helplines lol
it gets expensive!

Why so Karzi?
Do you miss the soft keys?

How can I change soft keys? I'd like to change default left soft key from Calendar to open speed dials.

Priit: search the board to find how to change softkeys through registry.
You can use my VJPhoneShortcuts to access the Speedials this way.

Vijay - may I once again call you the star man.
Recommend this to anyone; I've now got my left soft key linked to "New SMS", taking advantage of vijay555's neat wee applications.
Lovin' it.

is it possivle to have other ptions as New Note, New Contact, or New Appointment?

pntzamaras: how much do you love me?
Append -new to each of the PIM tasks, eg
Start the apps as such:
\windows\addrbook.exe -new
\windows\calendar.exe -new
\windows\tasks.exe -new
Hope it's useful! :wink:

i still can't seem to find the shortcut to New Note and New Contact.
assistance much appreciated. (i'm running wm5).
thanks in advance

For a new contact...
open notepad (on your PC), and enter the following:
64#"\Windows\poutlook.exe" contacts -new?outres.dll,-10000
Now save this as "New Contact.lnk" (if it saves as "New Contact.lnk.txt", rename it to just "New Contact.lnk")
Now copy this file to your PPC, to "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
That should give you a shortcut that will create a new contact (works here anyway).
For a new note:
open notepad (on your PC), and enter the following:
64#"\Windows\notes.exe" -n
Now save this as "New Note.lnk" (if it saves as "New Note.lnk.txt", rename it to just "New Note.lnk")
Now copy this file to your PPC, to "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
That should give you a shortcut that will create a new note (works here anyway).

thanks for taking the time to reply, contacts now done.
only notes to go ...

done - updated my post. Stupid thing uses "-n" instead of "-new".
I also updated the line for the New Contact shortcut so that you'll get a pretty Contacts icon. (Not sure how it selects the icon, as any number will result in the same icon.. but it's better than the 'blank' icon regardless).

say Stegz, how did you make your left soft key to 'New SMS'?? i've downloaded the VJPhoneTools and still don't know how to use it.

confirm045 said:
say Stegz, how did you make your left soft key to 'New SMS'?? i've downloaded the VJPhoneTools and still don't know how to use it.
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Assuming you have VJPhoneTools installed in the default location:
-- Creating a New SMS shortcut --
open notepad (on your PC), and enter the following:
64#"\Program Files\vijay555\VJSMS.exe" ""
Now save this as "New SMS.lnk" (if it saves as "New SMS.lnk.txt", rename it to just "New SMS.lnk")
Now copy this file to your PPC, to "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
( You can place this elsewhere if you don't want it to show up in Start > Programs. For example, you could place it in "\Program Files\vijay555\" to keep it with the other VJ tools. )
That should give you a shortcut that will create a new SMS. Test this on your PPC first.
-- Assigning the short cut to a Soft Key and changing the label --
Get a registry editor such as TRE or PHM Regedit, and navigate to:
You'll see one or two subkeys there, one is called "112" - which is the subkey for the Left soft key - and the other would be called "113" - which is the subkey for the Right soft key. If "113" doesn't exist, and you want to assign "New SMS" to the Right soft key, create the "113" subkey first.
Navigate to the 112 or 113 subkey.
You'll see two values there:
(Default) - where you can specify the label (the text that will appear on your screen). Modify this one to read "New SMS" or something sensible like that.
Open - which is what defines what program or document pressing the soft key opens. Change this to:
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\New SMS.lnk
(If you put the "New SMS.lnk" file in a different folder on your PPC, you'll need to point to that location instead.)
Close the registry editor, and return to the Today screen. The Soft Key you modified should show as such in the bottom of the screen now, and when you tap it - or press the hardware soft key - it should open the New SMS shortcut.
That's all there is to it
If you don't want to futz around in the registry, see this post for a control panel applet that lets you change the applications launced by each soft key through a user interface:
(Note.. it has to recognize your .lnk file, and you can't change the label - so name the .lnk file appropriately).
And, of course, there's always the "New" menu for WM5 - which might be more what you're looking for as well:

ZeBoxx said:
done - updated my post. Stupid thing uses "-n" instead of "-new".
I also updated the line for the New Contact shortcut so that you'll get a pretty Contacts icon. (Not sure how it selects the icon, as any number will result in the same icon.. but it's better than the 'blank' icon regardless).
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How do I get the right Icon for "Task" and "Calendar"?


Registry Tweaks

I've been trying to find the WM6 tweak to rename/reallocate the bottom pair of soft keys on my home page 'Phone' and 'Contacts'. I have hard keys for both so current config is redundant.
The WM5 tweaks ( don't seem to be tottally relevant (I have changed my default input device which works fine) as I only have 'Htc_default.tsk' as a sub under HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Today no 'Keys' option.
I've exoprted the registry (TRE editor) but can't find an equivalent 'key' value to edit.
Is it because I'm using HTChome?
Any guidance will be much appreciated.
i use the attached, which is in this forum.
here is a site with other registry tweaks. my favorite, especially useful for the BA with this rom, is the one to minimize pressure when tapping the screen...
The pocketPCtweaks reflects the info in the wiki but cheers anyway.
Thanks for CAB will give it a run and post results.
Pressure minimise has made block recognition input faster and much more accurate - A recommended tweak
This tweak works exactly the same like on WM5. You actually need to create those keys.
Hi do anyone know how to create NEW SMS soft key button, which file to link the button to??
1. save the following text to notepad:
10#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "SMS" -to "" -body "
2. in the foregoing, the filename will end in .txt (eg. New SMS.txt). rename the filename extension from .txt to .lnk (eg. New SMS.lnk)
3. copy to your ppc
4. use the softkey application to assign it (eg. New SMS.lnk) to a softkey
5. whenever you click on the said softkey, the new SMS will be activated.
* please note that you can change emperor83 with any text you want (eg. Freddie Krueger); it will be subsequently displayed in the message body
raymonds said:
1. save the following text to notepad:
10#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "SMS" -to "" -body "
2. in the foregoing, the filename will end in .txt (eg. New SMS.txt). rename the filename extension from .txt to .lnk (eg. New SMS.lnk)
3. copy to your ppc
4. use the softkey application to assign it (eg. New SMS.lnk) to a softkey
5. whenever you click on the said softkey, the new SMS will be activated.
* please note that you can change emperor83 with any text you want (eg. Freddie Krueger); it will be subsequently displayed in the message body
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Thank you, it works!! U r great

Contacts Dilema HELP!

I used Soft Key to change the shortcut @ the bottom of my screen i only wanted to change Calendar to New SMS, But when i started the Program it made me change both soft keys & Contacts is not in the list. Now i have New SMS & anything but Contacts.
Any body else had this problem? or does anyone have a fix for this????
Funny enough even if i navigate :
Contacts is not in that list either.......Weird......
I have attached screen shots to help.
Learn to use the registry. The keys you are looking for are in:
Key 112 is your left soft key, and key 113 is your right soft key. You just rename the, "Default" value to what you want to appear on the screen, and the, "Open" value to what you want to launch (the Contacts.lnk is in the /Windows/Start Menu/Programs folder I believe).
Oh, and get Schaps Registry Editor before any of that. ; )
Thanks for the info you have given but im afraid it don't help cause the or even contacts.exe is nowhere to be found on my device not even in the windows folder....
I have attached a screen shot for you to see.
Thanks again.
And by the way i use PHM Registry Editor.....
Do you already have "Contacts" in your start menu? On my phone, I have Contacts in my start menu, and it is no longer in /Windows/Start Menu/Programs but it is listed in Windows/Start Menu. I think it moves the .lnk over when it's active in the start menu. Just a thought.
I mean, it has to be on the phone somewhere. Although I can't seem to locate it in Windows either...kind of makes me wonder where the phone is pulling it from when I select it...hmm...
No it's not in my start menu, proof is in 1 of the attachments in my1st post.
Last nite i installed PocketCM and used soft key to choose the shortcut to it.
Now i have what i originally wanted
Left Shortcut:......New SMS
Right Shortcut:....Contacts (through PocketCM)
Screen Shot Attached
Yeah, I use iContact v0.6. I'd love to use PocketCM if it didn't try and do so much more than just contacts. It's refusal to stop trying to handle SMS is what makes me stay away from it.
Not to sure what you mean about PocketCM taking over SMS just switch it off in options if you dont like it.....
I use PocketCM V0.23 together with TouchPal 3.0 and the SMS option works well for me if anything better than the original cause it shows the whole conversation and it makes it easier for you to remember what you texting about he he he....
Try it.....
I've got a similar problem:
My right softkey was Calendar, some time ago it said "shortcut not found".
I set it again using Schap's Advanced Config, but it kept disappearing 2 or 3 times.
Now, the links for Calendar and Contacts have disappeared in the Start Menu!
I was able to copy the calendar.lnk from the \Windows directory, but there is no contacts.exe.
I do not use PocketCM, so that's not the root cause...
Try installing PocketCM and use that for a while to see it that shortcut dissapears aswell.....
Sounds like we have all got gremlins in our Hermes!!!!!!!! he he he
Here is the link:
Hope im allowed to post that......

Remap Softkeys

I´m using pocket informant for PIM management and HD Tweaks to remap the softkeys, however, I can´t assign to any of the softkey the pocket informant contacts or calendar, only the WM.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
You need to modifye keys in the registry. Here is how I've done it on my HD (it's in french, so you may have to translate the path for your version)
Using a registry editor,
- I have assigned the label "Agenda" to the left soft key :
- I've assigned the week view to the key :
HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\HomeLSKPath="Windows\menu démarrer\programmes\informant utils\piweek.lnk"
Note that the "Informant Utils" folder contains a shortcut for each view, you can choose whichever you want, their name are self explanatory.
I've configured the x button to close all applications but PI (to have it always active and then have a faster access) :
- start PI
- go to settings>Task manager> tab "current" (or whatever the first tab name is in your language)
- tap and hold on the PI task, then select "add to exclusive"
That way, when I click on the left soft key (now labeled "Agenda") I switch to PI in week view. I can then switch from PI by using the Home button or the x button, PI will stay active and the next switch will be very fast.
Nor working for me...
I should work. You must have made a mistake somwhere. Did you do a soft reset? Did you doublecheck the path to be sure you wrote it correctly?
You can also try the program HD Tweak wich allow you to set that in section 14.4 & 14.5.
My answer to HTCZar was irrelevant, because Claude already anwered.
As I said in the first post, I tried to use HD Tweaks, however the optios presented don´t include the PI calendar\agenda, how do I put them there?
Coude said:
- I've assigned the week view to the key :
HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\HomeLSKPath="Windows\menu démarrer\programmes\informant utils\piweek.lnk"
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Could you possibly check the link properties for this and month view? Just for anyone that might have got rid of all those extra links cluttering up his 'All programs list'...
What I'd like to have set up, the left soft key goes to Pocket Informant (maybe the screen where you choose what view you want) and when I tap an appointment in TF3D it loads the agenda view, using SSMaPa. (Can you get me a link for this?)
Here is the link as read in the properties of the shortcut :
For PIWeek.lnk :
"\Program Files\WebIS\PocketInformant\PITab.exe" 4?\Program Files\WebIS\PocketInformant\PITab.exe,-113
For PIMonth :
"\Program Files\WebIS\PocketInformant\PITab.exe" 4?\Program Files\WebIS\PocketInformant\PITab.exe,-114
To get rid af tho extras link in 'All program list', it would have been better to move the shortcut in another folder, so you could still use them if needed...
I haven't used SSMaPa yet (but I planned to) therefore I can't help you on this matter. Sorry.
Yeah, I should have just moved them... silly me. Thanks for your help. Could you possibly give the link to the agenda view too? Thanks.
Is there a link to 'view' view?
I´ll Try that Again then.
Is it possoble to change the hardware keys function?
Works fine! Thank you very much! @claude
Where do you put the path and exactly how are you writing it ?
Could you possibly give the link to the agenda view too?
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"\Program Files\WebIS\PocketInformant\PITab.exe" 2?\Program Files\WebIS\PocketInformant\PITab.exe,-111
Is there a link to 'view' view?
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Sorry, I couldnt find one.
Where do you put the path and exactly how are you writing it ?
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1. You need to install registry editor. I use Resco Registry Editor, but there are some other.
2. Open the registry and follow the tree up to the parameter HomeLSKPath. Taping on the parameter should provide a field where to keyin the path string.
3. Quit the registry editor
4. Restart TF3D or do a Soft Reset.
I´ve done that, and i´m also using Resco editor.
The path strings begins with Windows\....PIWeek.lnk right? it takes no " "?

Not enough space for progs slots on START menu and 'All Programs' no good - No groups

The new TFL3D on the Diamond 2 is a huge improvement over the old one I have on the Touch Pro.
However one really nagging thing is that the Start Menu replacement screen, although easy to use doesn't have enough slots in there. Also selecting 'All Programs' isn't effective if one has a hundred or more programs, since it's not categorized.
For example I would rather havea button to show all program dealing with the Phone/SMS features. A group for all games. Group for all GPS stuff etc.. Right now it's one big mess of mismash.
Any workaround to this? Either provide more program icon slots in the start menu, or better have a shortcut to Groups so once can place several programs under a group(folder).
Hope to find an answer as I wouldn't want to neglect the touchflo.
you could use a program such as resco or total commander to make folders and move all your programs into the appropriate folders.
The icons you see in the start menu are only shortcuts, so moving them around will have no effect on the running of the applications.
The location to look at to organise all this on your phone is
\windows\start menu\programs
I think you misunderstood mobiler..
What he wants is to either have more slots in the HTC start menu (maybe possible) or have programs organised in folders under "all programs"
I'm having a similar problem. I'm looking for someone who can point out a link to the original windows' programs list. Then I can put a shortcut in HTC's start menu.. rather than using the confusing "all programs"
so what you want is to have more slots available when you press start. That's what the guy wants ... I never use more than 9 ...
MasK said:
I think you misunderstood mobiler..
What he wants is to either have more slots in the HTC start menu (maybe possible) or have programs organised in folders under "all programs"
I'm having a similar problem. I'm looking for someone who can point out a link to the original windows' programs list. Then I can put a shortcut in HTC's start menu.. rather than using the confusing "all programs"
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Yes. That's EXACTLY what I mean. Please tell me if you found any solution.
georgeono said:
so what you want is to have more slots available when you press start. That's what the guy wants ... I never use more than 9 ...
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Or to have shortcuts to program groups.
Like one slot for all GPS programs. one slot for all Phone programs, one slot for all games.. etc..
Or at least it would have been also easier to have the 'All Programs' long list organized into groups.
see this: - if I understood corectly (read about 4 times to get the idea ...), this provides 4 columns instead of 3 in the start menu, meaning that you will have 32 slots instead of 24. Be careful, there are bugs.
georgeono said:
see this: - if I understood corectly (read about 4 times to get the idea ...), this provides 4 columns instead of 3 in the start menu, meaning that you will have 32 slots instead of 24. Be careful, there are bugs.
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Thanks, I read it, but too bugy to use.
Organizing TF3D Start Menu
There is another solution to organize your Start Menu better, but its not very convenient as you have to manually change the registry and .
I added folders to my TF3D Start Menu for different categories. When you click on a folder you see the programs that belong to that category, but only in a list, not in the same view as on the Start Menu. See my screenshots to understand better.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
1st step:
Create Folders in Windows\Start Menu\Programs. I used Backup, Configuration, Games, Navigation
2nd step:
Copy the links of the programs you want to have under Backup, Configuration, ... from Windows\Start Menu\Programs into the folder you want to see programs
3rd step:
You need a registry editor to add these folders to your TF3D Start Menu.
The entries are stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher.
You will see there keys named 0 to 23. 0 is for the tab that is on the top left of the start menu, 1 is for the tab in the top middle, 3 is the tab in the second row left side, and so on.
Before you change anything here check on which tabs you want to have the folders in the Start Menu. For me it was 12, 13 and 14.
Open the key that you want to be your folder on. There are 5 entries, (Default), DispName, IconPath, IsReadOnly and Path.
DispName and Path are the two you have to change.
In DispName you enter the name you want to see in the Start Menu, e.g. "Navigation".
In Path you enter the path to the folder, e.g. "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Navigation"
4th step:
Close the registry editor and do a SoftReset. Then you will see the folders in the Start Menu.
Additional tips (Not tested by me):
To change the picture of the folder in Start Menu there are 2 possibilities.
Put a file named icon.lnk into the folder. The file should link to the picture. For the games folder it is shelres.dll,-8229.
Put the link to the picture into the registry entry IconPath
The first tabs on your Start Menu are protected. If you want to place something else there, change the registry entry of 0, 1, 2 and/or 3 IsReadOnly from the value 1 to 0 and you can delete them in TF3D Start Menu and assign other applications to them.
.............EDIT: OOppps, it seems that fellow member "BeeGee_Tokyo" was a few seconds faster than me!!!! He also provided pics to make it easier. Well done!..........................
I feel exactly the same. Tried the 4 rows option but didn't like it at all.
What I did was this:
1. by using Total Commander or Resco Explorer (for R.E. make sure that in the settings you enabled the viewing of all files), go to Windows\Start Menu\Programs and you will see all your installed program's shortcuts in there (all the ones you see when you press "all programs"), and create folders in there and move the program shortcuts into the appropriate folders. For example my Programs folder has folders named "System Tools", "Connection Utils", "Utilities", Multimedia", "Office", "Games" etc, with the appropriate program shortcuts inside each folder. Do not leave any program shortcuts in the Programs folder
2. By using a registry editor (search for one), create an entry in the start menu for every folder (see instructions below)
Now you have shortcuts for each folder, and if you press one (ie Games) it opens the folder with the appropriate program shortcuts in it (ie all my games shortcuts that I moved in there from the programs folder in windows).
The method for creating the shortcuts in the start menu through registry, is found on another thread in this forum , and kudos goes to "prdic" in post 5.
In my example, one registry entry (the "games" one) looks like this:
DispName Games
IsReadOnly 0
Path \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\
christis said:
.............EDIT: OOppps, it seems that fellow member "BeeGee_Tokyo" was a few seconds faster than me!!!! He also provided pics to make it easier. Well done!..........................
The method for creating the shortcuts in the start menu through registry, is found on another thread in this forum , and kudos goes to "prdic" in post 5.
In my example, one registry entry (the "games" one) looks like this:
DispName Games
IsReadOnly 0
Path \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\
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thanks for adding the credits, my sources are the same, was just too lazy to search for the threads and members.
Thank both of you guys!
Excellent Explanation.
Pitty it would take a lot of messing around with the registry Which is not a problem for me but just terribly time consuming But I guess that is exactly what I was looking for. So thanks again. I will try this once I have some free time
hi there,
when i try to link to a directory (or a link to a directory) and klick on that link i always get an error message saying the file can't be opened. It's not signed or on of its components can't be found.
i also get that error when i choose a link to a directory via touchflo's "Add".
any idea why? is my touchflo to old? (stock rom from o2 germany)
TheZer0 said:
hi there,
when i try to link to a directory (or a link to a directory) and klick on that link i always get an error message saying the file can't be opened. It's not signed or on of its components can't be found.
i also get that error when i choose a link to a directory via touchflo's "Add".
any idea why? is my touchflo to old? (stock rom from o2 germany)
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It should work. Double check if the path is entered correct, that is my only guess. Can you post what you entered in the registry?
Excellent tips there.
However, I feel that Manila start menu will open any folder, but dump every shortcut in root AND subfolders together.. So there's no way to have folders in the list view.
Anyways.. is there a way I can link it to WM's default programs list?
MasK said:
Excellent tips there.
However, I feel that Manila start menu will open any folder, but dump every shortcut in root AND subfolders together.. So there's no way to have folders in the list view.
Anyways.. is there a way I can link it to WM's default programs list?
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Not sure what you mean with "dump every shortcut in root AND subfolders".
As you can see in my screenshot, when I click on Navigation in Start Menu, I see only the links in the folder Navigation.
For the WM's default program list, the path you enter in the registry would be \windows\Start Menu I guess.
Dear BeeGee, I linked your 'tutorial' to the rollup thread
Thanks for your contribution! much appreciated, works like a charm
jeutie said:
Dear BeeGee, I linked your 'tutorial' to the rollup thread
Thanks for your contribution! much appreciated, works like a charm
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Thanks, will try to stay helpfull.
BeeGee_Tokyo said:
It should work. Double check if the path is entered correct, that is my only guess. Can you post what you entered in the registry?
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Hi there, thank you for your reply.
i tried to specify a path with and without ending \ or links to that directory, eg:
The correct icon of the games-folder (spiele == games) is always shown, but a click always gives the error.
TheZer0 said:
Hi there, thank you for your reply.
i tried to specify a path with and without ending \ or links to that directory, eg:
The correct icon of the games-folder (spiele == games) is always shown, but a click always gives the error.
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I tried it on my Topaz with the following registry entries:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
and it works.
I exported the registry key and attached it here. It will put the Spiele folder on tab 19 in the TF3D Start Menu. Unzip it and copy the 19.reg on your phone, and install it (I use Resco File Explorer to install). If you want to change the tab number, open the .reg file with a text editor and change the 19 to the tab number you want.
If this is not working on your Topaz, it might be a problem with Manila. My Manila is 2.0.38149.0 (shown at About on Settings tab)

Please help - can't change the right softkey!

Hi guys!
I tried to change my right softkey from "Menu" to "BT Toggle" (a bluetooth switching program I've already installed) using Advanced Configuration Tool 3.3 but it didn't work on my HD2.
When I restart the HD2, the key is changed to "BT Toggle" but after entering the PIN and after HTC sense started the key is named "Menu" again.
I looked into the registry but all is right there, the changes were saved. But why is the new softkey name only displayed before starting HTC sense and not after?
Any ideas?
Best regards,
Home RSK
I wouldn't mess with the right soft key of sense.
Only the left.
How would you edit the quick tabs?
If you aren't using sense, only the WM interface, you can edit those SK's.
Did you get BT Toggle to work?
It wouldn't for me.
Benz-Driver said:
Hi guys!
I tried to change my right softkey from "Menu" to "BT Toggle" (a bluetooth switching program I've already installed) using Advanced Configuration Tool 3.3 but it didn't work on my HD2.
When I restart the HD2, the key is changed to "BT Toggle" but after entering the PIN and after HTC sense started the key is named "Menu" again.
I looked into the registry but all is right there, the changes were saved. But why is the new softkey name only displayed before starting HTC sense and not after?
Any ideas?
Best regards,
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This one works with my HD2:
Sorry, what do you mean with
I wouldn't mess with the right soft key of sense.
Only the left.
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My english isn't that good...
Using this post by vovichek62 as a guide I used the following process to change the right soft key:
Download LuaDec from here and extract
Copy \Windows\07c67730_manila from device to luadec folder (and somewhere else as a backup).
Open a command prompt there
luadec 07c67730_manila > 07c67730_manila.lua
Open 07c67730_manila.lua in an editor like notepad
You need to change two functions. The fuction above "SetSoftKey = l_0_0" sets the text for the soft buttons. This is my modified line:
_application:SetRightSoftkey(Softkey(Locale:GetString("IDS_CONTACTS"), OnMenuPressed))
I think it was originally set to IDS_MENU. That "OnMenuPressed" is the function called when you press it.
So now you need to change that function - The function above "OnMenuPressed = l_0_0". On mine this is now:
l_0_0 = function()
_application.Navigation:Navigate(URL("Manila://people/browserlayer/"), false)
Now, back in the command prompt run:
luac -o 07c67730_manila 07c67730_manila.lua
and copy 07c67730_manila back to your device.
If you were up for it you could probably copy some of the left soft key code to allow changing the right soft key in the registry.
Xaddict is right, once you do this you can no longer tweak your home buttons. If I need to change one I go back in to the registry and find:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila\Home\0\IsSet (where 0 is the button number) and change the value to 0. If you then restart manila (or your device) you can change that button. It will still show the old text and icon until you do. I also made a simple .reg which clears all the buttons, attached. For me it was worth this hassle as I could remove the People tab.
Tx fot BT Toggle
Nice one.
Thanks very much : )
Benz-Driver said:
This one works with my HD2:
Sorry, what do you mean with
My english isn't that good...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
iv just made a new 07c67730_manila file that reads from the registry
so all you have to do is download my 07c67730_manila file
then copy it to your windows folder (backup the old 07c67730_manila file)
then in registry at:
HKLM > Software\HTC\Manila
to anything you like
for contacts:
HomeRSKPath Manila://people\browserlayer\?.page
HomeRSKText anything you like something liek contacts or all people
HomeRSKArguments leave this blank
how to remove quick Links without the menu:
all you do is hold the quick link you dont want for about 3-4 seconds and then drag it away this works on my dutty rom but gessing its the same for all roms
I am using HD2Tweaks - beats the hassle of backing up/copying manila files, editing registry entries - to assign the left and right softkey at the Home/Today screen.
But the available options are a fixed set.
Telephone (default for left), Menu (default for right), Backlight, Contacts, Contacts List, Notes, Calendar WM, Calendar WM (week view), Calendar WM (month view), New Appointment, Tasks, Messaging, SMS/MMS, Internet, Opera, Camera, Album, Comm Manager, File Explorer, Google Maps, Internet Sharing, MyPhone, RSS Hub, Radio FM, Windows Live, You Tube.
HD2Tweaks does not work for me on duttys rom so if HD2Tweaks works thats grate but mine is like a backup option
Holding quicklinks for 3-4 secs dont work for me. I'm on 1.66 WWE stock ROM. Need help on how to remove quicklinks. Also does anyone know the path for New SMS on LSK or RSK? Thanks!

