Better Sound volume configuration - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I have a question regarding sound settings.
I want to be able to turn up the volume so that if I receive an sms I will have high volume but I want a low sound level screen tapping sound (e.g. when clicking on the start button on top left of the screen).... So basically I move the volume slider to a higher sound level but obviously this increases the sound level for the "Events (warnings, system events)". I dont want to completely turn off all "event" sounds but just want it at a lower level...
Is there any way to be able to modify the settings so that these two have separate sound volume settings.
I currently also have screen taps and hardware button taps turned off.

you could take the screen tap sound and make a copy with the volume reduced by a few dB.


Behaviour of Volume slider

I searched for this, but couldn't find a satisfying answer... Until now I always used profile software, but figured it's too much overhead for what I need, I essentially only change the ring volume depending on situation.
Now when I use the volume slider on the Homescreen, the left Volume slider moves (the one with the PDA symbol). However, this doesn't influence the ring volume, which I would need. I never need to adjust the click volume...
Is there some setting to change the behaviour of the volume slider?
On a sidenote: I also noticed that the speaker volume while using the phone is too high, even when I'm in a call and move the slider to the lowest position. Can this be reduced somewhere?

Distorted chiming sound while adjusting volume - normal?

I seem to be fairly happy with my HD2 in terms of sound etc - then again I'm not all that picky when it comes to volume I can hear it and the volume control gives me a good ranges of options from quiet to loud so happy days!
However, when adjusting the system volume from the main home screen (and btw have mine set to the default 'single volume' setting) for each up/down tap I make the chime/beep it gives is terrible sounding - like the speaker is completely knackered! That said, when the phone rings / nav directions / txt message alert / speaking to another person on the phone it seems fine.
Anyone else noticed this?!

anybody know how to lock ringer volume

it seems that sometimes my ringer volume has changed, maybe some apps,games when i change media volume affects ringer.
any way is there a way to lock the ringer at a set level and not have access to ringer volume from the two buttons ?
i too would love to have this feature.

Feature Request for Linking Media volume to Ringer and Notifications

Does anyone know if there is an app or setting for our phones that will allow me to link the media volume to the ringer and notification volume? I'd like to use the rocker to mute my phone completely. I often find that i'll use the rocker to vibrate or silence my phone but then open an app that makes a loud noise at inopportune times. I don't feel like pulling down the notification drawer and manually adjusting the media volume every time i enter a quiet area is the best solution.
Ideally, i'd like the media volume to be linked but adjustable through the pull down menu to its own volume. When a volume rocker is pressed, I'd like the media volume to snap to the same volume that the new adjusted ringer/notification volume is at. This will promote the most functionality with the least loss of control.
Users will be able to modify their media, notification, and ringer volume on the fly with the rocker while in app. Separate volume control is preserved through the notification bar or by clicking the down arrow on the volume bar. Then, whenever vibrate or silence is required and vibrate/silence is activated with the volume rocker, users could rest assured that no errant link, snapchat story, or random screen press will play something that is unrestricted by the volume rocker and delegated by media volume instead.
I'd appreciate the help and i believe many people would benefit from this functionality.

Very loud call volume

I'm having problems with call volume. It's very loud. Everytime I try to turn it down with volume buttons I see "bluetooth" volume bar and it doesn't chane anything. To access normal (built-in speaker) volume settings I have to switch loudspeaker on and then switch it off. Then icon changes from bluetooth to normal speaker and I can change call volume but it's still to loud even on min. level wich is 20% as I can't go lower either by using vol buttons or sliding on volume bar.
Also I noticed that there are only 5 steps in call volume settings. Going down from 100% I can go 4 steps down to 20%. Fifth step would be 0% but it just won't go down below 20%.
Anyone know how to fix it?
I tried Gravitybox, but it changes steps for media volume only.
I have android 8.0
bump & update
Bluetooth volume bar only shows for first call after phone reboot. After doing the loudspeaker on/off trick with every next call volume buttons change ear speaker volume (very slightly and only 4 steps)

