Proxy with pocket ie - Networking

Hi , i am very new to pocket pc and so far its been good until i decide to use my HTTP proxy server with pocket ie,
firstly i dont get why pocket pc has My isp and My work sections on connection settings
secondly if i setup an gprs apn to isp section i cant use or add proxy server settings to it, if i create same apn on my work network section i can add and use my proxy server, thats ok i went advenced section and changed both (programs that connect to internet and private network) auto. used networks to my networkbut now if i try to get my emails with my ppc outlook can not connect to internet unlesss i change first setting ( programs that connect automaticly to the internet setting) back to my isp and if i do that pocket ie wont use my proxy server, is there any way to use porx server on pocket ie?

i have found my answer:
"Any user or ISP that uses a proxy and still connects directly to the internet will not work. The proxy assumes all connections with a dot in the name go to the proxy and that the proxy supports socks or winsock to connect. So company's that use a proxy to speed up access to the internet like when you use wireless will experience issues with e-mail due to this issue. So with the connection to Work, you can get to the web but no otherservice. So if you set it to The Internet then you can get e-mail but no web. "


S.O.S. WAP...

Hi guys!
Can I configure the Internet Explorer of my Jam to use athe WAP connection?
I have 100MB free 1 for WAP-GPRS connection a month and I'd like to use them to connect to the internet with the Internet Explorer of my Jam....
Is it possible? How can I configure all the internet connection request to my WAP connection?
yes you can do it, just have to configure WAP gateway IP in proxy setting to port 9001, in connection you have to choose right APN in magician named Access Point and of course login and password
to use wap in IE you have to use wsp:// instead http:// so when you setup your connection properly with proxy gateway on port 9001 or the one your provider use to open wap pages in IE write addresses in this format wsp://

Using a proxy server to browse

My university WLAN network uses a proxy server for browsing.
Now, I can easily connect my O2 Exec with the university network but I end up browsing only the internal network. I don't know how to set up Pocket IE and/or Opera to browse through the proxy.
I couldn't find any setting in the browser or anywhere else to enter the proxy.
The only option for setting up a proxy is in the Connection Settings but I believe those connection settings are for GPRS and MMS and not for WLAN.
How do I browse on my WLAN with proxy? :?

Managing multiple (more than two) connections automatically

I'm new to this forum, and I have tried searching for a similar entry here at xda-developers.
I have a problem managing multiple connection automatically with my HTC TyTN II (WM 6) device. Here's the scenario:
1. I have configured the Internet connection to be the Internet APN of my ISP (the first connection entry in the Connections / Tasks tab. This works ok.
2. I need to access WAP pages (available only to customers of the ISP I'm using) via the WAP proxy of my ISP. I have configured this in the second entry in the Connections / Task tab. I have configured the APN, and proxy server for WAP browsing. I use wsp:// as the protocol in the address field of IE. This works fine, as well.
3. I also need to use ActiveSync to access company E-Mail. Our company has a third APN for this purpose to access the Exchange server in the Intranet. I have configured this in the second section on Connections, or the Network management under "Programs that automatically connect to a private nerwork should connect using:". The problem is that I need to use both the WAP APN, and this Intranet APN. With current setup I need to manually select WAP APN, when I browse the WAP pages (available only via the WAP proxy), and the Intranet APN, when I would like ActiveSync to sync with the company Exchange server.
Now, I've also tried selecting "Auto pick" in Connections/Advanced tab->Select Networks->Edit (private network section). It seems to always pick the first one, since it's a working conection. I guess this is how it should work. The question is: is there a way to tell ActiveSync to use a particular connection, or put it in another way: is it possible have two private networks, so that WAP browsing would use one, and ActiveSync the other one automatically. Only the WAP connection is using a proxy server. Company E-Mail is accessed via diffrent APN with username, but without a proxy server.
Thanks for your time,

Windows mobile apps don't connect to internet

I have a Vodafone branded X1 which I'm using with my T-Mobile sim. I have gone into the registry and unlocked the default connections (My ISP and WEB) and changed them to work with T-Mobile.
Opera, panels, IE and comm manager connect fine.
Messaging (Email), Windows Live, and Messenger all say they cannot connect (It doesn't even look like they try and connect)
It appears they have been set to only work with Vodafone's default settings, is there anywhere i can modify to make these work?
when you edited WEB and My ISP did you untick the connect to internet via proxy option? but leave this connection connects to internet checked
hotmail etc is working on my phone and the only changes i've made are the ones i gave you on the other thread, except I'm on o2.
Yep, I did all that and I still get problems, the message I get from Windows Live is "Windows Live was unable to establish an Internet connection. Please check your Internet settings and make sure that you have access to data services under your billing plan. If you need help, please contact your mobile service provider."
It doesn't even try to use the My ISP or WEB connections before it shows that message.
i had a similiar problem where only opera connected and not msn.
I removed all connections completely (do not only edit them) and restart and recreate.
then it started to work again..
ried removing all the connections completely and I still get the same issues with mail and messenger.
It looks to me like they aren't even trying to look for, or establish a connection before throwing the error
that's exactly how it looked to me, when I was trying to fix it last night. then it all fell into place. it almost looked like it new it wasn't going to work and couldn't be bothered trying! I think the last thing I did was disable connecting by proxy on the WEB connection.
I promise you it is something wrong with your settings and not with Live or Messaging.
I've tried everything I think I can with the connection settings, can you list your settings please eyebeebe?
I assume you're using these settings:
GPRS APN address:
Gateway (IP) address : (alt:
Username : user (alt: wapuser)
Password: wap
Session type: Continuous / permanent
Port number: 8080 (alt: 9201)
Authentication: Normal
Is your Artemis on T-mobile? Can you mirror it's settings? For example you made need to connect via proxy and enter the Gateway IP address as above if you haven't already.
If you've done that already send me a PM and we can go through my settings on MSN...

pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease help me

pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease help me finding any program or settings that allow me to use a http proxy surfing the internet i have tried alot of ways but nothing are working with this stupid windows mobile now i really hate this windows because of this so please help
pick your isp network and click Manage existing conections
click proxy settings
check this network uses a prozy server to connect to the internet
type in your http proxy in the
proxy server textbox

