CAB file - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I want to install a software, but its a CAB file, and i don't know how to run it, Does anybody ?

Hello !
Just copy it in a folder of your PocketPC and launch it from there : it wille auto-install.


how to extract smartphone cab files ???

Hi All,
With Pocket PC cabs, i can use Win CE CAB Manager to export cab files to a .inf and export the contents of the cab.
Does anyone know how to do this with a smartphone cab file ?
Use cabinst
cool, thanks for that
i downloaded it, doesn't seem to operate correctly on my SP3.
seems like it's only a PPC version ?
do you have linkage for a SP client ?
the one i downloaded was v1.04.
Cheers !


hi guys i recently posted a topic on o2 gprs probs. i have found the settings and downloaded them in .cab formatt. but how do i install them on to the fone or if not what folder do they need to be in?
i have placed them inthe ppc files directory and clicked to install bu it displays a message sayin they cant be installed.
cab files can be installed from any location
if they will not install maybe their are currupt
or for another cpu type then arm or xcale
i used the cab files from this forum. does anyone have the .cab files for XDA2 on o2 uk payg? would be a great help
here is where i got them. which 1 i need? and what i got to do wiv it?
done it lol, when i was dl the .cab file it displays on my PC as a winrar file so i was automatically extracting the files (all six of them lol), realy all i had to do was put the Downloaded file straight onto my XDA lol. dummm asss
i'm glad you got there in the end :lol:
Well the .cab files are the installation-packages for WinMobile. You need to transfer this .cab file direct to your device(or card) and via any file-exploring software start this .cab. The installation should be started. If you get an error,there can be few problems:
1.The .cab installation is for other processor type
2.or is it for a Smartphone device(PPC and SP are uncompatible(well WM5 has better compatibolity))
3.The .cab can be corrupted.
Now I want to say,that this direct in-device installation has some bad properties:
1. The .cab file is automatically deleted after installation(when your .cab isn't read-only)
2.The system install the software into a default folder only(\Program Files)-you cannot choose your own destination such as Storage,Storage Card etc..
This bugs solve this utility(below). I really recommend that.

Need RM player for Wizrd !!

Hi Guys;
I've searched many times for a player that plays .rm and .ram files, but couldn't find it TCMP can't play these files, can anyone give me a link where to download or purchase this player ???
thank you in advance.
Tried this?
are u sure?
thanx for your help; but does it support windows mobile 5 ? I'm afraid of taking risk to install it !!! need a quick reply plzzz.
I adwise you to make a backup before installing. Make a backup with Sunnysoft Backup Manager or other available software.
I've tried. Works well on WM5.
Default setup is bad. you need to extract cab file in temp.
I've joined the default cab.
thank you buddy ..
Thanx alot; i've extracted your .cab file into TEMP folder on my device, then i've tapped on it to install the cool real one player; i'm happy with it ..
Re: thank you buddy ..
Wow.. Cool stuff..Thanks for sharing, Just got it installed on my Wizard.
Take a little longer to reboot. Able to run the RealOne player now..
Need to try some big files to checkout the performance.
For those who don't know how to extract the .cab file..You can do a search in google like me.. :roll: ..................... or try this :lol: ...
1) Start -> Run -> %temp% , to open the temp folder
2) run the xxxx.exe file, a new folder will generate in the temp folder.
3) copy the inside the new folder into your ppc and install it.
Have fun..
Ops.. did not see the attachment until i login..
I got it, and also learn how to extract the cab file. thanks a lot. have fun.

Can someone create this cab for me?

Hi, I need someone to create a cab for me.
the files are attached.
I need the cab to install into program files/omapclock/
I need it for my extended rom. thanks!
Is this what you're asking for?
No, i need it with smart key and my ini file.

hi i am new to this and i have a htc running windows 2003se could some one please tell me how to install the above file on my htc i have tried sending to my docs and pushing set up but no luck please help thanks
if it's a rtf file then it's not a program but a text doc
yust copy the file to your PDA.....
I think someone made a mess here. This file only contains a picture (yes picture) of a list of files apparently extracted from a cab .
If you have the original cab file and want to install it, just copy to PPC then click on it in file explorer.
This may not work if the cab was not designed for your OS.
