Disable Move item when clicking and holding - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Is it possible to disable the move item when clicking and holding on an e-mail. A user acciednetly moved an item to the inbox and it sent out the exact same message but under his name.


My contacts list remains on the screen, please help

I am trying to send text messages using my XDA IIs and things are not working. When I select "to" in the outlook window, "my contacts" list shows up, I then select a contact, but the list remains on the screen preventing any text entry. Any ideas?
Press the little "contacts" icon to the right of My Text at the bottom of the screen, this puts the contacts list away (or pops it up).
Thanks mate, so simple.

Is it possible to create a new menu option?

i have a 8125 and was hoping one of you unbelievably smart techies out there could whip something up for me or explain if it cannot be done. i was hoping to add a "Select all" option in the "Menu" just below "Delete" in my e-mail interface. basically if i have say 10 -20 e-mails i want to select rather than using the stylus and selecting all of them manually i would like to press "Menu" "Select all" then "Delete" can this be done??
any help would be greatly appreciated. also on another off topic note, when i use the "Meaasging" button at the top of the phone (the actual external hard mapped button) my phone switches to the mail accounts (i can see the name in the top menu) however there is no display the today screen is still visible where the e-mails should be. i have to close the mail and reopen it with the messaging shortcut from the start menu then all displays fine. i had a similar problem with the Pictures viewer and accidentaly came across a thread to rename 2 dll files, i did and that is now working. does anybody know how to fix this display issue with the messaging button
thanks again

Anyone know a faster way to send sms text message

So i changed from the 8125 to the wing and I have discovered it is much more difficult to send a new text message. You have to go through like 5 different commands...(open the message bar, select text message account, tap menu, scroll to new, scroll to sms) it just seems so tedious so i was wondering if anyone knows of a way to make it so i can have new message be one of my soft key choices (preferably where the delete soft key is). Its really annoying.
Thanks BP
How about when you install the HTC Home plugin, I HAD one until i bricked my phone yesterday :'( it came with the PDAVIET rom which was released some time ago.
What it does is, it shows on the Today screen a link to Email and one to SMS.
That's probably the fastest way.
how 'bout putting the command "new sms" under a softkey ?
Or simply install the program "name" (sorry forgot the name) that puts a "New" menu at your left soft-key in the today screen, from there you can choose sms, e-mail, mms etc.. Just search for New menu
Press Contacts softkey. Scroll to the intended recipient. Tap, hold, pick "Send Text Message". Type text message. Press Send softkey.
What's the problem?
How About VIJay?
I use VijaySMS All the time... It allows you to make a shortcut (I use SPB Today so I create the shortcuts in there) that either starts a blank SMS or start one to a specific contact. You can find the program at Vijay's webpage here: http://www.vijay555.com/
You could set up the Message button to automatically go to your SMS Inbox when you press it.
Messaging Inbox > Menu > Tools > Options...
Select Text/SMS and uncheck "Display account picker when opening Messaging." This will automatically open your SMS Inbox, thus eliminating the first two steps of your problem.

Redirect action new email notification

If a get a notification in the top bar that a new email has arrived and I press it, I get the overview of the available top functions.
So far so good.
Then I press the big email icon and a popup at the bottom comes in view, telling me the number of unread emails.
I have the option to VIEW or DISMISS
Here's my problem with this.
On pressing the big emailbutton, I wan't to be transferred into the mail application, skipping the bottom popup. It's completely irrelevant to me and the extra step is useless if you know that you are getting lots of mails every day.
Is there a way to disable the bottom popup and be transferred directly into the maill-app

Bulk Delete Emails

One thing that annoyed me about the iphone was having to delete every individual email to clear the inbox. Then, you'd have to go into the trash folder and start manually deleting them from there too. WM was great for this, you'd just hit "clear inbox" and they would all dissappear. hurrah!
Android/hero seems to have copied the stupid iphone method. or... am i missing something? is there a better way to delete items from the inbox?
In the Mail app, press the menu button and select delete. Then you are able to select multiple messages to delete in one go
2brains said:
In the Mail app, press the menu button and select delete. Then you are able to select multiple messages to delete in one go
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah, thats what i'm refering too. If you had 50 emails you'd have to tap each one individually to delete it.
No, you don't.
When you are in the screen to select which messages you want to delete, click Menu again. It will give you the options to Mark all or Unmark All. This way you can delete ALL messages in one go. Remember that the Menu button changes screen over screen, many hidden functionality is there
question answered
job done
thread closed
