Help with Dead Magician - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hello All,
It has been a while since my last post, but I need help once again.
My Magician has taken a turn for the worse. The power connector has broken off and I had it repaired by a great company.
My issue is now the device is coming up with multiple colors on the display (primarily Orange, Light Blue, and White) vertically). This is different from the color test where it is Red, Blue, Green.
When I attempt to load the ROM all I get are connection issues on the MaUpgradeUt. I am not positive I have gotten the device into the correct mode as the display is not working. Speaking of displays, the company that attempted to repair my device did try a new screen and experienced the same results. Also they placed the original screen on a new Magician and the screen worked great.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I would love to have my Magician back.
Thank you,

Try maupgradeut_noid.exe from the ftp, instead of maupgradeut.exe. It may help. I don't advice you to run down the battery cause some are complaining that it won't charge without OS. BTW does the led come up constantly when you plug in the power or usb? If so you probably still got an OS.
Guess you know how to put it into bootloader, just try & hold for a second or 10 & connect usb & try to flash with the no_id. Must be difficult without confirmations on your screen, but a SD flash will be even harder.
Hope this helps, otherwise I see only one solution left: have it serviced again :-(
Regards, M

Thank you for the info.
I tried the new MaUpgradeUt_noID but now I am getting the error on the PC saying Error 150: ROM Upgrade Utility Error.
The device appears to be fully functional with the exception of the screen.

Did you ran the noid once or twice. It needs to be running twice, my guess is that in the first run it alters the RUU file (adds the first line devicecheck or something) & the second it really upgrades.
Was the screen problem present before you had the power-connector serviced? Maybe something is loose or broken now...
Cheers, M


I think my Hermes is dead :(

Was working fine this morning, alarm went off etc and checked my mail. Put it into my pocket to read on the bus, got it out and it wouldn't come out of sleep mode. So tried reset with the stylus, no luck, so then pulled the battery and powered on.
All I get now is the green light coming on and staying on and that's it nothing else. I've got Hard-SPL the last released version and Shamanix Ultimate rom which has been fine for the last few months. And yer now this.
I've tried removing the sim card, the storage card and plugging it into windows. It detects something, brings up a network device but then I get nothing after that. I've tried using RUUWrapper to flash another OS rom but it still won't go. (This only happened once)
*Update* Somehow after plugging the usb cable in and holding power and the ok button to get the tri colour screen (even though its staying black) it managed to attempt to flash a new image to my phone. It said it was successful but its still not booting. I'm going to try and reflash the radio and hard spl but any other ideas? I tried looking for mtty to go through that way but no luck.
i had the same problem like you any help oli, pof or any one who could help to come back our hermes??
you sure its even a software problem? it seem to me like a hardware problem, like ur lcd screen is dead or something. i would try a remote control app like mymobiler and see if there's anything there first
XtreMe_G said:
you sure its even a software problem? it seem to me like a hardware problem, like ur lcd screen is dead or something. i would try a remote control app like mymobiler and see if there's anything there first
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Could be a hardware issue but I don't think its the LCD. The lights to indicate bluetooth aren't flashing which I had on by default. Its also not even flashing the green light at this point. It sorta powers on but thats it.
After a bit of time the light did start flashing green but no bluetooth. The red and green phone buttons also turned on (Dopod 838 Pro). Its also now appearing to charge off the USB. But still no link in windows. I can ring the phone but nothing happens, it rings in the phone im using but the mobile itself does not.
well in my case my device if i plug it in the charger it charges but no led indication if i turn on the device only the green led turns on but it stays no start of splash etc etc etc only i can put it in bootmode if i flash it dont makes nothing
Well I dropped the phone into the service centre. It is 11 days (taking into account the leap year) outside of warranty. I'm kinda annoyed because the tech there said 3 would normally replace/repair under warranty at 10 days out of warranty.
Either way i've got a quote of $140, they claim its the screen but didnt have a screen in stock to test so i'm waiting for that. Three may still cover it under warranty because its so close to the warranty period and well i've had a few billing issues with them before where they were at fault. Namely the charged my credit card which they had been for over 6 months with no issues and then claimed I had not paid them. It took two weeks and multiple complaints before they accepted my bank statement showing them it was paid.
Still waiting now at almost a week and a half but hopefully its just the screen and they will fix it for me. They were hesitant to but I believe they will cover all of it, at first only offered 50% of the cost which is a bit of a kick in the teeth when its so close to warranty and under statutory warranty it should be covered.
Will keep this updated.
so has anyone figured out a reason/solution to this issue?
Unfortunately no
Once three got the parts in and tested them in my unit they were still unable to get it to boot nor get into some kind of special boot diagnostic mode they use so it was declared a complete board failure and deemed uneconomical to repair.
As it was so close to warranty they are now trying to sort out what they can do, possibly a loyalty upgrade or something similar. I've given them ideas of what phone I would like to get and hopefully they can accommodate me else I will look at chasing the statutory warranty angle.

Dead jamin

Hello all,
I have recently killed my Jamin. Im not sure whether it is permanent or not. Personally it looks like a rom failure with the video bois, but I am far from experienced with windows mobile#.
I have searched the forum and can not find anything similar.
To cut a long story short, I picked up my Jamin while it was connected to my pc. Catching a gimps of WM5 and the battery fell out (while still connected to my vista pc). So it turns off and I put the battery back in and turned it back on.
(What does work)
This is kind of hard to explain, but from what gather, everything seems to be running fine except the screen. Basically it still syncs up (can access files) and the Bluetooth led turns on after a minutes or how ever long it takes
The problem is that the screen is doing something weird (This is the hard part to explain). I do not get anything out of it even the "htc" pic at the start.
It has these blue horizontal lines about a pixel wide running down the screen. They change like the screen is trying to display different things but it is as if it does not know how to use the screen.
Im thinking re-install the rom? But I do not want to make things harder for myself if I am wrong.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tryed Flashing.
Well If anyone is interested, I tried Re flashing and I still get the same problem. My next PDA will not be an Imate, too many problems.

display turned white

hi all
my htc touch elf (P3450) display turned to white with black patch at one place & some lines all of a sudden. it was working all fine. i was charging when a call came. i disconnected recieved the call. after that the screen turned white
Tried restarting but no result.
I can hear the notification of a message coming. but no ringing tone when i tried calling from other number
Please bail me out.
Hardreset could be the solution
not resolved
i cannot see anything on the screen except white screen with black patch.
i tried hard reset with imaginary screen but not resolved
i see no visible screen cracks
how to check if screen is crack?
It may be that the LCD is cracked, thats what it sounds like to me, anyways. Check the connector as well though to make sure it is all connected correctly.
The white with black patch does sound broken to me though (Sorry!)
Hi Stu, I just received my friend's ELF. His display turn white, but the device still be able to receive phone call. trying to enter bootloader, all I get is white screen with some black-horizontal-thin lines. Tried to hard reset, now it seems the device is on phone setup position so I can not get anything.
Is this LCD issue? Could it be broken? FYI, before this happen, there's already one dead pixel on the screen. it possible that upgrading to cooked ROM can bring LCD broken? may be, unsuitable ROM?
Not sure if flashing a cooked rom would kill the screen - although I would say thats very unlikey.
It does sound like the sceen is broken, theres one way to find out - If you don't mind giving it a go - you could always try your screen quickly in his phone - I'd imagine you're fairly familiar with the internals by now
(I do have a spare screen laying around now - JTAG is no longer able to pick up my bricked elf at all - full battery etc how I was doing it no longer works - guess it is dead for sure now!)
captainstu72 said:
It does sound like the sceen is broken, theres one way to find out - If you don't mind giving it a go - you could always try your screen quickly in his phone - I'd imagine you're fairly familiar with the internals by now
(I do have a spare screen laying around now - JTAG is no longer able to pick up my bricked elf at all - full battery etc how I was doing it no longer works - guess it is dead for sure now!)
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Hahaha..LOL, Today I did want to put my LCD on my friend's elf. but I forgot to bring the opening tools to my office. guess I'll do it tomorrow and see how it goes. I'll let you know after my experiment with this thing.
A little bit Of Topic on this thread, I think so, your device has problem
so even the JTAG method will not be able to connect to the processor. Too bad you're in england, otherwise, the spare screen could be very useful here. LOL
ok..confirm the LCD is broken. I've changed the LCD with mine, and the device is working fine. i guess the dead pixel is the cause of the problem.
Should be able to find one cheap enough on ebay - I do seem to find it cheaper to buy another faulty one (maybe even bricked) as long as the screen is working
Need help on my HTC Touch
Hi Guys,
I really need your help badly. I have an HTC Touch (Elfin), I presume (128/256MB). The problem is i have downloaded the official windows mobile 6.1 rom and extracted the .exe file using Winrar. After which, i copied all the files to the sd card and renamed the .nbh file to ELF0IMG as instructed in the forum.
I put back the sd card and pressed the camera button and the power button at the same time. When it booted up it says reading from SD card and I can see that it is extracting the roms and ext roms. Afterwhich, there was a progress bar and then soon after a while screen turned to blue and then white. Currently now, as I am tying this the screen is still white. Please advise me asap in what to do? Thank you very much.
kss1 said:
hi all
my htc touch elf (P3450) display turned to white with black patch at one place & some lines all of a sudden. it was working all fine. i was charging when a call came. i disconnected recieved the call. after that the screen turned white
Tried restarting but no result.
I can hear the notification of a message coming. but no ringing tone when i tried calling from other number
Please bail me out.
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Ur display screen has been broke as simple as that..
Ok. Here is the thing.
I've droped my phone down, straight on the screen, no problems. 5 minutes later, when my brother was trying to play on it the screen turned white, with no stripes.
After 1 month i even forgot i had an htc, found it in my office drawer, and i thought of reinstalling the rom. But before that i pushed very hard on the screen, i took the battery out, pushed it in the battery space and after i started it worked like a charm.

Unique issue with my elf :o HELP!!!!

hi guys
well ok here is the story
I got htc touch elf
in past i have flashed many roms, upgraded radio,uspl & all & everything was working fine but today phone was in my pocket & when i take it out no display but network led flashing, so I soft reset it but it didn't turned on. I even tried charging but the orange LED light didn't come on(even after 10 mins of charging). than i removed my battery & after 10 minutes i placed it in & turned on my phone this time it starts. So i quickly hard reseted the device & it worked fine. But within few minutes when its customizing the device it turned off & screen goes black. I tried turning on & it turned on & quickly adjusted back light settings. & was editing time it hangs & again turned off. I tried again & again sometimes it turns off at smart mobility screen. & later it didn't even turn on & no charging light even when plugged into charger. I took out battery again & placed it in & it utrnd on but turns off in few minutes.
My touch is almost 2years old & orignal stock battery since i purchased touch
i guessing that it may be battery issue cause i was able to go in try colour boot loader screen but it fades & changed in to dim white screen.
It also happens in smart mobility screen & turns reddish or blue & than turns off.
any ideas guyz
watz this issue
I am guessing battery issue but in try color screen it fades to dim white screen & from past 20 minutes its still in that dim white light(picture attached)
so is battery corrupted or any hardware issue.
any help will be so helpful
waiting for your replies
PS:- & when i was able to log in windows i checked battery status it says 70%. after 10 minutes of without battery I reinserted battery & goes to tricolour boot loader screen This time it didn't fades.
But when i soft reset device it stays in red colored smart mobility screen see pic attached
no one wid any idea
here's what u can do...try to hard reset till u see the tri color screen and then flash it with a stock ROM with the W/O 6.1 it should turns into green color..then just configure it as usual.
Try with a fully charged battery, if battery is not the issue then put in a fully charged battery and then flash a stock ROM, don't risk a flash with this battery, it may die in between of a flash ( maybe battery cycle issues 2 year old batteries can give these ). Flash stock with a new battery which is charged to 100%.
If not just manage a flash to stock and go to HTC support, maybe issues with harware.
You sure no moisuture/water went it ? These phones are tricky if moisture goes in and creats issues with motherboar an the tocuh screen can cause re-boots etc etc.
thanks for your reply guyz
I visit service center & they told me that its motherboard issue.And they cant fix it..have to buy new motherboard but as it costs 70% of the price of mobile so better to buy a new one
After searching web for it I found that HTC has these motherboard issue. There hardware is not long lasting.
As promised, just replying to this now. have just seen your last post. It does indeed sound like a hardware issue - I was going to guess at the mainboard. Have you tried flashing on a different ipl/spl etc? I wonder if that may be de stabilising your device for some reason? Also, guess you could try another radio. I have 3.21.90 on both of mine. Can't remember what IPL/SPL combo I have going.
Sorry to not be of more use. By all means feel free to see what JTAG can do for you, but I seriously doubt you will be able to alleviate this situation, and at the same time, HTC/Service Centre would be a little less willing to help.
They also tried to charge me £90 GBP to fix an ELF.... that is more then I can buy them for!
captainstu72 said:
As promised, just replying to this now. have just seen your last post. It does indeed sound like a hardware issue - I was going to guess at the mainboard. Have you tried flashing on a different ipl/spl etc? I wonder if that may be de stabilising your device for some reason? Also, guess you could try another radio. I have 3.21.90 on both of mine. Can't remember what IPL/SPL combo I have going.
Sorry to not be of more use. By all means feel free to see what JTAG can do for you, but I seriously doubt you will be able to alleviate this situation, and at the same time, HTC/Service Centre would be a little less willing to help.
They also tried to charge me £90 GBP to fix an ELF.... that is more then I can buy them for!
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yup. I tried flashing diffrent radio and roms. But it didn't worked. will flash ipl spl if it comes back to life again
thanks again for your replies
No need to say thanks. I wouldn't be on this site if it wasn't for others helping, not would I have bothered posting my attempts at jtag etc
Let us know how you get on, I am intrigued to see what could be going wrong on your phone.

My Acer NeoTouch s200 is dead

Hi im from Germany,
i tried to flash my Acer S200 but it stopped by 50% and i have pluged the cable out. I cant turn it on, it gives no signal, i cant bring it to the download mode. Nothing is working no hardreset with buttons.Nothing is working and when i plug it to usb the LED isnt blinking
Sorry for my bad english ..
my phone is new, it has garanty, should i contact the acer support or can anyone help me ?
Hold volume up/vol down button + reset until you see "clean boot"
i tried it the phone gives no signal .. no clean boot is coming .. the rom flashing was at 50% i think it is breaked
but thank you
did you try removing then replacing the battery. then try bootloader mode again?
yes i tried but nothing is working i cant enter the bootloader nothing is working it is just off no vibration nothin is working
sorry, but I have to ask, are pressing then holding vol down +power +camera buttons
at the same time until blinking red light starts?
you have to get into bootloader mode then flash a custom rom
brainmaster has a few including a "clean" rom.
I had this happen awhile ago and tried so many things for 2 days that now I don't
remember what actually worked! But I don't think that your S200 is bricked.
Also, make sure that you keep the power cable pluuged in (not usb)
you need a good charge even if you don't see the green light.
just keep trying and if I can remember I let you know.
or someone here will help you to find a solution!
thank you for your help but there is no light blinking. Also when i plug it to charge no light is going on. it doesnt charge the battery. i hope you can remember
i already know how to flash a rom but the phone doesnt give any sign
sorry I can't remember but you should ask brainmaster and maybe he can really help.
And he speaks german= )
thank you i will send him my problem
Any solution
Hi. I kind of found myself in the same situation. My acer s200 is unresponsive, no blinking lights no matter key/reset combinations. Had been in the middle of flashing on a new ROM when it got accidentally disconnected.
Any possible solution? Already checked the battery out in a different phone and it's fine and charged.
i don't want to looks like a vultur, but if some of you can't find a solution to resolve the problem you have, I'm interested by the device because I need some piece. Of course I hope you can resolve your problem but if there are no led blinking, the last possibility is to send it to acer, and if you don't want to wait/pay/or whatever to with the acer support, I'm interested by your device.
Vulture indeed!! I'm need of help man.
you still need help?????
Hey GarcoG. Yes, still in need of help. My S200 is currently a desktop paperweight at home. It's a beautiful paperweight but it was made for so much more. Would really like to get it up and running again.
A new thing I noticed. I'm able to charge my phone's battery to full on my friend's s200. Of course when I put it back into my phone, it's still completely unresposive. However, I noticed that whenever I put it back into my friend's phone, the charge on it has reduced. I'm pretty sure it's not a battery issue I have since my phone is still unresponsive with my friend's battery in it and the same happens with that battery as well.
Would really appreciate any ideas on fixing this.
Hi, count me in. I just jumped on your wagon.. will try to disassemble this beauty soon before I officially demote it to a shiny paperweight.. well it's not that shiny, i put on a matte screen protector on it
Really funny about that matte screen protector. Cannot wait for the results. In my case, phone got accidentally connected just as it had reached the stage of flashing on the new ROM. Was thinking it was probably unresponsive because the ROM instructions that enable it respond to key combinations are absent hence cant get it into Bootloader mode.
@ incognito_tkd: Any luck with the disassembly? Would like to know your findings.
I have same problem... same situation
But... when I connect my USB charger, it shows red LED on... as if the charging is ON. But no reaction
Any one help please
there is no possibility to repair the phone... you have to send it to acer !!
i got my phone 1month after i´ve send it

