HTC WIZARD mda vario gprs help - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

hey im new to the forum and have trawled though loads of useful stuff. Using the software and info on this site i have unlocked my mda vario on tmobile uk. i want to us my orange sim with it but having a nightmare finding the gprs and mms settings for it ive tried various cab files and they all seem to connect to gprs but none of the apps will work on it ie internet explorer or msn or anything.
in short i need help eiteher with getting the manual orange gprs and mms settings for this device or a cab file that has been tested to work.
thanks in advanced for any help given

kishorvalji said:
hey im new to the forum and have trawled though loads of useful stuff. Using the software and info on this site i have unlocked my mda vario on tmobile uk. i want to us my orange sim with it but having a nightmare finding the gprs and mms settings for it ive tried various cab files and they all seem to connect to gprs but none of the apps will work on it ie internet explorer or msn or anything.
in short i need help eiteher with getting the manual orange gprs and mms settings for this device or a cab file that has been tested to work.
thanks in advanced for any help given
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Try the Orange web site... I think they have a autoconfig thing or at least the info.

orange mms
hey ive finally got the gprs to work on my phone setting up manually
but mms is still not working is ther anyone who has managed to get orange mms to work. again ive tries so many cab files for this even used the various spv setting on the orange website but as they dont list the htc wizzard i cant get the correct settings i need help.
thanks to anyone who maybe able to point me in the right direction


Uk Network Settings for MMS and GPRS

uk Vodafone, O2, Orange and T mobile settings for xda II and Xda IIs. copy these files in ur XDAxxx and run it.
Is there one for Virgin UK by any chance?
was gonna ask the same thing too
RE: GPRS and MMS settings
Follow this link, Ihave uploaded all the available cab installs for UK carriers, contract and PAYG.
These are the latest version 2.0, as I have seen some earlier versions elsewhere on forum. :twisted:
where in the registry is this information located?? it works fine on the qtek 9100 wm5 but it will only show one of the connections in the connections listing. i istalled gprs monitor and it offers to monitor about 5 different connections that the cab file created. I can only see one of these. Where in the registry would I go to delete the ones not being used???
I just go my exec and i managed to set up (manualy) the gprs /3g connection so that i can surf the net.
what i cannot do is set up my mms. i also tries the cub files that you uploaded here good.
i have a pay as you go Vodafone UK and i NEED HEPL!!! i have already lost 3 mms.
thanx to all
RE: MMS Settings for JasJar / Exec
ta_ said:
I just go my exec and i managed to set up (manualy) the gprs /3g connection so that i can surf the net.
what i cannot do is set up my mms. i also tries the cub files that you uploaded here good.
i have a pay as you go Vodafone UK and i NEED HEPL!!! i have already lost 3 mms.
thanx to all
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Good point, I obtained these files in my earlier link from the I-mate website, I know they work upto Alpine version on WM2003SE.
I don't have access to the I-Mate JasJar section, the cab files were designed for WM2003 & SE, I think that WM2005 probably has a different registry configuration. maybe if somebody has a JasJar, they can get can get the correct files for JasJar Mobile Carriers in I-mate JasJar section. Also Checkout the Unversal section on this Forum, somebody maybe able to help you there.
Settings for 'THREE' Network plz
does anyone have the settings for '3' network?? thanks

Dutch Orange people...please help me!!!

Haya guys..
Just updated my rom, because my camera wouldn't get fixed on the original ROM.
Now however, I an completely lackin the Orange GPRS settings for Orange world..
And of course(stupid me) I didn't perform a backup of that part..
Can someone help me with instructions or a cab?
That is the orange world settings via gprs,,,,,
Hi there,
It happened the same to me (with my orange dutch M3000), if you follow this link, and you fill in the properties for MMS and Internet GPRS of this document your GPRS will be back in your phone...
Okay, If I use these settings, my MMS doesn't seem to work anymore.
Also I cannot perform the Orange World Prxy settings trick anymore, because my GPRS connections doesn/t show the use proxy tab...
Anyone got an idea???
Okay, If I use these settings, my MMS doesn't seem to work anymore.
Also I cannot perform the Orange World Prxy settings trick anymore, because my GPRS connections doesn/t show the use proxy tab...
Anyone got an idea???
when you go to the ftp
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/HTC_Wizard/Extended_Roms/ext ROM OrangeSPV M3000 -
when you decompress this one there is a file called
copy to device and install,[/code][/url]

O2 UK GPRS / WAP / MMS Setting for HTC TyTn

Hi folks,
I just received my HTC TyTn today and thought I would post to say that it is AWESOME! So much smaller and pocketable than the Exec, 802.11G and a very slick keyboard.
Also, and more importantly, I found that the O2 Settings CAB from my old XDA EXEC works 100% perfectly on this device for setting up MMS / 3G GPRS / WAP etc. Its a single cab which simply installs those settings and no other O2 Active junk etc. Bear in mind this is for O2 UK only and will probably screw-up your device if you are using it in another territory.
I fully tested this with email / terminal services / mms messages and all worked perfectly. I have attached the CAB in a Zip archive (don't forget to log in to see it).
I hope someone finds this useful.
All the best,
lol wish i had this when i got mine, i had to manually enter the settings which was a right pain....does the cab install the settings for the http AP over GPRS/3G rather than the standard wap one??
Yes, the Exec which I got the .cab from is also a GPRS 3G phone. so it works perfectly.
I tend to copy useful little cabs like this to my flash card and make them read-only so I can reinstall should I ever have to hard-reset on the road.
mrvanx said:
lol wish i had this when i got mine, i had to manually enter the settings which was a right pain....does the cab install the settings for the http AP over GPRS/3G rather than the standard wap one??
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After about an hour of stumbling about trying to find O2 settings for my TyTN I found your post .... cab is absolutely fantastic, thanks!
A bit new to this but hoew do you use the cab codes you have given us.
And do you no if it will work with the o2 pay and go sim
Regards Jack
O2 settings
Jackjack said:
A bit new to this but hoew do you use the cab codes you have given us.
And do you no if it will work with the o2 pay and go sim
Regards Jack
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This is a very handy Cab file. It is likely to be for those who have a data tarriff i.e subscribed to and not However all is not lost because you can still install the cab file and then through connections menus you can tweak them for payand go. The following reference shows the different entries between payg and contract:
Installing the cab file. Just download it either directly to your device or to PC. Do not extract or expand the file if it's on your PC just open active sync, use the explore button to open your device files and put it where you want (storage card for preference). Go to your device and tap/double tap the Cab and it will run.
O2 Cab file
I've just noticed your in the US. This cab file is for UK so I guess not much use for you. What I said about Cab files still applies in general though. You'll often find a choice as to whether you want to download a Cab file or an EXE file. Generally (not always) you run Exe files on your computer and they install to your device (while your conected with activesync). Cab files you copy onto your device and just tap them to run them. I like these cos I can store all the good ones on my SDcard and if I ever have to hard reset I have them all ready to tap and install again without resorting to the PC to reinstall everything.
mda cab file o2 settings
i have a mda compact phn which is a company.. its been open 2 o2.. i wld like 2 use internet but i wld like d settings
lady_tweetie said:
i have a mda compact phn which is a company.. its been open 2 o2.. i wld like 2 use internet but i wld like d settings
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plse help am nw at dis
Brillant, thank you
Thanks for that CAB, just used it to get my Kaiser working.
Just had to change the username and password in the settings and works perfectly.
Many thanks for sharing it.
I tried using this cab, and so far it seems to be all good, but I still can't get my MMS working. They haven't worked since I moved to 02 last year and still using my Vario II.
I've just flashed the Faria32 rom and I'm loving everything so far. I was hoping that this would now start working. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or is it just part of the deal with using a non O2 handset? Internet seems to be working fine... just no mms.
Incoming MMS problems on o2 PAYG fixed
I've had a problem with O2 PAYG, after installing the CAB and changing settings from contract to PAYG everything worked except incoming MMS (outgoing was ok). Eventuially I set O2 Active as my work connection, altered the O2 Active access point to, username=payandgo and password=password. The only proxy set was WAP= In the MMS settings, the everything was left as default (connect using O2 Active, gateway, port 8080, server
Not sure why I had to use O2 Active instead of my internet connection with WAP proxy set, but it works now. Happy Bunny
Incidentaially, O2 refused to help me because the Hermes (O2 Trion) is only supported on contract. I guess if you are on PAYG, you could move to a simplicity plan for a month, get O2 to help, then go back to PAYG and change the settings back to the payandgo ones.
One of the reasons I went back to O2 is cos I've always had good customer service... I'm beginning to rethink that with their "computer says no!" help...
Thanks for the help i'm going to see if the O2 Active settings help me at all.
Anno 2009 still working, thank you.
tytn 2 gprs probs on o2 pay and go
hey all
if u are a pay and go customer (im on o2) when ur setting up ur connections simply enter the contract APN in the access point area..not the pay and go one as its restricted. I did this and boom the tytn was on the net! I suspect this could be the same for other pay and go sims. Hope this helps those of u who were bangin their head against the gprs wall of pay and go smartfone world.
Here's the cab file for setting up gprs and mms for PAYG.
Sorry for being such a noob, but what do I do with the cab files after downloading them..?
Where do I copy them to..?
Do I extract them..?
keenan316 said:
Sorry for being such a noob, but what do I do with the cab files after downloading them..?
Where do I copy them to..?
Do I extract them..?
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Download, copy to device (anywhere, even storage card), run on the device and let it install. That's it.
thanks this worked great on my pay and go O2 HTC Touch Diamond P3700

3 UK GPRS / WAP / MMS Setting for HTC TyTn

This is my first post,
I have searched the forums and not find it.
Does anyone please have 3 UK GPRS / WAP / MMS Setting for HTC TyTn
I've also been looking for this for a while, but didn't manage to find anything. So decided to build a CAB file myself with all the necessary data and MMS setting for 3 in the UK. Just copy the file to the device and run. No restart required...
Thanks a lot mate was looking for this, Everything working now
Cheers !!!!!!!

O2 UK MMS Settings

I have an MDA Compact (Wizard) with WM6 installed. The cab file for O2 network settings I used to use prior to WM6 no longer works - it doesn't change anything. I've tried following instructions for other phones but they don't work - has anyone got MMS to work on O2 under WM6? If so any help appreciated
if the settings that worked before no longer works
and t-mobile dident change then i'd say the issue is spc
for your device's wm6 rom
and asking in the Wizard Mobile 6 forum would give a bigger chance of success
Yes it works, although I too had a cab which used to set it up automatically along with my GPRS settings which now no longer works.
Attached is the instructions sent to me from O2 for my Wizard (works on my Hermes WM6). I followed the GPRS one first, then the WAP one, then the MMS one. I did reg dumps before and after and then made my own cab which (almost) works.
Thanks for the above - I'll give it a go
