Change file type associations - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Since I use my S110 one thing annoys me to deat. I use Wisbar and this closes programs instead of minimizing them. Now, when I click on a *.mid or *.wav that sluggish album program needs to start up and that takes ages. On my old iPAQ (that lacked that album) those files where played by the explorer directly (maybe a small dll, don't know) and that was way faster, there was no delay whatsoever and the album takes its sweet time to come up.
So I'd like to know if there is a way to change the fily type association for the audio files from the album to that smaller player (that is included in WM2003, just don't know the name)?
Please help.

there is a little program called myExtensions available for free, and lets you choose the whatever program you wish for a certain extension..
you can also use Resco File Explorer... use ( open with ) ..
if both combined together.. you'll get very good results :wink:

Ok thanks, that looks promising. I'll check that out asap.

Ok, that tool worked perfectly. All set and done. Nice, thanks again.

Glad I helped



Now you can play the Polyphonic Ringtones on your XDA-I,Qtek1010,Siemens SX56,MDA-1 and T-Mobile with full instruments just by installing this file into your device :twisted: :
How to:
1- Copy the into your xda to any place you want then open the Explorer from your XDA,goto the folder you pasted the file in then click on the file after that get a *.mid file paste it into the \WINDOWS\RINGS,
Open the Phone from Settings and select the midi file you want it to be as your ringtone.
2- For whom the ringtone still doesn't work at all you just neet to extract the file >><< and copy the cab file to your device and install it. Get the file from :
Ps: My O/S is WM2003. I didn't test it on WM2002 if someone will just post here the result.
Enjoy my friends
We need to see the code can you pleas give use the code
wwb95 said:
We need to see the code can you pleas give use the code
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I don't have the code that you're asking about bcz I didn't write it! I took this cab file from the Newest Himalaya's Extended-Rom :wink:
Your has problems
Not that it matters that much to some folks...but in case you have an XDA-1 /MDA/PPC Phone Edition....I can confirm the following:
1. With WM2003, you will definitely need the file installed, plus the Mind you, you will have to install the file first, and then install the
2. It will use up about 600+ K of needless memory on your XDA-1 because obviously, we don't have camera's. So.....what're you to do ? Well, go to
and look for Camera.EXE ( approx 500+ K )
Then, what you can do is launch Album, and look again at the \WINDOWS directory...and you will see a bunch of bitmaps obviously ( among other things ). Now..what you're looking for is files dated from 8/20/2003 ( that's 20/8/2003, for you folks EAST of the Atlantic ). Primarily they're bitmaps that were used by the Camera application. They add up to about 50-60 K. There's probably more files associated with the Camera.exe application that you won't need, plus any references in the PPC's registry will probably need to be ferreted out.
But...once you've done that, you've actually reclaimed approximately 800 K in space. Which on a 32MB unit, is a fair bit of memory.
Enjoy !
Re: Your has problems
marcelol said:
Not that it matters that much to some folks...but in case you have an XDA-1 /MDA/PPC Phone Edition....I can confirm the following:
1. With WM2003, you will definitely need the file installed, plus the Mind you, you will have to install the file first, and then install the
2. It will use up about 600+ K of needless memory on your XDA-1 because obviously, we don't have camera's. So.....what're you to do ? Well, go to
and look for Camera.EXE ( approx 500+ K )
Then, what you can do is launch Album, and look again at the \WINDOWS directory...and you will see a bunch of bitmaps obviously ( among other things ). Now..what you're looking for is files dated from 8/20/2003 ( that's 20/8/2003, for you folks EAST of the Atlantic ). Primarily they're bitmaps that were used by the Camera application. They add up to about 50-60 K. There's probably more files associated with the Camera.exe application that you won't need, plus any references in the PPC's registry will probably need to be ferreted out.
But...once you've done that, you've actually reclaimed approximately 800 K in space. Which on a 32MB unit, is a fair bit of memory.
Enjoy !
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I updated the installation instructions,you needed more to read about it.
Mind you, it doesn't matter what you install first cos I had the camera and album files in ppc b4 the midi cab file so it's ok.
Actually it's taking more than you are claiming, since those files installed in the \WINDOWS you can move them to "\Storage card\Album\Album.exe" "\Storage card\Camera\Camera.exe" like I did and gain back the used space , there's also a help file related to the camera it's about 56 kb you could remove it from "\WINDOWS" plus the little bitmaps. Thus you can as well fix the path in the registry for the files associations + making new shortcuts for the Album.exe,Camera.exe and by replacing them on the old ones.
Excellent !!!
I have to remind people that you MUST be careful when deleting the little bitmaps...look at them inside of Album first before deleting anything.
I had to reinstall my GPRS Monitor application because I deleted one of it's bitmaps by mistake....word to the wise !!!
Also I found TONS for MIDI files ( amateur ones ) to use as ringtones....,now if there were a way to make the ringtone directory point to my storage card, that would be great !!
Here's the link
marcelol said:
I have to remind people that you MUST be careful when deleting the little bitmaps...look at them inside of Album first before deleting anything.
I had to reinstall my GPRS Monitor application because I deleted one of it's bitmaps by mistake....word to the wise !!!
Also I found TONS for MIDI files ( amateur ones ) to use as ringtones....,now if there were a way to make the ringtone directory point to my storage card, that would be great !!
Here's the link
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Moving the ringtones to the Storage card that was my other issue since a long time. I managed a way to do that it. Well for the first try it was successful but when the ppc turns it self off and some one calls you you’d hear the "windows default" ring and it remains whether you selects another ringtone. I kept a backup up on my registry to restore it back to the last status.
So if you like to share me your assistance I'd be grateful.
I'll give you tips of doing that and the project from here it starts…
P.S: I recommend a backup on the registry b4 applying those tips
1- (Looping Ringtones)
This tweak works perfectly you should apply it to your ppc's:
While playing a wav or midi or a wma as the ringtone the phone has a delay of 3 seconds before repeating, now this is really annoying if you've just created that great wav,wma ringtone, spent time making it loop properly in sound editor or whatever, and then the ppc does the silly delay, well, here’s the fix...
Open the registry editor:
Select 'Values'
And modify 'Script' by removing the w3 (eg. change 'av0pw3r' to 'av0pr')
"w3" stands for "Wait 3 seconds" you can make it "w1" or "w4" or remove to make the ringtone loops
This tweak works for the first time you do it but when the ppc turn it self off the ringtone you selected won't play again :S be noticed.
2-Ringtones on SD/MMC Card
Open the registry editor:
Select 'Values'
Select 'Sound' and change the Value Data: \Storage Card\path to wav\wavname (eg. \Storage Card\Ringtones\mytone.wav)
We need here more try about this tweak and good ways to fix so ppl let’s do some tests
This is the registry key where all ring tones s/w is playing whenever it comes to customizing a phone ring tone ... including PZP
and that's why all these s/w keeps a "live" component in the back ground to override what Windows is updating each time.
So, PZP was designed as today plugin, so Windows will force it to update the ring tones with each system referesh ... other s/w may keep a background process DLL running or to reconnect cprog.exe to their DLL ... or even to trap the system events to cprog.exe and redirect them to their handler.
So, I think (I might be wrong too ) the trick is to build a live demon to keep updating this registry key.
Necessary Files
I've been able to cut the necessary files for polyphonic ringtones down to ~570KB. Keep in mind I did this on a device with a ROM that was already cooked with supposed "support" for polyphonic ringtones, so there may be other files it is relying on. At any rate, the kitchens need to be updated with these files, because it doesn't work as-is.
There also may be ways to trim even more down, but this is what I have after many hard resets and adding/deleting files one by one. Hope it helps.

Pocket ie try to save jpg instead of displaying them

I'm sure there is somebody here that can help me. I've set up my SPV M5000 with some old programs, and they certainly messed up with the registry about file associations.
I can display jpg normaly, but if I try to see a jpg file (ie not embeded into a web page), I get the file save dialog. At first, it was registered to pimg.exe, and I tryed associating to to pocket painter for example, with no luck.
Anybody know the key to place to go back to a normal jpg displaying state for pocket ie?
I've the same problem.
Mine is the same but I've installed nothing that would affect the file associations...
I think perhaps it's just another of the joyful 'features' of Microsoft's wonderful Pocket Internet Explorer
Does it do the same with a gif or bmp?
That's exactly what I had on mine. I didn't get to the bottom of it, but instead did what vijay suggested and created a local html file with the jpg embedded. All I needed was to view a single jpg within PIE (from my webcam). This works fine, but is a workaround only for 1 jpg. I wouldn't want to do this for everything!
Surely one of the File Explorer tools can change the file associations?
I think the problem lies within PIE, when you click a pic it assumes its an attachment and so will save it,
I cant try atm but its worth trying to goto a pic directly ie,
it may well display the image then, not sure, cant test atm. and its not going to be very useful when doing some normal browsing.
Same with Gif. I've teste on a K-Jam, and it display the picture properly in ie. I'm sure there is something messed up in registry
Found the solution
There is a CLSID value missing in HKCR/MIME/Database/Content Type/image/jpg and other gif and jpeg
Add a string value CLSID
{698E3FCA-70C3-11D0-81E8-00A0C90AD21A} and you are set.
Won't work for me.
I've tried with PHM RegEdit but same behaviour as before.
Can you give us a screen shot of the correct registry key, please?
There is another string "Image Filter CLSID" and
there is a "Bits"-key in /gif and /bmp and /jpeg but not in /jpg.
Are these needed too?
OK now it works.
What i've done is:
Created and copied the CLSID mentioned above into
Copy the "Bits" from /jpeg to /jpg
Created a "Image Filter CLSID" in /jpg with the same content as found in /jpeg
Save, wait and Softreset. -> Works as intended!
I don´t know if i've done to much, but everything works now.
I'm happy. Thank you!
I though it was my programs that would delete this keys, but it seems you need to insert them also. Maybe it is a full system bug? A registry export might be of some help if some other report the same problem.
This still isn't quite working for me...
Can someone explain again EXACTLY what I have to do?
Hmm - interesting stuff - will have to try this.
I assume this isn't going to affect other JPG viewers, eg Opera???
I have the same problem on both Hima and Universal WM2006
Himalaya > TOFCLOCK HIMA WM6 AKU.0.7.0
Universal > Jwrightmcps 9000_WWE_21200_21207_11500
The registry solution proposed doesn't work for me, probably due a different CSLID. Any suggestion?
Many thanks to CouchPotato
Thank youuuu, your step by step solution worked fine for me on BA (WM6)

Spyderplayer music player

I've made a new mp3 player with a useful feature... try it at
Appreciate feedback!
v 0.2 is out.
Better interface, + night mode + bug fixes.
Great idea. Thank you.
I don't have many songs on PPC right now, but when I do I'm sure your jump feature will be very useful. I'll try it out and let you know how it performs on WM6 Wizard.
Thanks again.
Oh quick question, are you going to have the option to set the music folder instead of forcing to be "\Storage Card\Music". Since I don't have any songs I'm not sure whether the other players typically look for their songs.
folder customization
Yes, I actually was trying to get that in in this release... but you won't believe how difficult accessing the registry is is ppc programming. INI files are not supported either, I just need a simple config file! There are a few libraries out there and i'm still working on it.... till then, I'll just make it ask for a new folder if the default one is not found.
Give me a few hours...I'm not home atm.
I just copied over the files to my Storage Card and attempted to run it. It wouldn't and simply errored out saying "Unknown error has occurred". No detail was given. Have you tested this app using a WM6 emulator?
I suspect that is because the music folder does not exist. Either wait for me to make this user specified.. or do this:
Make a dir somewhere in your computer called 'sdroot'.
Make a sub directory called 'Music' (name here is important)
Put a few .mp3 files in here (... must be at least one...)
In the emulator settings, set the shared folder to 'path\To\sdroot'
Open the file explorer and test and see if 'storage card\music' exists from within the ppc enviornment.
Now run it. Should work.. I'm sorry all these things are not acceptable.. It's just that this started as a personal pet peeve that I just wanted to hack around. But yeah if it helps others I'm all for it! I defend my ms. thesis in 2 weeks... so i'm kind of busy. Sorry for the delay...
Ok here is the update.
Version 0.25
- Music directory is now customizable via config.txt in the same directory. First line of config.txt == music path.
- No more unexplained crashes. You'll get an error if some path or file is not found.
- Minimize is fixed and works now...
Give it a shot now..
Also got a new video is GPS + audio running in my car. I'm loving it!
And some pics of the same.
-let me know how it works out for you

Audio during boot up screens

Does anyone know if it is possible/how to create longer boot up audio as a device starts (after HR/SR)? I'm familiar with creating custom boot screens but I thought it would be cool to have some custom audio (in my case the Descent by Dieselboy) play during device startup, any and all feed back would be appreciated.
aaronsmckee said:
Does anyone know if it is possible/how to create longer boot up audio as a device starts (after HR/SR)? I'm familiar with creating custom boot screens but I thought it would be cool to have some custom audio (in my case the Descent by Dieselboy) play during device startup, any and all feed back would be appreciated.
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Ummmmm, how does a little exe that plays an mp3 sound? You just need to place the exe along with the mp3 in the startup folder. Would you like me to write a little app that does this? Just let me know, it shouldn't take me more than a few minutes to chalk up .
thundershadow14 said:
Ummmmm, how does a little exe that plays an mp3 sound? You just need to place the exe along with the mp3 in the startup folder. Would you like me to write a little app that does this? Just let me know, it shouldn't take me more than a few minutes to chalk up .
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Wow, it's great if you do that, thanks in advance. Waiting for that program. But it should close automatically after boot finished so it couldn't use any RAM in running background
medkid said:
Wow, it's great if you do that, thanks in advance. Waiting for that program. But it should close automatically after boot finished so it couldn't use any RAM in running background
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I'm about to goto bed, so I'll do it tomorrow (Unless another developer beats me to it, cuz it really is a simple app). And yes, as soon as the file plays out, the application will close itself, and free up your precious memory, not a problem.
I still wish the animated gif app played sound on the titan like it does on the kaiser. I havent really looked into why it doesnt in depth, but it would be nice.
Thundershadow, when would your app play these sounds? right now the animated gif app should/does play them before the welcomehead screen and after the second splash. If you could cue your app to play then, it would be great. Especially with the longer boot times of WM6 and BigStorage roms.
AudioBoot 0.1
AudioBoot 0.1.
Simply plays "startup.mp3" (which MUST be located in your devices root) when your device starts and kills itself when the mp3 reaches it's end. The application itself is only 5kb, but im using fmod to play the mp3, and that dll is quite large. I could use playsound, but you'd be limited to wav sounds, and mp3's only work with playsound if you're using WM6. So I guess I'll release a WM6 version, which will be roughly 5 kb, and any device prior to WM6 will use fmod.
1)Extract to your device
2)Rename any mp3 "startup.mp3" and place it in your devices root.
3)Place the shortcut in the zip file in Windows\Startup
4)Soft reset and the mp3 should play on boot.
Took me like 5 mins to write, so let me know if it works .
Edit: Just added the source for anyone who wants to improve .
You're Good!!!
Waiting for the WM6 version!
Very nice little add-on... could you maybe sign it, or whatever it takes there, to remove the "Unknown Publisher" warning? Having to click "Yes, I trust you" to play a startup noise isn't very fun
I can use it with my Hx4700 WM6 kozhura ROM.
Is i'nt it little too heavy? Can we not cut the flab with small foot print. Play any of the wave file staying inside the \Windows folder?
thanks thundershadow, it works on my Atom, but please make it use "startup.mp3" in /Windows, as I want to build it into my ROM.
AudioBoot 0.1 Wav Only!
Hey guys,
Here's a wav only version of AudioBoot 0.1. Do the same thing, except, put startup.wav in your windows or root directory. I've got the WM5 SDK, so I'll be Downloading the WM6 SDK to make use of the mp3 playing options of playsound. As you can see, it's MUCH MUCH MUCH smaller . If you've got a short startup sound, it's better to use the wav format anyway, you'll end up with a smaller file size.
Here you go .
anyone test this with HTC TYTN II ??
thundershadow14 said:
Hey guys,
Here's a wav only version of AudioBoot 0.1. Do the same thing, except, put startup.wav in your windows or root directory. I've got the WM5 SDK, so I'll be Downloading the WM6 SDK to make use of the mp3 playing options of playsound. As you can see, it's MUCH MUCH MUCH smaller . If you've got a short startup sound, it's better to use the wav format anyway, you'll end up with a smaller file size.
Here you go .
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thank you so much
I made the following steps on my ETEN X500+ WM6 and it worked
-Made a new folder and put the AdioBoot.exe in it
Root/Program Files/AdioBoot
-Placed an startup.mp3 in the device root
-Added by SKTools a new "startup application"
-Soft Reset the device
Thanx a lot!
Re-Posting this to
Respect bro thundershadow14
does not work on my apache with wm6
Cab Version
here is the cab Version of Audio Boot 1.0 with Windows XP Startup Sound.
MP3 = Startup.MP3 is in Root directory
WAV = Startup.wav is in Windows directory
I have you in the cab file as a developer.
Fmod's Bloat
starbase64 said:
here is the cab Version of Audio Boot 1.0 with Windows XP Startup Sound (mp3).
I have you in the cab file as a developer.
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Thanks, I'm currently working on another project so I don't have much time to devote to something else, just trying to help as many people as possible . I'll look at getting alternative ways to play mp3 files for devices that are < WM6, since fmod is REALLY BLOATED for such a simple job.
Thank you. works great on my HTC Excalibur WM6

WMPControls 0.1 (Windows Media Control via shortcuts with parameters)

Tiny application for Windows Media Player control via shortcuts. WMP must be running before executing any of this command. I hope some of you may find it useful.
Use following parameters (only one each time) in a shortcut.
-pause for play/pause
-volup for volume up
-voldown for volume down
-next for next track
-prev for previous track
For example
00#"\Program Files\wmpcontrols.exe" -volup
It should work all WM 5 and later devices (both PPC/SP platforms).
very nice
this is really great for people using WMP... thankfully we have A_C's S2P
It'd be amazing, if we can control CorePlayer in this way! I hope you'll find a way to add this feature in near future.
Sure, I will do that when I will have some time.
Do these same paths control the player functions of TF3D?
If they do it would be way cool to see A_C incorporate them into S2U2 and allow a user to pick to either cotrol S2P or WMP with his lock controls.
Curious G
Pure win. Thank you.
Doesn't coreplayer use wmp as a base? Or is that just the library functions?
Anyway, this is really useful for things like XMT and other widget type programs, thanks a lot.
[edit] One suggestion though.
Could we maybe get an installer or at least suggest a specified directory to put it in.
That way, if theme writers and stuff want to use it they know where it "should" reside.
evilc said:
Could we maybe get an installer or at least suggest a specified directory to put it in.
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Ok, I have updated the files. Plus the installer creates a folder in the Start Menu with all the current shortcuts (may be useful for easy hardware key assignment).
Stumbled upon this by chance.
Anyway, I'd want to recreate the old functionality of the media player buttons on my XPhone IIm and would like to know how to map these shortcuts to the buttons. Thnx
Great app!
I've been able to remap some of the keys on my Diamond2:
(long press, 250 ms)
SEND: play/pause
WINKEY: previous track
BACK: next track
Exactly what I wanted!
Is there a way you can do the same with TouchFLO 3D's music tab (that would just be perfect)?
To g4g0:
You need to get a key remapper that is compatible with your device. xda it.
Thanks a lot, moneytoo!
nir36 said:
this is really great for people using WMP... thankfully we have A_C's S2P
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It's possible with S2P ?
This program works on WM 6.5.x, or not?
No any reaction when I launch any shortcut for manage a WMP((
yes it works ok on 6.5
thanks for this app
Actually it may not work in some cases. The paths in the shortcut are for English rom (the "Program Files" folder has different names in different localizations). The shortcuts also expect to be installed in the device memory (storage memory or memory card will fail)
It's easy to fix though. Either open the various shortcuts using a text editor and change the path according to your localization or copy the program folder to the correct path.
zoidberg: I wanted to advice him of checking for correct path in links, but as he said, no response, that would mean links are ok, (no error) and the program is just calling wrong wParam/lParam as I suppose that's how it's controlling wmp.
In any lang mutation those should still be the same.
As well if he would change mapping inside wmp, that shouldn't have any effect.
Here I run out of ideas and just wrote: yes it's working in 6.5, just to eliminate possible problem for him.
Maybe he is using different player which is just skinned into wmp?? Or a complete strange version of wmp.

