Universal - Any registry hack to put a date on the top bar? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I know its possible on non-WM5 devices but what about the Universal?
Don't intend to install tweak2k2 but just a simple registry hack
Anyone knows?

You can run PHM Registry Editor (search on Google) and simply change the reg entry. Unfortunately I can't remember which one it is off the top of my head. Nor can I search on x-d at the moment, as even searching for the word "date" returns no results!??!?

From the wiki
Change the date in the Titlebar
?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell "TBOpt"=hex:\
Change 3 as follows: 0:blank 1:time only 2:date only 3:date & time
Can someone figure out how to stop date line from being bold.
Combine this with follwoing to get a date that fits:
Set short date format to something other than the limited list provided under settings>regional
?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides "SSDte"="d.M "
This gives 1-10 format with a space behind so that date is not cut off by OK button

Hi vijay555,
I thnk what you posted applies to non-WM5 devices but not for the Universal

Could well be, I've never tried it, but it came from the Universal wiki:

date hack on universal
There is. You can install the The CAB bellow and then softyreset and then in language settings change : to . and then you can see date and time .

vijay555 said:
From the wiki
Change the date in the Titlebar
?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell "TBOpt"=hex:\
Change 3 as follows: 0:blank 1:time only 2:date only 3:date & time
Can someone figure out how to stop date line from being bold.
Combine this with follwoing to get a date that fits:
Set short date format to something other than the limited list provided under settings>regional
?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides "SSDte"="d.M "
This gives 1-10 format with a space behind so that date is not cut off by OK button
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I can't find in the shell the TBOpt"=hex:\

Hi Mahmood,
I got both the short date (on top) and time (below) on the top bar. However, the short date 30.11.05 is displayed in BOLD and that results in the number 5 being partially hidden on the top right corner supposedly covered by the 'X' where you click it to close programs
Any help?
Thanks again

Hi there,
You can pad the entry with other characters or spaces.
ie: "dd.MM "
Note that this will affect all short date occurrences (ie: when you list files in excel/word/explorer).

Hi heidy,
My short date format is d.M.yy for English (United Kingdom)
I don't think I can find anything shorter.

Ok, got it!
My date displayed is now 30.11 (without the year)

If only we could hack the letter type and size d.M.yy should fit next to the X.

how did you do it its not working for me

Hi magpie2000k,
1) Download the date.cab file
2) Install and softreset
3) Use a registry editor and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell you should see "TBOpt"="13,00,00,00"
4) Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides you should see "SSDte"="d.M "
5) Go to "Start" -> "Settings" -> "Regional Settings" -> "Date (for English US) and under Short date select d.M
The date on the top bar will be 30.11 (in BOLD) and not covered by the "X" icon

I got it working on my Wizard without installing the cab file, just did the reg edit and the date showed up after a soft reset, no need to adjust it in regional settings either. I am very happy with this, thanks guys and vijay555 in particular, your answer helped me out.

Could it be that in HKLM/System/GDI of GWE the fontsizes are located?

I would like to report a small problem though.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides and set "SSDte"="dd.M " instead of "SSDte"="d.M " because when the date changes to 1.12 ( 1 Dec) a partial sqaure appears next to the 2.
With the new setting you'll get the date as 01.12 instead of 1.12(with a partial square)

Can someone please post a screen shot so we can see how it looks. Thanks.

Hi guys,
So Sorry.
"Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides and set "SSDte"="dd.M " instead of "SSDte"="d.M " because when the date changes to 1.12 ( 1 Dec) a partial sqaure appears next to the 2.
With the new setting you'll get the date as 01.12 instead of 1.12(with a partial square"
If you'll to set "SSDte"="dd.M " you get the 2 partially hidden
So the only way is to set "SSDte"="d.M " and with a partial hidden square next to the 2
Well, just have to settle for "SSDte"="d.M " with a partial square until someone can find a solution to un-BOLD the date.

I set mine to
"SSDte"="MM / dd "
(living in the US) and have no more problems with squares or such.


Registry Settings to display Date & Time on the Start Ba

Does anyone know what registry key needs to be modified and how to make windows mobile 2003 display the Time AND Date on the window start bar?
I know it can be done because Tweak2k2.Net did it for me automatically when i selected to display Date & Time. But it did it automatically so I dont know what registry keys it changed and what were the values.
Also, is there any guide for registry settings of Windows Mobile 2003?
I was going to type this out but after looking at the second part of the question, it's probably just easier to post the link.
You'll find http://www.phm.lu/PocketPC/RegTweaks/Tweak.asp?ref=52 answers the first question, and I think the site in general gives a good breakdown of the PocketPC registry.
Missing Clock
My Clock has disapeared.
I dont know about having the time AND date appear, id be happy to have the time back.
I didnt tell it to go away, and ive searched for days to find out how to get it back but the best ive found is "tap on the clock to", but I dont HAVE a clock.
Any suggestions? (NO i dont wanna hard reset.)
In the Registry go to:
If not exist make a key TBOpt (Binary Value)
Possible values and there meaning are as follows:
0 = no time or date
1 = time
2 = date
3 = both
That's it!

Reg Tweak FILES: Post/Get them here

Let's start a thread of all the reg tweaks ppl have come up with. If they are saved as .reg files (to an SD), we can install them with a mere double-click by using TRE (options>associate), and anyone can contribute to this post WITHOUT having to build .cab files! Why is this kewl; cos when u hard reset it's a real ball-ache to go back into all the forums to find the tweaks u applied and to navigate thro TRE to re-apply them all. This applies particuarly to settings (Owner info etc). Over and above, we are no longer beholden to tweak shareware, but have full and instant control over our settings.
Each tweak should have 2 reg files; Apply the tweak, and remove the tweak (if possible). In this manner, we can have a directory of reg files, and can turn on and off tweaks with a simple d.click.
Attached is a basic set I've compiled. Please let everyone know if any are a problem (ie perhaps whole key gets replaced and overrides something u have already changed). Files described below:
[*]Reg Date_In_Titlebar ON.reg
Adds the date to the title bar, with format according to your short-date format under settiings>regional (or found manually changed in another Tweak I'll cover later). I do NOT have a .reg file that will undo (ie delete) this new key, but it's easy to see what key is being added so u can delete it. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
Can someone please find out where we can change the font for this - it's a horrible bold font that doesn't fit in the space available?
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_700 ON.reg
Change menus and popups to a smaller font. Nice size, makes VGA look more VGA-like, yet not so small that it fails cleartype nor looks daft. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_900 DEFAULT.reg
Reset above change to default of 900
[*]Reg Font_System_700 ON.reg
Changes system font to 2 pts smaller. I find that dialog boxes with radio buttons got a bit wierd, and you don;t get much more screen estate height cos of icon sizes staying the same in file lists, so I don't bother with this tweak. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_System_900 DEFAULT.reg
Turn above off
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On DEFAULT.reg
Awesome tweak to make sure ur phone connects to GPRS/3G and stays there. However, you'll want to switch this off overnight etc, which is the main reason I created this post and these reg files. NOTE: you will absolutely HAVE to replace the "MTN SA Web" bit with the name of your connection which you will find in this key using TRE
<Credit: BrettS http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=30277>
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On ON.reg
Turn off the above. Remember to change connection name in file
[*]Reg PIE_Homepage_Default.reg
When u press the E (explorer) keyboard key u go to clubimate homepage - annoying. This resets that hard button to whatever u want (current reg file is windows\default.htm)
<Credit: I forget, someone on clubimate forums>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger DEFAULT.reg
AWESOME improvement in Terminal Services client horrible black blocks. Increases cache sizez - I did not notice an increase in traffic/cost
<Credit: Carnivor from MS KB http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=29996>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger ON.reg
Turns above off
More coming as I go thro the wiki and toenailed tweak posts and extract usefull ones for us lonely Universal users...
can you add the actual keys to here?
cos of this thread
Doh! That post came up after I started this thread.
Still this thread is useful for the actual .reg files to same n00bies some time (and to save me time too). I'll make sure everything here is duplicated there tho.
Here are a few more .reg files:
Several versions of date_in_title_bar (covered above)
Hide_Screen_Rotation icon
Hide that icon that allows u to rotate screen - but JJ does it automatically so Icon is not so necessary
These are for me - u should edit file in text editor to customise 4 yourself. Best part is my short date format that keeps date in title bar small and visible
Customise as above
Double your screen cache. COsts a LITTLE memory, and improves screen size
Set screen font size to "smaller". This can be changed in "settings"m and I only include it here in line with my suggestion that we have a collection of files to run quickly on reset. You may want to customise as above
SIP_Settings. Ditto
All in updated zip file.
I would really appreciate if anyone can find a way to get rid of the Last Call in the dialer screen... I know its somewhere hidden in Registry, but I dont seems to be finding a way to get tru it...
Having the Last Dialed No. showing rite up on the Dialer Screen is really bothering and if you happened to press the phone button by mistake twice there we go the last dialed no. has been dialed already for you....
Bump: no-one contributing to this learning?
haven't found anything else worth posting yet m8, u got the best ones already :wink:
craigiecraigie4: Thanks for these - great idea!
I have a suggestion:
HKCU/ControlPanel/Backlight sets the backlight duration for the keyboard (in seconds). It's available through the control panel, but I like it set to more than the CP maximum of 10 seconds. Sorry - I don't know how to create a reg file.
To reset, choose another value in the backlight control panel applet.
Don't have any others to add though
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
This one is in this forum:
from davidberrysmith
Any body remember these reg tweaks from himalaya? they still work
*** Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
1. Open your registry editor o_n your Pocket PC
3. Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 32768
4. Close registry editor and soft reset.
*** disable start menu animation
Change the "AniType" value from 6 to 0.
i-mate jasjar
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SiliconS said:
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
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Nice one dude. I can't make the .reg file cos I can only create reg files of the entire key, and there are too many other things under GWE that users may have changed.
Internet Explorer
Somewhere in those forums I found the IE reg hack to make mine 5.5, this helps connecting to my bank account and viewing other secured sites.
read this somewhere
To change the ability to receive files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex'
The 'IsEnabled' DWORD value should be set to '1' to enable OBEX and '0' to disable OBEX.
For example, to enable the ability to receive fles via Bluetooth
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\IsEnabled = 1
says receive so i dont know about send, try it!! might be it
But apparently now this is the same feature as the receive incoming beams setting in connections.
Yes, I know that's not free but 90% of all this hacks have been included in Tweaks2K2. And the other 10% are about to be included :twisted:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
craigiecraigie4 said:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
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With your .reg files as inspiration I'm just about getting there in the same way. I've written down all the steps and I just run through them. I've done this since I had my XDA2 and it makes a hard reset so much less traumatic:
Hard reset. Wait for Today screen then soft reset.
Connect cable to ActiveSync. Set up guest connection.
Turn off beams, error reporting
Set basic clock accuracy
Copy Step 1 files to root of PPC [These are the CABs for the programs I install]
Run CABs. Leave O2 Connections CAB. Put gps.CAB and PIMAddin onto storage card
Run TRE registry editor. Associate .reg files to TRE
Open the .reg file [This applies my registry settings. See below]
Run O2 connections CAB
Copy all Step 2 files to root of PPC [This adds shortcuts to StorageCard-installed programs to my Start Menu and gives me my freeware email client and PZP icons and profiles]
Run SDK Certs CAB
Run OzVGA. Change all fonts to same size as qVGA
PPC: edit registry: browse to HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings. Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
CPL > Personal > Buttons: match Button 2 to [Task switcher], Button 4 to <Rotate Screen>; Set button lock
CPL > Personal > Menus: ActiveSync, File Explorer, Internet Explorer, nPOPw, Pocket Informant, Task Manager, TomTom Navigator
CPL > Personal > Owner: set owner information
CPL > Personal > Phone: change band to GSM
CPL > Personal > Today: set items to Date, PZP, PocketPlus, PocketBreeze, Messaging; set theme to Windows Default
CPL > System > Clock: Show time on all screens
CPL > System > Regional: Set locale to UK
CPL > Connections > GPS: set program port COM0
Soft reset
Set password for PPC
PC: backup previously sync'ed files folder
PC ActiveSync: delete previous partnership. Don't delete sync'ed files folder
CPL > System > About: Set DeviceID = XDAExec
Connect PPC and PC with cable
Sync only Contacts, Calendar (all), Tasks, Favourites
Sync files. Replace the items on the device
PocketBreeze: import settings
PocketPlus: import settings
PocketInformant: run and let it fanny about
PocketWeather (on PocketBreeze tab): import settings
Run ListPro. Enter registration code
Disconnect from PC
Set up phone speed dials
Set up voicedial tags
Set up ActiveSync via Bluetooth to Workstation
Set up bond to headset
Set up bond to GPS thingy. Choose Serial Port as profile
Start TomTom Navigator. Run through startup.
InternetExplorer: sort out view settings. Set default page to about:blank
Choose Transcriber input method. Import settings file
This is my .reg file that does almost everything I need done in one step:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client]
"Keyboard Layout"="00000409"
"SSDte"="d/M "
It makes a massive difference using commercial software that has a reliable import/export process for the settings and this, IMHO, is usually the biggest difference between paid-for software and freeware alternatives.
Silicon, don't u want to re-post your post here:
We need more of these 'standard' configs to help new users get up n running without giving up on their universal.
dude, your screen - how?
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
Re: dude, your screen - how?
simon_darley said:
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
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You don't want merc!! well u can just f off then! ;-)
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
Re: dude, your screen - how?
craigiecraigie4 said:
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
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Whatever it is, it's distracting to have such a big picture in your signature in such text-based forums.
Sorry craigiecraigie4. Don't mean to offend. Just MHO.

HTCHomeplug revealed

OK I was working in the customization of the HTCHomeplug.
What is HTCHomeplug? If you own a HTC X7500 Advantage (the HTC make of Athena or Ameo) then in the Today screen you got a plugin that shows some icons like Battery, Rotation, Comm Manager, Screen Light, Quick GPS and TVOut. What I discovered is who to deal with this plugin in order to change the icons and applications associated there.
I used PHM Registry to edit entries at the PPC registry, but you can use the editor of your like.
First is access using the registry editor to this entry:
There is the configuration of the plugin. There we will find two entries pointing to the first two icons (Battery and Rotation) that seems to be configured in a different way that the rest of the icons. Those are the two DWORD entries:
PowerIconSlot with value of 0 (this means the first position in the plugin)
RotateIconSlot with value of 1 (this means the second position)
The rest of the positions in the HTCHomeplug appears like KEY entries with names from 2 to 5 meaning positions 3 to 6 in the plugin bar.
Inside each key (2 to 5) we find 3 values (or entries):
1- iconindex DWORD type of Decimal which contains 103 in the case of entry KEY 2
2- LaunchApPath STRING contains the path to the executable file associated to the icon
3- ResPath STRING contais the path to the resource file which contais the icon image poited by iconindex entry. This path points to a DLL or EXE file containing the icon image.
So... since we want to add a icon/application we need to create the entry KEY 6 and we must create both STRING entries and DWORD one inside the KEY 6.
To add Tomtom Navigator in the HTCHomeplug (as an example) I added:
iconindex = 101
LaunchApPath = \Program files\Navigator\Tomtom Navigator.exe
ResPath = \Program files\Navigator\Tomtom Navigator.exe
So I'm using the icon storaged in the Tomtom Navigator executable file itself and my Tomtom is in the path I show in the entry. Off course this could not match your installation.
How I found the iconindex information that points to the icon in the Tomtom's EXE file??? Easy I used a program called RViewer (for PPC) develop by Vicott Wong. The program can by found in Google or in the web page shown in the About screen.... http://mobile-sg.com
Running that program and browsing the EXE file (or a DLL) we can see the index for each resource and if it's an image the image is display in the screen, so I found the 101 is the index for the Tomtom icon inside de EXE file.
Once the entries in the Registry are done the rest is easy. Just go into Start - Configuration - Personal - Today and int the Elements Tab. There unmark the HTCHomeplug and exit the configuration going into the Today screen to check that the plugin is not in the screen. Then we back to the Today configuration and select again the HTCHomeplug to mark it. Once we are back into the Today screen we will see the new icon.
(OK in the previous paragraph I'm translating the menu options and clicks from my spanish release of WM5 into english one so the names could not match... what you need to do is configure Today screen to remove the plugin and to configure again to insert the plugin, that way the plugin is reseted and the new icons loaded).
I did several tests and looks like the HTCHomeplug only supports 7 icons (0 to 6) but since many of the original icons are not use on daily bases we can setup up to 5 programs in that plugin leaving the Battery and Rotary icons in its place.
I hope this is useful... and I beg your pardon for my poor english.
P.S.: I posted this first at todopocketpc.com in spanish. If you know that language maybe you prefer read it in my mother language. For sure will be much better written.
mahjong said:
OK I was working in the customization of the HTCHomeplug.
What is HTCHomeplug? If you own a HTC X7500 Advantage (the HTC make of Athena or Ameo) then in the Today screen you got a plugin that shows some icons like Battery, Rotation, Comm Manager, Screen Light, Quick GPS and TVOut. What I discovered is who to deal with this plugin in order to change the icons and applications associated there.
I used PHM Registry to edit entries at the PPC registry, but you can use the editor of your like.
First is access using the registry editor to this entry:
There is the configuration of the plugin. There we will find two entries pointing to the first two icons (Battery and Rotation) that seems to be configured in a different way that the rest of the icons. Those are the two DWORD entries:
PowerIconSlot with value of 0 (this means the first position in the plugin)
RotateIconSlot with value of 1 (this means the second position)
The rest of the positions in the HTCHomeplug appears like KEY entries with names from 2 to 5 meaning positions 3 to 6 in the plugin bar.
Inside each key (2 to 5) we find 3 values (or entries):
1- iconindex DWORD type of Decimal which contains 103 in the case of entry KEY 2
2- LaunchApPath STRING contains the path to the executable file associated to the icon
3- ResPath STRING contais the path to the resource file which contais the icon image poited by iconindex entry. This path points to a DLL or EXE file containing the icon image.
So... since we want to add a icon/application we need to create the entry KEY 6 and we must create both STRING entries and DWORD one inside the KEY 6.
To add Tomtom Navigator in the HTCHomeplug (as an example) I added:
iconindex = 101
LaunchApPath = \Program files\Navigator\Tomtom Navigator.exe
ResPath = \Program files\Navigator\Tomtom Navigator.exe
So I'm using the icon storaged in the Tomtom Navigator executable file itself and my Tomtom is in the path I show in the entry. Off course this could not match your installation.
How I found the iconindex information that points to the icon in the Tomtom's EXE file??? Easy I used a program called RViewer (for PPC) develop by Vicott Wong. The program can by found in Google or in the web page shown in the About screen.... http://mobile-sg.com
Running that program and browsing the EXE file (or a DLL) we can see the index for each resource and if it's an image the image is display in the screen, so I found the 101 is the index for the Tomtom icon inside de EXE file.
Once the entries in the Registry are done the rest is easy. Just go into Start - Configuration - Personal - Today and int the Elements Tab. There unmark the HTCHomeplug and exit the configuration going into the Today screen to check that the plugin is not in the screen. Then we back to the Today configuration and select again the HTCHomeplug to mark it. Once we are back into the Today screen we will see the new icon.
(OK in the previous paragraph I'm translating the menu options and clicks from my spanish release of WM5 into english one so the names could not match... what you need to do is configure Today screen to remove the plugin and to configure again to insert the plugin, that way the plugin is reseted and the new icons loaded).
I did several tests and looks like the HTCHomeplug only supports 7 icons (0 to 6) but since many of the original icons are not use on daily bases we can setup up to 5 programs in that plugin leaving the Battery and Rotary icons in its place.
I hope this is useful... and I beg your pardon for my poor english.
P.S.: I posted this first at todopocketpc.com in spanish. If you know that language maybe you prefer read it in my mother language. For sure will be much better written.
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Excellent post and thanks for your efforts and sharing! I'll be trying this out later. Just what I was looking for.
I'll report my experiences later.
Excellent! I will try this!
When using TrueVGA, does anybody know a way of making the icons work? I see only 1/4th of an icon, and it's even the wrong icon. The only icon is the one for the Light Settings...
Anybody know the iconindex for Opera so i can have the Opera icon instead of Web&Walk icon!
Mahjong tells you how to find it...
mahjong said:
How I found the iconindex information that points to the icon in the Tomtom's EXE file??? Easy I used a program called RViewer (for PPC) develop by Vicott Wong. The program can by found in Google or in the web page shown in the About screen.... http://mobile-sg.com
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No Joy I'm afraid...
I'm afraid that it hasn't worked for me on the Ameo. Maybe it's due to how T-Mob have configured/altered things with their customisation of their ROM.
I reverted to using the TrayApplet in the same regedit folder that the HTCHompeplug resides in, but to no avail.
Quote "Just go into Start - Configuration - Personal - Today and int the Elements Tab. There unmark the HTCHomeplug and exit the configuration going into the Today screen to check that the plugin is not in the screen. Then we back to the Today configuration and select again the HTCHomeplug to mark it. Once we are back into the Today screen we will see the new icon.
(OK in the previous paragraph I'm translating the menu options and clicks from my spanish release of WM5 into english one so the names could not match... what you need to do is configure Today screen to remove the plugin and to configure again to insert the plugin, that way the plugin is reseted and the new icons loaded). " End Quote.
No HTC Plugin on the Ameo Today settings menu either, but visible in HLKM...software etc...as the HTCHomeplug.
I can get some of my choice of programs in the TrayApplet, but not the associated icons!!??!!
Same as before when I tried. Anyone else with an Ameo who has had success in getting it to work with the right icons?
Thanks for the tip, it's really useful! I wanted to customize the plugin but didn't have the patience to go through all the registry.
Twp questions though:
- I made a shortcut for the calculator (calc.exe) but the icon is too big (both res. index 0 or 100 in calc.exe). Is there a way to scale it down, or a smaller calculator icon in another file? What's the "main" icon library for Windows Mobile (the equivalent of shell32.dll under Windows)
- I tried to make a shortcut to the phone application, but I can't find the exe file (the Start menu shortcut doesn't point to an exe file, but to :MSCProg?......). And I can't find the icon either...
Please help.
Hi silviu.h.
Which Athena device do you have, Advantage, Dopod or Ameo?
Hi, I have the HTC Advantage (not Ameo, not Dopod), and the vanilla french ROM.
silviu.h said:
Hi, I have the HTC Advantage (not Ameo, not Dopod), and the vanilla french ROM.
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Thanks for the reply. That would explain why to a large extent it works on your device.
P.S. try \Windows\HTCICON.dll (I think that is the equivalent to shell32.dll)
Let us know how you get on.
Thank you for your answer.
The hack from mahjong works OK, except for the quirks I have already posted above (the Calc.exe icon is too big and I can't find the main icon store). htcicon.dll doesn't exist
However it's OK for Tomtom.
I'll keep you posted on my findings (I'm not giving up, I just have to go to bed )
See you,
mackaby007 said:
No HTC Plugin on the Ameo Today settings menu either, but visible in HLKM...software etc...as the HTCHomeplug.
I can get some of my choice of programs in the TrayApplet, but not the associated icons!!??!!
Same as before when I tried. Anyone else with an Ameo who has had success in getting it to work with the right icons?
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Yeah that was the reason for adding this to my note: "If you own a HTC X7500 Advantage (the HTC make of Athena or Ameo) then in the Today screen you got a plugin..."
Only for HTC users I'm afraid.
Best Regards,
mahjong said:
Yeah that was the reason for adding this to my note: "If you own a HTC X7500 Advantage (the HTC make of Athena or Ameo) then in the Today screen you got a plugin..."
Only for HTC users I'm afraid.
Best Regards,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well, you can simply enable it on the T-Mobile Ameo using the following Reg-Keys:
- Navigate to: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items
- Create a new Key named: HTC-Homeplug (or whatever you like)
- Navigate into that key
- Create the following items under that key:
String: DLL
Value: htchomeplug.dll
DWORD: Enabled
Value: 0 (or 1 if you want to enable it directly)
DWORD: Flags
Value: 0
DWORD: Options
Value: 0
DWORD: Order
Value: 0
Value: 5
After doing the above go to your today-screen settings and the Homeplug plugin is there...
I seem to have BOTH HTCHomeplug and Trayapplet on my Ameo
It seems that there is a today item [email protected] or something I can turn on/off that doesnt appear to do anything, I beleive this is turning on/off the HTCHomeplug.
Because Trayapp is already on, and overwriting the HTChomeplug you only see its icons, therefor the homeplug is hidden.
I will experiment with turning off trayapp then turning on the @home today item and see what happens, but it looks like a lot of the confusion for Ameo users is the fact both are installed.
I did a hard reset, and didnt fiddle with the home/tray stuff, so this is how the rom set it up!
Both have keys of (and ONLY of),
In them.
Under HKLM/software/microsoft/today/items/[email protected]
Pyrofer said:
I seem to have BOTH HTCHomeplug and Trayapplet on my Ameo
It seems that there is a today item [email protected] or something I can turn on/off that doesnt appear to do anything, I beleive this is turning on/off the HTCHomeplug.
Because Trayapp is already on, and overwriting the HTChomeplug you only see its icons, therefor the homeplug is hidden.
I will experiment with turning off trayapp then turning on the @home today item and see what happens, but it looks like a lot of the confusion for Ameo users is the fact both are installed.
I did a hard reset, and didnt fiddle with the home/tray stuff, so this is how the rom set it up!
Both have keys of (and ONLY of),
In them.
Under HKLM/software/microsoft/today/items/[email protected]
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The T-Mobile plugin has nothing to do with the HTC-Homeplug. HTC-Homeplug provides the sam functionality as the TrayApp.
The [email protected] Today Plugin is only useful for T-Mobile customers as it provides functions for HomeZone users.
The dll name hztdplug.dll means HomeZoneTodayPlugin...
If you want to use the HTC-HomePLug plugin you have to create the registry key I've posted above.
Ok, I dont want the homezone rubbish.
But im still stuck with both HTCHomeplug and Trayapp
How do I enable/disable the trayapp? That doesnt seem to have any today element to it. I cant get icons working at all in trayapp and wanted to try the HTCHomeplug as that looks a much more userfriendly app.
Pyrofer said:
How do I enable/disable the trayapp?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Go to HKLM\init
Delete the Launcher for TrayAp.exe. On mine it is Launch92...
Make a Softreset after you changed this setting and the TrayAp is gone.
I now have the HTC Homeplug working, and the trayapp gone! W00t!
I like the bigger icons, and now I can edit them better im happy. Much nicer.
Anyone thought about coding a contol panel applet for this homescreen plugin??
Moskus said:
Excellent! I will try this!
When using TrueVGA, does anybody know a way of making the icons work? I see only 1/4th of an icon, and it's even the wrong icon. The only icon is the one for the Light Settings...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you use combination of Spb pocket plus and Commmgrpro, you don't need to deal with these problems of wrong size icons in the comm manager and home plug. Both of these need not be used at all.
I'm yet to find a replacement for Spb GPRS monitor though. SPb GPRS monitor also have problem displaying in true VGA. There are some but they do not show the kbps figure - only the downloaded volume.

backlight Manager MVBklight 1.4.2

Hello, i was looking for a standalone backlight manager to use in ultimate launch ( with cycling ) and i've found this great stuff on 4pda.ru but unfortunately it's all in russian. I've manage to make it work well on my trinity but i'can't understand all the options and there's no .ini nor lang.text to edit. Some help is welcome for the translation, even if you don't translate the program i would like a russian helper that can list all the options (would be perfect with screenshots). thanks a lot for viewing perhaps helping !!!
P.S. :sorry for english, when you read my posts you know i'm french ; )
UPDATE 06.05.2008 new cab below containing the english mui.cab. Install both then go to config first line of the second tab to change language. All credits to MalVal
MVBklight 1.4.3
1. Install MVBklight.CAB.
2. To change the language: install MVBklight.MUI.CAB, go to settings the first line of the second tab.
3. To change the skin: copy a new skin to Skins folder in program folder and choose this skin in settings.
Thanks a lot it works perfectly now i can configure my cycling function. your great
Your program is really perfect MalVal, I was looking for a stuff like that for a month, really happy that the Dev himself answer me. The torch, the cycling function, the today plugin, the fact that it's multiplatform, nice work. Do you have made other progs ?
Yes. MVBalance. It dysplays remained money in your mobile on today.
But it have only russian interface, and i think it will be difficult to adjust it.
Hi MalVal,
Did you have a short tuto ? How does it works, I launch it, change langage, but did not understand how to make it works!
Thanks for your help
Universal backlight manager MVBklight.
- System WM2003, WM5/WM6, qVGA, VGA.
- Control of backlight from the today (joystick: right - increases, left - decrease, central button - the settings menu, up / down go to next plugin).
- Popup with backlight regulator (joystick: to the right/up - increases, to the left/down - decrease, closing by the central button).
- Set and get of backlight from a command line (the example, ‘ Cmd 244 ’ - set new, Cmd - returns current).
- Increase/decrease of backlight from a command line (the example, ‘ Cmd + ’ - increases, ‘ Cmd - ‘ - reduces).
- Switch backlight from max to min and back ('Cmd m').
- Cycle change of backlight through Cmd.
Cmd 2 5 7 10 on a circle changes values. If was < 2 sets 2, if < 5 sets 5, ..., if >= 10 sets 2.
Similarly with decrease, Cmd 10 7 5 2 - if was more than 10 sets 10 if > 7 sets 7, ... if <= 2 sets 10.
- Switch on of the necessary backlight at connection to an external power (only if plugin is active) and switch back to battery backlight.
- The torch mode, switch on the maximum backlight and the white fullscreen (Torch.exe in a program folder).
- Settings of colors.
- Support of skin (32-bits RGBA bmp).
- Various kinds of sliders (without skins ).
- Display of backlight value by number or in percentage.
- Possibility of manual input of dwIoControlCode codes (see DeviceIoControl in MSDN) and the registry keys which are responsible for set and get of current value of backlight (these codes and keys differ from a device to device).
1. Install the cab in the main memory (not on storage)
2. Start from Start-up-> Programs-> MVBklight or from explorer \Program Files\MalVal\MVBklight\Cfg.exe, make settings.
3. In the same place, in settings switch on a plugin.
1. At the first start in line "Settings for" there will be a name of your PDA and will be established default settings for it. If default settings does not work, we can manually adjust it.
2. In the field "Type" choose your PDA type.
Input section, branch and keys of registry in which current values of backlight are stored (Battery and power). For many PDA - HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight, ACBrightness and Brightness.
They can be looked in the registry (corresponding values vary after backlight change by a built-in regulator). In the same place it is possible to find the maximum and minimum.
3. For WM5/WM6 it is necessary to enter corresponding sexadecimal codes DeviceIoControl.
4. Specify a skin folder. There should be four 32-bit bitmas with an alpha-channel (folders should be in a plugin folder).
To find out backlight settings for each concrete device, it is necessary:
1. Find out what file with exptention dll, cpl or any is responsible for backlight on this device (means backlight adjustment through the menu Settings-> System-> Backlight or Brightness ).
Usually this file is in a windows folder and has a certain speaking name of type COMBacklight.dll (on ETEN).
As a last resort, it is necessary to investigate all files suspected on backlight control.
2. It is necessary to copy these files on PC.
3. Then we use IDAPro to disassemble it and try to find options needed.
There are some known settings in attach (my database).
PS. Sorry for my english .
Hi MalVal,
your app did sound so sweet ;-) but unfortunately is does not work on my Artemis.
The slider shows up - but it does not change the brightness no matter what I do.
A couple of observations:
it shows Arte20000 instead of Arte200 and this name is fixed
for device type it says WM2003 but it should read WM6.1 or at least WM6
most of the settings for registry are greyed out and not changable
Might be that the problems come from my Rom being modified ?
Best regards,
Hi MalVal,
Same issue for as mst46. I'm using your soft with Artemis PDA and "ARTEMIS TOUCH 4.01 WM6.1 WWE ROM".
As previously mentioned, only ARTE10000 is proposed and no way to modify other fields as they are "greyed".
BUT, it seems that is it because of the english translation you quickly done. I try removing the cfg.exe.mui file you provide, and then relaunch conf, then, even if written in a langage I cannot understand (russian ?), it is possible to select another item than "ARTE10000" and then are able to edit the following fields.
I try to select WM5/WM6, then HKCU, then ControlPanel\backlight, then Brightness, then ACBrightness, but seems that it has no effect. Difficult to o further when don't know what are the files editing
Could you take a look at it ? Thanks for your support.
Same thing happens with ipaq hx2490b. The device name is correct, the OS appears as WM2003(I haveWM6.1), and other options are greyed.
If default settings does not work, you can manually setup it :
1. Set manual in field Settings for
and restsart Cfg.exe. All fields become accessible.
2. see post above.
Known codes for some HTC:
HTC Hermes, НТС Х7500:
Codes: Pwr - 0x220010, Bat - 0x220018
HTC 4350 Herald:
HTC P3300:
HTC 3400 :
Pwr – 0x8, Bat – 0x7
Registry: HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight, ACBrightness and Brightness
HTC Wizard:
HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight, ACBrightness, Brightness
iPaq 3715:
Battery – 0x7, Power – 0x8
Registry the same
You can try these. If it does not help, it is necessary to analyze built-in backight manager with IDA.
Hi Malval,
I've been able to make it work with the parameters you provides for my P3300.
But there is still a problem with the translation file I belive.
I first install the Cab, then replace the cfg.exe plus the cfg.exe.mui file with the one you provide in the early post.
When running the conf, it is possbile to have it in english, but it was not possible to select something else than ARTE10000 in the second field (settings for) of the system tab. The "manual" option is not available!
In order to make it works, I remove the cfg.exe.mui file, and relaunch the conf. Then all messages come back to russian, but in the second field of system (settings for I belive it is writen in russian), I was able to select something else than ARTE10000 and I've been able to access following fields (they are no more greyed).
Once the "manual" field selected, I exit the conf, and replace the conf.exe.mui file and I've been able to see what are the fields I was modifying as the langage come back to english.
But, in the "Settings for" field, it is written "(null)", and opening the drop down box, only ARTE10000 is available.
I hope it can helps you in order to modify your code to fix this minor bug.
For those who follow the instruction I gives, and having a P3300 running "ARTEMIS TOUCH 4.01 WM6.1 WWE ROM", I set a "Maximum value" to 4 otherwise you will have a surpise of a blank screen if seting a higher values.
Hi, JBT1.
Thanks for bag.
I've upload a new one. In the same post. Check it.
I've also add mui for plagin.
In the next release i'll add all files in one cab-file and i'll update database to support artemis.
Hi Malval,
Sounds good this time. Manual is available now in the settings and today plugin menu is in english.
Thank you for this great application.
I have an issue now with the assignement of a button with your popup application. I assign it to the button 6, and it works fine except when running TomTom! If running Tomtom and hitting button 6, it call the default assignment who is the Voice speed dial! I beleive it is a Rom or Tomtom issue.
Will look forward for your next rev
Thank you
I tried it on my Kaiser.
Hanging when changing the backlight.
Working great now on my Artemis. Great tool .
Thank you MalVal !
Can someone post a screenshot of what the actual today plug in will look like? Been trying to get it to work on my kaiser but not having any luck
mattarse, romualdrichard!
I need more information, what is the problem.
More screenshots in attach. I hope it enough.
please do you have more screenshots of this program?
The backlight doesn't change at all. Im on a kaiser with duttys newest 6.1 rom.
If I leave it set for kaiser it is stuck on WM2003, but changing it to manual and setting it for Wm2005/2006 doesn't help either.
I assume the problem is in one of the other settings, but I reallydon't know what to test.
Any help you can give would be appreciated, I've been looking for a program like this for awhile.

Calling T-Mo HD2 GOD"S

I have searched and still cant find out if there is a Reg edit to have the battery icon on the home screen when using "Sense" so does anyone know of one? Thx...Tj
Where in the upper right corner? By default it should be there.
Yea I know but is not for some reason. I even tried Advanced Tool Config and it says that is supposed to be there...Tj
are you using the stock Rom? have you installed any taskbar mods?
Stock T-mo ROM & no taskbar mods that I know of. I have S-K Tools in there and Advanced Config but nothing else that should affect it...Tj
You still haven't answered the question. Are you talking about the battery icon in the upper right corner.
I'll just take it that you are. There should be no reason why it shouldn't be showing up. If every thing is stock then it should be there.
i was looking at some other posts check your registry
perform softreset before confirming or denying success of reg change
NikMel said:
From Wiki of Artemis:
Show Time,Date,both or Battery on top bar at Today screen
"TBOpt"=1 (This key will need to be created)
"TBOpt"=2 (This key will need to be created)
"TBOpt"=3 (This key will need to be created)
"TBOpt"=0 (This key will need to be created)
"TBOpt"=1 (This key will need to be created)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you have enabled the Clock to show up on the top right side of the screen ,than you will not get the battery to display simultinously.Its either the clock or the battery.
But if you need to display the battery on the Today screen as a separate Icon I want to have that too.
Editr may be it does after all,ill try the the reg edit posted on the above post.

